/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2018 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // main.c // marketmaker // // Copyright © 2017 SuperNET. All rights reserved. // void PNACL_message(char *arg,...) { } #define FROM_MARKETMAKER #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> // #include "lib.h" #ifndef NATIVE_WINDOWS #include "OS_portable.h" #else #include "../../crypto777/OS_portable.h" #endif // !_WIN_32 uint32_t DOCKERFLAG; #define MAX(a,b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b)) char *stats_JSON(void *ctx,int32_t fastflag,char *myipaddr,int32_t pubsock,cJSON *argjson,char *remoteaddr,uint16_t port); #include "stats.c" void LP_priceupdate(char *base,char *rel,double price,double avebid,double aveask,double highbid,double lowask,double PAXPRICES[32]); //defined(__APPLE__) || #ifdef FROM_JS // defined(WIN32) || defined(USE_STATIC_NANOMSG) #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/nn.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/bus.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pubsub.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pipeline.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/reqrep.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/tcp.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pair.h" #else #if defined(WIN32) || defined(USE_STATIC_NANOMSG) #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/nn.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/bus.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pubsub.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pipeline.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/reqrep.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/tcp.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/pair.h" #include "../../crypto777/nanosrc/ws.h" #else #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/nn.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/bus.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/pubsub.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/pipeline.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/reqrep.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/tcp.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/pair.h" #include "/usr/local/include/nanomsg/ws.h" #endif #endif #ifndef NN_WS_MSG_TYPE #define NN_WS_MSG_TYPE 1 #endif #include "LP_nativeDEX.c" void LP_ports(uint16_t *pullportp,uint16_t *pubportp,uint16_t *busportp,uint16_t netid) { int32_t netmod,netdiv; uint16_t otherports; *pullportp = *pubportp = *busportp = 0; if ( netid < 0 ) netid = 0; else if ( netid > (65535-40-LP_RPCPORT)/4 ) { printf("netid.%d overflow vs max netid.%d 14420?\n",netid,(65535-40-LP_RPCPORT)/4); exit(-1); } if ( netid != 0 ) { netmod = (netid % 10); netdiv = (netid / 10); otherports = (netdiv * 40) + (LP_RPCPORT + netmod); } else otherports = LP_RPCPORT; *pullportp = otherports + 10; *pubportp = otherports + 20; *busportp = otherports + 30; printf("RPCport.%d remoteport.%d, nanoports %d %d %d\n",RPC_port,RPC_port-1,*pullportp,*pubportp,*busportp); } void LP_main(void *ptr) { char *passphrase; double profitmargin; uint16_t netid=0,port,pullport,pubport,busport; cJSON *argjson = ptr; if ( (passphrase= jstr(argjson,"passphrase")) != 0 ) { profitmargin = jdouble(argjson,"profitmargin"); LP_profitratio += profitmargin; if ( (port= juint(argjson,"rpcport")) < 1000 ) port = LP_RPCPORT; if ( jobj(argjson,"netid") != 0 ) netid = juint(argjson,"netid"); LP_ports(&pullport,&pubport,&busport,netid); LPinit(port,pullport,pubport,busport,passphrase,jint(argjson,"client"),jstr(argjson,"userhome"),argjson); } } int32_t ensure_writable(char *dirname) { char fname[512],str[65],str2[65]; bits256 r,check; FILE *fp; OS_randombytes(r.bytes,sizeof(r)); sprintf(fname,"%s/checkval",dirname), OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) == 0 ) { printf("FATAL ERROR cant create %s\n",fname); fprintf(stderr,"FATAL ERROR cant create %s\n",fname); return(-1); } else if ( fwrite(r.bytes,1,sizeof(r),fp) != sizeof(r) ) { printf("FATAL ERROR error writing %s\n",fname); fprintf(stderr,"FATAL ERROR writing %s\n",fname); return(-1); } else { fclose(fp); if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) == 0 ) { printf("FATAL ERROR cant open %s\n",fname); fprintf(stderr,"FATAL ERROR cant open %s\n",fname); return(-1); } else if ( fread(check.bytes,1,sizeof(check),fp) != sizeof(check) ) { printf("FATAL ERROR error reading %s\n",fname); fprintf(stderr,"FATAL ERROR reading %s\n",fname); return(-1); } else if ( memcmp(check.bytes,r.bytes,sizeof(r)) != 0 ) { printf("FATAL ERROR error comparint %s %s vs %s\n",fname,bits256_str(str,r),bits256_str(str2,check)); fprintf(stderr,"FATAL ERROR error comparint %s %s vs %s\n",fname,bits256_str(str,r),bits256_str(str2,check)); return(-1); } fclose(fp); } return(0); } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { char dirname[512]; double incr; cJSON *retjson; OS_init(); if ( strstr(argv[0],"btc2kmd") != 0 && argv[1] != 0 ) { bits256 privkey,checkkey; uint8_t tmptype; char kmdwif[64],str[65],str2[65],*retstr; if ( LP_wifstr_valid("BTC",(char *)argv[1]) > 0 ) { bitcoin_wif2priv("BTC",0,&tmptype,&privkey,(char *)argv[1]); bitcoin_priv2wif("KMD",0,kmdwif,privkey,188); bitcoin_wif2priv("KMD",0,&tmptype,&checkkey,kmdwif); if ( bits256_cmp(privkey,checkkey) == 0 ) printf("BTC %s -> KMD %s: privkey %s\n",argv[1],kmdwif,bits256_str(str,privkey)); else printf("ERROR BTC %s %s != KMD %s %s\n",argv[1],bits256_str(str,privkey),kmdwif,bits256_str(str2,checkkey)); } else { if ( (retstr= LP_convaddress("BTC",(char *)argv[1],"KMD")) != 0 ) printf("%s\n",retstr); } exit(0); } else if ( argv[1] != 0 && strcmp(argv[1],"events") == 0 ) { int32_t len,bufsize = 1000000; void *ptr; char *buf; if ( (IPC_ENDPOINT= nn_socket(AF_SP,NN_PAIR)) >= 0 ) { if ( nn_connect(IPC_ENDPOINT,"ws://") >= 0 ) { buf = calloc(1,bufsize); while ( 1 ) { if ( (len= nn_recv(IPC_ENDPOINT,&ptr,NN_MSG,0)) > 0 ) { if ( len < bufsize ) { memcpy(buf,ptr,len); buf[len] = 0; printf("%s\n",(char *)buf); } nn_freemsg(ptr); } } } else printf("nn_connect error to IPC_ENDPOINT\n"); } else printf("error opening IPC_ENDPOINT\n"); } else if ( argv[1] != 0 && strcmp(argv[1],"hush") == 0 ) { uint32_t timestamp; char str[65],wifstr[128]; bits256 privkey; int32_t i; timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); //printf("start hush vanitygen t.%u\n",timestamp); for (i=0; i<1000000000; i++) { OS_randombytes(privkey.bytes,sizeof(privkey)); privkey.bytes[0] = 0x0e; privkey.bytes[1] = 0x5b; privkey.bytes[2] = 0xf9; privkey.bytes[3] = 0xc6; privkey.bytes[4] = 0x06; privkey.bytes[5] = 0xdd; privkey.bytes[6] = 0xbb; bitcoin_priv2wiflong("HUSH",0xab,wifstr,privkey,0x36); if ( wifstr[2] == 'x' && wifstr[4] == 'H' && wifstr[5] == 'u' && wifstr[6] == 's' )//&& wifstr[3] == 'x' ) { if ( wifstr[7] == 'h' && wifstr[8] == 'L' && wifstr[9] == 'i' ) { //printf("i.%d %s -> wif.%s\n",i,bits256_str(str,privkey),wifstr); if ( wifstr[10] == 's' && wifstr[11] == 't' ) { printf("{\"iters\":%d,\"privkey\":\"%s\",\"wif\":\"%s\"}\n",i,bits256_str(str,privkey),wifstr); break; } } } //else printf("failed %s\n",wifstr); } //printf("done hush vanitygen done %u elapsed %d\n",(uint32_t)time(NULL),(uint32_t)time(NULL) - timestamp); exit(0); } else if ( argv[1] != 0 && strcmp(argv[1],"vanity") == 0 && argv[2] != 0 ) { uint32_t timestamp; uint8_t pubkey33[33]; char str[65],coinaddr[64],wifstr[128]; bits256 privkey; int32_t i,len; void *ctx; ctx = bitcoin_ctx(); len = (int32_t)strlen(argv[2]); timestamp = (uint32_t)time(NULL); printf("start vanitygen (%s).%d t.%u\n",argv[2],len,timestamp); for (i=0; i<1000000000; i++) { OS_randombytes(privkey.bytes,sizeof(privkey)); bitcoin_priv2pub(ctx,"KMD",pubkey33,coinaddr,privkey,0,60); if ( strncmp(coinaddr+1,argv[2],len-1) == 0 ) { bitcoin_priv2wif("KMD",0,wifstr,privkey,188); printf("i.%d %s -> %s wif.%s\n",i,bits256_str(str,privkey),coinaddr,wifstr); if ( coinaddr[1+len-1] == argv[2][len-1] ) break; } //else printf("failed %s\n",wifstr); } printf("done vanitygen.(%s) done %u elapsed %d\n",argv[2],(uint32_t)time(NULL),(uint32_t)time(NULL) - timestamp); exit(0); } else if ( argv[1] != 0 && strcmp(argv[1],"airdropH") == 0 && argv[2] != 0 ) { FILE *fp; double val,total = 0.; uint8_t checktype,addrtype,rmd160[21],checkrmd160[21]; char *floatstr,*addrstr,buf[256],checkaddr[64],coinaddr[64],manystrs[64][128],cmd[64*128]; int32_t n,i,num; char *flag; if ( (fp= fopen(argv[2],"rb")) != 0 ) { num = 0; while ( fgets(buf,sizeof(buf),fp) > 0 ) { if ( (n= (int32_t)strlen(buf)) > 0 ) buf[--n] = 0; flag = 0; for (i=0; i<n; i++) { if ( buf[i] == ',' ) { buf[i] = 0; flag = &buf[i+1]; break; } } if ( flag != 0 ) { addrstr = flag, floatstr = buf; //addrstr = buf, floatstr = flag; //bitcoin_addr2rmd160("HUSH",28,&addrtype,rmd160,buf); bitcoin_addr2rmd160("BTC",0,&addrtype,rmd160,addrstr); bitcoin_address("KMD",coinaddr,0,addrtype == 0 ? 60 : 85,rmd160,20); bitcoin_addr2rmd160("KMD",0,&checktype,checkrmd160,coinaddr); //bitcoin_address("HUSH",checkaddr,28,checktype == 60 ? 184 : 189,checkrmd160,20); bitcoin_address("BTC",checkaddr,0,checktype == 60 ? 0 : 5,checkrmd160,20); if ( memcmp(rmd160,checkrmd160,20) != 0 || strcmp(addrstr,checkaddr) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i<20; i++) printf("%02x",rmd160[i]); printf(" vs. "); for (i=0; i<20; i++) printf("%02x",checkrmd160[i]); printf(" address calc error (%s).%d -> (%s).%d -> (%s) %.8f?\n",addrstr,addrtype,coinaddr,checktype,checkaddr,atof(floatstr)); } else { val = atof(floatstr); sprintf(manystrs[num++],"\\\"%s\\\":%0.8f",coinaddr,val); if ( num >= sizeof(manystrs)/sizeof(*manystrs) ) { sprintf(cmd,"fiat/btch sendmany \\\"\\\" \"{"); for (i=0; i<num; i++) sprintf(cmd + strlen(cmd),"%s%s",manystrs[i],i<num-1?",":""); strcat(cmd,"}\" 0"); printf("%s\nsleep 3\n",cmd); num = 0; memset(manystrs,0,sizeof(manystrs)); } total += val; //printf("(%s).%d (%s) <- %.8f (%s) total %.8f\n",addrstr,addrtype,coinaddr,val,floatstr,total); } } else printf("parse error for (%s)\n",buf); } if ( num > 0 ) { sprintf(cmd,"fiat/btch sendmany \\\"\\\" \"{"); for (i=0; i<num; i++) sprintf(cmd + strlen(cmd),"%s%s",manystrs[i],i<num-1?",":""); strcat(cmd,"}\" 0"); printf("%s\n",cmd); num = 0; memset(manystrs,0,sizeof(manystrs)); } printf("close (%s) total %.8f\n",argv[2],total); fclose(fp); } else printf("couldnt open (%s)\n",argv[2]); exit(0); } sprintf(dirname,"%s",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); if ( ensure_writable(dirname) < 0 ) { printf("couldnt write to (%s)\n",dirname); exit(0); } sprintf(dirname,"%s/SWAPS",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); if ( ensure_writable(dirname) < 0 ) { printf("couldnt write to (%s)\n",dirname); exit(0); } sprintf(dirname,"%s/GTC",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); if ( ensure_writable(dirname) < 0 ) { printf("couldnt write to (%s)\n",dirname); exit(0); } sprintf(dirname,"%s/PRICES",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); if ( ensure_writable(dirname) < 0 ) { printf("couldnt write to (%s)\n",dirname); exit(0); } sprintf(dirname,"%s/UNSPENTS",GLOBAL_DBDIR), OS_ensure_directory(dirname); if ( ensure_writable(dirname) < 0 ) { printf("couldnt write to (%s)\n",dirname); exit(0); } #ifdef FROM_JS argc = 2; retjson = cJSON_Parse("{\"client\":1,\"passphrase\":\"test\"}"); printf("calling LP_main(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); LP_main(retjson); emscripten_set_main_loop(LP_fromjs_iter,1,0); #else if ( argc == 1 ) { //LP_privkey_tests(); LP_NXT_redeems(); sleep(3); return(0); } if ( argc > 1 && (retjson= cJSON_Parse(argv[1])) != 0 ) { if ( jint(retjson,"docker") == 1 ) DOCKERFLAG = 1; else if ( jstr(retjson,"docker") != 0 ) DOCKERFLAG = (uint32_t)calc_ipbits(jstr(retjson,"docker")); //if ( jobj(retjson,"passphrase") != 0 ) // jdelete(retjson,"passphrase"); //if ( (passphrase= jstr(retjson,"passphrase")) == 0 ) // jaddstr(retjson,"passphrase","default"); if ( OS_thread_create(malloc(sizeof(pthread_t)),NULL,(void *)LP_main,(void *)retjson) != 0 ) { printf("error launching LP_main (%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); exit(-1); } //else printf("(%s) launched.(%s)\n",argv[1],passphrase); incr = 100.; while ( LP_STOP_RECEIVED == 0 ) sleep(100000); } else printf("couldnt parse.(%s)\n",argv[1]); #endif return 0; }