/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2015 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // ramcoder based on arcode.c from Michael Dipperstein #ifdef DEFINES_ONLY #ifndef crypto777_ramcoder_h #define crypto777_ramcoder_h #include #include "../includes/curve25519.h" struct huffstream { uint8_t *ptr,*buf; uint32_t bitoffset,maski,endpos; uint32_t allocsize:31,allocated:1; }; typedef struct huffstream HUFF; #define hrewind(hp) hseek(hp,0,SEEK_SET) #define RAMMASK_BIT(x) ((uint16_t)(1 << ((8 * sizeof(uint16_t)) - (1 + (x))))) #define RAMCODER_FINALIZE 1 #define RAMCODER_PUTBITS 2 #define RAMCODER_MAXSYMBOLS 0x100 #define SETBIT(bits,bitoffset) (((uint8_t *)bits)[(bitoffset) >> 3] |= (1 << ((bitoffset) & 7))) #define GETBIT(bits,bitoffset) (((uint8_t *)bits)[(bitoffset) >> 3] & (1 << ((bitoffset) & 7))) struct ramcoder { uint32_t cumulativeProb; uint16_t lower,upper,code,underflowBits,lastsymbol,upper_lastsymbol,counter; uint64_t *histo; uint16_t ranges[]; }; int32_t ramcoder_decode(struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,HUFF *hp); int32_t ramcoder_decoder(struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,uint8_t *buf,int32_t maxlen,HUFF *hp,bits256 *seed); #define ramcoder_encode(val,coder,hp) ramcoder_update(val,coder,1,RAMCODER_PUTBITS,hp) int32_t ramcoder_encoder(struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,uint8_t *buf,int32_t len,HUFF *hp,uint64_t *histo,bits256 *seed); int32_t ramcoder_update(int symbol,struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,int32_t putflags,HUFF *hp); int32_t init_ramcoder(struct ramcoder *coder,HUFF *hp,bits256 *seed); int32_t ramcoder_emit(HUFF *hp,struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,uint8_t *buf,int32_t len); int32_t ramcoder_decompress(uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen,uint8_t *bits,uint32_t numbits,bits256 seed); int32_t ramcoder_compress(uint8_t *bits,int32_t maxlen,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen); uint64_t hconv_bitlen(uint64_t bitlen); void _init_HUFF(HUFF *hp,int32_t allocsize,void *buf); #endif #else #ifndef crypto777_ramcoder_c #define crypto777_ramcoder_c #ifndef crypto777_ramcoder_h #define DEFINES_ONLY #include "ramcoder.c" #undef DEFINES_ONLY #endif static const uint8_t huffmasks[8] = { (1<<0), (1<<1), (1<<2), (1<<3), (1<<4), (1<<5), (1<<6), (1<<7) }; static const uint8_t huffoppomasks[8] = { ~(1<<0), ~(1<<1), ~(1<<2), ~(1<<3), ~(1<<4), ~(1<<5), ~(1<<6), (uint8_t)~(1<<7) }; void _init_HUFF(HUFF *hp,int32_t allocsize,void *buf) { hp->buf = hp->ptr = buf, hp->allocsize = allocsize, hp->bitoffset = 0; } uint64_t hconv_bitlen(uint64_t bitlen) { uint64_t len; len = (bitlen >> 3); if ( (bitlen & 7) != 0 ) len++; return(len); } int32_t hupdate_internals(HUFF *hp) { int32_t retval = 0; if ( (hp->bitoffset >> 3) > hp->allocsize ) { printf("hupdate_internals: ERROR: bitoffset.%d -> %d >= allocsize.%d\n",hp->bitoffset,hp->bitoffset>>3,hp->allocsize); //getchar(); hp->bitoffset = (hp->allocsize << 3) - 1; retval = -1; } if ( hp->bitoffset > hp->endpos ) hp->endpos = hp->bitoffset; hp->ptr = &hp->buf[hp->bitoffset >> 3]; hp->maski = (hp->bitoffset & 7); return(retval); } int32_t hseek(HUFF *hp,int32_t offset,int32_t mode) { if ( mode == SEEK_END ) hp->bitoffset = (offset + hp->endpos); else if ( mode == SEEK_SET ) hp->bitoffset = offset; else hp->bitoffset += offset; if ( hupdate_internals(hp) < 0 ) { printf("hseek.%d: illegal offset.%d %d >= allocsize.%d\n",mode,offset,offset>>3,hp->allocsize); return(-1); } return(0); } void hclear(HUFF *hp,int32_t clearbuf) { hp->bitoffset = 0; hupdate_internals(hp); hp->endpos = 0; if ( clearbuf != 0 ) memset(hp->buf,0,hp->allocsize); } int32_t hgetbit(HUFF *hp) { int32_t bit = 0; //printf("hp.%p ptr.%ld buf.%ld maski.%d\n",hp,(long)hp->ptr-(long)hp->buf,(long)hp->buf-(long)hp,hp->maski); if ( hp->bitoffset < hp->endpos ) { if ( (*hp->ptr & huffmasks[hp->maski++]) != 0 ) bit = 1; hp->bitoffset++; if ( hp->maski == 8 ) hp->maski = 0, hp->ptr++; //fprintf(stderr,"<-%d ",bit); return(bit); } printf("hgetbit past EOF: %d >= %d\n",hp->bitoffset,hp->endpos), getchar(); return(-1); } int32_t hputbit(HUFF *hp,int32_t bit) { //fprintf(stderr,"->%d ",bit); if ( bit != 0 ) *hp->ptr |= huffmasks[hp->maski]; else *hp->ptr &= huffoppomasks[hp->maski]; if ( ++hp->maski >= 8 ) hp->maski = 0, hp->ptr++; if ( ++hp->bitoffset > hp->endpos ) hp->endpos = hp->bitoffset; if ( (hp->bitoffset>>3) >= hp->allocsize ) { printf("hwrite: bitoffset.%d >= allocsize.%d\n",hp->bitoffset,hp->allocsize); hp->bitoffset--; hupdate_internals(hp); return(-1); } return(0); } int32_t hwrite(uint64_t codebits,int32_t numbits,HUFF *hp) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i>=1) if ( hputbit(hp,codebits & 1) < 0 ) return(-1); return(numbits); } uint64_t hread(int32_t *numbitsp,int32_t numbits,HUFF *hp) { int32_t i,bit; uint64_t codebits = 0; for (i=0; ibitoffset & 7) != 0 || ((hp->bitoffset>>3) + datalen) > hp->allocsize ) { printf("misaligned hmemcpy bitoffset.%d or overflow allocsize %d vs %d\n",hp->bitoffset,hp->allocsize,((hp->bitoffset>>3) + datalen)); getchar(); return(-1); } if ( dest != 0 && src == 0 ) memcpy(dest,hp->ptr,datalen); else if ( dest == 0 && src != 0 ) memcpy(hp->ptr,src,datalen); else { printf("invalid hmemcpy with both dest.%p and src.%p\n",dest,src); return(-1); } hp->ptr += datalen; hp->bitoffset += (datalen << 3); if ( hp->bitoffset > hp->endpos ) hp->endpos = hp->bitoffset; return(datalen); } int32_t hcalc_bitsize(uint64_t x) { uint64_t mask = ((uint64_t)1 << 63); int32_t i; if ( x == 0 ) return(1); for (i=63; i>=0; i--,mask>>=1) { if ( (mask & x) != 0 ) return(i+1); } return(-1); } int32_t init_ramcoder(struct ramcoder *coder,HUFF *hp,bits256 *seed) { int32_t i,precision,numbits = 0; if ( coder->lastsymbol == 0 ) coder->lastsymbol = RAMCODER_MAXSYMBOLS, coder->upper_lastsymbol = (coder->lastsymbol + 1); coder->cumulativeProb = coder->lower = coder->code = coder->underflowBits = coder->ranges[0] = 0; for (i=1; i<=coder->upper_lastsymbol; i++) { coder->ranges[i] = coder->ranges[i - 1] + 1 + 256*((i <= sizeof(seed)*8) ? (GETBIT(seed->bytes,i-1) != 0) : 0); //printf("%d ",coder->ranges[i]); } for (i=1; i<=coder->upper_lastsymbol; i++) coder->cumulativeProb += (coder->ranges[i] - coder->ranges[i - 1]); precision = (8 * sizeof(uint16_t)); coder->upper = (1LL << precision) - 1; if ( hp != 0 ) { for (i=0; icode = (coder->code << 1) | hgetbit(hp); //coder->code = hread(&numbits,precision,hp), coder->code <<= (precision - numbits); //printf("set code %x\n",coder->code); } //printf("cumulative.%d code.%x numbits.%d\n",coder->cumulativeProb,coder->code,numbits); return(numbits); } int32_t ramcoder_state(struct ramcoder *coder) { if ( (coder->upper & RAMMASK_BIT(0)) == (coder->lower & RAMMASK_BIT(0)) ) return(0); else if ( (coder->lower & RAMMASK_BIT(1)) && (coder->upper & RAMMASK_BIT(1)) == 0 ) return(1); else return(-1); } void ramcoder_normalize(struct ramcoder *coder) { coder->lower &= ~(RAMMASK_BIT(0) | RAMMASK_BIT(1)), coder->upper |= RAMMASK_BIT(1); } void ramcoder_shiftbits(struct ramcoder *coder) { coder->lower <<= 1, coder->upper <<= 1, coder->upper |= 1; } int32_t ramcoder_putbits(HUFF *hp,struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t flushflag) { int32_t numbits = 0; while ( 1 ) { switch ( ramcoder_state(coder) ) { case 1: coder->underflowBits++, ramcoder_normalize(coder); break; case 0: if ( hputbit(hp,(coder->upper & RAMMASK_BIT(0)) != 0) < 0 ) return(-1); numbits++; //printf("%d> ",(coder->upper & RAMMASK_BIT(0)) != 0); while ( coder->underflowBits > 0 ) { if ( hputbit(hp,(coder->upper & RAMMASK_BIT(0)) == 0) < 0 ) return(-1); numbits++; //printf("%d> ",(coder->upper & RAMMASK_BIT(0)) == 0); coder->underflowBits--; } break; default: if ( flushflag != 0 ) { if ( hputbit(hp,(coder->lower & RAMMASK_BIT(1)) != 0) < 0 ) return(-1); numbits++; for (coder->underflowBits++; coder->underflowBits>0; coder->underflowBits--) { if ( hputbit(hp,(coder->lower & RAMMASK_BIT(1)) == 0) < 0 ) return(-1); numbits++; } } return(numbits); break; } ramcoder_shiftbits(coder); } } int32_t ramcoder_getbits(HUFF *hp,struct ramcoder *coder) { int32_t nextBit,numbits = 0; while ( 1 ) { switch ( ramcoder_state(coder) ) { case 0: break; // MSBs match, allow them to be shifted out case 1: ramcoder_normalize(coder), coder->code ^= RAMMASK_BIT(1); break; default: return(numbits); break; } ramcoder_shiftbits(coder); coder->code <<= 1; if ( (nextBit= hgetbit(hp)) >= 0 ) coder->code |= nextBit;//, printf("<%c",'0'+nextBit); else return(-1); numbits++; } } int32_t ramdecoder_bsearch(uint16_t probability,struct ramcoder *coder) { int32_t last,middle,first = 0; last = coder->upper_lastsymbol; while ( last >= first ) { middle = first + ((last - first) / 2); //printf("[%d %d] ",coder->ranges[middle],coder->ranges[middle+1]); if ( probability < coder->ranges[middle] ) last = middle - 1; else if ( probability >= coder->ranges[middle + 1] ) first = middle + 1; else return(middle); } printf("Unknown Symbol: %llu (max: %llu)\n",(long long)probability,(long long)coder->ranges[coder->upper_lastsymbol]); return(-1); } int32_t ramcoder_update(int symbol,struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,int32_t putflags,HUFF *hp) { uint32_t range; uint16_t i,original,delta; //printf("putflags.%d %p: upper %llu lower %llu code.%x cumulative.%d | symbol.%d\n",putflags,coder,(long long)coder->upper,(long long)coder->lower,coder->code,coder->cumulativeProb,symbol); range = (uint32_t)(coder->upper - coder->lower) + 1; coder->upper = coder->lower + (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)coder->ranges[symbol + 1] * range)/ coder->cumulativeProb) - 1; coder->lower = coder->lower + (uint16_t)(((uint32_t)coder->ranges[symbol] * range) / coder->cumulativeProb); if ( updateprobs != 0 ) { coder->cumulativeProb++; for (i=(symbol+1); i<=coder->upper_lastsymbol; i++) coder->ranges[i]++; if ( coder->cumulativeProb >= (1 << ((8 * sizeof(uint16_t)) - 2)) ) { original = coder->cumulativeProb = 0; for (i=1; i<=coder->upper_lastsymbol; i++) { delta = coder->ranges[i] - original, original = coder->ranges[i]; if ( delta <= 2 ) coder->ranges[i] = coder->ranges[i - 1] + 1; else coder->ranges[i] = coder->ranges[i - 1] + (delta / 2); coder->cumulativeProb += (coder->ranges[i] - coder->ranges[i - 1]); } } coder->counter++; } else printf("unexpected non-update ramcoder\n"); if ( coder->lower > coder->upper ) printf("ramcoderupdate: coder->lower %llu > %llu coder->upper\n",(long long)coder->lower,(long long)coder->upper); return((putflags != 0) ? ramcoder_putbits(hp,coder,putflags & RAMCODER_FINALIZE) : ramcoder_getbits(hp,coder)); } int32_t ramcoder_emit(HUFF *hp,struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,uint8_t *buf,int32_t len) { int32_t i,n,numbits = 0; for (i=0; ihisto != 0 ) coder->histo[buf[i]]++; if ( (n= ramcoder_update(buf[i],coder,updateprobs,RAMCODER_PUTBITS,hp)) < 0 ) return(-1); numbits += n; } return(numbits); } int32_t ramcoder_encoder(struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,uint8_t *buf,int32_t len,HUFF *hp,uint64_t *histo,bits256 *seed) { int32_t i,threshold; uint8_t _coder[sizeof(*coder) + (RAMCODER_MAXSYMBOLS+2)*sizeof(coder->ranges[0])]; if ( coder == 0 ) { memset(_coder,0,sizeof(_coder)); hrewind(hp); coder = (struct ramcoder *)_coder; coder->histo = histo; init_ramcoder(coder,0,seed); if ( ramcoder_emit(hp,coder,updateprobs,buf,len) < 0 ) return(-1); if ( ramcoder_update(coder->lastsymbol,coder,updateprobs,RAMCODER_PUTBITS,hp) < 0 ) return(-1); if ( ramcoder_update(coder->lastsymbol,coder,updateprobs,RAMCODER_PUTBITS|RAMCODER_FINALIZE,hp) < 0 ) return(-1); } else if ( ramcoder_emit(hp,coder,updateprobs,buf,len) < 0 ) return(-1); memset(seed,0,sizeof(*seed)); threshold = coder->cumulativeProb / coder->upper_lastsymbol; for (i=1; i<=coder->upper_lastsymbol; i++) if ( (coder->ranges[i] - coder->ranges[i - 1]) > threshold ) SETBIT(seed->bytes,i-1); return(hp->bitoffset); } int32_t ramcoder_decode(struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,HUFF *hp) { int32_t ind; #define RAMDECODER_UNSCALED(coder) ((((uint32_t)coder->code - coder->lower) + 1) * (uint32_t)coder->cumulativeProb - 1) / (((uint32_t)coder->upper - coder->lower) + 1) if ( (ind= ramdecoder_bsearch(RAMDECODER_UNSCALED(coder),coder)) < 0 || ind == coder->lastsymbol ) return(-1); if ( ramcoder_update(ind,coder,updateprobs,0,hp) < 0 ) return(-1); return(ind); } int32_t ramcoder_decoder(struct ramcoder *coder,int32_t updateprobs,uint8_t *buf,int32_t maxlen,HUFF *hp,bits256 *seed) { uint8_t _coder[sizeof(*coder) + (RAMCODER_MAXSYMBOLS+2)*sizeof(coder->ranges[0])]; int32_t val,n = 0,numbits = 0; if ( coder == 0 ) { memset(_coder,0,sizeof(_coder)); coder = (struct ramcoder *)_coder; hrewind(hp); numbits = init_ramcoder(coder,hp,seed); } while ( n < maxlen ) { if ( (val= ramcoder_decode(coder,updateprobs,hp)) < 0 ) return(n); buf[n++] = val; } return(n); } int32_t ramcoder_compress(uint8_t *bits,int32_t maxlen,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { int32_t numbits; bits256 seed; HUFF H,*hp = &H; memset(seed.bytes,0,sizeof(seed)); _init_HUFF(hp,maxlen,bits); if ( ramcoder_encoder(0,1,data,datalen,hp,0,&seed) < 0 ) return(-1); numbits = hp->bitoffset; if ( 0 ) { void *malloc(size_t); void free(void *); int32_t i,checklen; uint8_t *checkbuf; checkbuf = malloc(datalen*2); memset(seed.bytes,0,sizeof(seed)); hrewind(hp); checklen = ramcoder_decoder(0,1,checkbuf,datalen*2,hp,&seed); if ( checklen != datalen || memcmp(checkbuf,data,datalen) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i numbits %d %d\n",datalen,numbits,numbits/8); free(checkbuf); } return(numbits); } int32_t ramcoder_decompress(uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen,uint8_t *bits,uint32_t numbits,bits256 seed) { HUFF H,*hp = &H; _init_HUFF(hp,(uint32_t)hconv_bitlen(numbits),bits); hp->endpos = numbits; hrewind(hp); return(ramcoder_decoder(0,1,data,maxlen,hp,&seed)); } #endif #endif