/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // included from basilisk.c // deposit address -> corresponding KMD address, if KMD deposit starts JUMBLR // jumblr address is the destination of JUMBLR and JUMBLR BTC (would need tracking to map back to non-BTC) // address is DEX'ed for // return value convention: -1 error, 0 partial match, >= 1 exact match int32_t smartaddress_type(char *typestr) { char upper[64]; if ( strcmp(typestr,"deposit") != 0 && strcmp(typestr,"jumblr") != 0 ) { upper[sizeof(upper)-1] = 0; strncpy(upper,typestr,sizeof(upper)-1); touppercase(upper); if ( iguana_coinfind(upper) != 0 ) return(0); } return(-1); } bits256 jumblr_privkey(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *coinaddr,uint8_t pubtype,char *KMDaddr,char *prefix) { bits256 privkey,pubkey; uint8_t pubkey33[33]; char passphrase[sizeof(myinfo->jumblr_passphrase) + 64]; sprintf(passphrase,"%s%s",prefix,myinfo->jumblr_passphrase); if ( myinfo->jumblr_passphrase[0] == 0 ) strcpy(myinfo->jumblr_passphrase,"password"); conv_NXTpassword(privkey.bytes,pubkey.bytes,(uint8_t *)passphrase,(int32_t)strlen(passphrase)); bitcoin_pubkey33(myinfo->ctx,pubkey33,privkey); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,pubtype,pubkey33,33); bitcoin_address(KMDaddr,60,pubkey33,33); //printf("(%s) -> (%s %s)\n",passphrase,coinaddr,KMDaddr); return(privkey); } cJSON *smartaddress_json(struct smartaddress *ap) { char coinaddr[64],*symbol; int32_t j,n; struct iguana_info *coin; cJSON *array,*ritem,*item,*retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,60,ap->pubkey33,33); jaddstr(retjson,"KMD",coinaddr); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,0,ap->pubkey33,33); jaddstr(retjson,"BTC",coinaddr); if ( ap->typejson != 0 ) { printf("smartjson.(%s)\n",jprint(ap->typejson,0)); //jadd(item,"type",ap->typejson); array = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(ap->typejson)) > 0 ) { jadd(retjson,"type",jitem(ap->typejson,0)); for (j=1; jtypejson,j); if ( (symbol= jstr(item,"s")) != 0 ) { if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 ) { bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,ap->pubkey33,33); ritem = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(ritem,"coin",symbol); jaddstr(ritem,"address",coinaddr); jaddnum(ritem,"maxbid",jdouble(item,"b")); jaddnum(ritem,"minask",jdouble(item,"a")); jaddi(array,ritem); } } } } jadd(retjson,"coins",array); } return(retjson); } int32_t _smartaddress_add(struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 privkey,char *symbol,double maxbid,double minask) { char coinaddr[64],*jsym; uint8_t addrtype,rmd160[20]; cJSON *item; struct smartaddress *ap; int32_t i,j,n; if ( myinfo->numsmartaddrs < sizeof(myinfo->smartaddrs)/sizeof(*myinfo->smartaddrs) ) { for (i=0; inumsmartaddrs; i++) if ( bits256_cmp(myinfo->smartaddrs[i].privkey,privkey) == 0 ) { ap = &myinfo->smartaddrs[i]; if ( ap->typejson == 0 ) return(-1); else { n = cJSON_GetArraySize(ap->typejson); for (j=0; jtypejson,j); jsym = jstr(item,"s"); if ( jsym != 0 && strcmp(jsym,symbol) == 0 ) { if ( maxbid != 0. ) { if ( jobj(item,"b") != 0 ) jdelete(item,"b"); jaddnum(item,"b",maxbid); } if ( minask != 0. ) { if ( jobj(item,"a") != 0 ) jdelete(item,"a"); jaddnum(item,"a",minask); } printf("updated.(%s)\n",jprint(ap->typejson,0)); return(0); } } } jaddistr(ap->typejson,symbol); return(i+1); } ap = &myinfo->smartaddrs[myinfo->numsmartaddrs]; ap->typejson = cJSON_CreateArray(); if ( smartaddress_type(symbol) < 0 ) return(-1); item = cJSON_CreateObject(), jaddstr(item,"type",symbol), jaddi(ap->typejson,item); item = cJSON_CreateObject(), jaddstr(item,"s","KMD"), jaddi(ap->typejson,item); item = cJSON_CreateObject(), jaddstr(item,"s","BTC"), jaddi(ap->typejson,item); printf("created.(%s)\n",jprint(ap->typejson,0)); ap->privkey = privkey; bitcoin_pubkey33(myinfo->ctx,ap->pubkey33,privkey); calc_rmd160_sha256(ap->rmd160,ap->pubkey33,33); ap->pubkey = curve25519(privkey,curve25519_basepoint9()); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,0,ap->pubkey33,33); for (i=0; i<20; i++) printf("%02x",ap->rmd160[i]); bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr); printf(", "); for (i=0; i<20; i++) printf("%02x",rmd160[i]); printf (" <- rmd160 for %d %s\n",myinfo->numsmartaddrs,coinaddr); return(++myinfo->numsmartaddrs + 1); } printf("too many smartaddresses %d vs %d\n",myinfo->numsmartaddrs,(int32_t)(sizeof(myinfo->smartaddrs)/sizeof(*myinfo->smartaddrs))); return(-1); } int32_t smartaddress_add(struct supernet_info *myinfo,bits256 privkey,char *symbol,double maxbid,double minask) { int32_t retval; portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); retval = _smartaddress_add(myinfo,privkey,symbol,maxbid,minask); portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); return(retval); } int32_t smartaddress_symbolmatch(char *typestr,double *bidaskp,struct smartaddress *ap,char *symbol) { int32_t j,n; char *str; cJSON *item; if ( ap->typejson != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(ap->typejson)) > 0 ) { item = jitem(ap->typejson,0); if ( (str= jstr(item,"type")) != 0 ) strncpy(typestr,str,63); else typestr[0] = 0; for (j=1; jtypejson,j); str = jstr(item,"s"); if ( str != 0 && strcmp(str,symbol) == 0 ) { bidaskp[0] = jdouble(item,"b"); bidaskp[1] = jdouble(item,"a"); return(j); } } } return(-1); } int32_t smartaddress(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *typestr,double *bidaskp,bits256 *privkeyp,char *symbol,char *coinaddr) { int32_t i,j,retval = -1; uint8_t addrtype,rmd160[20]; struct smartaddress *ap; memset(privkeyp,0,sizeof(*privkeyp)); memset(bidaskp,0,sizeof(*bidaskp) * 2); bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr); portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); for (i=0; inumsmartaddrs; i++) if ( memcmp(myinfo->smartaddrs[i].rmd160,rmd160,20) == 0 ) { ap = &myinfo->smartaddrs[i]; *privkeyp = ap->privkey; if ( (j= smartaddress_symbolmatch(typestr,bidaskp,ap,symbol)) >= 0 ) retval = 0; else retval = (i+1); break; } portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); for (i=0; i<20; i++) printf("%02x",rmd160[i]); printf(" <- rmd160 smartaddress cant find (%s) of %d\n",coinaddr,myinfo->numsmartaddrs); return(retval); } int32_t smartaddress_pubkey(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *typestr,double *bidaskp,bits256 *privkeyp,char *symbol,bits256 pubkey) { int32_t i,j,retval = -1; struct smartaddress *ap; memset(privkeyp,0,sizeof(*privkeyp)); memset(bidaskp,0,sizeof(*bidaskp) * 2); portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); for (i=0; inumsmartaddrs; i++) if ( bits256_cmp(myinfo->smartaddrs[i].pubkey,pubkey) == 0 ) { ap = &myinfo->smartaddrs[i]; if ( (j= smartaddress_symbolmatch(typestr,bidaskp,ap,symbol)) >= 0 ) retval = 0; else retval = (i+1); break; } portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); return(retval); } int32_t smartaddress_pubkey33(struct supernet_info *myinfo,char *typestr,double *bidaskp,bits256 *privkeyp,char *symbol,uint8_t *pubkey33) { int32_t i,j,retval = -1; struct smartaddress *ap; memset(privkeyp,0,sizeof(*privkeyp)); memset(bidaskp,0,sizeof(*bidaskp) * 2); portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); for (i=0; inumsmartaddrs; i++) if ( memcmp(myinfo->smartaddrs[i].pubkey33,pubkey33,33) == 0 ) { ap = &myinfo->smartaddrs[i]; *privkeyp = ap->privkey; if ( (j= smartaddress_symbolmatch(typestr,bidaskp,ap,symbol)) >= 0 ) retval = 0; else retval = (i+1); break; } portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); return(retval); } #include "../includes/iguana_apidefs.h" #include "../includes/iguana_apideclares.h" #include "../includes/iguana_apideclares2.h" ZERO_ARGS(InstantDEX,smartaddresses) { int32_t i; cJSON *retjson = cJSON_CreateArray(); portable_mutex_lock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); for (i=0; inumsmartaddrs; i++) jaddi(retjson,smartaddress_json(&myinfo->smartaddrs[i])); portable_mutex_unlock(&myinfo->smart_mutex); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } TWO_STRINGS_AND_TWO_DOUBLES(InstantDEX,smartaddress,type,symbol,maxbid,minask) { char prefix[64],coinaddr[64],KMDaddr[64],typestr[64]; double bidask[2]; uint8_t pubkey33[33]; bits256 privkey; if ( smartaddress_type(type) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"non-supported smartaddress type\"}")); if ( iguana_coinfind(symbol) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"non-supported smartaddress symbol\"}")); if ( strcmp(type,"deposit") == 0 || strcmp(type,"jumblr") == 0 ) { if ( smartaddress_pubkey(myinfo,typestr,bidask,&privkey,symbol,strcmp(type,"deposit") == 0 ? myinfo->jumblr_depositkey : myinfo->jumblr_pubkey) < 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"unexpected missing smartaddress deposit/jumblr\"}")); } else { strcpy(prefix,type); tolowercase(prefix); if ( strcmp(prefix,"btc") == 0 || strcmp(prefix,"kmd") == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"success\":\"no need add BTC or KMD to smartaddress\"}")); strcat(prefix," "); privkey = jumblr_privkey(myinfo,coinaddr,0,KMDaddr,prefix); } if ( (coin= iguana_coinfind(symbol)) == 0 ) return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"non-supported smartaddress symbol\"}")); bitcoin_pubkey33(myinfo->ctx,pubkey33,privkey); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,pubkey33,33); smartaddress_add(myinfo,privkey,symbol,maxbid,minask); return(InstantDEX_smartaddresses(myinfo,0,0,0)); } #include "../includes/iguana_apiundefs.h"