/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_commands.c // marketmaker // double LP_query(char *method,struct LP_quoteinfo *qp,char *base,char *rel,bits256 mypub) { cJSON *reqjson; int32_t i,flag = 0; double price = 0.; struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo; qp->desthash = mypub; strcpy(qp->srccoin,base); strcpy(qp->destcoin,rel); if ( strcmp(method,"request") == 0 ) { qp->quotetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( (utxo= LP_utxofind(0,qp->desttxid,qp->destvout)) != 0 && LP_ismine(utxo) > 0 && LP_isavailable(utxo) > 0 ) LP_unavailableset(utxo,qp->srchash); else { printf("couldnt find my txid to make request\n"); return(0.); } } reqjson = LP_quotejson(qp); if ( bits256_nonz(qp->desthash) != 0 ) flag = 1; jaddstr(reqjson,"method",method); if ( strcmp(method,"price") != 0 ) printf("QUERY.(%s)\n",jprint(reqjson,0)); LP_pubkey_send(qp->srchash,jprint(reqjson,1),1); for (i=0; i<30; i++) { if ( (price= LP_pricecache(qp,base,rel,qp->txid,qp->vout)) != 0. ) { if ( flag == 0 || bits256_nonz(qp->desthash) != 0 ) { //printf("break out of loop.%d price %.8f\n",i,price); break; } } usleep(100000); } return(price); } int32_t LP_connectstart(int32_t pubsock,struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo,cJSON *argjson,char *myipaddr,char *base,char *rel,double profitmargin) { char *retstr,pairstr[512]; cJSON *retjson; double price; bits256 privkey; int32_t pair=-1,retval = -1,DEXselector = 0; uint64_t destvalue; struct LP_quoteinfo Q; struct basilisk_swap *swap; if ( (price= LP_price(base,rel)) != 0. ) { price *= (1. + profitmargin); if ( LP_quoteinfoinit(&Q,utxo,rel,price) < 0 ) return(-1); if ( LP_quoteparse(&Q,argjson) < 0 ) return(-2); //printf("connect with.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); Q.destsatoshis = Q.satoshis * price; privkey = LP_privkey(utxo->coinaddr); if ( bits256_nonz(utxo->S.mypub) == 0 ) utxo->S.mypub = LP_pubkey(privkey); if ( LP_iseligible(1,Q.srccoin,Q.txid,Q.vout,Q.satoshis,Q.txid2,Q.vout2) == 0 ) { printf("not eligible\n"); return(-1); } if ( bits256_nonz(privkey) != 0 && Q.quotetime >= Q.timestamp-3 && Q.quotetime < utxo->T.swappending && bits256_cmp(utxo->S.mypub,Q.srchash) == 0 && (destvalue= LP_txvalue(rel,Q.desttxid,Q.destvout)) >= price*Q.satoshis+Q.desttxfee && destvalue >= Q.destsatoshis+Q.desttxfee ) { nanomsg_tcpname(pairstr,myipaddr,10000+(rand() % 10000)); if ( (pair= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_PAIR)) < 0 ) printf("error creating utxo->pair\n"); else if ( nn_bind(pair,pairstr) >= 0 ) { LP_requestinit(&Q.R,Q.srchash,Q.desthash,base,Q.satoshis,rel,Q.destsatoshis,Q.timestamp,Q.quotetime,DEXselector); swap = LP_swapinit(1,0,privkey,&Q.R,&Q); swap->N.pair = pair; utxo->S.swap = swap; swap->utxo = utxo; if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)LP_bobloop,(void *)swap) == 0 ) { retjson = LP_quotejson(&Q); jaddstr(retjson,"method","connected"); jaddstr(retjson,"pair",pairstr); jaddnum(retjson,"requestid",Q.R.requestid); jaddnum(retjson,"quoteid",Q.R.quoteid); retstr = jprint(retjson,1); if ( pubsock >= 0 ) LP_send(pubsock,retstr,1); else LP_pubkey_send(utxo->S.otherpubkey,retstr,1); retval = 0; } else printf("error launching swaploop\n"); } else printf("printf error nn_connect to %s\n",pairstr); } else { printf("dest %.8f < required %.8f (%d %d %d %d %d %d) %.8f %.8f\n",dstr(Q.satoshis),dstr(price*(utxo->S.satoshis-Q.txfee)),bits256_nonz(privkey) != 0 ,Q.timestamp == utxo->T.swappending-LP_RESERVETIME ,Q.quotetime >= Q.timestamp ,Q.quotetime < utxo->T.swappending ,bits256_cmp(utxo->S.mypub,Q.srchash) == 0 , LP_txvalue(rel,Q.desttxid,Q.destvout) >= price*Q.satoshis+Q.desttxfee,dstr(LP_txvalue(rel,Q.desttxid,Q.destvout)),dstr(price*Q.satoshis+Q.desttxfee)); } } else printf("no price for %s/%s\n",base,rel); if ( retval < 0 ) { if ( pair >= 0 ) nn_close(pair); LP_availableset(utxo); } return(retval); } char *LP_connected(cJSON *argjson) // alice { cJSON *retjson; bits256 spendtxid; int32_t spendvini,selector,pairsock = -1; char *pairstr; int32_t DEXselector = 0; struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo; struct LP_quoteinfo Q; struct basilisk_swap *swap; LP_quoteparse(&Q,argjson); if ( IAMLP == 0 && bits256_cmp(Q.desthash,LP_mypubkey) == 0 && (utxo= LP_utxofind(0,Q.desttxid,Q.destvout)) != 0 && LP_ismine(utxo) > 0 && LP_isavailable(utxo) > 0 ) { if ( (selector= LP_mempool_vinscan(&spendtxid,&spendvini,Q.srccoin,Q.txid,Q.vout,Q.txid2,Q.vout2)) >= 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("LP_connected src selector.%d in mempool %s vini.%d",selector,bits256_str(str,spendtxid),spendvini); return(clonestr("{\"error\",\"src txid in mempool\"}")); } if ( (selector= LP_mempool_vinscan(&spendtxid,&spendvini,Q.srccoin,Q.txid,Q.vout,Q.txid2,Q.vout2)) >= 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("LP_connected src selector.%d in mempool %s vini.%d",selector,bits256_str(str,spendtxid),spendvini); return(clonestr("{\"error\",\"dest txid in mempool\"}")); } retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( (pairstr= jstr(argjson,"pair")) == 0 || (pairsock= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_PAIR)) < 0 ) jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt create pairsock"); else if ( nn_connect(pairsock,pairstr) >= 0 ) { LP_unavailableset(utxo,Q.srchash); Q.privkey = LP_privkey(Q.destaddr); LP_requestinit(&Q.R,Q.srchash,Q.desthash,Q.srccoin,Q.satoshis,Q.destcoin,Q.destsatoshis,Q.timestamp,Q.quotetime,DEXselector); swap = LP_swapinit(0,0,Q.privkey,&Q.R,&Q); swap->N.pair = pairsock; utxo->S.swap = swap; swap->utxo = utxo; printf("alice pairstr.(%s)\n",pairstr); if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)LP_aliceloop,(void *)swap) == 0 ) { jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jadd(retjson,"trade",LP_quotejson(&Q)); jaddnum(retjson,"requestid",Q.R.requestid); jaddnum(retjson,"quoteid",Q.R.quoteid); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt aliceloop"); } return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else return(clonestr("{\"result\",\"update stats\"}")); } int32_t LP_tradecommand(char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,uint8_t *data,int32_t datalen,double profitmargin) { char *method,*base,*rel,*retstr; cJSON *retjson; double price; bits256 txid,spendtxid; struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo; int32_t selector,spendvini,retval = -1; struct LP_quoteinfo Q; if ( (method= jstr(argjson,"method")) != 0 ) { txid = jbits256(argjson,"txid"); if ( (utxo= LP_utxofind(1,txid,jint(argjson,"vout"))) != 0 && LP_ismine(utxo) != 0 && (base= jstr(argjson,"base")) != 0 && (rel= jstr(argjson,"rel")) != 0 && strcmp(base,utxo->coin) == 0 ) { printf("LP_command.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); if ( (selector= LP_mempool_vinscan(&spendtxid,&spendvini,utxo->coin,utxo->payment.txid,utxo->payment.vout,utxo->deposit.txid,utxo->deposit.vout)) >= 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("LP_tradecommand selector.%d in mempool %s vini.%d",selector,bits256_str(str,spendtxid),spendvini); utxo->T.spentflag = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(0); } if ( utxo->S.swap == 0 && time(NULL) > utxo->T.swappending ) utxo->T.swappending = 0; if ( strcmp(method,"price") == 0 || strcmp(method,"request") == 0 ) // bob { retval = 1; if ( LP_isavailable(utxo) > 0 ) { if ( (price= LP_price(base,rel)) != 0. ) { price *= (1. + profitmargin); if ( LP_quoteinfoinit(&Q,utxo,rel,price) < 0 ) return(-1); if ( LP_iseligible(1,Q.srccoin,Q.txid,Q.vout,Q.satoshis,Q.txid2,Q.vout2) == 0 ) { printf("not eligible\n"); return(-1); } if ( strcmp(method,"price") == 0 ) Q.timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); retjson = LP_quotejson(&Q); utxo->S.otherpubkey = jbits256(argjson,"desthash"); if ( strcmp(method,"request") == 0 ) { retval |= 2; LP_unavailableset(utxo,jbits256(argjson,"desthash")); jaddnum(retjson,"quotetime",juint(argjson,"quotetime")); jaddnum(retjson,"pending",utxo->T.swappending); jaddbits256(retjson,"desthash",utxo->S.otherpubkey); jaddstr(retjson,"method","reserved"); } else jaddstr(retjson,"method","quote"); retstr = jprint(retjson,1); if ( pubsock >= 0 ) LP_send(pubsock,retstr,1); else LP_pubkey_send(utxo->S.otherpubkey,retstr,1); utxo->T.published = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } else printf("null price\n"); } else printf("swappending.%u swap.%p\n",utxo->T.swappending,utxo->S.swap); } else if ( strcmp(method,"connect") == 0 ) // bob { retval = 4; if ( (selector= LP_mempool_vinscan(&spendtxid,&spendvini,jstr(argjson,"destcoin"),jbits256(argjson,"desttxid"),jint(argjson,"destvout"),jbits256(argjson,"feetxid"),jint(argjson,"feevout"))) >= 0 ) { char str[65]; printf("LP_tradecommand fee selector.%d in mempool %s vini.%d",selector,bits256_str(str,spendtxid),spendvini); return(0); } if ( utxo->T.swappending != 0 && utxo->S.swap == 0 ) LP_connectstart(pubsock,utxo,argjson,myipaddr,base,rel,profitmargin); else printf("swap %p when connect came in (%s)\n",utxo->S.swap,jprint(argjson,0)); } } } return(retval); } char *stats_JSON(cJSON *argjson,char *remoteaddr,uint16_t port) // from rpc port { char *method,*ipaddr,*userpass,*base,*rel,*coin,*retstr = 0; uint16_t argport,pushport,subport; int32_t otherpeers,othernumutxos; struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo,*tmp; struct LP_peerinfo *peer; cJSON *retjson; struct iguana_info *ptr; if ( (method= jstr(argjson,"method")) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"need method in request\"}")); else if ( strcmp(method,"help") == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"result\":\" \ available localhost RPC commands:\n \ setprice(base, rel, price)\n\ myprice(base, rel)\n\ enable(coin)\n\ disable(coin)\n\ inventory(coin)\n\ candidates(txid, vout)\n\ autotrade(txid, vout, maxprice)\n\ swapstatus()\n\ swapstatus(requestid, quoteid)\n\ public API:\n \ getcoins()\n\ getpeers()\n\ getutxos()\n\ getutxos(coin, lastn)\n\ orderbook(base, rel)\n\ getprice(base, rel)\n\ register(pubkey,pushaddr)\n\ lookup(pubkey)\n\ forward(pubkey,hexstr)\n\ \"}")); if ( USERPASS[0] != 0 && strcmp(remoteaddr,"") == 0 && port != 0 ) { if ( USERPASS_COUNTER == 0 ) { USERPASS_COUNTER = 1; retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"userpass",USERPASS); jadd(retjson,"coins",LP_coinsjson()); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } if ( (userpass= jstr(argjson,"userpass")) == 0 || strcmp(userpass,USERPASS) != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"authentication error\"}")); if ( (base= jstr(argjson,"base")) != 0 && (rel= jstr(argjson,"rel")) != 0 ) { //char str[65]; if ( LP_isdisabled(base,rel) != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"at least one of coins disabled\"}")); if ( strcmp(method,"setprice") == 0 ) { if ( LP_mypriceset(base,rel,jdouble(argjson,"price")) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt set price\"}")); else { if ( IAMLP != 0 ) { HASH_ITER(hh,LP_utxoinfos[1],utxo,tmp) { if ( LP_ismine(utxo) != 0 && (strcmp(utxo->coin,base) == 0 || strcmp(utxo->coin,rel) == 0) ) LP_priceping(LP_mypubsock,utxo,rel,LP_profitratio - 1.); //else printf("notmine.(%s %s)\n",utxo->coin,bits256_str(str,utxo->txid)); } } return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } } else if ( strcmp(method,"myprice") == 0 ) { double bid,ask; if ( LP_myprice(&bid,&ask,base,rel) != 0. ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"base",base); jaddstr(retjson,"rel",rel); jaddnum(retjson,"bid",bid); jaddnum(retjson,"ask",ask); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"no price set\"}")); } } else if ( (coin= jstr(argjson,"coin")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,"enable") == 0 ) { if ( (ptr= LP_coinsearch(coin)) != 0 ) ptr->inactive = 0; return(jprint(LP_coinsjson(),1)); } else if ( strcmp(method,"disable") == 0 ) { if ( (ptr= LP_coinsearch(coin)) != 0 ) ptr->inactive = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(jprint(LP_coinsjson(),1)); } if ( LP_isdisabled(coin,0) != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"coin is disabled\"}")); if ( strcmp(method,"inventory") == 0 ) { struct iguana_info *ptr; bits256 privkey,pubkey; uint8_t pubkey33[33]; if ( (ptr= LP_coinfind(coin)) != 0 ) { privkey = LP_privkeycalc(pubkey33,&pubkey,ptr,"",USERPASS_WIFSTR); LP_utxopurge(0); LP_privkey_init(-1,ptr,privkey,pubkey,pubkey33); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jadd(retjson,"alice",LP_inventory(coin,0)); jadd(retjson,"bob",LP_inventory(coin,1)); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } } else if ( (strcmp(method,"candidates") == 0 || strcmp(method,"autotrade") == 0) ) { bits256 txid; int32_t vout; struct LP_utxoinfo *utxo; txid = jbits256(argjson,"txid"); if ( bits256_nonz(txid) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid or missing txid\"}")); if ( jobj(argjson,"vout") == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"missing vout\"}")); vout = jint(argjson,"vout"); if ( (utxo= LP_utxofind(1,txid,vout)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"txid/vout not found\"}")); if ( strcmp(method,"candidates") == 0 ) return(jprint(LP_tradecandidates(coin),1)); else return(jprint(LP_autotrade(utxo,coin,jdouble(argjson,"maxprice")),1)); } } else if ( strcmp(method,"swapstatus") == 0 ) { uint32_t requestid,quoteid; if ( (requestid= juint(argjson,"requestid")) != 0 && (quoteid= juint(argjson,"quoteid")) != 0 ) return(basilisk_swapentry(requestid,quoteid)); else return(basilisk_swaplist()); } } if ( LP_isdisabled(jstr(argjson,"base"),jstr(argjson,"base")) != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"at least one of coins disabled\"}")); if ( LP_isdisabled(jstr(argjson,"coin"),0) != 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"coin is disabled\"}")); if ( (ipaddr= jstr(argjson,"ipaddr")) != 0 && (argport= juint(argjson,"port")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(ipaddr,"") != 0 && port >= 1000 ) { if ( (pushport= juint(argjson,"push")) == 0 ) pushport = argport + 1; if ( (subport= juint(argjson,"sub")) == 0 ) subport = argport + 2; if ( (peer= LP_peerfind((uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr),argport)) != 0 ) { if ( 0 && (otherpeers= jint(argjson,"numpeers")) > peer->numpeers ) peer->numpeers = otherpeers; if ( 0 && (othernumutxos= jint(argjson,"numutxos")) > peer->numutxos ) { printf("change.(%s) numutxos.%d -> %d mynumutxos.%d\n",peer->ipaddr,peer->numutxos,othernumutxos,LP_mypeer != 0 ? LP_mypeer->numutxos:0); peer->numutxos = othernumutxos; } //printf("peer.(%s) found (%d %d) (%d %d) (%s)\n",peer->ipaddr,peer->numpeers,peer->numutxos,otherpeers,othernumutxos,jprint(argjson,0)); } else LP_addpeer(LP_mypeer,LP_mypubsock,ipaddr,argport,pushport,subport,jdouble(argjson,"profit"),jint(argjson,"numpeers"),jint(argjson,"numutxos")); } } //printf("CMD.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); if ( strcmp(method,"quote") == 0 || strcmp(method,"reserved") == 0 ) retstr = LP_quotereceived(argjson); else if ( strcmp(method,"connected") == 0 ) retstr = LP_connected(argjson); else if ( strcmp(method,"checktxid") == 0 ) retstr = LP_spentcheck(argjson); else if ( strcmp(method,"getcoins") == 0 ) retstr = jprint(LP_coinsjson(),1); else if ( strcmp(method,"getprice") == 0 ) retstr = LP_pricestr(jstr(argjson,"base"),jstr(argjson,"rel")); else if ( strcmp(method,"orderbook") == 0 ) retstr = LP_orderbook(jstr(argjson,"base"),jstr(argjson,"rel")); else if ( strcmp(method,"getpeers") == 0 ) retstr = LP_peers(); else if ( IAMLP != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(method,"getutxos") == 0 && (coin= jstr(argjson,"coin")) != 0 ) { retstr = LP_utxos(1,LP_mypeer,coin,jint(argjson,"lastn")); //printf("RETURN. %d utxos\n",cJSON_GetArraySize(cJSON_Parse(retstr))); } else if ( strcmp(method,"register") == 0 ) retstr = LP_register(jbits256(argjson,"pubkey"),jstr(argjson,"pushaddr")); else if ( strcmp(method,"lookup") == 0 ) retstr = LP_lookup(jbits256(argjson,"pubkey")); else if ( strcmp(method,"forward") == 0 ) retstr = LP_forward(jbits256(argjson,"pubkey"),jstr(argjson,"hexstr")); else if ( strcmp(method,"notify") == 0 ) retstr = clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\",\"notify\":\"received\"}"); else if ( strcmp(method,"notified") == 0 ) { if ( juint(argjson,"timestamp") > time(NULL)-60 ) { printf("utxonotify.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); LP_addutxo(1,LP_mypubsock,jstr(argjson,"coin"),jbits256(argjson,"txid"),jint(argjson,"vout"),j64bits(argjson,"valuesats"),jbits256(argjson,"txid2"),jint(argjson,"vout2"),j64bits(argjson,"valuesats2"),jstr(argjson,"script"),jstr(argjson,"address"),jbits256(argjson,"pubkey"),jdouble(argjson,"profit")); } retstr = clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\",\"notifyutxo\":\"received\"}"); } } if ( retstr != 0 ) return(retstr); retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"error","unrecognized command"); printf("ERROR.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); return(clonestr(jprint(retjson,1))); }