/* A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for creating sortable tables. https://github.com/kylefox/jquery-tablesort Version 0.0.6 */ (function($) { $.tablesort = function ($table, settings) { var self = this; this.$table = $table; this.$thead = this.$table.find('thead'); this.settings = $.extend({}, $.tablesort.defaults, settings); this.$sortCells = this.$thead.length > 0 ? this.$thead.find('th:not(.no-sort)') : this.$table.find('th:not(.no-sort)'); this.$sortCells.bind('click.tablesort', function() { self.sort($(this)); }); this.index = null; this.$th = null; this.direction = null; }; $.tablesort.prototype = { sort: function(th, direction) { var start = new Date(), self = this, table = this.$table, //body = table.find('tbody').length > 0 ? table.find('tbody') : table, rows = this.$thead.length > 0 ? table.find('tbody tr') : table.find('tr').has('td'), cells = table.find('tr td:nth-of-type(' + (th.index() + 1) + ')'), sortBy = th.data().sortBy, sortedMap = []; var unsortedValues = cells.map(function(idx, cell) { if (sortBy) return (typeof sortBy === 'function') ? sortBy($(th), $(cell), self) : sortBy; return ($(this).data().sortValue != null ? $(this).data().sortValue : $(this).text()); }); if (unsortedValues.length === 0) return; if (direction !== 'asc' && direction !== 'desc') this.direction = this.direction === 'asc' ? 'desc' : 'asc'; else this.direction = direction; direction = this.direction == 'asc' ? 1 : -1; self.$table.trigger('tablesort:start', [self]); self.log("Sorting by " + this.index + ' ' + this.direction); // Try to force a browser redraw self.$table.css("display"); // Run sorting asynchronously on a timeout to force browser redraw after // `tablesort:start` callback. Also avoids locking up the browser too much. setTimeout(function() { self.$sortCells.removeClass(self.settings.asc + ' ' + self.settings.desc); for (var i = 0, length = unsortedValues.length; i < length; i++) { sortedMap.push({ index: i, cell: cells[i], row: rows[i], value: unsortedValues[i] }); } sortedMap.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.value > b.value) { return 1 * direction; } else if (a.value < b.value) { return -1 * direction; } else { return 0; } }); $.each(sortedMap, function(i, entry) { table.append(entry.row); }); th.addClass(self.settings[self.direction]); self.log('Sort finished in ' + ((new Date()).getTime() - start.getTime()) + 'ms'); self.$table.trigger('tablesort:complete', [self]); //Try to force a browser redraw self.$table.css("display"); }, unsortedValues.length > 2000 ? 200 : 10); }, log: function(msg) { if(($.tablesort.DEBUG || this.settings.debug) && console && console.log) { console.log('[tablesort] ' + msg); } }, destroy: function() { this.$sortCells.unbind('click.tablesort'); this.$table.data('tablesort', null); return null; } }; $.tablesort.DEBUG = false; $.tablesort.defaults = { debug: $.tablesort.DEBUG, asc: 'sorted ascending', desc: 'sorted descending' }; $.fn.tablesort = function(settings) { var table, sortable, previous; return this.each(function() { table = $(this); previous = table.data('tablesort'); if(previous) { previous.destroy(); } table.data('tablesort', new $.tablesort(table, settings)); }); }; })(window.Zepto || window.jQuery);