/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_network.c // marketmaker // void basilisk_psockinit(struct basilisk_swap *swap,int32_t amlp) { /* char keystr[64],databuf[1024],pubkeystr[128],*retstr,*retstr2,*datastr,*pushaddr=0,*subaddr=0; cJSON *retjson,*addrjson; uint8_t data[512]; int32_t datalen,timeout,pushsock = -1,subsock = -1; if ( swap->connected == 1 ) return; if ( swap->pushsock < 0 && swap->subsock < 0 && (pushsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_PUSH)) >= 0 && (subsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_SUB)) >= 0 ) { timeout = 1000; nn_setsockopt(pushsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); timeout = 1; nn_setsockopt(subsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)); nn_setsockopt(subsock,NN_SUB,NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE,"",0); swap->pushsock = pushsock; swap->subsock = subsock; } if ( (subsock= swap->subsock) < 0 || (pushsock= swap->pushsock) < 0 ) { printf("error getting nn_sockets\n"); return; } sprintf(keystr,"%08x-%08x",swap->I.req.requestid,swap->I.req.quoteid); if ( swap->connected == 0 && (retstr= _dex_kvsearch("KV",keystr)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (datastr= jstr(retjson,"value")) != 0 ) { datalen = (int32_t)strlen(datastr) >> 1; decode_hex((uint8_t *)databuf,datalen,datastr); if ( (addrjson= cJSON_Parse(databuf)) != 0 ) { pushaddr = jstr(addrjson,"push"); subaddr = jstr(addrjson,"sub"); if ( pushaddr != 0 && subaddr != 0 ) { printf("KV decoded (%s and %s) %d %d\n",pushaddr,subaddr,swap->pushsock,swap->subsock); if ( nn_connect(swap->pushsock,pushaddr) >= 0 && nn_connect(swap->subsock,subaddr) >= 0 ) swap->connected = 1; } free_json(addrjson); } } free_json(retjson); } printf("KVsearch.(%s) -> (%s) connected.%d socks.(%d %d) amlp.%d\n",keystr,retstr,swap->connected,swap->pushsock,swap->subsock,amlp); free(retstr); } printf("connected.%d amlp.%d subsock.%d pushsock.%d\n",swap->connected,amlp,subsock,pushsock); if ( swap->connected <= 0 && amlp != 0 && subsock >= 0 && pushsock >= 0 ) { if ( (retstr= _dex_psock("{}")) != 0 ) { printf("psock returns.(%s)\n",retstr); // {"result":"success","pushaddr":"tcp://","subaddr":"tcp://","randipbits":3606291758,"coin":"KMD","tag":"6952562460568228137"} if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { pushaddr = jstr(retjson,"pushaddr"); subaddr = jstr(retjson,"subaddr"); if ( pushaddr != 0 && subaddr != 0 ) { if ( nn_connect(pushsock,pushaddr) >= 0 ) { printf("connected to %d pushaddr.(%s)\n",pushsock,pushaddr); if ( nn_connect(subsock,subaddr) >= 0 ) { swap->connected = 1; init_hexbytes_noT(pubkeystr,myinfo->persistent_pubkey33,33); sprintf((char *)data,"{\"push\":\"%s\",\"sub\":\"%s\",\"trade\":[\"%s\", %.8f, \"%s\", %.8f],\"pub\":\"%s\"}",pushaddr,subaddr,swap->I.req.src,dstr(swap->I.req.srcamount),swap->I.req.dest,dstr(swap->I.req.destamount),pubkeystr); datalen = (int32_t)strlen((char *)data) + 1; printf("datalen.%d (%s)\n",datalen,(char *)data); init_hexbytes_noT(databuf,data,datalen); printf("%s -> %s\n",keystr,databuf); if ( (retstr2= _dex_kvupdate("KV",keystr,databuf,1)) != 0 ) { printf("KVupdate.(%s)\n",retstr2); free(retstr2); } } else printf("nn_connect error to %d subaddr.(%s)\n",subsock,subaddr); } else printf("nn_connect error to %d pushaddr.(%s)\n",pushsock,pushaddr); } else printf("missing addr (%p) (%p) (%s)\n",pushaddr,subaddr,jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } else printf("Error parsing psock.(%s)\n",retstr); free(retstr); } else printf("error issuing _dex_psock\n"); }*/ } char *nanomsg_tcpname(char *str,char *ipaddr,uint16_t port) { sprintf(str,"tcp://%s:%u",ipaddr,port); return(str); } int32_t LP_send(int32_t sock,char *msg,int32_t freeflag) { int32_t sentbytes,len,i; struct nn_pollfd pfd; if ( sock < 0 ) { printf("LP_send to illegal socket\n"); if ( freeflag != 0 ) free(msg); return(-1); } for (i=0; i<100; i++) { pfd.fd = sock; pfd.events = NN_POLLOUT; if ( nn_poll(&pfd,1,100) > 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(msg) + 1; if ( (sentbytes= nn_send(sock,msg,len,0)) != len ) printf("LP_send sent %d instead of %d\n",sentbytes,len); else printf("SENT.(%s)\n",msg); if ( freeflag != 0 ) free(msg); return(sentbytes); } usleep(1000); } printf("error LP_send\n"); if ( freeflag != 0 ) free(msg); return(-1); } uint32_t LP_swapsend(struct basilisk_swap *swap,uint32_t msgbits,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,uint32_t nextbits,uint32_t crcs[2]) { uint8_t *buf; int32_t sentbytes,offset=0,i; buf = malloc(datalen + sizeof(msgbits) + sizeof(swap->I.req.quoteid) + sizeof(bits256)*2); for (i=0; i<32; i++) buf[offset++] = swap->I.myhash.bytes[i]; for (i=0; i<32; i++) buf[offset++] = swap->I.otherhash.bytes[i]; offset += iguana_rwnum(1,&buf[offset],sizeof(swap->I.req.quoteid),&swap->I.req.quoteid); offset += iguana_rwnum(1,&buf[offset],sizeof(msgbits),&msgbits); if ( datalen > 0 ) memcpy(&buf[offset],data,datalen), offset += datalen; if ( (sentbytes= nn_send(swap->pushsock,buf,offset,0)) != offset ) { printf("sentbytes.%d vs offset.%d\n",sentbytes,offset); if ( sentbytes < 0 ) { if ( swap->pushsock >= 0 ) nn_close(swap->pushsock), swap->pushsock = -1; //, if ( swap->subsock >= 0 ) // nn_close(swap->subsock), swap->subsock = -1; swap->connected = swap->I.iambob != 0 ? -1 : 0; swap->aborted = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } //else printf("send.[%d] %x offset.%d datalen.%d [%llx]\n",sentbytes,msgbits,offset,datalen,*(long long *)data); free(buf); return(nextbits); } void basilisk_swap_sendabort(struct basilisk_swap *swap) { uint32_t msgbits = 0; uint8_t buf[sizeof(msgbits) + sizeof(swap->I.req.quoteid) + sizeof(bits256)*2]; int32_t sentbytes,offset=0; memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); offset += iguana_rwnum(1,&buf[offset],sizeof(swap->I.req.quoteid),&swap->I.req.quoteid); offset += iguana_rwnum(1,&buf[offset],sizeof(msgbits),&msgbits); if ( (sentbytes= nn_send(swap->pushsock,buf,offset,0)) != offset ) { if ( sentbytes < 0 ) { if ( swap->pushsock >= 0 ) // nn_close(swap->pushsock), swap->pushsock = -1; if ( swap->subsock >= 0 ) // nn_close(swap->subsock), swap->subsock = -1; swap->connected = 0; } } else printf("basilisk_swap_sendabort\n"); } void basilisk_psockinit(struct basilisk_swap *swap,int32_t amlp); void basilisk_swapgotdata(struct basilisk_swap *swap,uint32_t crc32,bits256 srchash,bits256 desthash,uint32_t quoteid,uint32_t msgbits,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,int32_t reinit) { int32_t i; struct basilisk_swapmessage *mp; for (i=0; inummessages; i++) if ( crc32 == swap->messages[i].crc32 && msgbits == swap->messages[i].msgbits && bits256_cmp(srchash,swap->messages[i].srchash) == 0 && bits256_cmp(desthash,swap->messages[i].desthash) == 0 ) return; //printf(" new message.[%d] datalen.%d Q.%x msg.%x [%llx]\n",swap->nummessages,datalen,quoteid,msgbits,*(long long *)data); swap->messages = realloc(swap->messages,sizeof(*swap->messages) * (swap->nummessages + 1)); mp = &swap->messages[swap->nummessages++]; mp->crc32 = crc32; mp->srchash = srchash; mp->desthash = desthash; mp->msgbits = msgbits; mp->quoteid = quoteid; mp->data = malloc(datalen); mp->datalen = datalen; memcpy(mp->data,data,datalen); if ( reinit == 0 && swap->fp != 0 ) { fwrite(mp,1,sizeof(*mp),swap->fp); fwrite(data,1,datalen,swap->fp); fflush(swap->fp); } } int32_t basilisk_swapget(struct basilisk_swap *swap,uint32_t msgbits,uint8_t *data,int32_t maxlen,int32_t (*basilisk_verify_func)(void *ptr,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen)) { uint8_t *ptr; bits256 srchash,desthash; uint32_t crc32,_msgbits,quoteid; int32_t i,size,offset,retval = -1; struct basilisk_swapmessage *mp = 0; while ( (size= nn_recv(swap->subsock,&ptr,NN_MSG,0)) >= 0 ) { swap->lasttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); memset(srchash.bytes,0,sizeof(srchash)); memset(desthash.bytes,0,sizeof(desthash)); //printf("gotmsg.[%d] crc.%x\n",size,crc32); offset = 0; for (i=0; i<32; i++) srchash.bytes[i] = ptr[offset++]; for (i=0; i<32; i++) desthash.bytes[i] = ptr[offset++]; offset += iguana_rwnum(0,&ptr[offset],sizeof(uint32_t),"eid); offset += iguana_rwnum(0,&ptr[offset],sizeof(uint32_t),&_msgbits); if ( size > offset ) { crc32 = calc_crc32(0,&ptr[offset],size-offset); if ( size > offset ) { //printf("size.%d offset.%d datalen.%d\n",size,offset,size-offset); basilisk_swapgotdata(swap,crc32,srchash,desthash,quoteid,_msgbits,&ptr[offset],size-offset,0); } } else if ( bits256_nonz(srchash) == 0 && bits256_nonz(desthash) == 0 ) { if ( swap->aborted == 0 ) { swap->aborted = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("got abort signal from other side\n"); } } else printf("basilisk_swapget: got strange packet\n"); if ( ptr != 0 ) nn_freemsg(ptr), ptr = 0; } //char str[65],str2[65]; for (i=0; inummessages; i++) { //printf("%d: %s vs %s\n",i,bits256_str(str,swap->messages[i].srchash),bits256_str(str2,swap->messages[i].desthash)); if ( bits256_cmp(swap->messages[i].desthash,swap->I.myhash) == 0 ) { if ( swap->messages[i].msgbits == msgbits ) { if ( swap->I.iambob == 0 && swap->lasttime != 0 && time(NULL) > swap->lasttime+360 ) { printf("nothing received for a while from Bob, try new sockets\n"); if ( swap->pushsock >= 0 ) // nn_close(swap->pushsock), swap->pushsock = -1; if ( swap->subsock >= 0 ) // nn_close(swap->subsock), swap->subsock = -1; swap->connected = 0; basilisk_psockinit(swap,swap->I.iambob != 0); } mp = &swap->messages[i]; if ( msgbits != 0x80000000 ) break; } } } if ( mp != 0 ) retval = (*basilisk_verify_func)(swap,mp->data,mp->datalen); //printf("mine/other %s vs %s\n",bits256_str(str,swap->I.myhash),bits256_str(str2,swap->I.otherhash)); return(retval); } int32_t basilisk_messagekeyread(uint8_t *key,uint32_t *channelp,uint32_t *msgidp,bits256 *srchashp,bits256 *desthashp) { int32_t keylen = 0; keylen += iguana_rwnum(0,&key[keylen],sizeof(uint32_t),channelp); keylen += iguana_rwnum(0,&key[keylen],sizeof(uint32_t),msgidp); keylen += iguana_rwbignum(0,&key[keylen],sizeof(*srchashp),srchashp->bytes); keylen += iguana_rwbignum(0,&key[keylen],sizeof(*desthashp),desthashp->bytes); return(keylen); } int32_t basilisk_messagekey(uint8_t *key,uint32_t channel,uint32_t msgid,bits256 srchash,bits256 desthash) { int32_t keylen = 0; keylen += iguana_rwnum(1,&key[keylen],sizeof(uint32_t),&channel); keylen += iguana_rwnum(1,&key[keylen],sizeof(uint32_t),&msgid); keylen += iguana_rwbignum(1,&key[keylen],sizeof(srchash),srchash.bytes); keylen += iguana_rwbignum(1,&key[keylen],sizeof(desthash),desthash.bytes); return(keylen); } void LP_channelsend(bits256 srchash,bits256 desthash,uint32_t channel,uint32_t msgid,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen) { int32_t keylen; uint8_t key[BASILISK_KEYSIZE]; //char *retstr; keylen = basilisk_messagekey(key,channel,msgid,srchash,desthash); //if ( (retstr= _dex_reqsend(myinfo,"DEX",key,keylen,data,datalen)) != 0 ) // free(retstr); }