var SPNAPI = (function(SPNAPI, $, undefined) { SPNAPI.methods = {}; SPNAPI.pages = ["Settings", "eyedea", "iguana","Debug","Wallet"]; SPNAPI.pageContent = {}; = "welcome"; $(document).ready(function() { //load Pages into the navbar $.each(SPNAPI.pages, function( index, value ) { $("#welcome").after('<li class="navigation" data-page="'+value+'"><a href="#">'+value+'</a></li>'); }); $(".navigation").on("click", function () { var page = $(this).data("page"); $(".navigation").removeClass("active"); $(".hljs").html("JSON response"); SPNAPI.loadSite(page); }); $(".page").hide(); $("#welcome_page").show(); $(".submit_api_request").on("click", function () { SPNAPI.submitRequest(); }); $(".clear-response").on("click", function () { $(".hljs").html("JSON response"); }); }); SPNAPI.submitRequest = function(e) { //code added in order to be able to receive input from <input> or <textarea> fields //original code: var request = $(".json_submit_url").html(); //CODE CHANGED START // val() will not work with multiple textareas with same class // when there will be one tab for talking with api - this if-else can be deleted if ($("#json_submit_url").val()) { var request = $("#json_submit_url").val(); } else if ($(".json_src").val()) { var request = $(".json_src").val(); } //CODE CHANGED STOP // add new item in history table historyTable.addItem(request); postCall('iguana', request, function(jsonstr) { $(".debuglogdebuglog").append(jsonstr); common.logMessage(jsonstr + '\n'); $(".hljs").html(jsonstr); }); }; return SPNAPI; }(SPNAPI || {}, jQuery));