/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" static uint16_t iguana_primes[] = { 65353, 65357, 65371, 65381, 65393, 65407, 65413, 65419, 65423, 65437, 65447, 65449, 65479, 65497, 65519, 65521 }; struct iguana_bloominds { uint16_t inds[8]; }; struct iguana_bloominds iguana_calcbloom(bits256 hash2) { int32_t i,j,k; struct iguana_bloominds bit; k = (int32_t)(sizeof(bit)/sizeof(uint16_t)) - 1; j = 15; for (i=0; ihash2bits,bit.inds[i]) == 0 ) SETBIT(bloom->hash2bits,bit.inds[i]); else alreadyset++; } if ( alreadyset == i ) printf("iguana_bloomset: collision\n"); return(bit); } int32_t iguana_bloomfind(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bloom16 *bloom,int32_t incr,struct iguana_bloominds bit) { int32_t i; coin->bloomsearches++; for (i=0; ihash2bits,bit.inds[i]) == 0 ) return(-1); coin->bloomhits++; return(0); } int32_t iguana_bundlescan(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,bits256 hash2) { int32_t bundlei; for (bundlei=0; bundlein; bundlei++) { if ( memcmp(hash2.bytes,bp->hashes[bundlei].bytes,sizeof(hash2)) == 0 ) { //char str[65]; printf("hdrsi.%d scan.%s found %d of %d\n",bp->hdrsi,bits256_str(str,hash2),bundlei,bp->n); return(bundlei); } } return(-2); } struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundlefind(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle **bpp,int32_t *bundleip,bits256 hash2) { int32_t i; struct iguana_bloominds bit; struct iguana_bundle *bp = *bpp; bit = iguana_calcbloom(hash2); if ( bp == 0 ) { for (i=coin->bundlescount-1; i>=0; i--) //for (i=0; ibundlescount; i++) { if ( (bp= coin->bundles[i]) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_bloomfind(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit) == 0 ) { *bpp = bp; if ( (*bundleip= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bp,hash2)) < 0 ) { //printf("bloom miss\n"); coin->bloomfalse++; } else return(bp); } //else printf("no bloom\n"); } } *bundleip = -2; *bpp = 0; return(0); } else if ( iguana_bloomfind(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit) == 0 ) { if ( (*bundleip= iguana_bundlescan(coin,bp,hash2)) >= 0 ) { *bpp = bp; return(bp); } else printf("scan miss\n"); } *bpp = 0; *bundleip = -2; return(0); } bits256 *iguana_bundleihash2p(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *isinsidep,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t bundlei) { *isinsidep = 0; if ( bundlei >= 0 && bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize ) { *isinsidep = 1; return(&bp->hashes[bundlei]); } else if ( bundlei == -1 ) return(&bp->prevbundlehash2); else if ( bundlei == coin->chain->bundlesize) return(&bp->nextbundlehash2); else return(0); } int32_t iguana_hash2set(struct iguana_info *coin,char *debugstr,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t bundlei,bits256 newhash2) { int32_t isinside,checki,retval = -1; bits256 *orighash2p = 0; struct iguana_bundle *checkbp; char str[65]; struct iguana_bloominds bit; if ( bp == 0 ) return(-1); if ( bp->n <= bundlei ) { printf("hash2set.%s [%d] of %d <- %s\n",debugstr,bundlei,bp->n,bits256_str(str,newhash2)); bp->n = coin->chain->bundlesize; } if ( bits256_nonz(newhash2) == 0 || (orighash2p= iguana_bundleihash2p(coin,&isinside,bp,bundlei)) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_hash2set warning: bundlei.%d newhash2.%s orighash2p.%p\n",bundlei,bits256_str(str,newhash2),orighash2p); *orighash2p = newhash2; //getchar(); return(-1); } if ( bits256_nonz(*orighash2p) > 0 && memcmp(newhash2.bytes,orighash2p,sizeof(bits256)) != 0 ) { char str2[65],str3[65]; bits256_str(str2,*orighash2p), bits256_str(str3,newhash2); printf("WARNING iguana_hash2set overwrite [%s] %s with %s [%d:%d]\n",debugstr,str2,str3,bp->hdrsi,bundlei); *orighash2p = newhash2; //getchar(); return(-1); } if ( isinside != 0 ) { bit = iguana_calcbloom(newhash2); if ( iguana_bloomfind(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit) < 0 ) { //printf("bloomset (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,newhash2)); iguana_bloomset(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit); if ( 0 ) { int32_t i; if ( iguana_bloomfind(coin,&bp->bloom,0,bit) < 0 ) { for (i=0; i<8; i++) printf("%d ",bit.inds[i]); printf("cant bloomfind just bloomset\n"); } else { *orighash2p = newhash2; checkbp = bp, checki = -2; if ( iguana_bundlefind(coin,&checkbp,&checki,newhash2) == 0 || checki != bundlei ) { printf("cant iguana_bundlefind just added.(%s) bundlei.%d %p vs checki.%d %p\n",bits256_str(str,newhash2),bundlei,bp,checki,checkbp); } else if ( (coin->bloomsearches % 100000) == 0 ) printf("BLOOM SUCCESS %.2f%% FP.%d/%d collisions.%d\n",100.*(double)coin->bloomhits/coin->bloomsearches,(int32_t)coin->bloomfalse,(int32_t)coin->bloomsearches,(int32_t)coin->collisions); } } } //else printf("bloom found\n"); retval = 0; } else retval = (bundlei >= 0 && bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize) ? 0 : 1; //printf("set [%d] <- %s\n",bundlei,bits256_str(str,newhash2)); *orighash2p = newhash2; return(retval); } int32_t iguana_bundlehash2add(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block **blockp,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t bundlei,bits256 hash2) { struct iguana_block *block =0; struct iguana_bundle *otherbp; // int32_t otherbundlei,setval,bundlesize,err = 0; if ( blockp != 0 ) *blockp = 0; if ( bp == 0 ) return(-1111); if ( bits256_nonz(hash2) > 0 && (block= iguana_blockhashset(coin,-1,hash2,1)) != 0 ) { /*if ( (block->hdrsi != bp->hdrsi || block->bundlei != bundlei) && (block->hdrsi != 0 || block->bundlei != 0) ) { return(-2); }*/ bundlesize = coin->chain->bundlesize; if ( bp->n > bundlesize ) { printf("bp->n.%d is too big\n",bp->n); return(0); } if ( bundlei >= bp->n && bundlei < coin->chain->bundlesize ) bp->n = bundlesize;//(bundlei < bundlesize-1) ? bundlesize : (bundlei + 1); if ( (setval= iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockadd",bp,bundlei,hash2)) == 0 ) { if ( (block->hdrsi != bp->hdrsi || block->bundlei != bundlei) && (block->hdrsi != 0 || block->bundlei != 0) ) { printf("blockadd warning: %d[%d] <- %d[%d]\n",block->hdrsi,block->bundlei,bp->hdrsi,bundlei); err |= 2; exit(-1); } else { //char str[65]; printf(">>>>>>>>>>>>>> bundlehash2.(%s) ht.(%d %d)\n",bits256_str(str,hash2),bp->bundleheight,bundlei); block->hdrsi = bp->hdrsi; block->bundlei = bundlei; bp->blocks[bundlei] = block; otherbp = 0; if ( (otherbp= iguana_bundlefind(coin,&otherbp,&otherbundlei,hash2)) != 0 || (bundlei % (bundlesize-1)) == 0) { if ( bundlei == 0 && (otherbundlei == -2 || otherbundlei == bundlesize-1) ) { if ( otherbp != 0 && iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockadd0_prev",bp,-1,otherbp->hashes[0]) != 0 ) err |= 4; if ( otherbp != 0 && iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockadd0_next",otherbp,bundlesize,bp->hashes[0]) != 0 ) err |= 8; } else if ( bundlei == bundlesize-1 && (otherbundlei == -2 || otherbundlei == 0) ) { if ( otherbp != 0 && iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockaddL_prev",otherbp,-1,bp->hashes[0]) != 0 ) err |= 16; if ( otherbp != 0 && iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockaddL_next",bp,bundlesize,otherbp->hashes[0]) != 0 ) err |= 32; } //else printf("blockadd warning: %d[%d] bloomfound %d[%d]\n",bp->hdrsi,bundlei,otherbp!=0?otherbp->hdrsi:-1,otherbundlei); } } } else if ( setval == 1 ) { if ( bundlei == -1 && iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockadd_m1",bp,-1,hash2) != 0 ) err |= 4; if ( bundlei == bundlesize && iguana_hash2set(coin,"blockaddL_m1",bp,bundlesize,hash2) != 0 ) err |= 4; } else if ( setval < 0 ) { printf("neg setval error\n"); err |= 64; } if ( err == 0 && blockp != 0 ) *blockp = block; } else err |= 128; if ( err != 0 ) { printf("bundlehash2add err.%d\n",err); return(0); //while ( 1 ) // sleep(1); //exit(-1); } return(-err); } struct iguana_bundle *iguana_bundlecreate(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t *bundleip,int32_t bundleheight,bits256 bundlehash2,bits256 allhash,int32_t issueflag) { char str[65]; struct iguana_bundle *bp = 0; if ( bits256_nonz(bundlehash2) > 0 ) { bits256_str(str,bundlehash2); if ( iguana_bundlefind(coin,&bp,bundleip,bundlehash2) != 0 ) { if ( bp->bundleheight >= 0 && bp->bundleheight != (bundleheight - *bundleip) ) printf("bundlecreate warning: bp->bundleheight %d != %d (bundleheight %d - %d bundlei)\n",bp->bundleheight,(bundleheight - *bundleip),bundleheight,*bundleip); else if ( bits256_nonz(bp->allhash) == 0 ) bp->allhash = allhash; return(bp); } bp = mycalloc('b',1,sizeof(*bp)); bp->n = coin->chain->bundlesize; bp->hdrsi = coin->bundlescount; bp->bundleheight = bundleheight; bp->allhash = allhash; iguana_hash2set(coin,"create",bp,0,bundlehash2); if ( iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,0,bundlehash2) == 0 ) { bp->coin = coin; bp->avetime = coin->avetime * 2.; coin->bundles[coin->bundlescount] = bp; if ( coin->bundlescount > 0 ) coin->bundles[coin->bundlescount-1]->nextbp = bp; *bundleip = 0; bits256_str(str,bundlehash2); fprintf(stderr,"{%d} ",bp->bundleheight); //printf("ht.%d alloc.[%d] new hdrs.%s %s\n",bp->bundleheight,coin->bundlescount,str,bits256_str(str2,allhash)); iguana_bundlehash2add(coin,0,bp,0,bundlehash2); if ( issueflag != 0 ) { iguana_blockQ(coin,bp,0,bundlehash2,1); queue_enqueue("hdrsQ",&coin->hdrsQ,queueitem(str),1); } coin->bundlescount++; } else { printf("error adding bundlehash2 bundleheight.%d\n",bundleheight); myfree(bp,sizeof(*bp)); bp = 0; } return(bp); } else printf("cant create bundle with zerohash\n"); //else printf("iguana_hdrscreate cant find hdr with %s or %s\n",bits256_str(bundlehash2),bits256_str2(firstblockhash2)); return(0); } struct iguana_txid *iguana_bundletx(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t bundlei,struct iguana_txid *tx,int32_t txidind) { static bits256 zero; int32_t hdrsi; int64_t Toffset; char fname[1024]; FILE *fp; struct iguana_ramchaindata rdata; iguana_peerfname(coin,&hdrsi,"DB",fname,0,bp->hashes[0],zero,bp->n); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,(long)&rdata.Toffset - (long)&rdata,SEEK_SET); if ( fread(&Toffset,1,sizeof(Toffset),fp) == sizeof(Toffset) ) { fseek(fp,Toffset + sizeof(struct iguana_txid) * txidind,SEEK_SET); if ( fread(tx,1,sizeof(*tx),fp) == sizeof(*tx) ) { fclose(fp); return(tx); } else printf("bundletx read error\n"); } else printf("bundletx Toffset read error\n"); fclose(fp); } else printf("bundletx couldnt open.(%s)\n",fname); return(0); } void iguana_bundlepurge(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp) { static bits256 zero; char fname[1024]; int32_t hdrsi,m,j; uint32_t ipbits; if ( bp->emitfinish > coin->startutc && bp->purgetime == 0 && time(NULL) > bp->emitfinish+30 ) { for (j=m=0; jpeers.active)/sizeof(*coin->peers.active); j++) { if ( (ipbits= (uint32_t)coin->peers.active[j].ipbits) != 0 ) { if ( iguana_peerfname(coin,&hdrsi,"tmp",fname,ipbits,bp->hashes[0],zero,1) >= 0 ) { if ( OS_removefile(fname,0) > 0 ) coin->peers.numfiles--, m++; } else printf("error removing.(%s)\n",fname); } } //printf("purged hdrsi.%d m.%d\n",bp->hdrsi,m); bp->purgetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } } int64_t iguana_bundlecalcs(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_bundle *bp,int32_t done) { int32_t bundlei; struct iguana_block *block; if ( bp->emitfinish > coin->startutc ) { bp->numhashes = bp->numsaved = bp->numcached = bp->numrecv = bp->n; return(bp->datasize); } bp->datasize = bp->numhashes = bp->numsaved = bp->numcached = bp->numrecv = bp->minrequests = 0; for (bundlei=0; bundlein; bundlei++) { if ( bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei]) > 0 && (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 ) { if ( block == iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[bundlei]) ) { //bp->blocks[bundlei] = block; if ( bp->minrequests == 0 || (block->numrequests > 0 && block->numrequests < bp->minrequests) ) bp->minrequests = block->numrequests; if ( block->fpipbits != 0 ) bp->numsaved++; if ( block->RO.recvlen != 0 ) { bp->numrecv++; bp->datasize += block->RO.recvlen; if ( block->queued != 0 ) bp->numcached++; } } else { bp->blocks[bundlei] = iguana_blockfind(coin,bp->hashes[bundlei]); if ( (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 ) block->fpipbits = block->queued = 0; } bp->numhashes++; } } //bp->metric = bp->numhashes; bp->metric = 1000 + sqrt(sqrt(bp->n * (1 + bp->numsaved + bp->numrecv)) * (10 + coin->bundlescount - bp->hdrsi)); if ( done > coin->bundlescount*IGUANA_HEADPERCENTAGE && bp->hdrsi > coin->bundlescount*IGUANA_TAILPERCENTAGE ) bp->metric *= 1000; return(bp->estsize); } static int _decreasing_double(const void *a,const void *b) { #define double_a (*(double *)a) #define double_b (*(double *)b) if ( double_b > double_a ) return(1); else if ( double_b < double_a ) return(-1); return(0); #undef double_a #undef double_b } static int32_t revsortds(double *buf,uint32_t num,int32_t size) { qsort(buf,num,size,_decreasing_double); return(0); } void iguana_bundlestats(struct iguana_info *coin,char *str) { static uint32_t lastdisp; int32_t i,n,m,count,dispflag,numrecv,done,numhashes,numcached,numsaved,numemit; int64_t estsize = 0; struct iguana_bundle *bp,*firstgap = 0; double *sortbuf; struct iguana_peer *addr; dispflag = (rand() % 1000) == 0; numrecv = numhashes = numcached = numsaved = numemit = done = 0; count = coin->bundlescount; sortbuf = calloc(count,sizeof(*sortbuf)*2); for (i=n=m=0; ibundles[i]) != 0 ) { bp->rank = 0; estsize += iguana_bundlecalcs(coin,bp,done); numhashes += bp->numhashes; numcached += bp->numcached; numrecv += bp->numrecv; numsaved += bp->numsaved; if ( bp->emitfinish != 0 ) { if ( firstgap == 0 ) bp->startutxo = (uint32_t)time(NULL); done++; if ( bp->emitfinish > 1 ) numemit++; iguana_bundlepurge(coin,bp); } else { if ( firstgap == 0 ) firstgap = bp; sortbuf[m*2] = bp->metric; sortbuf[m*2 + 1] = i; m++; } } } if ( m > 0 ) { revsortds(sortbuf,m,sizeof(*sortbuf)*2); for (i=0; ibundles[(int32_t)sortbuf[i*2 + 1]]) != 0 ) { bp->rank = i + 1; if ( coin->peers.numranked > 0 && i < coin->peers.numranked && (addr= coin->peers.ranked[i]) != 0 ) addr->bp = bp; } } } free(sortbuf); coin->numremain = n; coin->blocksrecv = numrecv; char str2[65]; uint64_t tmp; int32_t diff,p = 0; struct tai difft,t = tai_now(); for (i=0; ipeers.active[i].usock >= 0 ) p++; diff = (int32_t)time(NULL) - coin->startutc; difft.x = (t.x - coin->starttime.x), difft.millis = (t.millis - coin->starttime.millis); tmp = (difft.millis * 1000000); tmp %= 1000000000; difft.millis = ((double)tmp / 1000000.); sprintf(str,"N[%d] Q.%d h.%d r.%d c.%d:%d:%d s.%d d.%d E.%d:%d M.%d L.%d est.%d %s %d:%02d:%02d %03.3f peers.%d/%d Q.(%d %d)",count,coin->numbundlesQ,numhashes,coin->blocksrecv,coin->numcached,numcached,coin->cachefreed,numsaved,done,numemit,coin->numreqsent,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->longestchain,coin->MAXBUNDLES,mbstr(str2,estsize),(int32_t)difft.x/3600,(int32_t)(difft.x/60)%60,(int32_t)difft.x%60,difft.millis,p,coin->MAXPEERS,queue_size(&coin->priorityQ),queue_size(&coin->blocksQ)); //sprintf(str+strlen(str),"%s.%-2d %s time %.2f files.%d Q.%d %d\n",coin->symbol,flag,str,(double)(time(NULL)-coin->starttime)/60.,coin->peers.numfiles,queue_size(&coin->priorityQ),queue_size(&coin->blocksQ)); if ( time(NULL) > lastdisp+10 ) { printf("%s\n",str); //myallocated(0,0); lastdisp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } strcpy(coin->statusstr,str); coin->estsize = estsize; if ( firstgap != 0 && firstgap->queued == 0 ) iguana_bundleQ(coin,firstgap,1000); }