/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // bugs: construct finaltx, src vs dest messages, rotating myind position // Todo list: // a) updating latest notarized height based on the notarized tx data // b) prevent overwriting blocks below notarized height // c) detection of special transactions to update list of current notaries // d) award 5% APR for utxo older than a week when they are spent // e) round robin mining difficulty #include "iguana777.h" #include "notaries.h" #define CHECKSIG 0xac #define DPOW_M(bp) (2) // (((bp)->numnotaries >> 1) + 1) int32_t dpow_opreturnscript(uint8_t *script,uint8_t *opret,int32_t opretlen) { int32_t offset = 0; script[offset++] = 0x6a; if ( opretlen >= 0x4c ) { if ( opretlen > 0xff ) { script[offset++] = 0x4d; script[offset++] = opretlen & 0xff; script[offset++] = (opretlen >> 8) & 0xff; } else { script[offset++] = 0x4c; script[offset++] = opretlen; } } else script[offset++] = opretlen; memcpy(&script[offset],opret,opretlen); return(opretlen + offset); } int32_t dpow_rwopret(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *opret,bits256 *hashmsg,int32_t *heightmsgp,bits256 *btctxid,char *src) { int32_t i,opretlen = 0; opretlen += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&opret[opretlen],sizeof(*hashmsg),hashmsg->bytes); opretlen += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&opret[opretlen],sizeof(*heightmsgp),(uint32_t *)heightmsgp); if ( bits256_nonz(*btctxid) != 0 ) { opretlen += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&opret[opretlen],sizeof(*btctxid),btctxid->bytes); if ( rwflag != 0 ) { for (i=0; src[i]!=0; i++) opret[opretlen++] = src[i]; opret[opretlen++] = 0; } else { for (i=0; opret[opretlen]!=0; i++) src[i] = opret[opretlen++]; src[i] = 0; opretlen++; } } return(opretlen); } int32_t dpow_rwutxobuf(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *data,bits256 *hashmsg,bits256 *txid,int32_t *voutp,bits256 *commit,uint8_t *senderpub) { int32_t i,len = 0; len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(*hashmsg),hashmsg->bytes); len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(*txid),txid->bytes); len += iguana_rwbignum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(*commit),commit->bytes); if ( rwflag != 0 ) { data[len++] = *voutp; for (i=0; i<33; i++) data[len++] = senderpub[i]; } else { *voutp = data[len++]; for (i=0; i<33; i++) senderpub[i] = data[len++]; } return(len); } int32_t dpow_rwsigentry(int32_t rwflag,uint8_t *data,struct dpow_sigentry *dsig) { int32_t i,len = 0; if ( rwflag != 0 ) { data[len++] = dsig->senderind; data[len++] = dsig->lastk; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(dsig->mask),(uint8_t *)&dsig->mask); data[len++] = dsig->siglen; memcpy(&data[len],dsig->sig,dsig->siglen), len += dsig->siglen; for (i=0; ibeacon); i++) data[len++] = dsig->beacon.bytes[i]; for (i=0; i<33; i++) data[len++] = dsig->senderpub[i]; } else { memset(dsig,0,sizeof(*dsig)); dsig->senderind = data[len++]; dsig->lastk = data[len++]; len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&data[len],sizeof(dsig->mask),(uint8_t *)&dsig->mask); dsig->siglen = data[len++]; memcpy(dsig->sig,&data[len],dsig->siglen), len += dsig->siglen; for (i=0; ibeacon); i++) dsig->beacon.bytes[i] = data[len++]; for (i=0; i<33; i++) dsig->senderpub[i] = data[len++]; } return(len); } int32_t dpow_sigbufcmp(int32_t *duplicatep,struct dpow_sigentry *dsig,struct dpow_sigentry *refdsig) { if ( dsig->lastk == refdsig->lastk && dsig->siglen == refdsig->siglen && dsig->mask == refdsig->mask && memcmp(dsig->sig,refdsig->sig,dsig->siglen) == 0 && memcmp(dsig->beacon.bytes,refdsig->beacon.bytes,sizeof(dsig->beacon)) == 0 ) { if ( dsig->senderind == refdsig->senderind ) { (*duplicatep)++; return(0); } else { refdsig->refcount++; return(-1); } } return(-1); } bits256 dpow_notarytx(char *signedtx,int32_t isPoS,struct dpow_block *bp,uint64_t mask,int32_t lastk,char *src) { uint32_t i,j,m,locktime,numvouts,version,opretlen,siglen,len,sequenceid = 0xffffffff; uint64_t satoshis,satoshisB; uint8_t serialized[16384],opret[1024],data[4096]; len = locktime = 0; version = 1; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(version),&version); if ( isPoS != 0 ) len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->timestamp),&bp->timestamp); m = DPOW_M(bp); len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&serialized[len],(uint32_t *)&m); for (j=m=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { i = ((bp->height % bp->numnotaries) + j) % bp->numnotaries; if ( ((1LL << i) & mask) != 0 ) { len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->notaries[i].prev_hash),bp->notaries[i].prev_hash.bytes); len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(bp->notaries[i].prev_vout),&bp->notaries[i].prev_vout); siglen = bp->notaries[i].siglens[lastk]; len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&serialized[len],&siglen); if ( siglen > 0 ) memcpy(&serialized[len],bp->notaries[i].sigs[lastk],siglen), len += siglen; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(sequenceid),&sequenceid); //printf("height.%d mod.%d VINI.%d <- i.%d j.%d\n",height,height % numnotaries,m,i,j); m++; if ( m == DPOW_M(bp) && i == lastk ) break; } } numvouts = 2; len += iguana_rwvarint32(1,&serialized[len],&numvouts); satoshis = DPOW_UTXOSIZE * m * .76; if ( (satoshisB= DPOW_UTXOSIZE * m - 10000) < satoshis ) satoshis = satoshisB; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(satoshis),&satoshis); serialized[len++] = 35; serialized[len++] = 33; decode_hex(&serialized[len],33,CRYPTO777_PUBSECPSTR), len += 33; serialized[len++] = CHECKSIG; satoshis = 0; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(satoshis),&satoshis); opretlen = dpow_rwopret(1,opret,&bp->hashmsg,&bp->height,&bp->btctxid,src); opretlen = dpow_opreturnscript(data,opret,opretlen); if ( opretlen < 0xfd ) serialized[len++] = opretlen; else { serialized[len++] = 0xfd; serialized[len++] = opretlen & 0xff; serialized[len++] = (opretlen >> 8) & 0xff; } memcpy(&serialized[len],data,opretlen), len += opretlen; len += iguana_rwnum(1,&serialized[len],sizeof(locktime),&locktime); init_hexbytes_noT(signedtx,serialized,len); //printf("notarytx.(%s) opretlen.%d\n",signedtx,opretlen); return(bits256_doublesha256(0,serialized,len)); } bits256 dpow_getbestblockhash(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin) { char *retstr; bits256 blockhash; memset(blockhash.bytes,0,sizeof(blockhash)); if ( coin->FULLNODE < 0 ) { if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"getbestblockhash","")) != 0 ) { //printf("%s getbestblockhash.(%s)\n",coin->symbol,retstr); if ( is_hexstr(retstr,0) == sizeof(blockhash)*2 ) decode_hex(blockhash.bytes,sizeof(blockhash),retstr); free(retstr); } } else if ( coin->FULLNODE > 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE > 0 ) { blockhash = coin->blocks.hwmchain.RO.hash2; } else { } return(blockhash); } cJSON *dpow_getblock(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 blockhash) { char buf[128],str[65],*retstr=0; cJSON *json = 0; if ( coin->FULLNODE < 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"\"%s\"",bits256_str(str,blockhash)); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"getblock",buf); //printf("%s getblock.(%s)\n",coin->symbol,retstr); } else if ( coin->FULLNODE > 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE > 0 ) { retstr = bitcoinrpc_getblock(myinfo,coin,0,0,blockhash,1,0); } else { return(0); } if ( retstr != 0 ) { json = cJSON_Parse(retstr); free(retstr); } return(json); } char *dpow_decoderawtransaction(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,char *rawtx) { char *retstr,*paramstr; cJSON *array; if ( coin->FULLNODE < 0 ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(array,rawtx); paramstr = jprint(array,1); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"decoderawtransaction",paramstr); //printf("%s decoderawtransaction.(%s) <- (%s)\n",coin->symbol,retstr,paramstr); free(paramstr); } else if ( coin->FULLNODE > 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE > 0 ) { retstr = bitcoinrpc_decoderawtransaction(myinfo,coin,0,0,rawtx,1); } else { return(0); } return(retstr); } cJSON *dpow_gettransaction(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid) { char buf[128],str[65],*retstr=0,*rawtx=0; cJSON *json = 0; if ( coin->FULLNODE < 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", 1]",bits256_str(str,txid)); if ( (rawtx= bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"getrawtransaction",buf)) != 0 ) { retstr = dpow_decoderawtransaction(myinfo,coin,rawtx); free(rawtx); } } else if ( coin->FULLNODE > 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE > 0 ) { retstr = bitcoinrpc_getrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,0,0,txid,1); } else { return(0); } if ( retstr != 0 ) { json = cJSON_Parse(retstr); free(retstr); } return(json); } cJSON *dpow_listunspent(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr) { char buf[128],*retstr; cJSON *json = 0; if ( coin->FULLNODE < 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"0, 99999999, [\"%s\"]",coinaddr); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"listunspent",buf)) != 0 ) { json = cJSON_Parse(retstr); //printf("%s (%s) listunspent.(%s)\n",coin->symbol,buf,retstr); free(retstr); } else printf("%s null retstr from (%s)n",coin->symbol,buf); } else if ( coin->FULLNODE > 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE > 0 ) { json = iguana_listunspents(myinfo,coin,0,1,coin->longestchain,""); } else { return(0); } return(json); } char *dpow_signrawtransaction(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,char *rawtx,cJSON *vins) { cJSON *array,*privkeys,*item; char *wifstr,*str,*paramstr,*retstr; uint8_t script[256]; int32_t i,n,len,hashtype; struct vin_info V; struct iguana_waddress *waddr; struct iguana_waccount *wacct; if ( 0 )//coin->FULLNODE < 0 ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(array,rawtx); jaddi(array,vins); paramstr = jprint(array,1); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"signrawtransaction",paramstr); //printf("%s signrawtransaction.(%s) params.(%s)\n",coin->symbol,retstr,paramstr); free(paramstr); return(retstr); } else if ( 1 )//coin->FULLNODE > 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE > 0 ) { privkeys = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(vins)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; i 0 && strlen(str) < sizeof(script)*2 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(str) >> 1; decode_hex(script,len,str); V.spendlen = len; memcpy(V.spendscript,script,len); if ( (hashtype= _iguana_calcrmd160(coin,&V)) >= 0 && V.coinaddr[0] != 0 ) { if ( (waddr= iguana_waddresssearch(myinfo,&wacct,V.coinaddr)) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(waddr->privkey) != 0 ) { if ( bitcoin_priv2wif(waddr->wifstr,waddr->privkey,coin->chain->wiftype) > 0 ) { wifstr = waddr->wifstr; } } } } } jaddistr(privkeys,wifstr); } } retstr = bitcoinrpc_signrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,0,0,rawtx,vins,privkeys,"ALL"); free_json(privkeys); return(retstr); } else { return(0); } } char *dpow_sendrawtransaction(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,char *signedtx) { bits256 txid; cJSON *json,*array; char *paramstr,*retstr; if ( coin->FULLNODE < 0 ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(array,signedtx); paramstr = jprint(array,1); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,"sendrawtransaction",paramstr); printf(">>>>>>>>>>> %s sendrawtransaction.(%s) -> %s\n",coin->symbol,paramstr,retstr); free(paramstr); return(retstr); } else if ( coin->FULLNODE > 0 || coin->VALIDATENODE > 0 ) { txid = iguana_sendrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,signedtx); json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddbits256(json,"result",txid); return(jprint(json,1)); } else { return(0); } } int32_t dpow_getchaintip(struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 *blockhashp,uint32_t *blocktimep,bits256 *txs,uint32_t *numtxp,struct iguana_info *coin) { int32_t n,i,height = -1,maxtx = *numtxp; bits256 besthash; cJSON *array,*json; *numtxp = *blocktimep = 0; *blockhashp = besthash = dpow_getbestblockhash(myinfo,coin); if ( bits256_nonz(besthash) != 0 ) { if ( (json= dpow_getblock(myinfo,coin,besthash)) != 0 ) { if ( (height= juint(json,"height")) != 0 && (*blocktimep= juint(json,"time")) != 0 ) { if ( (array= jarray(&n,json,"tx")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; isymbol,height,*blocktimep,n); *numtxp = n; } } else height = -1; free_json(json); } } return(height); } int32_t dpow_vini_ismine(struct supernet_info *myinfo,cJSON *item) { cJSON *sobj; char *hexstr; int32_t len; uint8_t data[35]; if ( (sobj= jobj(item,"scriptPubKey")) != 0 && (hexstr= jstr(sobj,"hex")) != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(hexstr) >> 1; if ( len <= sizeof(data) ) { decode_hex(data,len,hexstr); if ( len == 35 && data[34] == CHECKSIG && data[0] == 33 && memcmp(data+1,myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33,33) == 0 ) return(0); } } return(-1); } int32_t dpow_haveutxo(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,int32_t *voutp,char *coinaddr) { int32_t i,n,vout,haveutxo = 0; bits256 txid; cJSON *unspents,*item; uint64_t satoshis; char *str,*address; uint8_t script[35]; memset(txidp,0,sizeof(*txidp)); *voutp = -1; if ( (unspents= dpow_listunspent(myinfo,coin,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(unspents)) > 0 ) { /*{ "txid" : "34bc21b40d6baf38e2db5be5353dd0bcc9fe416485a2a68753541ed2f9c194b1", "vout" : 0, "address" : "RFBmvBaRybj9io1UpgWM4pzgufc3E4yza7", "scriptPubKey" : "21039a3f7373ae91588b9edd76a9088b2871f62f3438d172b9f18e0581f64887404aac", "amount" : 3.00000000, "confirmations" : 4282, "spendable" : true },*/ for (i=0; i= 0 ) { if ( *voutp < 0 ) { *voutp = vout; *txidp = txid; } haveutxo++; } } } } if ( haveutxo == 0 ) printf("no utxo: (%s)\n",jprint(unspents,0)); } else printf("null utxo array size\n"); free_json(unspents); } else printf("null return from dpow_listunspent\n"); if ( haveutxo > 0 ) printf("%s haveutxo.%d\n",coin->symbol,haveutxo); return(haveutxo); } cJSON *dpow_createtx(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON **vinsp,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t lastk,uint64_t mask,int32_t usesigs) { int32_t i,j,m=0,siglen; char scriptstr[256]; cJSON *txobj=0,*vins=0,*item; uint64_t satoshis; uint8_t script[35],*sig; if ( (txobj= bitcoin_txcreate(coin->chain->isPoS,0,1,0)) != 0 ) { jaddnum(txobj,"suppress",1); jaddnum(txobj,"timestamp",bp->timestamp); vins = cJSON_CreateArray(); for (j=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { i = ((bp->height % bp->numnotaries) + j) % bp->numnotaries; if ( ((1LL << i) & mask) != 0 ) { item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddbits256(item,"txid",bp->notaries[i].prev_hash); jaddnum(item,"vout",bp->notaries[i].prev_vout); script[0] = 33; memcpy(script+1,bp->notaries[i].pubkey,33); script[34] = CHECKSIG; init_hexbytes_noT(scriptstr,script,35); jaddstr(item,"scriptPubKey",scriptstr); sig = 0, siglen = 0; if ( usesigs != 0 && bp->notaries[i].siglens[lastk] > 0 ) { init_hexbytes_noT(scriptstr,bp->notaries[i].sigs[lastk],bp->notaries[i].siglens[lastk]); jaddstr(item,"scriptSig",scriptstr); printf("sig%d.(%s)\n",i,scriptstr); sig = bp->notaries[i].sigs[lastk]; siglen = bp->notaries[i].siglens[lastk]; } jaddi(vins,item); bitcoin_txinput(coin,txobj,bp->notaries[i].prev_hash,bp->notaries[i].prev_vout,0xffffffff,script,sizeof(script),0,0,0,0,sig,siglen); //printf("height.%d mod.%d VINI.%d <- i.%d j.%d\n",height,height % numnotaries,m,i,j); m++; if ( m == DPOW_M(bp) && i == lastk ) break; } } satoshis = DPOW_UTXOSIZE * m * .76; script[0] = 33; decode_hex(script+1,33,CRYPTO777_PUBSECPSTR); script[34] = CHECKSIG; txobj = bitcoin_txoutput(txobj,script,sizeof(script),satoshis); } *vinsp = vins; if ( 0 && usesigs != 0 ) printf("%s createtx.(%s)\n",coin->symbol,jprint(txobj,0)); return(txobj); } int32_t dpow_signedtxgen(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct dpow_block *bp,uint64_t mask,int32_t lastk,int32_t myind,char *opret_symbol) { int32_t i,j,z,m=0,datalen,incr,retval=-1; char rawtx[16384],*jsonstr,*signedtx,*rawtx2,*sigstr; cJSON *txobj,*signobj,*sobj,*txobj2,*vins,*item,*vin; uint8_t data[sizeof(struct dpow_sigentry)]; bits256 txid,srchash,desthash; uint32_t channel; struct dpow_entry *ep; struct dpow_sigentry dsig; if ( bp->numnotaries < 8 ) incr = 1; else incr = sqrt(bp->numnotaries) + 1; ep = &bp->notaries[myind]; memset(&dsig,0,sizeof(dsig)); dsig.lastk = lastk; dsig.mask = mask; dsig.senderind = myind; dsig.beacon = bp->beacon; for (i=0; i<33; i++) dsig.senderpub[i] = myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33[i]; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->btctxid) == 0 ) channel = DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL; else channel = DPOW_SIGCHANNEL; for (j=0; jDPOW.minerkey33[j+1]; if ( (txobj= dpow_createtx(coin,&vins,bp,lastk,mask,1)) != 0 ) { txid = dpow_notarytx(rawtx,coin->chain->isPoS,bp,mask,lastk,opret_symbol); if ( rawtx[0] != 0 ) { if ( (jsonstr= dpow_signrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,rawtx,vins)) != 0 ) { //printf("mask.%llx dpowsign.(%s)\n",(long long)mask,jsonstr); if ( (signobj= cJSON_Parse(jsonstr)) != 0 ) { if ( ((signedtx= jstr(signobj,"hex")) != 0 || (signedtx= jstr(signobj,"result")) != 0) && (rawtx2= dpow_decoderawtransaction(myinfo,coin,signedtx)) != 0 ) { if ( (txobj2= cJSON_Parse(rawtx2)) != 0 ) { if ( (vin= jarray(&m,txobj2,"vin")) != 0 ) { for (j=0; j 32 ) { //printf("height.%d mod.%d VINI.%d myind.%d MINE.(%s) j.%d\n",height,height%numnotaries,j,myind,jprint(item,0),j); dsig.siglen = (int32_t)strlen(sigstr) >> 1; decode_hex(dsig.sig,dsig.siglen,sigstr); datalen = dpow_rwsigentry(1,data,&dsig); ep->masks[dsig.lastk] = dsig.mask; ep->siglens[dsig.lastk] = dsig.siglen; memcpy(ep->sigs[dsig.lastk],dsig.sig,dsig.siglen); ep->beacon = dsig.beacon; bp->recvsigmask |= (1LL << dsig.senderind); //printf(">>>>>>>> datalen.%d siglen.%d myind.%d lastk.%d mask.%llx\n",datalen,dsig.siglen,dsig.senderind,dsig.lastk,(long long)dsig.mask); for (i=((myind + (uint32_t)rand()) % incr); inumnotaries; i+=incr) { if ( i != myind ) printf(">>>>>>>>>> send lastk.%d %llx siglen.%d -> notary.%d\n",dsig.lastk,(long long)dsig.mask,dsig.siglen,i); for (z=0; znotaries[i].pubkey[z+1]; basilisk_channelsend(myinfo,srchash,desthash,channel,bp->height,data,datalen,120); } retval = 0; break; } else printf("notmine.(%s)\n",jprint(item,0)); } } else printf("no vin[] (%s)\n",jprint(txobj2,0)); free_json(txobj2); } else printf("cant parse.(%s)\n",rawtx2); free(rawtx2); } else printf("error decoding (%s) %s\n",signedtx==0?"":signedtx,jsonstr); free_json(signobj); } else printf("error parsing.(%s)\n",jsonstr); free(jsonstr); } } free_json(txobj); //fprintf(stderr,"free vins\n"); //free_json(vins); } return(retval); } uint64_t dpow_lastk_mask(struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t *lastkp) { int32_t j,m,k; uint64_t mask = 0; *lastkp = -1; for (j=m=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { k = ((bp->height % bp->numnotaries) + j) % bp->numnotaries; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->notaries[k].prev_hash) != 0 ) { mask |= (1LL << k); if ( ++m >= DPOW_M(bp) ) { *lastkp = k; break; } } } return(mask); } int32_t dpow_numsigs(struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t lastk,uint64_t mask) { int32_t j,m,i; for (j=m=0; jnumnotaries; j++) { i = ((bp->height % bp->numnotaries) + j) % bp->numnotaries; if ( ((1LL << i) & mask) != 0 && bp->notaries[i].siglens[lastk] >= 64 ) { if ( ++m >= DPOW_M(bp) ) return(m); } } return(-1); } struct dpow_block *dpow_heightfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t height,int32_t destflag) { if ( destflag != 0 ) return(myinfo->DPOW.destblocks[height]); else return(myinfo->DPOW.srcblocks[height]); } struct dpow_entry *dpow_notaryfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_block *bp,uint8_t *senderpub) { int32_t i; for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { if ( memcmp(bp->notaries[i].pubkey,senderpub,33) == 0 ) return(&bp->notaries[i]); } return(0); } void dpow_handler(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct basilisk_message *msg) { bits256 hashmsg,txid,commit,srchash,desthash,zero; uint32_t channel,height,flag = 0; int32_t i,j,lastk,vout,len,myind = -1; char *retstr=0,str[65],str2[65]; uint8_t senderpub[33],txdata[16384]; struct dpow_sigentry dsig; struct dpow_block *bp; struct dpow_entry *ep; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); basilisk_messagekeyread(msg->key,&channel,&height,&srchash,&desthash); if ( channel == DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL || channel == DPOW_UTXOBTCCHANNEL ) { dpow_rwutxobuf(0,msg->data,&hashmsg,&txid,&vout,&commit,senderpub); if ( (bp= dpow_heightfind(myinfo,height,channel == DPOW_UTXOBTCCHANNEL)) != 0 ) { for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { if ( memcmp(bp->notaries[i].pubkey,myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33,33) == 0 ) { myind = i; break; } } if ( myind < 0 ) return; if ( bits256_cmp(hashmsg,bp->hashmsg) != 0 ) printf("unexpected mismatch hashmsg.%s vs %s\n",bits256_str(str,hashmsg),bits256_str(str2,bp->hashmsg)); if ( (ep= dpow_notaryfind(myinfo,bp,senderpub)) != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(ep->prev_hash) == 0 ) { ep->prev_hash = txid; ep->prev_vout = vout; ep->commit = commit; ep->height = height; bp->recvmask = dpow_lastk_mask(bp,&lastk); if ( bitweight(bp->recvmask) >= DPOW_M(bp) ) { if ( ep->masks[lastk] == 0 ) { if ( dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,bp->coin,bp,bp->recvmask,lastk,myind,bp->opret_symbol) == 0 ) printf("created sig for lastk.%d %llx\n",lastk,(long long)bp->recvmask); } } flag = 1; printf("<<<<<<<<<< %s from.%ld got ht.%d %s/v%d\n",bp->coin->symbol,((long)ep - (long)bp->notaries)/sizeof(*ep),height,bits256_str(str,txid),vout); } } } if ( 0 && flag == 0 ) printf("UTXO.%d hashmsg.(%s) txid.(%s) v%d\n",height,bits256_str(str,hashmsg),bits256_str(str2,txid),vout); } else if ( channel == DPOW_SIGCHANNEL || channel == DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL ) { dpow_rwsigentry(0,msg->data,&dsig); if ( dsig.senderind >= 0 && dsig.senderind < DPOW_MAXRELAYS && (bp= dpow_heightfind(myinfo,height,channel == DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL)) != 0 ) { if ( dsig.lastk < bp->numnotaries && dsig.senderind < bp->numnotaries && (ep= dpow_notaryfind(myinfo,bp,dsig.senderpub)) != 0 ) { vcalc_sha256(0,commit.bytes,dsig.beacon.bytes,sizeof(dsig.beacon)); if ( memcmp(dsig.senderpub,bp->notaries[dsig.senderind].pubkey,33) == 0 ) //bits256_cmp(ep->commit,commit) == 0 && { if ( ep->masks[dsig.lastk] == 0 ) { bp->recvsigmask |= (1LL << dsig.senderind); ep->masks[dsig.lastk] = dsig.mask; ep->siglens[dsig.lastk] = dsig.siglen; memcpy(ep->sigs[dsig.lastk],dsig.sig,dsig.siglen); ep->beacon = dsig.beacon; printf("<<<<<<<< %s from.%d got lastk.%d %llx siglen.%d %llx >>>>>>>>>\n",bp->coin->symbol,dsig.senderind,dsig.lastk,(long long)dsig.mask,dsig.siglen,(long long)bp->recvsigmask); if ( bp->state != 0xffffffff && bp->coin != 0 && dpow_numsigs(bp,dsig.lastk,bp->recvsigmask) == DPOW_M(bp) ) { bp->signedtxid = dpow_notarytx(bp->signedtx,bp->coin->chain->isPoS,bp,dsig.mask,dsig.lastk,bp->opret_symbol); if ( bits256_nonz(bp->signedtxid) != 0 ) { if ( (retstr= dpow_sendrawtransaction(myinfo,bp->coin,bp->signedtx)) != 0 ) { printf("sendrawtransaction.(%s)\n",retstr); if ( is_hexstr(retstr,0) == sizeof(txid)*2 ) { decode_hex(txid.bytes,sizeof(txid),retstr); if ( bits256_cmp(txid,bp->signedtxid) == 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(bp->signedtx) >> 1; decode_hex(txdata+32,len,bp->signedtx); for (i=0; inumnotaries; i++) { for (j=0; jnotaries[i].pubkey[j+1]; txdata[j] = txid.bytes[j]; } basilisk_channelsend(myinfo,txid,desthash,(channel == DPOW_SIGBTCCHANNEL) ? DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL : DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL,bp->height,txdata,len+32,120); } bp->state = 0xffffffff; } else printf("sendtxid mismatch got %s instead of %s\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,bp->signedtxid)); } free(retstr); retstr = 0; } } } flag = 1; } } else printf("beacon mismatch for senderind.%d %llx vs %llx\n",dsig.senderind,*(long long *)dsig.senderpub,*(long long *)bp->notaries[dsig.senderind].pubkey); } else printf("illegal lastk.%d or senderind.%d or senderpub.%llx\n",dsig.lastk,dsig.senderind,*(long long *)dsig.senderpub); } else printf("couldnt find senderind.%d height.%d channel.%x\n",dsig.senderind,height,channel); if ( 0 && flag == 0 ) printf("SIG.%d sender.%d lastk.%d mask.%llx siglen.%d\n",height,dsig.senderind,dsig.lastk,(long long)dsig.mask,dsig.siglen); } else if ( channel == DPOW_TXIDCHANNEL || channel == DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL ) { if ( (bp= dpow_heightfind(myinfo,height,channel == DPOW_BTCTXIDCHANNEL)) != 0 ) { if ( bp->state != 0xffffffff ) { for (i=0; i<32; i++) srchash.bytes[i] = msg->data[i]; txid = bits256_doublesha256(0,&msg->data[32],msg->datalen-32); init_hexbytes_noT(bp->signedtx,&msg->data[32],msg->datalen-32); if ( bits256_cmp(txid,srchash) == 0 ) { printf("verify (%s) it is properly signed! set ht.%d signedtxid to %s\n",bp->coin->symbol,height,bits256_str(str,txid)); bp->signedtxid = txid; bp->state = 0xffffffff; } else { init_hexbytes_noT(bp->signedtx,msg->data,msg->datalen); printf("txidchannel txid %s mismatch %s (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,txid),bits256_str(str2,srchash),bp->signedtx); bp->signedtx[0] = 0; } } } else printf("txidchannel cant find bp for %d\n",height); } } uint32_t dpow_statemachineiterate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct iguana_info *coin,struct dpow_block *bp,int32_t myind) { // todo: add RBF support bits256 txid; int32_t vout,i,len,j,k,incr,haveutxo = 0; cJSON *addresses; char *sendtx,*rawtx,*opret_symbol,coinaddr[64]; uint8_t data[4096]; uint32_t channel; bits256 srchash,desthash,zero; uint64_t mask; if ( bp->numnotaries > 8 ) incr = sqrt(bp->numnotaries) + 1; else incr = 1; memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); if ( bits256_nonz(bp->btctxid) == 0 ) { channel = DPOW_UTXOBTCCHANNEL; opret_symbol = ""; } else { channel = DPOW_UTXOCHANNEL; opret_symbol = dp->symbol; } bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33,33); if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashmsg) == 0 ) return(0xffffffff); for (j=0; jDPOW.minerkey33[j+1]; if ( bits256_nonz(bp->signedtxid) != 0 ) bp->state = 0xffffffff; if ( (rand() % 10) == 0 ) printf("%s ht.%d FSM.%d %s BTC.%d masks.(%llx %llx)\n",coin->symbol,bp->height,bp->state,coinaddr,bits256_nonz(bp->btctxid)==0,(long long)bp->recvmask,(long long)bp->recvsigmask); switch ( bp->state ) { case 0: if ( (haveutxo= dpow_haveutxo(myinfo,coin,&txid,&vout,coinaddr)) != 0 ) bp->state = 1; if ( haveutxo < 10 && time(NULL) > dp->lastsplit+600 ) { addresses = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(addresses,coinaddr); if ( (rawtx= iguana_utxoduplicates(myinfo,coin,myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33,DPOW_UTXOSIZE,10,&bp->completed,&bp->signedtxid,0,addresses)) != 0 ) { if ( (sendtx= dpow_sendrawtransaction(myinfo,coin,rawtx)) != 0 ) { printf("sendrawtransaction.(%s)\n",sendtx); free(sendtx); } free(rawtx); } free_json(addresses); dp->lastsplit = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } break; case 1: // wait for utxo, send utxo to all other nodes if ( (haveutxo= dpow_haveutxo(myinfo,coin,&txid,&vout,coinaddr)) != 0 && vout >= 0 && vout < 0x100 ) { len = dpow_rwutxobuf(1,data,&bp->hashmsg,&txid,&vout,&bp->commit,myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33); bp->recvmask |= (1LL << myind); for (i=((myind + (uint32_t)rand()) % incr); inumnotaries; i+=incr) { for (j=0; jnotaries[i].pubkey[j+1]; basilisk_channelsend(myinfo,srchash,desthash,channel,bp->height,data,len,120); } bp->state = 2; } break; case 2: bp->recvmask = dpow_lastk_mask(bp,&k); //printf("STATE2: RECVMASK.%llx\n",(long long)bp->recvmask); if ( bitweight(bp->recvmask) >= DPOW_M(bp) ) bp->state = 3; else bp->state = 2; break; case 3: // create rawtx, sign, send rawtx + sig to all other nodes mask = dpow_lastk_mask(bp,&k); //printf("STATE3: %s BTC.%d RECVMASK.%llx mask.%llx\n",coin->symbol,bits256_nonz(bp->btctxid)==0,(long long)bp->recvmask,(long long)mask); if ( bitweight(mask) >= DPOW_M(bp) ) { if ( dpow_signedtxgen(myinfo,coin,bp,mask,k,myind,opret_symbol) == 0 ) { bp->state = 4; } } else printf("state 3 not done: mask.%llx wt.%d vs.%d\n",(long long)mask,bitweight(mask),DPOW_M(bp)); break; case 4: // wait for N/2+1 signed tx and broadcast //printf("STATE4: %s BTC.%d RECVMASK.%llx\n",coin->symbol,bits256_nonz(bp->btctxid)==0,(long long)bp->recvmask); if ( bp->waiting++ > 10 ) { bp->state = 1; bp->waiting = 0; } break; } if ( bits256_nonz(bp->signedtxid) != 0 ) bp->state = 0xffffffff; return(bp->state); } void dpow_statemachinestart(void *ptr) { struct supernet_info *myinfo; struct dpow_info *dp; struct dpow_checkpoint checkpoint; void **ptrs = ptr; int32_t i,n,myind = -1; struct iguana_info *src,*dest; char str[65],coinaddr[64]; bits256 zero; struct dpow_block *srcbp,*destbp,*bp; uint32_t starttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); memset(&zero,0,sizeof(zero)); myinfo = ptrs[0]; dp = ptrs[1]; memcpy(&checkpoint,&ptrs[2],sizeof(checkpoint)); printf("statemachinestart %s->%s %s ht.%d\n",dp->symbol,dp->dest,bits256_str(str,checkpoint.blockhash.hash),checkpoint.blockhash.height); src = iguana_coinfind(dp->symbol); dest = iguana_coinfind(dp->dest); if ( (destbp= dp->destblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height]) == 0 ) { destbp = calloc(1,sizeof(*destbp)); destbp->coin = iguana_coinfind(dp->dest); destbp->opret_symbol = dp->symbol; dp->destblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height] = destbp; destbp->beacon = rand256(0); vcalc_sha256(0,destbp->commit.bytes,destbp->beacon.bytes,sizeof(destbp->beacon)); if ( (bp= dp->destblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - 100]) != 0 ) { printf("purge %s.%d\n",dp->dest,checkpoint.blockhash.height - 100); dp->destblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - 100] = 0; free(bp); } } if ( (srcbp= dp->srcblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height]) == 0 ) { srcbp = calloc(1,sizeof(*srcbp)); srcbp->coin = iguana_coinfind(dp->symbol); srcbp->opret_symbol = dp->symbol; dp->srcblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height] = srcbp; srcbp->beacon = destbp->beacon; srcbp->commit = destbp->commit; if ( (bp= dp->srcblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - 1000]) != 0 ) { printf("purge %s.%d\n",dp->symbol,checkpoint.blockhash.height - 1000); dp->srcblocks[checkpoint.blockhash.height - 1000] = 0; free(bp); } } n = (int32_t)(sizeof(Notaries)/sizeof(*Notaries)); srcbp->numnotaries = destbp->numnotaries = n; for (i=0; inotaries[i].pubkey,33,Notaries[i][1]); decode_hex(destbp->notaries[i].pubkey,33,Notaries[i][1]); if ( memcmp(destbp->notaries[i].pubkey,myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33,33) == 0 ) myind = i; } bitcoin_address(coinaddr,src->chain->pubtype,myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33,33); printf(" myaddr.%s\n",coinaddr); if ( myind < 0 ) { printf("statemachinestart this node %s is not official notary\n",coinaddr); free(ptr); return; } dp->checkpoint = checkpoint; srcbp->height = destbp->height = checkpoint.blockhash.height; srcbp->timestamp = destbp->timestamp = checkpoint.timestamp; srcbp->hashmsg = destbp->hashmsg = checkpoint.blockhash.hash; printf("DPOW statemachine checkpoint.%d %s\n",checkpoint.blockhash.height,bits256_str(str,checkpoint.blockhash.hash)); while ( time(NULL) < starttime+300 && src != 0 && dest != 0 && (srcbp->state != 0xffffffff || destbp->state != 0xffffffff) ) { sleep(1); if ( dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height > checkpoint.blockhash.height ) { printf("abort ht.%d due to new checkpoint.%d\n",checkpoint.blockhash.height,dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height); break; } if ( destbp->state != 0xffffffff ) { //printf("dp->ht.%d ht.%d DEST.%08x %s\n",dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height,checkpoint.blockhash.height,deststate,bits256_str(str,srchash.hash)); destbp->state = dpow_statemachineiterate(myinfo,dp,dest,destbp,myind); if ( destbp->state == 0xffffffff ) { srcbp->btctxid = destbp->signedtxid; dp->destupdated = 0; printf("SET BTCTXID.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,srcbp->btctxid)); } } if ( destbp->state == 0xffffffff ) { if ( srcbp->state != 0xffffffff ) { //printf("dp->ht.%d ht.%d SRC.%08x %s\n",dp->checkpoint.blockhash.height,checkpoint.blockhash.height,srcbp->state,bits256_str(str,srcbp->btctxid)); srcbp->state = dpow_statemachineiterate(myinfo,dp,src,srcbp,myind); if ( srcbp->state == 0xffffffff ) dp->destupdated = 0; } } } free(ptr); } void dpow_fifoupdate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_checkpoint *fifo,struct dpow_checkpoint tip) { int32_t i,ind; struct dpow_checkpoint newfifo[DPOW_FIFOSIZE]; char str[65]; memset(newfifo,0,sizeof(newfifo)); for (i=DPOW_FIFOSIZE-1; i>0; i--) { if ( bits256_nonz(fifo[i-1].blockhash.hash) != 0 && (tip.blockhash.height - fifo[i-1].blockhash.height) != i ) printf("(%d != %d) ",(tip.blockhash.height - fifo[i-1].blockhash.height),i); if ( (ind= (tip.blockhash.height - fifo[i-1].blockhash.height)) >= 0 && ind < DPOW_FIFOSIZE ) newfifo[ind] = fifo[i-1]; } newfifo[0] = tip; memcpy(fifo,newfifo,sizeof(newfifo)); for (i=0; itimestamp = timestamp; checkpoint->blocktime = blocktime; checkpoint->blockhash.hash = hash; checkpoint->blockhash.height = height; } void dpow_srcupdate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,int32_t height,bits256 hash,uint32_t timestamp,uint32_t blocktime) { void **ptrs; char str[65]; struct dpow_checkpoint checkpoint; dpow_checkpointset(myinfo,&dp->last,height,hash,timestamp,blocktime); checkpoint = dp->srcfifo[dp->srcconfirms]; printf("%s srcupdate ht.%d destupdated.%u nonz.%d %s\n",dp->symbol,height,dp->destupdated,bits256_nonz(checkpoint.blockhash.hash),bits256_str(str,dp->last.blockhash.hash)); dpow_fifoupdate(myinfo,dp->srcfifo,dp->last); if ( dp->destupdated != 0 && bits256_nonz(checkpoint.blockhash.hash) != 0 ) { ptrs = calloc(1,sizeof(void *)*2 + sizeof(struct dpow_checkpoint)); ptrs[0] = (void *)myinfo; ptrs[1] = (void *)dp; memcpy(&ptrs[2],&checkpoint,sizeof(checkpoint)); if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)dpow_statemachinestart,(void *)ptrs) != 0 ) { } } } void dpow_approvedset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_checkpoint *checkpoint,bits256 *txs,int32_t numtx) { int32_t i,j; bits256 txid; if ( txs != 0 ) { for (i=0; iapproved[j].hash) == 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(checkpoint->approved.hash) == 0 || dp->approved[j].height >= checkpoint->approved.height ) checkpoint->approved = dp->approved[j]; } } } } } } void dpow_destconfirm(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,struct dpow_checkpoint *checkpoint) { int32_t i; if ( bits256_nonz(checkpoint->approved.hash) != 0 ) { for (i=DPOW_FIFOSIZE-1; i>0; i--) dp->notarized[i] = dp->notarized[i-1]; dp->notarized[0] = checkpoint->approved; } } void dpow_destupdate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct dpow_info *dp,int32_t height,bits256 hash,uint32_t timestamp,uint32_t blocktime) { printf("%s destupdate ht.%d\n",dp->dest,height); dp->destupdated = timestamp; dpow_checkpointset(myinfo,&dp->destchaintip,height,hash,timestamp,blocktime); dpow_approvedset(myinfo,dp,&dp->destchaintip,dp->desttx,dp->numdesttx); dpow_fifoupdate(myinfo,dp->destfifo,dp->destchaintip); if ( strcmp(dp->dest,"BTC") == 0 ) dpow_destconfirm(myinfo,dp,&dp->destfifo[DPOW_BTCCONFIRMS]); else { dpow_destconfirm(myinfo,dp,&dp->destfifo[DPOW_KOMODOCONFIRMS * 2]); // todo: change to notarized KMD depth } } void iguana_dPoWupdate(struct supernet_info *myinfo) { int32_t height; char str[65]; uint32_t blocktime; bits256 blockhash; struct iguana_info *src,*dest; struct dpow_info *dp = &myinfo->DPOW; src = iguana_coinfind(dp->symbol); dest = iguana_coinfind(dp->dest); if ( src != 0 && dest != 0 ) { dp->numdesttx = sizeof(dp->desttx)/sizeof(*dp->desttx); if ( (height= dpow_getchaintip(myinfo,&blockhash,&blocktime,dp->desttx,&dp->numdesttx,dest)) != dp->destchaintip.blockhash.height && height >= 0 ) { printf("%s %s height.%d vs last.%d\n",dp->dest,bits256_str(str,blockhash),height,dp->destchaintip.blockhash.height); if ( height <= dp->destchaintip.blockhash.height ) { printf("iguana_dPoWupdate dest.%s reorg detected %d vs %d\n",dp->dest,height,dp->destchaintip.blockhash.height); if ( height == dp->destchaintip.blockhash.height && bits256_cmp(blockhash,dp->destchaintip.blockhash.hash) != 0 ) printf("UNEXPECTED ILLEGAL BLOCK in dest chaintip\n"); } else dpow_destupdate(myinfo,dp,height,blockhash,(uint32_t)time(NULL),blocktime); } dp->numsrctx = sizeof(dp->srctx)/sizeof(*dp->srctx); if ( (height= dpow_getchaintip(myinfo,&blockhash,&blocktime,dp->srctx,&dp->numsrctx,src)) != dp->last.blockhash.height && height >= 0 ) { printf("%s %s height.%d vs last.%d\n",dp->symbol,bits256_str(str,blockhash),height,dp->last.blockhash.height); if ( height < dp->last.blockhash.height ) { printf("iguana_dPoWupdate src.%s reorg detected %d vs %d approved.%d notarized.%d\n",dp->symbol,height,dp->last.blockhash.height,dp->approved[0].height,dp->notarized[0].height); if ( height <= dp->approved[0].height ) { if ( bits256_cmp(blockhash,dp->last.blockhash.hash) != 0 ) printf("UNEXPECTED ILLEGAL BLOCK in src chaintip\n"); } else dpow_srcupdate(myinfo,dp,height,blockhash,(uint32_t)time(NULL),blocktime); } else dpow_srcupdate(myinfo,dp,height,blockhash,(uint32_t)time(NULL),blocktime); } } else printf("iguana_dPoWupdate missing src.(%s) %p or dest.(%s) %p\n",dp->symbol,src,dp->dest,dest); } #include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h" TWO_STRINGS(iguana,dpow,symbol,pubkey) { char *retstr; if ( myinfo->NOTARY.RELAYID < 0 ) { if ( (retstr= basilisk_addrelay_info(myinfo,0,(uint32_t)calc_ipbits(myinfo->ipaddr),myinfo->myaddr.persistent)) != 0 ) { printf("addrelay.(%s)\n",retstr); free(retstr); } if ( myinfo->NOTARY.RELAYID < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"must be running as notary node\"}")); } if ( myinfo->DPOW.symbol[0] != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant dPoW more than one coin at a time\"}")); if ( pubkey == 0 || pubkey[0] == 0 || is_hexstr(pubkey,0) != 66 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"need 33 byte pubkey\"}")); if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) symbol = "KMD"; if ( iguana_coinfind(symbol) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant dPoW an inactive coin\"}")); if ( strcmp(symbol,"KMD") == 0 && iguana_coinfind("BTC") == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant dPoW KMD without BTC\"}")); else if ( strcmp(symbol,"KMD") != 0 && iguana_coinfind("KMD") == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant dPoW without KMD\"}")); decode_hex(myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33,33,pubkey); if ( bitcoin_pubkeylen(myinfo->DPOW.minerkey33) <= 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"illegal pubkey\"}")); strcpy(myinfo->DPOW.symbol,symbol); if ( strcmp(myinfo->DPOW.symbol,"KMD") == 0 ) { strcpy(myinfo->DPOW.dest,"BTC"); myinfo->DPOW.srcconfirms = DPOW_KOMODOCONFIRMS; } else { strcpy(myinfo->DPOW.dest,"KMD"); myinfo->DPOW.srcconfirms = DPOW_THIRDPARTY_CONFIRMS; } if ( myinfo->DPOW.srcconfirms > DPOW_FIFOSIZE ) myinfo->DPOW.srcconfirms = DPOW_FIFOSIZE; if ( myinfo->DPOW.srcblocks == 0 ) myinfo->DPOW.srcblocks = calloc(1000000,sizeof(*myinfo->DPOW.srcblocks)); if ( myinfo->DPOW.destblocks == 0 ) myinfo->DPOW.destblocks = calloc(1000000,sizeof(*myinfo->DPOW.destblocks)); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } char *dpow_passthru(struct iguana_info *coin,char *function,char *hex) { char params[32768]; int32_t len = 0; if ( hex != 0 && hex[0] != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(hex) >> 1; if ( len < sizeof(params)-1 ) decode_hex((uint8_t *)params,(int32_t)strlen(hex),hex); else len = 0; } params[len] = 0; return(bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->chain->serverport,coin->chain->userpass,function,params)); } TWO_STRINGS(zcash,passthru,function,hex) { if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind("ZEC")) != 0 || coin->chain->serverport[0] == 0 ) return(dpow_passthru(coin,function,hex)); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"ZEC not active, start in bitcoind mode\"}")); } TWO_STRINGS(komodo,passthru,function,hex) { if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind("KMD")) != 0 || coin->chain->serverport[0] == 0 ) return(dpow_passthru(coin,function,hex)); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"KMD not active, start in bitcoind mode\"}")); } #include "../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"