/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // selftest supports against allpairs list #include "exchanges777.h" #define INSTANTDEX_HOPS 3 #define INSTANTDEX_DURATION 60 cJSON *InstantDEX_argjson(char *reference,char *message,char *othercoinaddr,char *otherNXTaddr,int32_t iter,int32_t val,int32_t val2) { cJSON *argjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); if ( reference != 0 ) jaddstr(argjson,"refstr",reference); if ( message != 0 && message[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(argjson,"message",message); if ( othercoinaddr != 0 && othercoinaddr[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(argjson,"othercoinaddr",othercoinaddr); if ( otherNXTaddr != 0 && otherNXTaddr[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(argjson,"otherNXTaddr",otherNXTaddr); //jaddbits256(argjson,"basetxid",basetxid); //jaddbits256(argjson,"reltxid",reltxid); if ( iter != 3 ) { if ( val == 0 ) val = INSTANTDEX_DURATION; jaddnum(argjson,"duration",val); jaddnum(argjson,"flags",val2); } else { if ( val > 0 ) jaddnum(argjson,"baseheight",val); if ( val2 > 0 ) jaddnum(argjson,"relheight",val2); } return(argjson); } struct instantdex_msghdr *instantdex_msgcreate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct instantdex_msghdr *msg,int32_t datalen) { bits256 otherpubkey; uint64_t signerbits; uint32_t timestamp; uint8_t buf[sizeof(msg->sig)],*data; memset(&msg->sig,0,sizeof(msg->sig)); datalen += (int32_t)(sizeof(*msg) - sizeof(msg->sig)); data = (void *)((long)msg + sizeof(msg->sig)); otherpubkey = acct777_msgpubkey(data,datalen); timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); acct777_sign(&msg->sig,myinfo->privkey,otherpubkey,timestamp,data,datalen); printf("signed datalen.%d allocsize.%d\n",datalen,msg->sig.allocsize); if ( (signerbits= acct777_validate(&msg->sig,acct777_msgprivkey(data,datalen),msg->sig.pubkey)) != 0 ) { //int32_t i; char str[65],str2[65]; //for (i=0; i>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> validated [%ld] len.%d (%s + %s)\n",(long)data-(long)msg,datalen,bits256_str(str,acct777_msgprivkey(data,datalen)),bits256_str(str2,msg->sig.pubkey)); memset(buf,0,sizeof(buf)); acct777_rwsig(1,buf,&msg->sig); memcpy(&msg->sig,buf,sizeof(buf)); return(msg); } else printf("error validating instantdex msg\n"); return(0); } bits256 instantdex_rwoffer(int32_t rwflag,int32_t *lenp,uint8_t *serialized,struct instantdex_offer *offer) { bits256 orderhash; int32_t len = 0; if ( rwflag == 1 ) { vcalc_sha256(0,orderhash.bytes,(void *)offer,sizeof(*offer)); /*int32_t i; for (i=0; ibase),offer->base); len += iguana_rwstr(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->rel),offer->rel); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->price64),&offer->price64); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->basevolume64),&offer->basevolume64); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->offer64),&offer->offer64); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->expiration),&offer->expiration); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->nonce),&offer->nonce); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->myside),&offer->myside); len += iguana_rwnum(rwflag,&serialized[len],sizeof(offer->acceptdir),&offer->acceptdir); if ( rwflag == 0 ) { vcalc_sha256(0,orderhash.bytes,(void *)offer,sizeof(*offer)); /*int32_t i; for (i=0; ihandle); jaddbits256(argjson,"categoryhash",instantdexhash); jaddbits256(argjson,"traderpub",myinfo->myaddr.persistent); orderhash = instantdex_rwoffer(1,&olen,serialized,offer); if ( 1 ) { struct instantdex_offer checkoffer; bits256 checkhash; int32_t checklen; checkhash = instantdex_rwoffer(0,&checklen,serialized,&checkoffer); if ( checkhash.txid != orderhash.txid ) { for (i=0; imyaddr.persistent); reqstr = jprint(argjson,0); slen = (int32_t)(strlen(reqstr) + 1); datalen = (int32_t)sizeof(*msg) + slen + extralen + olen; msg = calloc(1,datalen); for (i=0; icmd); i++) if ( (msg->cmd[i]= cmdstr[i]) == 0 ) break; memcpy(msg->serialized,reqstr,slen); memcpy(&msg->serialized[slen],serialized,olen); printf("extralen.%d datalen.%d slen.%d olen.%d\n",extralen,datalen,slen,olen); if ( extralen > 0 ) memcpy(&msg->serialized[slen + olen],extraser,extralen); free(reqstr); if ( instantdex_msgcreate(myinfo,msg,datalen) != 0 ) { printf("instantdex send.(%s) datalen.%d allocsize.%d\n",cmdstr,datalen,msg->sig.allocsize); hexstr = malloc(msg->sig.allocsize*2 + 1); init_hexbytes_noT(hexstr,(uint8_t *)msg,msg->sig.allocsize); retstr = SuperNET_categorymulticast(myinfo,0,instantdexhash,desthash,hexstr,0,hops,1,argjson,0); free_json(argjson); free(hexstr); free(msg); return(retstr); } else { free_json(argjson); free(msg); printf("cant msgcreate datalen.%d\n",datalen); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"couldnt create instantdex message\"}")); } } int32_t instantdex_updatesources(struct exchange_info *exchange,struct exchange_quote *sortbuf,int32_t n,int32_t max,int32_t ind,int32_t dir,struct exchange_quote *quotes,int32_t numquotes) { int32_t i; struct exchange_quote *quote; //printf("instantdex_updatesources update dir.%d numquotes.%d\n",dir,numquotes); for (i=0; iprice,quote->volume); if ( quote->price > SMALLVAL ) { sortbuf[n] = *quote; sortbuf[n].val = ind; sortbuf[n].exchangebits = exchange->exchangebits; //printf("sortbuf[%d] <-\n",n*2); if ( ++n >= max ) break; } } return(n); } double instantdex_aveprice(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct exchange_quote *sortbuf,int32_t max,double *totalvolp,char *base,char *rel,double basevolume,cJSON *argjson) { char *str; double totalvol,pricesum; uint32_t timestamp; struct exchange_quote quote; int32_t i,n,dir,num,depth = 100; struct exchange_info *exchange; struct exchange_request *req,*active[64]; timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); if ( basevolume < 0. ) basevolume = -basevolume, dir = -1; else dir = 1; memset(sortbuf,0,sizeof(*sortbuf) * max); if ( base != 0 && rel != 0 && basevolume > SMALLVAL ) { for (i=num=0; inumexchanges && num < sizeof(active)/sizeof(*active); i++) { if ( (exchange= myinfo->tradingexchanges[i]) != 0 ) { if ( (req= exchanges777_baserelfind(exchange,base,rel,'M')) == 0 ) { if ( (str= exchanges777_Qprices(exchange,base,rel,30,1,depth,argjson,1,exchange->commission)) != 0 ) free(str); req = exchanges777_baserelfind(exchange,base,rel,'M'); } if ( req == 0 ) { if ( (*exchange->issue.supports)(exchange,base,rel,argjson) != 0 ) printf("unexpected null req.(%s %s) %s\n",base,rel,exchange->name); } else { //printf("active.%s\n",exchange->name); active[num++] = req; } } } for (i=n=0; inumbids > 0 ) n = instantdex_updatesources(active[i]->exchange,sortbuf,n,max,i,1,active[i]->bidasks,active[i]->numbids); else if ( dir > 0 && active[i]->numasks > 0 ) n = instantdex_updatesources(active[i]->exchange,sortbuf,n,max,i,-1,&active[i]->bidasks[1],active[i]->numasks); } //printf("dir.%d %s/%s numX.%d n.%d\n",dir,base,rel,num,n); if ( dir < 0 ) revsort64s(&sortbuf[0].satoshis,n,sizeof(*sortbuf)); else sort64s(&sortbuf[0].satoshis,n,sizeof(*sortbuf)); for (totalvol=pricesum=i=0; iexchange->name,pricesum/totalvol,totalvol); } } if ( totalvol > 0. ) { *totalvolp = totalvol; return(pricesum / totalvol); } } *totalvolp = 0; return(0); } double instantdex_avehbla(struct supernet_info *myinfo,double retvals[4],char *base,char *rel,double basevolume) { double avebid,aveask,bidvol,askvol; struct exchange_quote sortbuf[256]; cJSON *argjson; argjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); aveask = instantdex_aveprice(myinfo,sortbuf,sizeof(sortbuf)/sizeof(*sortbuf),&askvol,base,rel,basevolume,argjson); avebid = instantdex_aveprice(myinfo,sortbuf,sizeof(sortbuf)/sizeof(*sortbuf),&bidvol,base,rel,-basevolume,argjson); free_json(argjson); retvals[0] = avebid, retvals[1] = bidvol, retvals[2] = aveask, retvals[3] = askvol; if ( avebid > SMALLVAL && aveask > SMALLVAL ) return((avebid + aveask) * .5); else return(0); } int32_t instantdex_bidaskdir(struct instantdex_accept *ap) { if ( ap->offer.myside == 0 && ap->offer.acceptdir > 0 ) // base return(-1); else if ( ap->offer.myside == 1 && ap->offer.acceptdir < 0 ) // rel return(1); else return(0); } cJSON *instantdex_acceptjson(struct instantdex_accept *ap) { int32_t dir; cJSON *item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jadd64bits(item,"orderid",ap->orderid); jadd64bits(item,"offerer",ap->offer.offer64); if ( ap->dead != 0 ) jadd64bits(item,"dead",ap->dead); if ( (dir= instantdex_bidaskdir(ap)) > 0 ) jaddstr(item,"type","bid"); else if ( dir < 0 ) jaddstr(item,"type","ask"); else { jaddstr(item,"type","strange"); jaddnum(item,"acceptdir",ap->offer.acceptdir); jaddnum(item,"myside",ap->offer.myside); } jaddstr(item,"base",ap->offer.base); jaddstr(item,"rel",ap->offer.rel); jaddnum(item,"timestamp",ap->offer.expiration); jaddnum(item,"price",dstr(ap->offer.price64)); jaddnum(item,"volume",dstr(ap->offer.basevolume64)); jaddnum(item,"nonce",ap->offer.nonce); jaddnum(item,"pendingvolume",dstr(ap->pendingvolume64)); jaddnum(item,"expiresin",ap->offer.expiration - time(NULL)); return(item); } struct instantdex_accept *instantdex_offerfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct exchange_info *exchange,cJSON *bids,cJSON *asks,uint64_t orderid,char *base,char *rel) { struct instantdex_accept PAD,*ap,*retap = 0; uint32_t now; cJSON *item; char *type; now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); memset(&PAD,0,sizeof(PAD)); queue_enqueue("acceptableQ",&exchange->acceptableQ,&PAD.DL,0); while ( (ap= queue_dequeue(&exchange->acceptableQ,0)) != 0 && ap != &PAD ) { if ( now < ap->offer.expiration && ap->dead == 0 ) { //printf("find cmps %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",strcmp(base,"*") == 0,strcmp(base,ap->offer.base) == 0,strcmp(rel,"*") == 0,strcmp(rel,ap->offer.rel) == 0,orderid == 0,orderid == ap->orderid); if ( (strcmp(base,"*") == 0 || strcmp(base,ap->offer.base) == 0) && (strcmp(rel,"*") == 0 || strcmp(rel,ap->offer.rel) == 0) && (orderid == 0 || orderid == ap->orderid) ) { //printf("found match\n"); retap = ap; } if ( (item= instantdex_acceptjson(ap)) != 0 ) { //printf("item.(%s)\n",jprint(item,0)); if ( (type= jstr(item,"type")) != 0 ) { if ( strcmp(type,"bid") == 0 && bids != 0 ) jaddi(bids,item); else if ( strcmp(type,"ask") == 0 && asks != 0 ) jaddi(asks,item); } } queue_enqueue("acceptableQ",&exchange->acceptableQ,&ap->DL,0); } else free(ap); } return(retap); } struct instantdex_accept *instantdex_acceptable(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct exchange_info *exchange,struct instantdex_accept *A,uint64_t offerbits,double minperc) { struct instantdex_accept PAD,*ap,*retap = 0; double aveprice,retvals[4]; uint64_t minvol,bestprice64 = 0; uint32_t now; int32_t offerdir; aveprice = instantdex_avehbla(myinfo,retvals,A->offer.base,A->offer.rel,dstr(A->offer.basevolume64)); now = (uint32_t)time(NULL); memset(&PAD,0,sizeof(PAD)); queue_enqueue("acceptableQ",&exchange->acceptableQ,&PAD.DL,0); offerdir = instantdex_bidaskdir(A); minvol = A->offer.basevolume64 * minperc * .01; while ( (ap= queue_dequeue(&exchange->acceptableQ,0)) != 0 && ap != &PAD ) { if ( now < ap->offer.expiration && ap->dead == 0 && (offerbits == 0 || offerbits != ap->offer.offer64) ) { printf("check offerbits.%llu vs %llu: %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d\n",(long long)offerbits,(long long)ap->offer.offer64,A->offer.basevolume64 > 0.,strcmp(A->offer.base,"*") == 0 ,strcmp(A->offer.base,ap->offer.base) == 0, strcmp(A->offer.rel,"*") == 0 ,strcmp(A->offer.rel,ap->offer.rel) == 0,A->offer.basevolume64 <= (ap->offer.basevolume64 - ap->pendingvolume64),offerdir,instantdex_bidaskdir(ap)); if ( A->offer.basevolume64 > 0. && (strcmp(A->offer.base,"*") == 0 || strcmp(A->offer.base,ap->offer.base) == 0) && (strcmp(A->offer.rel,"*") == 0 || strcmp(A->offer.rel,ap->offer.rel) == 0) && minvol <= (ap->offer.basevolume64 - ap->pendingvolume64) && offerdir*instantdex_bidaskdir(ap) < 0 ) { printf("aveprice %.8f %.8f offerdir.%d first cmp: %d %d %d\n",aveprice,dstr(ap->offer.price64),offerdir,A->offer.price64 == 0,(offerdir > 0 && ap->offer.price64 >= A->offer.price64),(offerdir < 0 && ap->offer.price64 <= A->offer.price64)); if ( offerdir == 0 || A->offer.price64 == 0 || ((offerdir < 0 && ap->offer.price64 >= A->offer.price64) || (offerdir > 0 && ap->offer.price64 <= A->offer.price64)) ) { printf("passed second cmp: offerdir.%d best %.8f ap %.8f\n",offerdir,dstr(bestprice64),dstr(ap->offer.price64)); if ( bestprice64 == 0 || (offerdir < 0 && ap->offer.price64 < bestprice64) || (offerdir > 0 && ap->offer.price64 > bestprice64) ) { printf("found better price %f vs %f\n",dstr(ap->offer.price64),dstr(bestprice64)); bestprice64 = ap->offer.price64; retap = ap; } } } queue_enqueue("acceptableQ",&exchange->acceptableQ,&ap->DL,0); } else free(ap); } return(retap); } // NXTrequest: // sends NXT assetid, volume and desired // request: // other node sends (othercoin, othercoinaddr, otherNXT and reftx that expires well before phasedtx) // proposal: // NXT node submits phasedtx that refers to it, but it wont confirm // approve: // other node verifies unconfirmed has phasedtx and broadcasts cltv, also to NXT node, releases trigger // confirm: // NXT node verifies bitcoin txbytes has proper payment and cashes in with onetimepubkey // BTC* node approves phased tx with onetimepubkey bits256 instantdex_acceptset(struct instantdex_accept *ap,char *base,char *rel,int32_t duration,int32_t myside,int32_t acceptdir,double price,double volume,uint64_t offerbits,uint32_t nonce) { bits256 hash; memset(ap,0,sizeof(*ap)); safecopy(ap->offer.base,base,sizeof(ap->offer.base)); safecopy(ap->offer.rel,rel,sizeof(ap->offer.rel)); if ( nonce == 0 ) OS_randombytes((uint8_t *)&ap->offer.nonce,sizeof(ap->offer.nonce)); else ap->offer.nonce = nonce; if ( duration < 1000000000 ) ap->offer.expiration = (uint32_t)time(NULL) + duration; else ap->offer.expiration = duration; ap->offer.offer64 = offerbits; ap->offer.myside = myside; ap->offer.acceptdir = acceptdir; ap->offer.price64 = price * SATOSHIDEN; ap->offer.basevolume64 = volume * SATOSHIDEN; vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,(void *)&ap->offer,sizeof(ap->offer)); ap->orderid = hash.txid; int32_t i; for (i=0; ioffer); i++) printf("%02x ",((uint8_t *)&ap->offer)[i]); printf("\n(%s/%s) %.8f %.8f acceptdir.%d myside.%d\n",base,rel,price,volume,acceptdir,myside); return(hash); } int32_t instantdex_acceptextract(struct instantdex_accept *ap,cJSON *argjson) { char *base,*rel; bits256 hash,traderpub; double price,volume; int32_t baserel,acceptdir; memset(ap,0,sizeof(*ap)); if ( (base= jstr(argjson,"base")) != 0 ) { volume = jdouble(argjson,"volume"); if ( (rel= jstr(argjson,"rel")) != 0 ) safecopy(ap->offer.rel,rel,sizeof(ap->offer.rel)); if ( (price= jdouble(argjson,"maxprice")) > SMALLVAL ) { baserel = 1; acceptdir = -1; } else if ( (price= jdouble(argjson,"minprice")) > SMALLVAL ) { baserel = 0; acceptdir = 1; } else return(-1); //printf("price %f vol %f baserel.%d acceptdir.%d\n",price,volume,baserel,acceptdir); traderpub = jbits256(argjson,"traderpub"); hash = instantdex_acceptset(ap,base,rel,INSTANTDEX_LOCKTIME*2,baserel,acceptdir,price,volume,traderpub.txid,0); } else { if ( (base= jstr(argjson,"b")) != 0 ) safecopy(ap->offer.base,base,sizeof(ap->offer.base)); if ( (rel= jstr(argjson,"r")) != 0 ) safecopy(ap->offer.rel,rel,sizeof(ap->offer.rel)); ap->offer.nonce = juint(argjson,"n"); ap->offer.expiration = juint(argjson,"e"); ap->offer.myside = juint(argjson,"s"); ap->offer.acceptdir = jint(argjson,"d"); ap->offer.offer64 = j64bits(argjson,"o"); ap->offer.price64 = j64bits(argjson,"p"); ap->offer.basevolume64 = j64bits(argjson,"v"); vcalc_sha256(0,hash.bytes,(void *)&ap->offer,sizeof(ap->offer)); ap->orderid = j64bits(argjson,"id"); } if ( hash.txid != ap->orderid ) { int32_t i; for (i=0; iorderid); return(-1); } return(0); } /*cJSON *instantdex_acceptsendjson(struct instantdex_accept *ap) { cJSON *json = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(json,"b",ap->offer.base); jaddstr(json,"r",ap->offer.rel); jaddnum(json,"n",ap->offer.nonce); jaddnum(json,"e",ap->offer.expiration); jaddnum(json,"s",ap->offer.myside); jaddnum(json,"d",ap->offer.acceptdir); jadd64bits(json,"p",ap->offer.price64); jadd64bits(json,"v",ap->offer.basevolume64); jadd64bits(json,"o",ap->offer.offer64); jadd64bits(json,"id",ap->orderid); return(json); }*/ #include "swaps/iguana_BTCswap.c" #include "swaps/iguana_ALTswap.c" #include "swaps/iguana_NXTswap.c" #include "swaps/iguana_PAXswap.c" char *instantdex_parse(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct instantdex_msghdr *msg,cJSON *argjson,char *remoteaddr,uint64_t signerbits,struct instantdex_offer *offer,bits256 orderhash,uint8_t *serdata,int32_t datalen) { char cmdstr[16],*retstr; struct exchange_info *exchange; struct instantdex_accept A,*ap = 0; bits256 traderpub; exchange = exchanges777_find("bitcoin"); memset(cmdstr,0,sizeof(cmdstr)), memcpy(cmdstr,msg->cmd,sizeof(msg->cmd)); if ( argjson != 0 ) { traderpub = jbits256(argjson,"traderpub"); memset(&A,0,sizeof(A)); A.offer = *offer; if ( j64bits(argjson,"id") != orderhash.txid ) { printf("orderhash %llu mismatch id.%llu\n",(long long)orderhash.txid,(long long)j64bits(argjson,"id")); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"orderhash mismatch\"}")); } A.orderid = orderhash.txid; if ( (ap= instantdex_offerfind(myinfo,exchange,0,0,A.orderid,"*","*")) != 0 ) { A = *ap; } else if ( strcmp(cmdstr+3,"offer") != 0 ) { printf("cant find existing order.%llu that matches\n",(long long)A.orderid); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"cant find matching order\"}")); } else if ( bits256_cmp(traderpub,myinfo->myaddr.persistent) == 0 ) { printf("got my own request.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"got my own request\"}")); } printf("call (%s/%s) swap baserel.%d acceptdir.%d\n",A.offer.base,A.offer.rel,A.offer.myside,A.offer.acceptdir); if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"BTC",3) == 0 ) retstr = instantdex_BTCswap(myinfo,exchange,&A,cmdstr+3,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,serdata,datalen); else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"NXT",3) == 0 ) retstr = instantdex_NXTswap(myinfo,exchange,&A,cmdstr+3,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,serdata,datalen); else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"ALT",3) == 0 ) retstr = instantdex_ALTswap(myinfo,exchange,&A,cmdstr+3,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,serdata,datalen); else if ( strncmp(cmdstr,"PAX",3) == 0 ) retstr = instantdex_PAXswap(myinfo,exchanges777_find("PAX"),&A,cmdstr+3,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,serdata,datalen); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"unrecognized atomic swap family\"}")); if ( ap != 0 ) { ap->info = A.info; ap->pendingvolume64 = A.pendingvolume64; } printf("after swap ap.%p (%s)\n",ap,retstr); return(retstr); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"request needs argjson\"}")); } char *InstantDEX_hexmsg(struct supernet_info *myinfo,void *ptr,int32_t len,char *remoteaddr) { struct instantdex_msghdr *msg = ptr; int32_t i,olen,slen,num,datalen,newlen,flag = 0; uint8_t *serdata; struct supernet_info *myinfos[64]; struct instantdex_offer rawoffer; bits256 orderhash; uint64_t signerbits; uint8_t tmp[sizeof(msg->sig)]; char *retstr = 0; cJSON *retjson,*item,*argjson = 0; acct777_rwsig(0,(void *)&msg->sig,(void *)tmp); memcpy(&msg->sig,tmp,sizeof(msg->sig)); datalen = len - (int32_t)sizeof(msg->sig); serdata = (void *)((long)msg + sizeof(msg->sig)); printf("datalen.%d len.%d\n",datalen,len); if ( remoteaddr != 0 && remoteaddr[0] == 0 && strcmp("",remoteaddr) == 0 && ((uint8_t *)msg)[len-1] == 0 && (argjson= cJSON_Parse((char *)msg)) != 0 ) { printf("string instantdex_hexmsg RESULT.(%s)\n",jprint(argjson,0)); free_json(argjson); return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"string base packets deprecated\"}")); } //printf("msg.%p len.%d data.%p datalen.%d crc.%u %s\n",msg,len,data,datalen,calc_crc32(0,(void *)msg,len),bits256_str(str,msg->sig.pubkey)); //return(0); else if ( (signerbits= acct777_validate(&msg->sig,acct777_msgprivkey(serdata,datalen),msg->sig.pubkey)) != 0 ) { flag++; //printf("InstantDEX_hexmsg <<<<<<<<<<<<< sigsize.%ld VALIDATED [%ld] len.%d t%u allocsize.%d (%s) [%d]\n",sizeof(msg->sig),(long)serdata-(long)msg,datalen,msg->sig.timestamp,msg->sig.allocsize,(char *)msg->serialized,serdata[datalen-1]); newlen = (int32_t)(msg->sig.allocsize - sizeof(*msg)); serdata = msg->serialized; if ( (argjson= cJSON_Parse((char *)serdata)) != 0 ) { slen = (int32_t)strlen((char *)serdata) + 1; serdata = &serdata[slen]; newlen -= slen; } if ( newlen > 0 ) { orderhash = instantdex_rwoffer(0,&olen,serdata,&rawoffer); //printf("received orderhash.%llu\n",(long long)orderhash.txid); newlen -= olen; serdata = &serdata[olen]; } else olen = 0; if ( newlen <= 0 ) serdata = 0, newlen = 0; if ( serdata != 0 || argjson != 0 ) { //printf("CALL instantdex_parse.(%s)\n",argjson!=0?jprint(argjson,0):""); retjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( (num= SuperNET_MYINFOS(myinfos,sizeof(myinfos)/sizeof(*myinfos))) == 0 ) { myinfos[0] = myinfo; num = 1; } for (i=0; imyaddr.persistent)); if ( (retstr= instantdex_parse(myinfo,msg,argjson,remoteaddr,signerbits,&rawoffer,orderhash,serdata,newlen)) != 0 ) { item = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(item,"result",retstr); if ( myinfo->handle[0] != 0 ) jaddstr(item,"handle",myinfo->handle); jaddbits256(item,"traderpub",myinfo->myaddr.persistent); jaddi(retjson,item); } } retstr = jprint(retjson,1); } } else printf("sig err datalen.%d\n",datalen); if ( argjson != 0 ) free_json(argjson); return(retstr); } char *instantdex_queueaccept(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct instantdex_accept **aptrp,struct exchange_info *exchange,char *base,char *rel,double price,double basevolume,int32_t acceptdir,char *mysidestr,int32_t duration,uint64_t offerer) { struct instantdex_accept *ap; int32_t myside; char *retstr; *aptrp = 0; if ( exchange != 0 ) { *aptrp = ap = calloc(1,sizeof(*ap)); if ( strcmp(mysidestr,base) == 0 ) myside = 0; else if ( strcmp(mysidestr,rel) == 0 ) myside = 1; else { myside = -1; printf("myside.(%s) != base.%s or rel.%s\n",mysidestr,base,rel); } instantdex_acceptset(ap,base,rel,duration,myside,acceptdir,price,basevolume,offerer,0); queue_enqueue("acceptableQ",&exchange->acceptableQ,&ap->DL,0); retstr = jprint(instantdex_acceptjson(ap),1); printf("acceptableQ %llu (%s)\n",(long long)ap->orderid,retstr); return(retstr); } else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"invalid exchange\"}")); } void instantdex_update(struct supernet_info *myinfo) { struct instantdex_msghdr *pm; struct category_msg *m; int32_t iter; bits256 instantdexhash; char *str,remote[64]; instantdexhash = calc_categoryhashes(0,"InstantDEX",0); for (iter=0; iter<2; iter++) { while ( (m= category_gethexmsg(myinfo,instantdexhash,iter == 0 ? GENESIS_PUBKEY : myinfo->myaddr.persistent)) != 0 ) { //printf("gothexmsg len.%d\n",m->len); pm = (struct instantdex_msghdr *)m->msg; if ( m->remoteipbits != 0 ) expand_ipbits(remote,m->remoteipbits); else remote[0] = 0; if ( (str= InstantDEX_hexmsg(myinfo,pm,m->len,remote)) != 0 ) free(str); free(m); } } } #include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h" TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES(InstantDEX,maxaccept,base,rel,maxprice,basevolume) { struct instantdex_accept *ap; myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(json); if ( remoteaddr == 0 ) return(instantdex_queueaccept(myinfo,&ap,exchanges777_find("bitcoin"),base,rel,maxprice,basevolume,-1,rel,INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION,myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits)); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX API request only local usage!\"}")); } TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES(InstantDEX,minaccept,base,rel,minprice,basevolume) { struct instantdex_accept *ap; myinfo = SuperNET_accountfind(json); if ( remoteaddr == 0 ) return(instantdex_queueaccept(myinfo,&ap,exchanges777_find("bitcoin"),base,rel,minprice,basevolume,1,base,INSTANTDEX_OFFERDURATION,myinfo->myaddr.nxt64bits)); else return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"InstantDEX API request only local usage!\"}")); } #include "../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"