/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2015 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #ifndef MINIGUANA #include "../crypto777/OS_portable.h" #include "SuperNET.h" #include "iguana777.h" // maxlen of 7! #define SUPERNET_RAMCHAIN "rchain" #define SUPERNET_PANGEA "pangea" #define SUPERNET_BITCOIN "bitcoin" int32_t nn_typelist[] = { NN_REP, NN_REQ, NN_RESPONDENT, NN_SURVEYOR, NN_PUB, NN_SUB, NN_PULL, NN_PUSH, NN_BUS, NN_PAIR }; char *nn_transports[] = { "tcp", "ws", "ipc", "inproc", "tcpmux", "", "", "" }; int32_t SuperNET_msglen(struct supernet_msghdr *msg) { return(msg->serlen[0] + ((int32_t)msg->serlen[1] << 8) + ((int32_t)msg->serlen[2] << 16)); } int32_t SuperNET_msgvalidate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct supernet_msghdr *msg) { int32_t msglen = 0; msglen = SuperNET_msglen(msg); return(msglen); } struct supernet_msghdr *SuperNET_msgcreate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint8_t type,bits256 *senderpub,bits256 *destpub,struct supernet_msghdr *msg,int32_t maxlen,char *agent,uint8_t func,uint8_t *data,long datalen,uint32_t duration,uint32_t nonce) { uint32_t i,len,timestamp; if ( (datalen + sizeof(*msg)) <= maxlen ) { memset(msg,0,sizeof(*msg)); if ( datalen > 0 ) { if ( msg->data != data ) memcpy(msg->data,data,datalen); else printf("no need to self-copy\n"); } if ( destpub != 0 ) msg->dest = *destpub; if ( senderpub != 0 ) msg->sender = *senderpub; msg->type = type; msg->func = func; if ( (len= (int32_t)strlen(agent)) > 7 ) len = 7; memcpy(msg->agent,agent,len); timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); for (i=0; i<3; i++) msg->serlen[i] = datalen & 0xff, datalen >>= 8; iguana_rwnum(1,msg->ser_nonce,sizeof(nonce),&nonce); iguana_rwnum(1,msg->ser_timestamp,sizeof(timestamp),×tamp); iguana_rwnum(1,msg->ser_duration,sizeof(duration),&duration); // add sig here return(msg); } else printf("datalen.%ld + %ld vs maxlen.%d\n",datalen,sizeof(*msg),maxlen); return(0); } void expand_epbits(char *endpoint,struct endpoint epbits) { char ipaddr[64]; if ( epbits.ipbits != 0 ) expand_ipbits(ipaddr,epbits.ipbits); else strcpy(ipaddr,"*"); sprintf(endpoint,"%s://%s:%d",nn_transports[epbits.transport],ipaddr,epbits.port); } struct endpoint calc_epbits(char *transport,uint32_t ipbits,uint16_t port,int32_t type) { int32_t i; struct endpoint epbits; memset(&epbits,0,sizeof(epbits)); for (i=0; i<(int32_t)(sizeof(nn_transports)/sizeof(*nn_transports)); i++) if ( strcmp(transport,nn_transports[i]) == 0 ) { epbits.ipbits = ipbits; epbits.port = port; epbits.transport = i; epbits.nn = type; break; } return(epbits); } int32_t ismyaddress(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *server) { uint32_t ipbits; int32_t i,tlen; char str[64]; for (i=0; iipaddr) == 0 || myinfo->ipbits == ipbits ) { printf("(%s) MATCHES me (%s)\n",server,myinfo->ipaddr); return(1); } } else if ( myinfo->my64bits == ipbits ) return(1); //printf("(%s) is not me (%s)\n",server,myipaddr); return(0); } char *nn_typestr(int32_t type) { switch ( type ) { // Messages that need a response from the set of peers: SURVEY case NN_SURVEYOR: return("NN_SURVEYOR"); break; case NN_RESPONDENT: return("NN_RESPONDENT"); break; // Messages that need a response, but only from one peer: REQ/REP case NN_REQ: return("NN_REQ"); break; case NN_REP: return("NN_REP"); break; // One-way messages to one peer: PUSH/PULL case NN_PUSH: return("NN_PUSH"); break; case NN_PULL: return("NN_PULL"); break; // One-way messages to all: PUB/SUB case NN_PUB: return("NN_PUB"); break; case NN_SUB: return("NN_SUB"); break; case NN_BUS: return("NN_BUS"); break; case NN_PAIR: return("NN_PAIR"); break; } return("NN_ERROR"); } int32_t nn_oppotype(int32_t type) { switch ( type ) { // Messages that need a response from the set of peers: SURVEY case NN_SURVEYOR: return(NN_RESPONDENT); break; case NN_RESPONDENT: return(NN_SURVEYOR); break; // Messages that need a response, but only from one peer: REQ/REP case NN_REQ: return(NN_REP); break; case NN_REP: return(NN_REQ); break; // One-way messages to one peer: PUSH/PULL case NN_PUSH: return(NN_PULL); break; case NN_PULL: return(NN_PUSH); break; // One-way messages to all: PUB/SUB case NN_PUB: return(NN_SUB); break; case NN_SUB: return(NN_PUB); break; case NN_BUS: return(NN_BUS); break; case NN_PAIR: return(NN_PAIR); break; } return(-1); } int32_t nn_portoffset(int32_t type) { int32_t i; for (i=0; i<(int32_t)(sizeof(nn_typelist)/sizeof(*nn_typelist)); i++) if ( nn_typelist[i] == type ) return(i + 2); return(-1); } int32_t nn_socket_status(int32_t nnsock,int32_t timeoutmillis) { struct nn_pollfd pfd; int32_t rc; pfd.fd = nnsock; pfd.events = NN_POLLIN | NN_POLLOUT; if ( (rc= nn_poll(&pfd,1,timeoutmillis)) == 0 ) return(pfd.revents); else return(-1); } int32_t nn_settimeouts(int32_t sock,int32_t sendtimeout,int32_t recvtimeout) { int32_t retrymillis,maxmillis; if ( (maxmillis= SUPERNET_NETWORKTIMEOUT) == 0 ) maxmillis = 3000; retrymillis = maxmillis/40; if ( nn_setsockopt(sock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RECONNECT_IVL,&retrymillis,sizeof(retrymillis)) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error setting NN_REQ NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); else if ( nn_setsockopt(sock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX,&maxmillis,sizeof(maxmillis)) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error setting NN_REQ NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); else if ( sendtimeout > 0 && nn_setsockopt(sock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&sendtimeout,sizeof(sendtimeout)) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error setting sendtimeout %s\n",nn_errstr()); else if ( recvtimeout > 0 && nn_setsockopt(sock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&recvtimeout,sizeof(recvtimeout)) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error setting sendtimeout %s\n",nn_errstr()); else return(0); return(-1); } int32_t nn_createsocket(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *endpoint,int32_t bindflag,char *name,int32_t type,uint16_t port,int32_t sendtimeout,int32_t recvtimeout) { int32_t sock; if ( (sock= nn_socket(AF_SP,type)) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error getting socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); if ( bindflag != 0 ) { if ( endpoint[0] == 0 ) expand_epbits(endpoint,calc_epbits(myinfo->transport,(uint32_t)calc_ipbits(myinfo->ipaddr),port,type)); if ( nn_bind(sock,endpoint) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error binding to relaypoint sock.%d type.%d to (%s) (%s) %s\n",sock,type,name,endpoint,nn_errstr()); else fprintf(stderr,"BIND.(%s) <- %s\n",endpoint,name); } else if ( bindflag == 0 && endpoint != 0 && endpoint[0] != 0 ) { if ( nn_connect(sock,endpoint) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error connecting to relaypoint sock.%d type.%d to (%s) (%s) %s\n",sock,type,name,endpoint,nn_errstr()); else fprintf(stderr,"%s -> CONNECT.(%s)\n",name,endpoint); } if ( nn_settimeouts(sock,sendtimeout,recvtimeout) < 0 ) { fprintf(stderr,"nn_createsocket.(%s) %d\n",name,sock); return(-1); } return(sock); } bits256 SuperNET_OPRETURN(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *symbol,double fee,uint8_t *buf,int32_t len) { bits256 txid; memset(&txid,0,sizeof(txid)); printf("send OPRETURN\n"); return(txid); } bits256 SuperNET_agentannounce(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct supernet_agent *agent,cJSON *network) { static bits256 zero; uint8_t buf[80 + sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)],*data; bits256 pubkey,sig; int32_t i,len=0; uint8_t netmagic[4]; char *sigstr,*announce,*pubkeystr; memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); data = &buf[sizeof(struct iguana_msghdr)]; if ( (announce= jstr(network,"announce")) != 0 ) { data[len++] = SCRIPT_OPRETURN; data[len++] = 75; iguana_rwnum(1,&data[len],sizeof(myinfo->ipbits),&myinfo->ipbits); for (i=0; i<7; i++) if ( (data[len+i]= announce[i]) == 0 ) break; len = 13; if ( (pubkeystr= jstr(network,"pubkey")) == 0 || strlen(pubkeystr) != sizeof(bits256)*2 ) pubkeystr = GENESIS_PUBKEYSTR; decode_hex(pubkey.bytes,sizeof(pubkey),pubkeystr); len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&data[len],sizeof(pubkey),pubkey.bytes); // 45 bytes if ( (sigstr= jstr(network,"sig")) != 0 && strlen(sigstr) == sizeof(bits256)*2 ) { sigstr = GENESIS_PUBKEYSTR; len += iguana_rwbignum(1,&data[len],sizeof(sig),sig.bytes); // 77 bytes } decode_hex(netmagic,4,"e4c2d8e6"); iguana_sethdr((struct iguana_msghdr *)buf,netmagic,"SuperNET",data,len); return(SuperNET_OPRETURN(myinfo,"BTCD",.001,buf,len)); } printf("invalid SuperNET OPRETURN protocol.(%s)\n",announce!=0?announce:""); return(zero); } void Supernet_networkadd(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct supernet_agent *agent,cJSON *network) { int32_t sendtimeout=0,recvtimeout=0; agent->pubpoint[0] = agent->reppoint[0] = 0; if ( (agent->pubport= juint(network,"pubport")) > 1000 ) { agent->pubsock = nn_createsocket(myinfo,agent->pubpoint,1,"NN_PUB",NN_PUB,agent->pubport,sendtimeout,recvtimeout); SuperNET_agentannounce(myinfo,agent,network); } else agent->pubport = -1; if ( (agent->repport= juint(network,"LBport")) > 1000 ) agent->repsock = nn_createsocket(myinfo,agent->reppoint,1,"NN_REP",NN_REP,agent->repport,sendtimeout,recvtimeout); else agent->repport = -1; agent->subsock = nn_createsocket(myinfo,0,0,"NN_SUB",NN_SUB,0,sendtimeout,recvtimeout); nn_setsockopt(agent->subsock,NN_SUB,NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE,"",0); agent->reqsock = nn_createsocket(myinfo,0,0,"NN_REQ",NN_REQ,0,sendtimeout,recvtimeout); } int32_t SuperNET_agentcommand(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct supernet_agent *agent,struct supernet_msghdr *H,uint8_t *buf,int32_t buflen) { char *name; cJSON *json; int32_t i; if ( strcmp(H->agent,"register") == 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse((char *)buf)) != 0 ) { if ( (name= jstr(json,"name")) != 0 ) { memset(agent->name,0,sizeof(agent->name)); strncpy(agent->name,name,sizeof(agent->name)-1); if ( (agent->networks= jarray(&agent->num,json,"networks")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; inum; i++) Supernet_networkadd(myinfo,agent,jitem(agent->networks,i)); } } else free_json(json); } } return(0); } int32_t nn_add_LBendpoints(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint16_t LBport,uint16_t PUBport,int32_t reqsock,int32_t subsock,int32_t priority,char endpoints[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t num) { int32_t i; char endpoint[512]; struct endpoint epbits; uint32_t ipbits; if ( num > 0 && endpoints != 0 && nn_setsockopt(reqsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDPRIO,&priority,sizeof(priority)) >= 0 ) { for (i=0; i= 0 && nn_connect(reqsock,endpoint) >= 0 ) printf("+%s ",endpoint); epbits = calc_epbits("tcp",ipbits,PUBport,NN_PUB), expand_epbits(endpoint,epbits); if ( subsock >= 0 && nn_connect(subsock,endpoint) >= 0 ) printf("+%s ",endpoint); } } printf("added priority.%d\n",priority); priority++; } else printf("error setting priority.%d (%s)\n",priority,nn_errstr()); return(priority); } int32_t _req_socket(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint16_t LBport,uint16_t PUBport,int32_t subsock,int32_t maxmillis,char endpoints[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t num,char backups[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t numbacks,char failsafes[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t numfailsafes) { int32_t reqsock,timeout,retrymillis,priority = 1; if ( (reqsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_REQ)) >= 0 ) { retrymillis = (maxmillis / 30) + 1; printf("!!!!!!!!!!!! reqsock.%d !!!!!!!!!!!\n",reqsock); if ( nn_setsockopt(reqsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RECONNECT_IVL,&retrymillis,sizeof(retrymillis)) < 0 ) printf("error setting NN_REQ NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); else if ( nn_setsockopt(reqsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX,&maxmillis,sizeof(maxmillis)) < 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"error setting NN_REQ NN_RECONNECT_IVL_MAX socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); if ( (timeout= myinfo->networktimeout) == 0 ) timeout = 10000; if ( 1 && nn_setsockopt(reqsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_RCVTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)) < 0 ) printf("error setting NN_SOL_SOCKET NN_RCVTIMEO socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); timeout = 100; if ( 1 && nn_setsockopt(reqsock,NN_SOL_SOCKET,NN_SNDTIMEO,&timeout,sizeof(timeout)) < 0 ) printf("error setting NN_SOL_SOCKET NN_SNDTIMEO socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); if ( num > 0 ) priority = nn_add_LBendpoints(myinfo,LBport,PUBport,reqsock,subsock,priority,endpoints,num); if ( numbacks > 0 ) priority = nn_add_LBendpoints(myinfo,LBport,PUBport,reqsock,subsock,priority,backups,numbacks); if ( numfailsafes > 0 ) priority = nn_add_LBendpoints(myinfo,LBport,PUBport,reqsock,subsock,priority,failsafes,numfailsafes); } else printf("error getting req socket %s\n",nn_errstr()); //printf("RELAYS.lb.num %d\n",RELAYS.lb.num); return(reqsock); } int32_t badass_servers(char servers[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t max) { int32_t n = 0; if ( 1 ) { strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); } return(n); } int32_t crackfoo_servers(char servers[][MAX_SERVERNAME],int32_t max) { int32_t n = 0; if ( 0 ) { strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); strcpy(servers[n++],""); } return(n); } int32_t nn_reqsocket(struct supernet_info *myinfo,uint16_t LBport,uint16_t PUBport,int32_t subsock,int32_t maxmillis) { char Cservers[32][MAX_SERVERNAME],Bservers[32][MAX_SERVERNAME],failsafes[4][MAX_SERVERNAME]; int32_t n,m,reqsock,numfailsafes = 0; strcpy(failsafes[numfailsafes++],""); n = crackfoo_servers(Cservers,sizeof(Cservers)/sizeof(*Cservers)); m = badass_servers(Bservers,sizeof(Bservers)/sizeof(*Bservers)); reqsock = _req_socket(myinfo,LBport,PUBport,subsock,maxmillis,Bservers,m,Cservers,n,failsafes,numfailsafes); return(reqsock); } int32_t SuperNET_send(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t sock,bits256 *dest,uint8_t type,struct supernet_msghdr *msg,char *agent,uint8_t func,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,uint32_t duration,uint32_t nonce) { int32_t sendlen = -1; if ( nonce == 0 ) OS_randombytes((void *)&nonce,sizeof(nonce)); if ( (msg= SuperNET_msgcreate(myinfo,type,&myinfo->myaddr.pubkey,dest,msg,sizeof(*msg)+datalen,agent,func,data,datalen,duration,nonce)) != 0 ) { //for (i=0; i<10; i++) // if ( (nn_socket_status(sock,1) & NN_POLLOUT) != 0 ) // break; if ( (sendlen= nn_send(sock,msg,sizeof(*msg)+datalen,0)) != sizeof(*msg)+datalen ) printf("SuperNET_send sendlen.%d != len.%ld\n",sendlen,sizeof(*msg)+datalen); else printf("SuperNET_send.(%s).%u sendlen.%d\n",msg->agent,nonce,sendlen); } else printf("error creating %s.msg\n",agent); return(sendlen); } struct supernet_msghdr *SuperNET_msgnonce(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct supernet_msghdr *msg,uint32_t nonce) { static struct supernet_msghdr *msgs[1024]; int32_t i,datalen,allocsize,checknonce; if ( msg != 0 ) { datalen = SuperNET_msglen(msg); allocsize = datalen + (int32_t)sizeof(*msg); for (i=0; iser_nonce,sizeof(checknonce),&checknonce); if ( checknonce == nonce ) { msgs[i] = msgs[sizeof(msgs)/sizeof(*msgs) - 1]; msgs[sizeof(msgs)/sizeof(*msgs) - 1] = 0; printf("found msg.%u\n",nonce); return(msg); } else printf("i.%d: %u vs check.%u\n",i,nonce,checknonce); } } printf("cant find nonce.%u\n",nonce); return(0); } } void SuperNET_msgresponse(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct supernet_msghdr *msg,struct supernet_msghdr *retmsg) { uint32_t nonce,retlen,flag = 0; retlen = SuperNET_msglen(retmsg); iguana_rwnum(0,retmsg->ser_nonce,sizeof(nonce),&nonce); if ( msg == 0 ) msg = SuperNET_msgnonce(myinfo,0,nonce), flag = 1; if ( msg != 0 ) { printf("Got response to (%s).%u retlen.%d\n",msg->agent,nonce,retlen); if ( flag != 0 ) free(msg); } else printf("cant find nonce.%u\n",nonce); } int32_t SuperNET_reqhandler(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct supernet_msghdr *retmsg,int32_t maxlen,struct supernet_msghdr *msg,int32_t datalen) { uint32_t nonce,timestamp,duration,intarg; int32_t retdatalen; iguana_rwnum(0,msg->ser_timestamp,sizeof(timestamp),×tamp); iguana_rwnum(0,msg->ser_duration,sizeof(duration),&duration); iguana_rwnum(0,msg->ser_nonce,sizeof(nonce),&nonce); retdatalen = 65536*2; if ( strcmp(msg->agent,SUPERNET_RAMCHAIN) == 0 ) { iguana_rwnum(0,(uint8_t *)&msg->arg.uints[0],sizeof(intarg),&intarg); switch ( msg->func ) { //case 'H': retdatalen = iguana_getheaders(retmsg->data,maxlen,msg->coin); break; //case 'B': retdatalen = iguana_getbundle(retmsg->data,maxlen,msg->coin); break; default: break; } } printf("reqhandle.(%c) (%s) datalen.%d t%u:%d nonce.%u retdatalen.%d\n",msg->type,msg->agent,datalen,timestamp,duration,nonce,retdatalen); if ( (retmsg= SuperNET_msgcreate(myinfo,'R',&myinfo->myaddr.pubkey,bits256_nonz(msg->dest)>0?&msg->dest:0,retmsg,sizeof(*retmsg)+retdatalen,msg->agent,msg->func,retmsg->data,retdatalen,60,nonce)) != 0 ) { return(retdatalen); } return(-1); } int32_t SuperNET_LBrequest(struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 *dest,uint8_t type,char *agent,uint8_t func,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,int32_t duration) { struct supernet_msghdr *msg,*retmsg; int32_t sendlen,recvlen,sock; uint32_t nonce; if ( (sock= myinfo->reqsock) < 0 ) { printf("SuperNET_LBrequest no reqsock for.(%s)\n",agent); return(-1); } if ( myinfo->recvbuf[1] == 0 ) myinfo->recvbuf[1] = calloc(1,SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF+sizeof(*msg)); if ( myinfo->recvbuf[4] == 0 ) myinfo->recvbuf[4] = calloc(1,SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF+sizeof(*msg)); if ( myinfo->recvbuf[5] == 0 ) myinfo->recvbuf[5] = calloc(1,SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF+sizeof(*msg)); msg = (void *)myinfo->recvbuf[4]; if ( (sendlen= SuperNET_send(myinfo,sock,dest,type,msg,agent,func,data,datalen,duration,0)) == datalen+sizeof(*msg) ) { retmsg = (void *)myinfo->recvbuf[1]; iguana_rwnum(0,msg->ser_nonce,sizeof(nonce),&nonce); //for (i=0; i<10; i++) // if ( (nn_socket_status(sock,1) & NN_POLLIN) != 0 ) // break; if ( (recvlen= nn_recv(sock,retmsg,SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF,0)) > 0 ) { printf("LBrequest recvlen.%d nonce.%u\n",recvlen,nonce); if ( retmsg->type == 'R' ) SuperNET_msgresponse(myinfo,msg,retmsg); else if ( retmsg->type == 'F' ) SuperNET_msgnonce(myinfo,msg,nonce); else if ( retmsg->type == 'E' ) printf("error sending LBrequest.(%s) datalen.%d\n",agent,datalen); } else { SuperNET_msgnonce(myinfo,msg,nonce); printf("LBrequest recvlen.%d\n",recvlen); } } return(sendlen); } void SuperNET_recv(struct supernet_info *myinfo,int32_t sock,int32_t LBreq) { int32_t recvlen,datalen,retlen,type; uint32_t nonce,duration,timestamp; uint8_t *retbuf; struct supernet_msghdr *msg; LBreq <<= 1; if ( myinfo->recvbuf[LBreq] == 0 ) myinfo->recvbuf[LBreq] = calloc(1,SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF+sizeof(*msg)); if ( myinfo->recvbuf[LBreq + 1] == 0 ) myinfo->recvbuf[LBreq + 1] = calloc(1,SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF+sizeof(*msg)); //for (i=0; i<10; i++) // if ( (nn_socket_status(sock,1) & NN_POLLIN) != 0 ) // break; if ( (recvlen= nn_recv(sock,myinfo->recvbuf[LBreq],SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF,0)) > 0 ) { msg = (void *)myinfo->recvbuf[LBreq]; iguana_rwnum(0,msg->ser_timestamp,sizeof(timestamp),×tamp); iguana_rwnum(0,msg->ser_duration,sizeof(duration),&duration); iguana_rwnum(0,msg->ser_nonce,sizeof(nonce),&nonce); printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> superRECV.(%s) len.%d LBreq.%d nonce.%u\n",msg->agent,recvlen,LBreq,nonce); if ( (datalen= SuperNET_msgvalidate(myinfo,msg)) >= 0 ) { retbuf = myinfo->recvbuf[LBreq + 1]; if ( LBreq != 0 ) { if ( (retlen= SuperNET_reqhandler(myinfo,(struct supernet_msghdr *)&retbuf[sizeof(*msg)],SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF,msg,datalen)) < 0 ) { if ( myinfo->PUBsock >= 0 && SuperNET_send(myinfo,myinfo->PUBsock,bits256_nonz(msg->dest)>0?&msg->dest:0,tolower(msg->type),(void *)msg,msg->agent,msg->func,msg->data,datalen,duration,nonce) != sizeof(*msg)+datalen ) type = 'E'; else type = 'F'; retlen = 0; } else type = 'R'; // request handled locally printf("respond.%c %u -> sock.%d\n",type,nonce,sock); SuperNET_send(myinfo,sock,&msg->sender,type,(struct supernet_msghdr *)retbuf,msg->agent,msg->func,&retbuf[sizeof(*msg)],retlen,60,nonce); } else if ( myinfo->PUBsock >= 0 ) { printf("publisher received len.%d\n",datalen); if ( (retlen= SuperNET_reqhandler(myinfo,(struct supernet_msghdr *)&retbuf[sizeof(*msg)],SUPERNET_MAXRECVBUF,msg,datalen)) >= 0 ) // forwarded request handled { SuperNET_send(myinfo,myinfo->PUBsock,&msg->sender,'R',(struct supernet_msghdr *)retbuf,msg->agent,msg->func,&retbuf[sizeof(*msg)],retlen,60,nonce); } // else nothing to do } else // originator's subsock { printf("subsock received len.%d type.%c\n",datalen,msg->type); if ( msg->type == 'R' || bits256_nonz(msg->dest) == 0 || memcmp(msg->dest.bytes,myinfo->myaddr.pubkey.bytes,sizeof(msg->dest)) == 0 ) { SuperNET_msgresponse(myinfo,0,msg); } } } else printf("recv error.%d\n",recvlen); } else printf("nn_recv error %d %s\n",recvlen,nn_strerror(nn_errno())); } void SuperNET_subloop(void *args) { struct supernet_info *myinfo = args; printf("start SuperNET_subloop\n"); while ( myinfo->subsock >= 0 ) { SuperNET_recv(myinfo,myinfo->subsock,0); // req //printf("SuperNET_subloop\n"); } } void SuperNET_loop(void *args) { struct supernet_info *myinfo = args; printf("start SuperNET_loop\n"); while ( myinfo->LBsock >= 0 ) { SuperNET_recv(myinfo,myinfo->LBsock,1); // req //printf("SuperNET_loop\n"); } } void SuperNET_init(void *args) { struct supernet_info *myinfo = args; int32_t i,sendtimeout,recvtimeout; uint16_t PUBport,LBport; #ifndef __PNACL int64_t allocsize; char *ipaddr; int32_t c,len; if ( (ipaddr= OS_filestr(&allocsize,"ipaddr")) != 0 ) { printf("got ipaddr.(%s)\n",ipaddr); len = (int32_t)strlen(ipaddr) - 1; while ( len > 8 && ((c= ipaddr[len]) == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') ) ipaddr[len] = 0, len--; printf("got ipaddr.(%s) %x\n",ipaddr,is_ipaddr(ipaddr)); if ( is_ipaddr(ipaddr) != 0 ) strcpy(myinfo->ipaddr,ipaddr); else free(ipaddr), ipaddr = 0; } #endif sendtimeout = 100; recvtimeout = 30000; PNACL_message("call PUBpoint myinfo.%p\n",myinfo); myinfo->PUBpoint[0] = myinfo->LBpoint[0] = 0; myinfo->PUBport = myinfo->LBport = 0; myinfo->PUBsock = myinfo->LBsock = -1; PNACL_message("call OS_randombytes\n"); OS_randombytes(myinfo->myaddr.pubkey.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->myaddr.pubkey)); strcpy(myinfo->transport,"tcp"); //if ( PUBport == 0 ) PUBport = SUPERNET_PUBPORT; //if ( LBport == 0 ) LBport = SUPERNET_LBPORT; PNACL_message("call nn_createsocket\n"); if ( (myinfo->PUBport= PUBport) != 0 ) { myinfo->subsock = nn_createsocket(myinfo,0,0,"NN_SUB",NN_SUB,0,sendtimeout,0*recvtimeout); printf("call setsockopt\n"); nn_setsockopt(myinfo->subsock,NN_SUB,NN_SUB_SUBSCRIBE,"",0); #ifndef __PNACL if ( ipaddr != 0 ) myinfo->PUBsock = nn_createsocket(myinfo,myinfo->PUBpoint,1,"NN_PUB",NN_PUB,myinfo->PUBport,sendtimeout,recvtimeout); #endif } else myinfo->subsock = -1; if ( (myinfo->LBport= LBport) != 0 ) { printf("call reqsock\n"); myinfo->reqsock = nn_reqsocket(myinfo,myinfo->LBport,myinfo->PUBport,myinfo->subsock,60000); #ifndef __PNACL if ( ipaddr != 0 ) myinfo->LBsock = nn_createsocket(myinfo,myinfo->LBpoint,1,"NN_REP",NN_REP,myinfo->LBport,sendtimeout,0*recvtimeout); #endif } else myinfo->reqsock = -1; PNACL_message("launch subloop\n"); iguana_launch(iguana_coinadd("BTCD"),"SuperNET_sub",SuperNET_subloop,myinfo,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); if ( myinfo->LBsock >= 0 || myinfo->PUBsock >= 0 ) { iguana_launch(iguana_coinadd("BTCD"),"SuperNET",SuperNET_loop,myinfo,IGUANA_PERMTHREAD); /*SuperNET_LBrequest(myinfo,0,'A',SUPERNET_RAMCHAIN,0,0,0,0); for (i=0; i<1000; i++) { SuperNET_LBrequest(myinfo,0,'A',SUPERNET_RAMCHAIN,0,0,0,0); sleep(10); }*/ } else if ( 1 ) { double startmillis = OS_milliseconds(); PNACL_message("start requests %f\n",startmillis); for (i=0; i<1825; i++) { SuperNET_LBrequest(myinfo,0,'A',SUPERNET_PANGEA,0,0,0,0); printf("%d: %.3f [%.4f]\n",i,OS_milliseconds() - startmillis,(OS_milliseconds() - startmillis)/(i+1)); //sleep(10); } } printf("%s LBsock.%d %d, %s PUBsock.%d %d\n",myinfo->LBpoint,myinfo->LBsock,myinfo->reqsock,myinfo->PUBpoint,myinfo->PUBsock,myinfo->subsock); } #endif