/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ #include "iguana777.h" #include "../includes/tweetnacl.h" #include "../crypto777/OS_portable.h" #include "../includes/libgfshare.h" #include "../includes/utlist.h" #include "../includes/uthash.h" #include "../includes/curve25519.h" #include "../includes/cJSON.h" /* if ( 0 ) { int32_t i,max=10000000; FILE *fp; bits256 check,val,hash = rand256(0); if ( (fp= fopen("/tmp/seeds2","rb")) != 0 ) { if ( fread(&check,1,sizeof(check),fp) != sizeof(check) ) printf("check read error\n"); for (i=1; i<max; i++) { if ( (i % 1000000) == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"."); if ( fread(&val,1,sizeof(val),fp) != sizeof(val) ) printf("val read error\n"); hash = bits256_sha256(val); hash = bits256_sha256(hash); if ( bits256_cmp(hash,check) != 0 ) printf("hash error at i.%d\n",i); check = val; } printf("validated %d seeds\n",max); getchar(); } else if ( (fp= fopen("/tmp/seeds2","wb")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<max; i++) { if ( (i % 1000000) == 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"."); hash = bits256_sha256(hash); hash = bits256_sha256(hash); fseek(fp,(max-i-1) * sizeof(bits256),SEEK_SET); if ( fwrite(hash.bytes,1,sizeof(hash),fp) != sizeof(hash) ) printf("error writing hash[%d] i.%d\n",(max-i-1),i); } fclose(fp); } } */ bits256 SuperNET_wallet2shared(bits256 wallethash,bits256 wallet2priv) { bits256 wallet2shared,seed,wallet2pub; wallet2pub = curve25519(wallet2priv,curve25519_basepoint9()); seed = curve25519_shared(wallethash,wallet2pub); vcalc_sha256(0,wallet2shared.bytes,seed.bytes,sizeof(bits256)); return(wallet2shared); } bits256 SuperNET_wallet2priv(char *wallet2fname,bits256 wallethash) { char *wallet2str; uint32_t r,i,crc; long allocsize; bits256 wallet2priv; wallet2priv = GENESIS_PRIVKEY; if ( wallet2fname[0] != 0 && (wallet2str= OS_filestr(&allocsize,wallet2fname)) != 0 ) { r = crc = calc_crc32(0,wallet2str,(int32_t)allocsize); r %= 32; for (i=0; i<allocsize; i++) wallet2str[i] ^= wallethash.bytes[(i + r) % 32]; vcalc_sha256(0,wallet2priv.bytes,(void *)wallet2str,(int32_t)allocsize); free(wallet2str); } else if ( wallet2fname[0] != 0 ) printf("SuperNET_wallet2priv cant open (%s)\n",wallet2fname); return(wallet2priv); } char *SuperNET_parsemainargs(struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 *wallethashp,bits256 *wallet2privp,char *argjsonstr) { cJSON *exchanges=0,*json = 0; char *wallet2fname,*coinargs=0,*secret,*filestr; long allocsize; bits256 wallethash,wallet2priv; int32_t n,len; uint8_t secretbuf[8192]; wallethash = wallet2priv = GENESIS_PRIVKEY; if ( argjsonstr != 0 ) { if ( (filestr= OS_filestr(&allocsize,argjsonstr)) != 0 ) { json = cJSON_Parse(filestr); free(filestr); } if ( json != 0 || (json= cJSON_Parse(argjsonstr)) != 0 ) { printf("ARGSTR.(%s)\n",argjsonstr); if ( jobj(json,"numhelpers") != 0 ) IGUANA_NUMHELPERS = juint(json,"numhelpers"); if ( (secret= jstr(json,"passphrase")) != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(secret); if ( is_hexstr(secret,0) != 0 && len == 128 ) { len >>= 1; decode_hex(secretbuf,len,secret); } else vcalc_sha256(0,secretbuf,(void *)secret,len), len = sizeof(bits256); memcpy(wallethash.bytes,secretbuf,sizeof(wallethash)); //printf("wallethash.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,wallethash)); if ( (wallet2fname= jstr(json,"permanentfile")) != 0 ) { wallet2priv = SuperNET_wallet2priv(wallet2fname,wallethash); myinfo->expiration = (uint32_t)(time(NULL) + 600); } } exchanges = jarray(&n,json,"exchanges"); if ( jobj(json,"coins") != 0 ) coinargs = argjsonstr; } } //if ( exchanges == 0 ) if ( exchanges != 0 ) exchanges777_init(myinfo,exchanges,0); if ( json != 0 ) free_json(json); *wallethashp = wallethash, *wallet2privp = wallet2priv; return(coinargs); } bits256 SuperNET_linehash(char *_line) { int32_t i,j; bits256 hash; /*if ( _line[strlen(_line)-1] == '\'' && strncmp(_line,match,len) == 0 ) { _line[strlen(_line)-1] = 0; _line += len; } printf("%02x %02x %02x %02x %02x\n",0xff & _line[0],0xff & _line[1],0xff & _line[2],0xff & _line[3],0xff & _line[4]);*/ for (i=j=0; _line[i]!=0; i++) { if ( (uint8_t)_line[i] == 0xe2 && (uint8_t)_line[i+1] == 0x80 ) { if ( (uint8_t)_line[i+2] == 0x99 ) _line[j++] = '\'', i += 2; else if ( (uint8_t)_line[i+2] == 0x9c || (uint8_t)_line[i+2] == 0x9d ) _line[j++] = '"', i += 2; else _line[j++] = _line[i]; } else _line[j++] = _line[i]; //else if ( (uint8_t)_line[i] == 0x9c ) // _line[i] = '"'; } _line[j++] = 0; if ( j == sizeof(bits256)*2 && is_hexstr(_line,j) == j ) decode_hex(hash.bytes,sizeof(hash),_line); else vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,(void *)_line,j); //char str[65]; printf("line -> (%s)\n",bits256_str(str,hash)); return(hash); } int32_t SuperNET_savejsonfile(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *finalfname,bits256 privkey,bits256 destpubkey,cJSON *json) { char *confstr,*ciphered; char destfname[1024]; FILE *fp; int32_t retval = -1; strcpy(destfname,finalfname); if ( (fp= fopen(finalfname,"rb")) != 0 ) strcat(destfname,".tmp"); confstr = jprint(json,0); if ( bits256_nonz(privkey) != 0 && bits256_cmp(privkey,GENESIS_PUBKEY) != 0 ) { if ( (ciphered= SuperNET_cipher(0,0,json,0,privkey,destpubkey,confstr)) != 0 ) { //printf("ciphered.save (%s) <- (%s)\n",destfname,confstr); if ( (fp= fopen(destfname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(ciphered,1,strlen(ciphered)+1,fp) == strlen(ciphered)+1 ) retval = 0; fclose(fp); } free(ciphered); } else printf("error ciphering.(%s) (%s)\n",destfname,confstr); } else { printf("save (%s) <- (%s)\n",destfname,confstr); if ( (fp= fopen(destfname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(confstr,1,strlen(confstr)+1,fp) == strlen(confstr)+1 ) retval = 0; fclose(fp); } } free(confstr); if ( retval == 0 && strcmp(destfname,finalfname) != 0 ) { char oldfname[1024]; int64_t fsize,dsize; if ( (fsize= OS_filesize(finalfname)) > (dsize= OS_filesize(destfname)) ) { //printf("skip replacing (%s) since new one is smaller %lld vs %lld\n",finalfname,(long long)fsize,(long long)dsize); } else { strcpy(oldfname,finalfname), strcat(oldfname,".old"); OS_renamefile(finalfname,oldfname); OS_renamefile(destfname,finalfname); } } myinfo->dirty = 0; return(retval); } int32_t SuperNET_userkeys(char *passphrase,int32_t passsize,char *fname2fa,int32_t fnamesize) { return(0); /*#ifndef __PNACL //if ( (bits256_nonz(*wallethashp) == 0 || bits256_cmp(*wallethashp,GENESIS_PRIVKEY) == 0) && (bits256_nonz(*wallet2privp) == 0 || bits256_cmp(*wallet2privp,GENESIS_PRIVKEY) == 0) ) { sleep(1); printf("\n\n********************************\n"); if ( OS_getline(1,passphrase,passsize-1,"passphrase: ") > 0 ) ; if ( OS_getline(1,fname2fa,fnamesize-1,"enter filename of a file that you will NEVER lose: ") > 0 ) ; return(0); } #endif return(-1);*/ } cJSON *SuperNET_decryptedjson(char *destfname,char *passphrase,int32_t passsize,bits256 wallethash,char *fname2fa,int32_t fnamesize,bits256 wallet2priv) { long allocsize; cJSON *filejson,*msgjson=0,*json=0; char *confstr=0,*deciphered,str[65]; bits256 wallet2shared,wallet2pub; int32_t first,second; msgjson = 0; first = (bits256_nonz(wallethash) != 0 && bits256_cmp(wallethash,GENESIS_PRIVKEY) != 0); second = (bits256_nonz(wallet2priv) != 0 && bits256_cmp(wallet2priv,GENESIS_PRIVKEY) != 0); if ( first == 0 && second == 0 && passphrase != 0 && fname2fa != 0 ) { if ( passphrase[0] == 0 && fname2fa[0] == 0 ) SuperNET_userkeys(passphrase,passsize,fname2fa,fnamesize); wallethash = SuperNET_linehash(passphrase); SuperNET_linehash(fname2fa); // maps special chars wallet2priv = SuperNET_wallet2priv(fname2fa,wallethash); } first = (bits256_nonz(wallethash) != 0 && bits256_cmp(wallethash,GENESIS_PRIVKEY) != 0); second = (bits256_nonz(wallet2priv) != 0 && bits256_cmp(wallet2priv,GENESIS_PRIVKEY) != 0); if ( first != 0 || second != 0 ) { if ( bits256_nonz(wallethash) == 0 ) wallethash = GENESIS_PRIVKEY; wallet2shared = SuperNET_wallet2shared(wallethash,wallet2priv); wallet2pub = curve25519(wallet2shared,curve25519_basepoint9()); sprintf(destfname,"%s/%s",GLOBAL_CONFSDIR,bits256_str(str,wallet2pub)); if ( (confstr= OS_filestr(&allocsize,destfname)) != 0 ) { if ( (filejson= cJSON_Parse(confstr)) != 0 ) { //printf("confstr.(%s)\n",confstr); if ( (deciphered= SuperNET_decipher(0,0,0,0,wallet2shared,curve25519(wallethash,curve25519_basepoint9()),jstr(filejson,"result"))) != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(deciphered)) == 0 ) printf("cant decipher (%s) [%s]\n",destfname,confstr); else { if ( (msgjson= cJSON_Parse(jstr(json,"message"))) == 0 ) printf("no message in (%s)\n",jprint(json,0)); } free(deciphered); } free_json(filejson); } } else printf("couldnt load (%s)\n",destfname); } else { sprintf(destfname,"confs/iguana.conf"); if ( (confstr= OS_filestr(&allocsize,destfname)) != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(confstr)) != 0 ) msgjson = json; } else printf("couldnt open (%s)\n",destfname); } if ( msgjson != 0 ) msgjson = jduplicate(msgjson); if ( json != 0 ) free_json(json); return(msgjson); } int32_t _SuperNET_encryptjson(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *destfname,char *passphrase,int32_t passsize,char *fname2fa,int32_t fnamesize,cJSON *argjson) { bits256 wallethash,wallet2priv,wallet2shared,wallet2pub; char str[65]; wallethash = wallet2priv = GENESIS_PRIVKEY; if ( passphrase == 0 || passphrase[0] == 0 || fname2fa == 0 || fname2fa[0] == 0 ) SuperNET_userkeys(passphrase,passsize,fname2fa,fnamesize); wallethash = SuperNET_linehash(passphrase); SuperNET_linehash(fname2fa); // maps special chars wallet2priv = SuperNET_wallet2priv(fname2fa,wallethash); wallet2shared = SuperNET_wallet2shared(wallethash,wallet2priv); wallet2pub = curve25519(wallet2shared,curve25519_basepoint9()); sprintf(destfname,"%s/%s",GLOBAL_CONFSDIR,bits256_str(str,wallet2pub)); SuperNET_savejsonfile(myinfo,destfname,wallethash,wallet2pub,argjson); return(0); } void SuperNET_setkeys(struct supernet_info *myinfo,void *pass,int32_t passlen,int32_t dosha256) { bits256 hash; if ( dosha256 != 0 ) { memcpy(myinfo->secret,pass,passlen+1); myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits = conv_NXTpassword(myinfo->persistent_priv.bytes,myinfo->myaddr.persistent.bytes,pass,passlen); } else { myinfo->myaddr.persistent = curve25519(myinfo->persistent_priv,curve25519_basepoint9()); init_hexbytes_noT(myinfo->secret,myinfo->persistent_priv.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->persistent_priv)); vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,myinfo->myaddr.persistent.bytes,32); myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits = hash.txid; } RS_encode(myinfo->myaddr.NXTADDR,myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits); bitcoin_pubkey33(myinfo->ctx,myinfo->persistent_pubkey33,myinfo->persistent_priv); bitcoin_address(myinfo->myaddr.BTC,0,myinfo->persistent_pubkey33,33); bitcoin_address(myinfo->myaddr.BTCD,60,myinfo->persistent_pubkey33,33); } void SuperNET_parsemyinfo(struct supernet_info *myinfo,cJSON *msgjson) { char *ipaddr,*secret,str[65]; bits256 checkhash; if ( msgjson != 0 ) { if ( (ipaddr= jstr(msgjson,"ipaddr")) != 0 && is_ipaddr(ipaddr) != 0 ) strcpy(myinfo->ipaddr,ipaddr); if ( (secret= jstr(msgjson,"passphrase")) != 0 ) SuperNET_setkeys(myinfo,secret,(int32_t)strlen(secret),1); else { myinfo->persistent_priv = jbits256(msgjson,"persistent_priv"); SuperNET_setkeys(myinfo,myinfo->persistent_priv.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->persistent_priv),0); if ( bits256_nonz(myinfo->persistent_priv) == 0 ) { printf("null persistent_priv? generate new one\n"); OS_randombytes(myinfo->persistent_priv.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->persistent_priv)); } myinfo->myaddr.persistent = jbits256(msgjson,"persistent_pub"); checkhash = curve25519(myinfo->persistent_priv,curve25519_basepoint9()); } if ( memcmp(checkhash.bytes,myinfo->myaddr.persistent.bytes,sizeof(checkhash)) != 0 ) { printf("persistent pubkey mismatches one in iguana.conf\n"); myinfo->myaddr.persistent = checkhash; } else printf("persistent VALIDATED persistentpub.(%s)\n",bits256_str(str,checkhash)); } if ( bits256_nonz(myinfo->persistent_priv) == 0 ) OS_randombytes(myinfo->persistent_priv.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->persistent_priv)); SuperNET_setkeys(myinfo,myinfo->persistent_priv.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->persistent_priv),0); } char *SuperNET_keysinit(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *argjsonstr) { long allocsize; cJSON *msgjson,*json=0; uint32_t r; bits256 wallethash,wallet2priv; int32_t len,c; char str[65],str2[65],destfname[1024],fname2fa[2048],passphrase[8192],*ipaddr,*coinargs=0; passphrase[0] = fname2fa[0] = 0; wallethash = wallet2priv = GENESIS_PRIVKEY; coinargs = SuperNET_parsemainargs(myinfo,&wallethash,&wallet2priv,argjsonstr); if ( (msgjson= SuperNET_decryptedjson(destfname,passphrase,sizeof(passphrase),wallethash,fname2fa,sizeof(fname2fa),wallet2priv)) != 0 ) { SuperNET_parsemyinfo(myinfo,msgjson); free_json(msgjson); } else { if ( bits256_nonz(myinfo->persistent_priv) == 0 ) { OS_randombytes(myinfo->persistent_priv.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->persistent_priv)); myinfo->myaddr.persistent = curve25519(myinfo->persistent_priv,curve25519_basepoint9()); bitcoin_pubkey33(myinfo->ctx,myinfo->persistent_pubkey33,myinfo->persistent_priv); } json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"ipaddr",myinfo->ipaddr); jaddbits256(json,"persistent_priv",myinfo->persistent_priv); jaddbits256(json,"persistent_pub",myinfo->myaddr.persistent); OS_randombytes((void *)&r,sizeof(r)); jadd64bits(json,"rand",r); _SuperNET_encryptjson(myinfo,destfname,passphrase,sizeof(passphrase),fname2fa,sizeof(fname2fa),json); free_json(json); } if ( myinfo->ipaddr[0] == 0 ) { if ( (ipaddr= OS_filestr(&allocsize,"ipaddr")) != 0 ) { printf("got ipaddr.(%s)\n",ipaddr); len = (int32_t)strlen(ipaddr) - 1; while ( len > 8 && ((c= ipaddr[len]) == '\r' || c == '\n' || c == ' ' || c == '\t') ) ipaddr[len] = 0, len--; printf("got ipaddr.(%s) %x\n",ipaddr,is_ipaddr(ipaddr)); if ( is_ipaddr(ipaddr) != 0 ) { strcpy(myinfo->ipaddr,ipaddr); myinfo->myaddr.selfipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(ipaddr); } free(ipaddr); } } if ( myinfo->myaddr.selfipbits == 0 ) { strcpy(myinfo->ipaddr,""); myinfo->myaddr.selfipbits = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(myinfo->ipaddr); } //OS_randombytes(myinfo->privkey.bytes,sizeof(myinfo->privkey)); //myinfo->myaddr.pubkey = curve25519(myinfo->privkey,curve25519_basepoint9()); printf("(%s) %s %llu session(%s %s) persistent.%llx %llx\n",myinfo->ipaddr,myinfo->myaddr.NXTADDR,(long long)myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits,bits256_str(str,myinfo->privkey),bits256_str(str2,myinfo->myaddr.pubkey),(long long)myinfo->persistent_priv.txid,(long long)myinfo->myaddr.persistent.txid); return(coinargs); } #include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h" #include "../includes/iguana_apideclares.h" TWO_STRINGS(SuperNET,decryptjson,password,permanentfile) { char pass[8192],fname2[1023],destfname[1024]; cJSON *retjson; bits256 wallethash,wallet2priv; safecopy(pass,password,sizeof(pass)); safecopy(fname2,permanentfile,sizeof(fname2)); wallethash = wallet2priv = GENESIS_PRIVKEY; if ( strlen(pass) == sizeof(wallethash)*2 && is_hexstr(pass,(int32_t)sizeof(bits256)*2) > 0 ) wallethash = bits256_conv(pass); if ( strlen(fname2) == sizeof(wallet2priv)*2 && is_hexstr(fname2,(int32_t)sizeof(bits256)*2) > 0 ) wallet2priv = bits256_conv(fname2); if ( (retjson= SuperNET_decryptedjson(destfname,pass,sizeof(pass),wallethash,fname2,sizeof(fname2),wallet2priv)) != 0 ) { //printf("decrypt pass.(%s) fname2.(%s) -> destfname.(%s)\n",pass,fname2,destfname); //obj = jduplicate(jobj(retjson,"payload")); //jdelete(retjson,"payload"); //jadd(retjson,"result",obj); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt decrypt json file\"}")); } THREE_STRINGS(SuperNET,encryptjson,password,permanentfile,payload) { char destfname[4096],pass[8192],fname2[1023]; cJSON *argjson,*retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); safecopy(pass,password,sizeof(pass)); safecopy(fname2,permanentfile,sizeof(fname2)); argjson = jduplicate(json); //printf("argjson.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); jdelete(argjson,"agent"); jdelete(argjson,"method"); jdelete(argjson,"password"); jdelete(argjson,"permanentfile"); jdelete(argjson,"timestamp"); jdelete(argjson,"tag"); if ( _SuperNET_encryptjson(myinfo,destfname,pass,sizeof(pass),fname2,sizeof(fname2),argjson) == 0 ) { jaddstr(retjson,"result","success"); jaddstr(retjson,"filename",destfname); } else jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt encrypt json file"); free_json(argjson); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } #include "../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"