/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_tradebots.c // marketmaker // #define TRADEBOTS_GAPTIME 60 #define LP_TRADEBOTS_MAXTRADES 100 struct LP_tradebot_trade { double maxprice,relvolume,basevol,relvol; uint64_t aliceid; int32_t dispdir; uint32_t started,finished,requestid,quoteid; char base[32],rel[32]; }; struct LP_tradebot { struct LP_tradebot *next,*prev; char name[128],base[32],rel[32]; int32_t numtrades,numpending,completed,dispdir; double maxprice,totalrelvolume,basesum,relsum,pendbasesum,pendrelsum; uint32_t dead,pause,started,id; struct LP_tradebot_trade *trades[LP_TRADEBOTS_MAXTRADES]; } *LP_tradebots; /*struct tradebot_trade *tradebot_issuetrade(struct LP_tradebot *bot,char *base,char *rel,double price,double volume,int32_t dir) { struct tradebot_trade *tr; char *str; int32_t maxseconds = 30,dotrade = 1; bot = realloc(bot,sizeof(*bot) + (bot->numtrades + 1) * sizeof(bot->trades[0])); tr = &bot->trades[bot->numtrades++]; memset(tr,0,sizeof(*tr)); tr->price = price, tr->volume = volume, tr->dir = dir; safecopy(tr->exchangestr,exchange->name,sizeof(tr->exchangestr)); safecopy(tr->base,base,sizeof(tr->base)); safecopy(tr->rel,rel,sizeof(tr->rel)); if ( (str= exchanges777_Qtrade(exchange,base,rel,maxseconds,dotrade,dir,price,volume,0)) != 0 ) free(str); return(tr); }*/ void LP_tradebot_updatestats(struct LP_tradebot *bot,struct LP_tradebot_trade *tp) { char *swapstr,*status; int32_t flag; cJSON *swapjson; if ( (swapstr= basilisk_swapentry(tp->requestid,tp->quoteid)) != 0 ) { flag = 0; if ( (swapjson= cJSON_Parse(swapstr)) != 0 ) { tp->basevol = dstr(j64bits(swapjson,"satoshis")); tp->relvol = dstr(j64bits(swapjson,"destsatoshis")); tp->aliceid = j64bits(swapjson,"aliceid"); if ( (status= jstr(swapjson,"status")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(status,"finished") == 0 ) { flag = 1; bot->completed++; bot->basesum += tp->basevol; bot->relsum += tp->relvol; } } if ( flag == 0 ) { bot->numpending++; bot->pendbasesum += tp->basevol; bot->pendrelsum += tp->relvol; } free_json(swapjson); } free(swapstr); } } void LP_tradebot_calcstats(struct LP_tradebot *bot) { int32_t i; bot->basesum = bot->relsum = bot->pendbasesum = bot->pendrelsum = 0.; bot->numpending = bot->completed = 0; for (i=0; i<bot->numtrades; i++) LP_tradebot_updatestats(bot,bot->trades[i]); } double LP_pricevol_invert(double *basevolumep,double maxprice,double relvolume) { *basevolumep = 0.; if ( maxprice > SMALLVAL && maxprice < SATOSHIDEN ) { *basevolumep = (relvolume / maxprice); return(1. / maxprice); } return(0.); } cJSON *LP_tradebot_tradejson(struct LP_tradebot_trade *tp,int32_t dispflag) { double price,basevol; cJSON *item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(item,"requestid",tp->requestid); jaddnum(item,"quoteid",tp->quoteid); if ( tp->basevol > SMALLVAL && tp->relvol > SMALLVAL ) { if ( dispflag > 0 ) { jaddnum(item,"price",tp->relvol/tp->basevol); jaddnum(item,"volume",tp->relvol); } else { price = LP_pricevol_invert(&basevol,tp->relvol / tp->basevol,tp->relvol); jaddnum(item,"price",price); jaddnum(item,"volume",basevol); } } return(item); } cJSON *LP_tradebot_json(struct LP_tradebot *bot) { int32_t i; double aveprice,basevolume,vol; cJSON *json,*array; json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"result","success"); jaddstr(json,"name",bot->name); jaddnum(json,"botid",bot->id); jaddnum(json,"started",bot->started); if ( bot->pause != 0 ) jaddnum(json,"paused",bot->pause); if ( bot->dead != 0 ) jaddnum(json,"stopped",bot->dead); if ( bot->dispdir > 0 ) { jaddstr(json,"action","buy"); jaddstr(json,"base",bot->base); jaddstr(json,"rel",bot->rel); jaddnum(json,"maxprice",bot->maxprice); jaddnum(json,"totalrelvolume",bot->totalrelvolume); LP_pricevol_invert(&basevolume,bot->maxprice,bot->totalrelvolume); jaddnum(json,"totalbasevolume",basevolume); if ( (vol= bot->relsum) > SMALLVAL ) { jaddnum(json,"aveprice",bot->basesum/vol); jaddnum(json,"volume",vol); } } else { jaddstr(json,"action","sell"); jaddstr(json,"base",bot->rel); jaddstr(json,"rel",bot->base); aveprice = LP_pricevol_invert(&basevolume,bot->maxprice,bot->totalrelvolume); jaddnum(json,"minprice",aveprice); jaddnum(json,"totalbasevolume",basevolume); jaddnum(json,"totalrelvolume",bot->totalrelvolume); if ( (vol= bot->relsum) > SMALLVAL ) { aveprice = LP_pricevol_invert(&basevolume,bot->basesum / vol,vol); jaddnum(json,"aveprice",aveprice); jaddnum(json,"volume",basevolume); } } array = cJSON_CreateArray(); LP_tradebot_calcstats(bot); for (i=0; i<bot->numtrades; i++) { jaddi(array,LP_tradebot_tradejson(bot->trades[i],bot->dispdir)); jadd(json,"trades",array); } if ( bot->basesum > SMALLVAL && bot->relsum > SMALLVAL && bot->completed > 0 ) { jaddnum(json,"completed",bot->completed); jaddnum(json,"percentage",100. * (bot->relsum / bot->totalrelvolume)); if ( bot->dispdir > 0 ) { jaddnum(json,"aveprice",bot->relsum / bot->basesum); jaddnum(json,"volume",bot->relsum); } else { jaddnum(json,"aveprice",bot->basesum / bot->relsum); jaddnum(json,"volume",bot->basesum); } } if ( bot->pendbasesum > SMALLVAL && bot->pendrelsum > SMALLVAL && bot->numpending > 0 ) { jaddnum(json,"pending",bot->numpending); if ( bot->dispdir > 0 ) { jaddnum(json,"pendingprice",bot->pendrelsum / bot->pendbasesum); jaddnum(json,"pendingvolume",bot->pendrelsum); } else { jaddnum(json,"pendingprice",bot->pendbasesum / bot->pendrelsum); jaddnum(json,"pendingvolume",bot->pendbasesum); } } return(json); } struct LP_tradebot *_LP_tradebotfind(uint32_t botid) { struct LP_tradebot *tmp,*bot,*retbot = 0; DL_FOREACH_SAFE(LP_tradebots,bot,tmp) { if ( botid == bot->id ) { retbot = bot; break; } } return(retbot); } struct LP_tradebot *LP_tradebotfind(uint32_t botid) { struct LP_tradebot *retbot = 0; portable_mutex_lock(&LP_tradebotsmutex); retbot = _LP_tradebotfind(botid); portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_tradebotsmutex); return(retbot); } void LP_tradebotadd(struct LP_tradebot *bot) { portable_mutex_lock(&LP_tradebotsmutex); while ( _LP_tradebotfind(bot->id) != 0 ) { printf("BOT collision at %u, ok if rare\n",bot->id); bot->id++; } DL_APPEND(LP_tradebots,bot); portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_tradebotsmutex); } void LP_tradebot_timeslice(struct LP_tradebot *bot) { double minprice,basevol,relvol; if ( bot->dead == 0 ) { if ( bot->pause == 0 ) { if ( (rand() % 100) == 0 ) { if ( bot->dispdir > 0 ) { printf("simulated trade %s/%s maxprice %.8f volume %.8f\n",bot->base,bot->rel,bot->maxprice,bot->totalrelvolume - bot->relsum); } else { minprice = LP_pricevol_invert(&basevol,bot->maxprice,bot->totalrelvolume - bot->relsum); printf("simulated trade %s/%s maxprice %.8f volume %.8f\n",bot->rel,bot->base,minprice,basevol); } relvol = bot->totalrelvolume * 0.1; minprice = LP_pricevol_invert(&basevol,bot->maxprice,relvol); bot->relsum += relvol; bot->basesum += basevol; } } } else { //DL_DELETE(LP_tradebots,bot); //free(bot); } } void LP_tradebot_timeslices(void *ignore) { struct LP_tradebot *bot,*tmp; while ( 1 ) { DL_FOREACH_SAFE(LP_tradebots,bot,tmp) { portable_mutex_lock(&LP_tradebotsmutex); LP_tradebot_timeslice(bot); portable_mutex_unlock(&LP_tradebotsmutex); sleep(1); } sleep(30); } } char *LP_tradebot_list(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson) { struct LP_tradebot *bot,*tmp; cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateArray(); DL_FOREACH_SAFE(LP_tradebots,bot,tmp) { jaddinum(array,bot->id); } return(jprint(array,1)); } char *LP_tradebot_buy(int32_t dispdir,char *base,char *rel,double maxprice,double relvolume) { struct LP_tradebot *bot; printf("disp.%d tradebot_buy(%s / %s) maxprice %.8f relvolume %.8f\n",dispdir,base,rel,maxprice,relvolume); if ( (bot= calloc(1,sizeof(*bot))) != 0 ) { safecopy(bot->base,base,sizeof(bot->base)); safecopy(bot->rel,rel,sizeof(bot->rel)); bot->dispdir = dispdir, bot->maxprice = maxprice, bot->totalrelvolume = relvolume; bot->started = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( dispdir > 0 ) sprintf(bot->name,"buy_%s_%s.%d",base,rel,bot->started); else sprintf(bot->name,"sell_%s_%s.%d",rel,base,bot->started); bot->id = calc_crc32(0,(uint8_t *)bot,sizeof(*bot)); LP_tradebotadd(bot); return(jprint(LP_tradebot_json(bot),1)); } return(0); } char *LP_tradebot_limitbuy(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson) { double relvolume,maxprice; char *base,*rel; base = jstr(argjson,"base"); rel = jstr(argjson,"rel"); maxprice = jdouble(argjson,"maxprice"); relvolume = jdouble(argjson,"relvolume"); printf("limit buy %s/%s %.8f %.8f\n",base,rel,maxprice,relvolume); if ( LP_priceinfofind(base) != 0 && LP_priceinfofind(rel) != 0 && maxprice > SMALLVAL && maxprice < SATOSHIDEN && relvolume > 0.0001 && relvolume < SATOSHIDEN ) return(LP_tradebot_buy(1,base,rel,maxprice,relvolume)); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid parameter\"}")); } char *LP_tradebot_limitsell(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson) { double relvolume,maxprice,price,basevolume; char *base,*rel; base = jstr(argjson,"base"); rel = jstr(argjson,"rel"); price = jdouble(argjson,"minprice"); basevolume = jdouble(argjson,"basevolume"); if ( LP_priceinfofind(base) != 0 && LP_priceinfofind(rel) != 0 && price > SMALLVAL && price < SATOSHIDEN && basevolume > 0.0001 && basevolume < SATOSHIDEN ) { maxprice = 1. / price; relvolume = (maxprice * basevolume); return(LP_tradebot_buy(-1,rel,base,maxprice,relvolume)); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid parameter\"}")); } char *LP_tradebot_settings(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,uint32_t botid) { struct LP_tradebot *bot; double newprice,newvolume; if ( (bot= LP_tradebotfind(botid)) != 0 ) { if ( bot->dead != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"botid aleady stopped\"}")); newprice = jdouble(argjson,"newprice"); newvolume = jdouble(argjson,"newvolume"); if ( (newprice > SMALLVAL && newprice < SATOSHIDEN) || (newvolume > 0.0001 && newvolume < SATOSHIDEN) ) { if ( bot->dispdir < 0 ) { if ( newprice > SMALLVAL ) bot->maxprice = 1. / newprice; if ( newvolume > SMALLVAL ) bot->totalrelvolume = (bot->maxprice * newvolume); } else { if ( newprice > SMALLVAL ) bot->maxprice = newprice; if ( newvolume > SMALLVAL ) bot->totalrelvolume = newvolume; } } return(jprint(LP_tradebot_json(bot),1)); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt find botid\"}")); } char *LP_tradebot_status(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,uint32_t botid) { struct LP_tradebot *bot; if ( (bot= LP_tradebotfind(botid)) != 0 ) return(jprint(LP_tradebot_json(bot),1)); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt find botid\"}")); } char *LP_tradebot_stop(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,uint32_t botid) { struct LP_tradebot *bot; if ( (bot= LP_tradebotfind(botid)) != 0 ) { bot->dead = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt find botid\"}")); } char *LP_tradebot_pause(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,uint32_t botid) { struct LP_tradebot *bot; if ( (bot= LP_tradebotfind(botid)) != 0 ) { if ( bot->dead != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"botid aleady stopped\"}")); bot->pause = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt find botid\"}")); } char *LP_tradebot_resume(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,uint32_t botid) { struct LP_tradebot *bot; if ( (bot= LP_tradebotfind(botid)) != 0 ) { if ( bot->dead != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"botid aleady stopped\"}")); if ( bot->pause == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\",\"status\":\"botid not paused\"}")); bot->pause = 0; return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt find botid\"}")); } char *LP_istradebots_command(void *ctx,int32_t pubsock,char *method,cJSON *argjson) { uint32_t botid; if ( strncmp("bot_",method,strlen("bot_")) != 0 ) return(0); if ( strcmp(method,"bot_list") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_list(ctx,pubsock,argjson)); else if ( strcmp(method,"bot_buy") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_limitbuy(ctx,pubsock,argjson)); else if ( strcmp(method,"bot_sell") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_limitsell(ctx,pubsock,argjson)); if ( (botid= juint(argjson,"botid")) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no botid specified\"}")); else { if ( strcmp(method,"bot_status") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_status(ctx,pubsock,argjson,botid)); else if ( strcmp(method,"bot_settings") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_settings(ctx,pubsock,argjson,botid)); else if ( strcmp(method,"bot_stop") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_stop(ctx,pubsock,argjson,botid)); else if ( strcmp(method,"bot_pause") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_pause(ctx,pubsock,argjson,botid)); else if ( strcmp(method,"bot_resume") == 0 ) return(LP_tradebot_resume(ctx,pubsock,argjson,botid)); } return(0); }