/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2017 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // // LP_rpc.c // marketmaker // /*char *LP_issue_curl(char *debugstr,char *destip,uint16_t port,char *url) { char *retstr = 0; int32_t maxerrs; struct LP_peerinfo *peer = 0; peer = LP_peerfind((uint32_t)calc_ipbits(destip),port); if ( strcmp(destip,"") != 0 ) port--; maxerrs = LP_MAXPEER_ERRORS; if ( peer == 0 || (peer->errors < maxerrs || peer->good >= LP_MINPEER_GOOD) ) { printf("issue.(%s)\n",url); if ( (retstr= issue_curlt(url,LP_HTTP_TIMEOUT)) == 0 ) { if ( peer != 0 ) { peer->errors++; peer->good *= LP_PEERGOOD_ERRORDECAY; } else printf("%s error on (%s:%u) without peer\n",debugstr,destip,port); } else if ( peer != 0 ) peer->good++; } return(retstr); }*/ char *LP_isitme(char *destip,uint16_t destport) { if ( LP_mypeer != 0 && strcmp(destip,LP_mypeer->ipaddr) == 0 && LP_mypeer->port == destport ) { //printf("no need to notify ourselves\n"); return(clonestr("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } else return(0); } char *LP_apicall(struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,char *params) { cJSON *retjson; char *retstr; if ( coin == 0 ) return(0); if ( coin->electrum != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= electrum_submit(coin->symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,method,params,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)) != 0 ) { retstr = jprint(retjson,1); //printf("got.%p (%s)\n",retjson,retstr); return(retstr); } return(clonestr("{\"error\":\"electrum no response\"}")); } else return(bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,method,params)); } cJSON *bitcoin_json(struct iguana_info *coin,char *method,char *params) { cJSON *retjson = 0; char *retstr; // "getinfo", "getrawmempool", "paxprice", "gettxout", "getrawtransaction", "getblock", "listunspent", "listtransactions", "validateaddress", "importprivkey" // bitcoind_passthru callers: "importaddress", "estimatefee", "getblockhash", "sendrawtransaction", "signrawtransaction" if ( coin != 0 ) { //printf("issue.(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s)\n",coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,method,params); if ( coin->electrum != 0 && (strcmp(method,"getblock") == 0 || strcmp(method,"paxprice") == 0 || strcmp(method,"getrawmempool") == 0) ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"illegal electrum call\"}")); if ( coin->inactive == 0 || strcmp(method,"importprivkey") == 0 || strcmp(method,"validateaddress") == 0 ) { if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,method,params); if ( 0 && strcmp("KMD",coin->symbol) == 0 ) printf("%s.(%s %s): %s.%s -> (%s)\n",coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,method,params,retstr); if ( retstr != 0 && retstr[0] != 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_Parse(retstr); free(retstr); } } else { if ( (retjson= electrum_submit(coin->symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,method,params,ELECTRUM_TIMEOUT)) != 0 ) { if ( jobj(retjson,"error") != 0 ) { free_json(retjson); retjson = 0; } //printf("electrum %s.%s -> (%s)\n",method,params,jprint(retjson,0)); /*if ( (resultjson= jobj(retjson,"result")) != 0 ) { resultjson = jduplicate(resultjson); free_json(retjson); retjson = resultjson; }*/ } } } else retjson = cJSON_Parse("{\"result\":\"disabled\"}"); } else printf("bitcoin_json cant talk to NULL coin\n"); return(retjson); } void LP_unspents_mark(char *symbol,cJSON *vins) { //printf("LOCK (%s)\n",jprint(vins,0)); } char *NXTnodes[] = { "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "" }; static char *assetids[][4] = { { "13502152099823770958", "SUPERNETx2", "10000", "10000" }, { "12071612744977229797", "SUPERNET", "10000", "10000" }, { "12071612744977229797", "UNITY", "10000", "10000" }, { "15344649963748848799", "DEX", "1", "100000000" }, { "6883271355794806507", "PANGEA", "10000", "10000" }, { "17911762572811467637", "JUMBLR", "10000", "10000" }, { "17083334802666450484", "BET", "10000", "10000" }, { "13476425053110940554", "CRYPTO", "1000", "100000" }, { "6932037131189568014", "HODL", "1", "100000000" }, { "3006420581923704757", "SHARK", "10000", "10000" }, { "17571711292785902558", "BOTS", "1", "100000000" }, { "10524562908394749924", "MGW", "1", "100000000" }, }; void LP_sendtoaddress_line(char *validaddress,char *assetname,uint64_t satoshis,uint64_t txnum) { char line[1024],lowerstr[64]; if ( strcmp(assetname,"SUPERNETx2") == 0 ) { sprintf(line,"fiat/supernet sendtoaddress %s %.8f # txnum.%llu",validaddress,dstr(satoshis),(long long)txnum); printf("%s\n",line); sprintf(line,"fiat/revs sendtoaddress %s %.8f # txnum.%llu",validaddress,dstr(satoshis),(long long)txnum); } else { strcpy(lowerstr,assetname); tolowercase(lowerstr); sprintf(line,"fiat/%s sendtoaddress %s %.8f # txnum.%llu",lowerstr,validaddress,dstr(satoshis),(long long)txnum); } printf("%s\n",line); } uint64_t LP_assetid_mult(int32_t *assetindp,char *name,uint64_t assetid) { int32_t i; uint64_t mult = 0; name[0] = 0; *assetindp = -1; for (i=0; i= 1 ) { if ( strcmp(account,"NXT-XRK4-5HYK-5965-9FH4Z") != 0 ) { printf("%s %.6f %8llu QNT %s -> %llu %.8f\n",account,ratio,(long long)qtyA,assetids[j][2],(long long)(qtyA * ratio),((double)(long long)(qtyA * ratio))/decimals); sprintf(url,"",passphrase,account,(long long)assetid,(long long)(qtyA * ratio)); } } } } } free_json(retjson); } printf("NXTventure assethodlers.%d\n",n); free(retstr); } } cJSON *LP_NXT_redeems() { char url[1024],*retstr,*recv,*method,*msgstr,assetname[128]; uint64_t totals[20],mult,txnum,assetid,qty; int32_t i,ind,numtx,past_marker=0; cJSON *item,*attach,*decjson,*array,*msgjson,*encjson,*retjson=0; uint64_t txnum_marker = calc_nxt64bits("0"); uint64_t txnum_marker2 = calc_nxt64bits("7256847492742571143"); NXTventure_liquidation(); char *passphrase = ""; char *account = "NXT-MRBN-8DFH-PFMK-A4DBM"; memset(totals,0,sizeof(totals)); sprintf(url,"",account); //printf("calling (%s)\n",url); if ( (retstr= issue_curlt(url,LP_HTTP_TIMEOUT)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (array= jarray(&numtx,retjson,"transactions")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; i= 0 ) totals[ind] += qty * mult; if ( msgstr != 0 && assetname[0] != 0 && qty != 0 ) { char validaddress[64]; int32_t z,n; n = (int32_t)strlen(msgstr); for (z=0; z= 34 ) strncpy(validaddress,&msgstr[z],34); if ( strlen(validaddress) == 34 || strlen(validaddress) == 33 ) { //printf("%-4d: (%34s) <- %13.5f %10s tx.%llu past_marker.%d\n",i,validaddress,dstr(qty * mult),assetname,(long long)txnum,past_marker); if ( past_marker == 0 ) { LP_sendtoaddress_line(validaddress,assetname,(qty * mult),txnum); } } else printf("%-4d: (%34s) <- %13.5f %10s tx.%llu\n",i,msgstr!=0?msgstr:jprint(item,0),dstr(qty * mult),assetname,(long long)txnum); } if ( msgjson != 0 ) free_json(msgjson); if ( decjson != 0 ) free_json(decjson); } if ( txnum == txnum_marker2 ) break; } } //free_json(retjson); } free(retstr); } printf("\nTotal redeemed\n"); for (i=0; iheight; if ( coin->electrum == 0 && time(NULL) > coin->heighttime+60 ) { if ( strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 ) method = "getblockchaininfo"; retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,method,"[]"); if ( retstr != 0 && retstr[0] != 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_Parse(retstr); coin->height = height = jint(retjson,"blocks"); free_json(retjson); if ( coin->height > 0 ) coin->heighttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); free(retstr); } } return(height); } uint64_t LP_RTsmartbalance(struct iguana_info *coin) { cJSON *array,*item; char buf[512],*retstr; int32_t i,n; uint64_t valuesum,value; valuesum = 0; sprintf(buf,"[0, 99999999, [\"%s\"]]",coin->smartaddr); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"listunspent",buf); if ( retstr != 0 && retstr[0] != 0 ) { array = cJSON_Parse(retstr); if ( is_cJSON_Array(array) != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; ielectrum != 0 && coinaddr == 0) ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no native coin\"}")); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) return(bitcoin_json(coin,"getrawmempool","[]")); else return(electrum_address_getmempool(symbol,coin->electrum,&array,coinaddr,txid,txid2)); } cJSON *LP_paxprice(char *fiat) { char buf[128],lfiat[65]; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind("KMD"); strcpy(lfiat,fiat); tolowercase(lfiat); sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", \"kmd\"]",lfiat); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"paxprice",buf)); } cJSON *LP_gettx(char *symbol,bits256 txid,int32_t suppress_errors) { struct iguana_info *coin; char buf[512],str[65]; cJSON *retjson; //printf("LP_gettx %s %s\n",symbol,bits256_str(str,txid)); if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no coin\"}")); if ( bits256_nonz(txid) == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null txid\"}")); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", 1]",bits256_str(str,txid)); retjson = bitcoin_json(coin,"getrawtransaction",buf); return(retjson); } else { if ( (retjson= electrum_transaction(symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,txid,0)) != 0 ) return(retjson); else if ( suppress_errors == 0 ) printf("failed blockchain.transaction.get %s %s\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,txid)); return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no transaction bytes\"}")); } } uint32_t LP_locktime(char *symbol,bits256 txid) { cJSON *txobj; uint32_t locktime = 0; if ( (txobj= LP_gettx(symbol,txid,0)) != 0 ) { locktime = juint(txobj,"locktime"); free_json(txobj); } return(locktime); } /*uint32_t LP_txtime(char *symbol,bits256 txid) { struct LP_transaction *tx; struct iguana_info *coin; int32_t timestamp=0,height = 0; char str[65]; printf("LP_txtime (%s %s)\n",symbol,bits256_str(str,txid)); if ( (timestamp= LP_locktime(symbol,txid)) != 0 ) return(timestamp); if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 ) { if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) != 0 ) { height = tx->height; timestamp = LP_heighttime(symbol,height); } } return(height); }*/ cJSON *LP_gettxout_json(bits256 txid,int32_t vout,int32_t height,char *coinaddr,uint64_t value) { cJSON *retjson,*addresses,*sobj; retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(retjson,"value",dstr(value)); jaddnum(retjson,"height",height); jaddbits256(retjson,"txid",txid); jaddnum(retjson,"vout",vout); addresses = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(addresses,coinaddr); sobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddnum(sobj,"reqSigs",1); jaddstr(sobj,"type","pubkey"); jadd(sobj,"addresses",addresses); jadd(retjson,"scriptPubKey",sobj); //printf("GETTXOUT.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); return(retjson); } cJSON *LP_gettxout(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { char buf[128],str[65]; cJSON *item,*array,*vouts,*txobj,*retjson=0; int32_t i,v,n; bits256 t,zero; struct iguana_info *coin; struct LP_transaction *tx; struct LP_address_utxo *up; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no coin\"}")); if ( bits256_nonz(txid) == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null txid\"}")); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", %d, true]",bits256_str(str,txid),vout); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"gettxout",buf)); } else { if ( (tx= LP_transactionfind(coin,txid)) != 0 && vout < tx->numvouts ) { if ( tx->outpoints[vout].spendheight > 0 ) return(0); //return(LP_gettxout_json(txid,vout,tx->height,tx->outpoints[vout].coinaddr,tx->outpoints[vout].value)); } if ( coinaddr[0] == 0 ) { if ( (txobj= electrum_transaction(symbol,coin->electrum,&txobj,txid,0)) != 0 ) { if ( (vouts= jarray(&n,txobj,"vout")) != 0 && n > 0 ) LP_destaddr(coinaddr,jitem(vouts,vout)); free_json(txobj); } } if ( coinaddr[0] != 0 ) { if ( (up= LP_address_utxofind(coin,coinaddr,txid,vout)) != 0 ) { if ( up->spendheight > 0 ) return(0); //return(LP_gettxout_json(txid,vout,up->U.height,coinaddr,up->U.value)); } memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); if ( (array= electrum_address_listunspent(coin->symbol,0,&array,coinaddr,1,txid,zero)) != 0 ) { //printf("array.(%s)\n",jprint(array,0)); if ( array != 0 && (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; ielectrum != 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"address",address); bitcoin_addr2rmd160(coin->taddr,&addrtype,rmd160,address); bitcoin_address(checkaddr,coin->taddr,addrtype,rmd160,20); jadd(retjson,"isvalid",strcmp(address,checkaddr)==0? cJSON_CreateTrue() : cJSON_CreateFalse()); if ( addrtype == coin->pubtype ) { strcpy(script,"76a914"); for (i=0; i<20; i++) sprintf(&script[i*2+6],"%02x",rmd160[i]); script[i*2+6] = 0; strcat(script,"88ac"); jaddstr(retjson,"scriptPubKey",script); } bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->taddr,coin->pubtype,G.LP_myrmd160,20); jadd(retjson,"ismine",strcmp(address,coin->smartaddr) == 0 ? cJSON_CreateTrue() : cJSON_CreateFalse()); jadd(retjson,"iswatchonly",cJSON_CreateTrue()); jadd(retjson,"isscript",addrtype == coin->p2shtype ? cJSON_CreateTrue() : cJSON_CreateFalse()); return(retjson); } else { sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\"]",address); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"validateaddress",buf)); } } int32_t LP_address_ismine(char *symbol,char *address) { int32_t doneflag = 0; cJSON *retjson,*obj; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(0); if ( (retjson= LP_validateaddress(symbol,address)) != 0 ) { if ( (obj= jobj(retjson,"ismine")) != 0 && is_cJSON_True(obj) != 0 ) { doneflag = 1; //printf("%s ismine (%s)\n",address,jprint(retjson,0)); } //printf("%s\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } return(doneflag); } int32_t LP_address_iswatched(char *symbol,char *address) { int32_t doneflag = 0; cJSON *retjson,*obj; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(0); if ( (retjson= LP_validateaddress(symbol,address)) != 0 ) { if ( (obj= jobj(retjson,"iswatched")) != 0 && is_cJSON_True(obj) != 0 ) { doneflag = 1; //printf("%s ismine (%s)\n",address,jprint(retjson,0)); } //printf("%s\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } return(doneflag); } int32_t LP_address_isvalid(char *symbol,char *address) { int32_t isvalid = 0; cJSON *retjson; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(0); if ( (retjson= LP_validateaddress(symbol,address)) != 0 ) { if ( jobj(retjson,"isvalid") != 0 && is_cJSON_True(jobj(retjson,"isvalid")) != 0 ) { isvalid = 1; //printf("%s ismine (%s)\n",address,jprint(retjson,0)); } //printf("%s\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } return(isvalid); } cJSON *LP_listunspent(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,bits256 reftxid,bits256 reftxid2) { char buf[128],*retstr; struct LP_address *ap; cJSON *retjson; int32_t numconfs,usecache=1; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 || (IAMLP == 0 && coin->inactive != 0) ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no coin\"}")); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { if ( (ap= LP_addressfind(coin,symbol)) != 0 ) { if ( ap->unspenttime == 0 ) usecache = 0; else if ( G.LP_pendingswaps != 0 && time(NULL) > ap->unspenttime+1 ) usecache = 0; if ( usecache != 0 && (retstr= LP_unspents_filestr(symbol,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_Parse(retstr); free(retstr); return(retjson); } } if ( LP_address_ismine(symbol,coinaddr) > 0 || LP_address_iswatched(symbol,coinaddr) > 0 ) { if ( strcmp(symbol,"BTC") == 0 ) numconfs = 0; else numconfs = 1; sprintf(buf,"[%d, 99999999, [\"%s\"]]",numconfs,coinaddr); //printf("LP_listunspent.(%s %s)\n",symbol,coinaddr); retjson = bitcoin_json(coin,"listunspent",buf); retstr = jprint(retjson,0); LP_unspents_cache(coin->symbol,coinaddr,retstr,1); free(retstr); if ( ap != 0 ) ap->unspenttime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); return(retjson); } else return(LP_address_utxos(coin,coinaddr,0)); } else return(electrum_address_listunspent(symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,coinaddr,1,reftxid,reftxid2)); } cJSON *LP_listreceivedbyaddress(char *symbol,char *coinaddr) { char buf[128],*addr; bits256 zero; cJSON *retjson,*array,*item; int32_t i,n; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 || (IAMLP == 0 && coin->inactive != 0) ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no coin\"}")); memset(zero.bytes,0,sizeof(zero)); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"[1, false, true]"); if ( (array= bitcoin_json(coin,"listreceivedbyaddress",buf)) != 0 ) { if ( (n= cJSON_GetArraySize(array)) > 0 ) { for (i=0; ielectrum,&retjson,coinaddr,zero)); } int64_t LP_listunspent_parseitem(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,int32_t *voutp,int32_t *heightp,cJSON *item) { int64_t satoshis = 0; if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { *txidp = jbits256(item,"txid"); *voutp = juint(item,"vout"); satoshis = LP_value_extract(item,0); *heightp = LP_txheight(coin,*txidp); } else { *txidp = jbits256(item,"tx_hash"); *voutp = juint(item,"tx_pos"); satoshis = j64bits(item,"value"); *heightp = jint(item,"height"); } return(satoshis); } int32_t LP_listunspent_issue(char *symbol,char *coinaddr,int32_t fullflag,bits256 reftxid,bits256 reftxid2) { struct iguana_info *coin; int32_t n = 0; cJSON *retjson=0; char *retstr=0; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(0); if ( (coin= LP_coinfind(symbol)) != 0 ) { if ( coin->electrum != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= electrum_address_listunspent(symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,coinaddr,fullflag,reftxid,reftxid2)) != 0 ) { n = cJSON_GetArraySize(retjson); //printf("LP_listunspent_issue.%s %s.%d %s\n",symbol,coinaddr,n,jprint(retjson,0)); } } else { retjson = LP_listunspent(symbol,coinaddr,reftxid,reftxid2); coin->numutxos = cJSON_GetArraySize(retjson); if ( retjson != 0 ) { n = cJSON_GetArraySize(retjson); if ( electrum_process_array(coin,0,coinaddr,retjson,1,reftxid,reftxid2) != 0 ) { //LP_postutxos(symbol,coinaddr); // might be good to not saturate } } } //printf("issue listunspent %s (%s)\n",coinaddr,jprint(retjson,0)); if ( retjson != 0 ) free_json(retjson); if ( retstr != 0 ) free(retstr); } return(n); } cJSON *LP_importprivkey(char *symbol,char *wifstr,char *label,int32_t flag) { static void *ctx; char buf[512],address[64]; cJSON *retjson; struct iguana_info *coin; int32_t doneflag = 0; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no coin\"}")); if ( coin->electrum != 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"result\":\"electrum should have local wallet\"}")); if ( ctx == 0 ) ctx = bitcoin_ctx(); bitcoin_wif2addr(ctx,coin->wiftaddr,coin->taddr,coin->pubtype,address,wifstr); if ( (retjson= LP_validateaddress(symbol,address)) != 0 ) { if ( jobj(retjson,"ismine") != 0 && is_cJSON_True(jobj(retjson,"ismine")) != 0 ) { doneflag = 1; //printf("%s already ismine\n",address); } //printf("%s\n",jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); } if ( doneflag == 0 ) { if ( coin->noimportprivkey_flag != 0 ) sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\"]",wifstr); else sprintf(buf,"\"%s\", \"%s\", %s",wifstr,label,flag < 0 ? "false" : "true"); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"importprivkey",buf)); } else return(cJSON_Parse("{\"result\":\"success\"}")); } int32_t LP_importaddress(char *symbol,char *address) { char buf[1024],*retstr; cJSON *validatejson; int32_t isvalid=0,doneflag = 0; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(-2); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 ) return(-2); if ( coin->electrum != 0 ) { /*if ( (retjson= electrum_address_subscribe(symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,address)) != 0 ) { printf("importaddress.(%s) -> %s\n",address,jprint(retjson,0)); free_json(retjson); }*/ return(0); } else { if ( (validatejson= LP_validateaddress(symbol,address)) != 0 ) { if ( (isvalid= is_cJSON_True(jobj(validatejson,"isvalid")) != 0) != 0 ) { if ( is_cJSON_True(jobj(validatejson,"iswatchonly")) != 0 || is_cJSON_True(jobj(validatejson,"ismine")) != 0 ) doneflag = 1; } free_json(validatejson); } if ( isvalid == 0 ) return(-1); if ( doneflag != 0 ) return(0); // success sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\", \"%s\", false]",address,address); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"importaddress",buf)) != 0 ) { //printf("importaddress.(%s %s) -> (%s)\n",symbol,address,retstr); free(retstr); } //else printf("importaddress.(%s %s)\n",symbol,address); return(1); } } double _LP_getestimatedrate(struct iguana_info *coin) { char buf[512],*retstr=0; int32_t numblocks; cJSON *errjson,*retjson; double rate = 0.00000020; if ( coin->rate < 0. || time(NULL) > coin->ratetime+30 ) { numblocks = strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") == 0 ? 6 : 2; if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { sprintf(buf,"[%d]",numblocks); retstr = LP_apicall(coin,"estimatefee",buf); } else { if ( (retjson= electrum_estimatefee(coin->symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,numblocks)) != 0 ) retstr = jprint(retjson,1); } if ( retstr != 0 ) { if ( retstr[0] == '{' && (errjson= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( jobj(errjson,"error") != 0 ) rate = 0.; free_json(errjson); } else if ( retstr[0] != '-' ) { rate = atof(retstr) / 1024.; if ( rate < 0.00000020 ) rate = 0.00000020; rate *= 1.5; if ( coin->electrum != 0 ) rate *= 1.5; if ( fabs(rate - coin->rate) > SMALLVAL ) printf("t%u estimated rate.(%s) (%s) -> %.8f %.8f\n",coin->ratetime,coin->symbol,retstr,rate,coin->rate); coin->rate = rate; coin->ratetime = (uint32_t)time(NULL); } free(retstr); } else rate = coin->rate; } else rate = coin->rate; return(rate); } double LP_getestimatedrate(struct iguana_info *coin) { double rate = 0.00000020; if ( coin == 0 ) return(rate); if ( (rate= _LP_getestimatedrate(coin)) <= 0. ) rate = dstr(coin->txfee) / LP_AVETXSIZE; return(rate); } char *LP_sendrawtransaction(char *symbol,char *signedtx) { cJSON *array,*errobj; char *paramstr,*tmpstr,*retstr=0; int32_t n,alreadyflag = 0; cJSON *retjson; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 || signedtx == 0 || signedtx[0] == 0 ) { printf("LP_sendrawtransaction null symbol %p or signedtx.%p\n",symbol,signedtx); return(0); } coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 ) { printf("LP_sendrawtransaction null coin\n"); return(0); } if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(array,signedtx); paramstr = jprint(array,1); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"sendrawtransaction",paramstr); //printf(">>>>>>>>>>> %s dpow_sendrawtransaction.(%s) -> (%s)\n",coin->symbol,paramstr,retstr); free(paramstr); } else { if ( (retjson= electrum_sendrawtransaction(symbol,coin->electrum,&retjson,signedtx)) != 0 ) { retstr = jprint(retjson,1); //electrum sendrawtx (the transaction was rejected by network rules.\n\ntransaction already in block chain) if ( strstr(retstr,"already in block") != 0 ) alreadyflag = 1; //printf("electrum sendrawtx.(%s) -> %s already.%d\n",signedtx,retstr,alreadyflag); if ( alreadyflag != 0 ) { errobj = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(errobj,"error","rejected"); jaddnum(errobj,"code",-27); free(retstr); retstr = jprint(errobj,1); } else { n = (int32_t)strlen(retstr); if ( retstr[0] == '"' && retstr[n-1] == '"' ) { retstr[n-1] = 0; tmpstr = clonestr(retstr+1); free(retstr); retstr = tmpstr; } } } } return(retstr); } char *LP_signrawtx(char *symbol,bits256 *signedtxidp,int32_t *completedp,cJSON *vins,char *rawtx,cJSON *privkeys,struct vin_info *V) { cJSON *array,*json,*retjson; int32_t len; uint8_t *data; char str[65],*paramstr,*retstr,*hexstr,*signedtx=0; struct iguana_msgtx msgtx; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(0); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); memset(signedtxidp,0,sizeof(*signedtxidp)); *completedp = 0; if ( coin == 0 ) { printf("LP_signrawtx cant find coin.(%s)\n",symbol); return(0); } //int32_t iguana_signrawtransaction(void *ctx,char *symbol,uint8_t wiftaddr,uint8_t taddr,uint8_t pubtype,uint8_t p2shtype,uint8_t isPoS,int32_t height,struct iguana_msgtx *msgtx,char **signedtxp,bits256 *signedtxidp,struct vin_info *V,int32_t numinputs,char *rawtx,cJSON *vins,cJSON *privkeysjson) memset(&msgtx,0,sizeof(msgtx)); signedtx = 0; memset(signedtxidp,0,sizeof(*signedtxidp)); //printf("locktime.%u sequenceid.%x rawtx.(%s) vins.(%s)\n",locktime,sequenceid,rawtxbytes,jprint(vins,0)); if ( (*completedp= iguana_signrawtransaction(coin->ctx,symbol,coin->wiftaddr,coin->taddr,coin->pubtype,coin->p2shtype,coin->isPoS,1000000,&msgtx,&signedtx,signedtxidp,V,16,rawtx,vins,privkeys,coin->zcash)) < 0 ) //if ( (signedtx= LP_signrawtx(symbol,signedtxidp,&completed,vins,rawtxbytes,privkeys,V)) == 0 ) printf("couldnt sign transaction.%s %s\n",rawtx,bits256_str(str,*signedtxidp)); else if ( *completedp == 0 ) { printf("incomplete signing %s (%s)\n",rawtx,jprint(vins,0)); if ( signedtx != 0 ) free(signedtx), signedtx = 0; } else printf("basilisk_swap_bobtxspend %s -> %s\n",rawtx,bits256_str(str,*signedtxidp)); if ( signedtx == 0 ) { retjson = cJSON_CreateObject(); jaddstr(retjson,"error","couldnt sign tx"); jaddstr(retjson,"coin",coin->symbol); jaddstr(retjson,"rawtx",rawtx); jadd(retjson,"vins",vins); jadd(retjson,"privkeys",privkeys); return(jprint(retjson,1)); } return(signedtx); if ( (0) ) { array = cJSON_CreateArray(); jaddistr(array,rawtx); jaddi(array,jduplicate(vins)); jaddi(array,jduplicate(privkeys)); paramstr = jprint(array,1); //printf("signrawtransaction\n"); if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"signrawtransaction",paramstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (json= cJSON_Parse(retstr)) != 0 ) { if ( (hexstr= jstr(json,"hex")) != 0 ) { len = (int32_t)strlen(hexstr); signedtx = calloc(1,len+1); strcpy(signedtx,hexstr); *completedp = is_cJSON_True(jobj(json,"complete")); len >>= 1; data = malloc(len); decode_hex(data,len,hexstr); *signedtxidp = bits256_doublesha256(0,data,len); } //else printf("%s signrawtransaction.(%s) params.(%s)\n",coin->symbol,retstr,paramstr); free_json(json); } free(retstr); } free(paramstr); return(signedtx); } } cJSON *LP_getblock(char *symbol,bits256 txid) { char buf[128],str[65]; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 || coin->electrum != 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no native coin\"}")); sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\"]",bits256_str(str,txid)); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"getblock",buf)); } // not in electrum path uint64_t LP_txfee(char *symbol) { uint64_t txfee = 0; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(LP_MIN_TXFEE); if ( strcmp(symbol,"BTC") != 0 ) txfee = LP_MIN_TXFEE; return(txfee); } bits256 LP_getbestblockhash(struct iguana_info *coin) { char *retstr; bits256 blockhash; memset(blockhash.bytes,0,sizeof(blockhash)); if ( coin->electrum == 0 ) { if ( (retstr= bitcoind_passthru(coin->symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"getbestblockhash","")) != 0 ) { if ( is_hexstr(retstr,0) == sizeof(blockhash)*2 ) decode_hex(blockhash.bytes,sizeof(blockhash),retstr); free(retstr); } } else printf("electrum mode doesnt support block level scanning\n"); return(blockhash); } char *LP_blockhashstr(char *symbol,int32_t height) { char params[64],*retstr; struct iguana_info *coin; //cJSON *array; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(0); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 || coin->electrum != 0 ) return(0); //array = cJSON_CreateArray(); //jaddinum(array,height); //paramstr = jprint(array,1); sprintf(params,"[%d]",height); retstr = bitcoind_passthru(symbol,coin->serverport,coin->userpass,"getblockhash",params); //free(paramstr); //printf("blockhashstr.(%s)\n",retstr); return(retstr); } cJSON *LP_getblockhashstr(char *symbol,char *blockhashstr) { char buf[128]; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 || coin->electrum != 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"no native coin daemon\"}")); sprintf(buf,"[\"%s\"]",blockhashstr); return(bitcoin_json(coin,"getblock",buf)); } uint32_t LP_heighttime(char *symbol,int32_t height) { struct electrum_info *ep; uint32_t timestamp = 0; cJSON *retjson; char *blockhashstr; struct iguana_info *coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin != 0 ) { if ( (ep= coin->electrum) == 0 ) { if ( (blockhashstr= LP_blockhashstr(symbol,height)) != 0 ) { if ( (retjson= cJSON_Parse(blockhashstr)) != 0 ) { //printf("height.(%s)\n",jprint(retjson,0)); timestamp = juint(retjson,"time"); free_json(retjson); } free(blockhashstr); } } else { if ( (retjson= electrum_getheader(coin->symbol,ep,&retjson,height)) != 0 ) { //printf("%s\n",jprint(retjson,0)); timestamp = juint(retjson,"timestamp"); free_json(retjson); } } } return(timestamp); } cJSON *LP_blockjson(int32_t *heightp,char *symbol,char *blockhashstr,int32_t height) { cJSON *json = 0; int32_t flag = 0; struct iguana_info *coin; if ( symbol == 0 || symbol[0] == 0 ) return(cJSON_Parse("{\"error\":\"null symbol\"}")); coin = LP_coinfind(symbol); if ( coin == 0 || coin->electrum != 0 ) { printf("unexpected electrum path for %s\n",symbol); return(0); } if ( blockhashstr == 0 ) blockhashstr = LP_blockhashstr(symbol,height), flag = 1; if ( blockhashstr != 0 ) { if ( (json= LP_getblockhashstr(symbol,blockhashstr)) != 0 ) { if ( *heightp != 0 ) { *heightp = juint(json,"height"); if ( height >= 0 && *heightp != height ) { //printf("unexpected height %d vs %d for %s (%s)\n",*heightp,height,blockhashstr,jprint(json,0)); *heightp = -1; free_json(json); json = 0; } } } if ( flag != 0 && blockhashstr != 0 ) free(blockhashstr); } return(json); } const char *Notaries_elected[][2] = { { "0_jl777_testA", "03b7621b44118017a16043f19b30cc8a4cfe068ac4e42417bae16ba460c80f3828" }, { "0_jl777_testB", "02ebfc784a4ba768aad88d44d1045d240d47b26e248cafaf1c5169a42d7a61d344" }, { "0_kolo_testA", "0287aa4b73988ba26cf6565d815786caf0d2c4af704d7883d163ee89cd9977edec" }, { "artik_AR", "029acf1dcd9f5ff9c455f8bb717d4ae0c703e089d16cf8424619c491dff5994c90" }, { "artik_EU", "03f54b2c24f82632e3cdebe4568ba0acf487a80f8a89779173cdb78f74514847ce" }, { "artik_NA", "0224e31f93eff0cc30eaf0b2389fbc591085c0e122c4d11862c1729d090106c842" }, { "artik_SH", "02bdd8840a34486f38305f311c0e2ae73e84046f6e9c3dd3571e32e58339d20937" }, { "badass_EU", "0209d48554768dd8dada988b98aca23405057ac4b5b46838a9378b95c3e79b9b9e" }, { "badass_NA", "02afa1a9f948e1634a29dc718d218e9d150c531cfa852843a1643a02184a63c1a7" }, { "badass_SH", "026b49dd3923b78a592c1b475f208e23698d3f085c4c3b4906a59faf659fd9530b" }, { "crackers_EU", "03bc819982d3c6feb801ec3b720425b017d9b6ee9a40746b84422cbbf929dc73c3" }, // 10 { "crackers_NA", "03205049103113d48c7c7af811b4c8f194dafc43a50d5313e61a22900fc1805b45" }, { "crackers_SH", "02be28310e6312d1dd44651fd96f6a44ccc269a321f907502aae81d246fabdb03e" }, { "durerus_EU", "02bcbd287670bdca2c31e5d50130adb5dea1b53198f18abeec7211825f47485d57" }, { "etszombi_AR", "031c79168d15edabf17d9ec99531ea9baa20039d0cdc14d9525863b83341b210e9" }, { "etszombi_EU", "0281b1ad28d238a2b217e0af123ce020b79e91b9b10ad65a7917216eda6fe64bf7" }, { "etszombi_SH", "025d7a193c0757f7437fad3431f027e7b5ed6c925b77daba52a8755d24bf682dde" }, { "farl4web_EU", "0300ecf9121cccf14cf9423e2adb5d98ce0c4e251721fa345dec2e03abeffbab3f" }, { "farl4web_SH", "0396bb5ed3c57aa1221d7775ae0ff751e4c7dc9be220d0917fa8bbdf670586c030" }, { "fullmoon_AR", "0254b1d64840ce9ff6bec9dd10e33beb92af5f7cee628f999cb6bc0fea833347cc" }, { "fullmoon_NA", "031fb362323b06e165231c887836a8faadb96eda88a79ca434e28b3520b47d235b" }, // 20 { "fullmoon_SH", "030e12b42ec33a80e12e570b6c8274ce664565b5c3da106859e96a7208b93afd0d" }, { "grewal_NA", "03adc0834c203d172bce814df7c7a5e13dc603105e6b0adabc942d0421aefd2132" }, { "grewal_SH", "03212a73f5d38a675ee3cdc6e82542a96c38c3d1c79d25a1ed2e42fcf6a8be4e68" }, { "indenodes_AR", "02ec0fa5a40f47fd4a38ea5c89e375ad0b6ddf4807c99733c9c3dc15fb978ee147" }, { "indenodes_EU", "0221387ff95c44cb52b86552e3ec118a3c311ca65b75bf807c6c07eaeb1be8303c" }, { "indenodes_NA", "02698c6f1c9e43b66e82dbb163e8df0e5a2f62f3a7a882ca387d82f86e0b3fa988" }, { "indenodes_SH", "0334e6e1ec8285c4b85bd6dae67e17d67d1f20e7328efad17ce6fd24ae97cdd65e" }, { "jeezy_EU", "023cb3e593fb85c5659688528e9a4f1c4c7f19206edc7e517d20f794ba686fd6d6" }, { "jsgalt_NA", "027b3fb6fede798cd17c30dbfb7baf9332b3f8b1c7c513f443070874c410232446" }, { "karasugoi_NA", "02a348b03b9c1a8eac1b56f85c402b041c9bce918833f2ea16d13452309052a982" }, // 30 { "kashifali_EU", "033777c52a0190f261c6f66bd0e2bb299d30f012dcb8bfff384103211edb8bb207" }, { "kolo_AR", "03016d19344c45341e023b72f9fb6e6152fdcfe105f3b4f50b82a4790ff54e9dc6" }, { "kolo_SH", "02aa24064500756d9b0959b44d5325f2391d8e95c6127e109184937152c384e185" }, { "metaphilibert_AR", "02adad675fae12b25fdd0f57250b0caf7f795c43f346153a31fe3e72e7db1d6ac6" }, { "movecrypto_AR", "022783d94518e4dc77cbdf1a97915b29f427d7bc15ea867900a76665d3112be6f3" }, { "movecrypto_EU", "021ab53bc6cf2c46b8a5456759f9d608966eff87384c2b52c0ac4cc8dd51e9cc42" }, { "movecrypto_NA", "02efb12f4d78f44b0542d1c60146738e4d5506d27ec98a469142c5c84b29de0a80" }, { "movecrypto_SH", "031f9739a3ebd6037a967ce1582cde66e79ea9a0551c54731c59c6b80f635bc859" }, { "muros_AR", "022d77402fd7179335da39479c829be73428b0ef33fb360a4de6890f37c2aa005e" }, { "noashh_AR", "029d93ef78197dc93892d2a30e5a54865f41e0ca3ab7eb8e3dcbc59c8756b6e355" }, // 40 { "noashh_EU", "02061c6278b91fd4ac5cab4401100ffa3b2d5a277e8f71db23401cc071b3665546" }, { "noashh_NA", "033c073366152b6b01535e15dd966a3a8039169584d06e27d92a69889b720d44e1" }, { "nxtswe_EU", "032fb104e5eaa704a38a52c126af8f67e870d70f82977e5b2f093d5c1c21ae5899" }, { "polycryptoblog_NA", "02708dcda7c45fb54b78469673c2587bfdd126e381654819c4c23df0e00b679622" }, { "pondsea_AR", "032e1c213787312099158f2d74a89e8240a991d162d4ce8017d8504d1d7004f735" }, { "pondsea_EU", "0225aa6f6f19e543180b31153d9e6d55d41bc7ec2ba191fd29f19a2f973544e29d" }, { "pondsea_NA", "031bcfdbb62268e2ff8dfffeb9ddff7fe95fca46778c77eebff9c3829dfa1bb411" }, { "pondsea_SH", "02209073bc0943451498de57f802650311b1f12aa6deffcd893da198a544c04f36" }, { "popcornbag_AR", "02761f106fb34fbfc5ddcc0c0aa831ed98e462a908550b280a1f7bd32c060c6fa3" }, { "popcornbag_NA", "03c6085c7fdfff70988fda9b197371f1caf8397f1729a844790e421ee07b3a93e8" }, // 50 { "ptytrader_NA", "0328c61467148b207400b23875234f8a825cce65b9c4c9b664f47410b8b8e3c222" }, { "ptytrader_SH", "0250c93c492d8d5a6b565b90c22bee07c2d8701d6118c6267e99a4efd3c7748fa4" }, { "rnr_AR", "029bdb08f931c0e98c2c4ba4ef45c8e33a34168cb2e6bf953cef335c359d77bfcd" }, { "rnr_EU", "03f5c08dadffa0ffcafb8dd7ffc38c22887bd02702a6c9ac3440deddcf2837692b" }, { "rnr_NA", "02e17c5f8c3c80f584ed343b8dcfa6d710dfef0889ec1e7728ce45ce559347c58c" }, { "rnr_SH", "037536fb9bdfed10251f71543fb42679e7c52308bcd12146b2568b9a818d8b8377" }, { "titomane_AR", "03cda6ca5c2d02db201488a54a548dbfc10533bdc275d5ea11928e8d6ab33c2185" }, { "titomane_EU", "02e41feded94f0cc59f55f82f3c2c005d41da024e9a805b41105207ef89aa4bfbd" }, { "titomane_SH", "035f49d7a308dd9a209e894321f010d21b7793461b0c89d6d9231a3fe5f68d9960" }, { "vanbreuk_EU", "024f3cad7601d2399c131fd070e797d9cd8533868685ddbe515daa53c2e26004c3" }, // 60 { "xrobesx_NA", "03f0cc6d142d14a40937f12dbd99dbd9021328f45759e26f1877f2a838876709e1" }, { "xxspot1_XX", "02ef445a392fcaf3ad4176a5da7f43580e8056594e003eba6559a713711a27f955" }, { "xxspot2_XX", "03d85b221ea72ebcd25373e7961f4983d12add66a92f899deaf07bab1d8b6f5573" } }; int32_t LP_txhasnotarization(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid) { cJSON *txobj,*vins,*vin,*vouts,*vout,*spentobj,*sobj; char *hexstr; uint8_t script[35]; bits256 spenttxid; uint64_t notarymask; int32_t i,j,numnotaries,len,spentvout,numvins,numvouts,hasnotarization = 0; if ( (txobj= LP_gettx(coin->symbol,txid,0)) != 0 ) { if ( (vins= jarray(&numvins,txobj,"vin")) != 0 ) { if ( numvins >= DPOW_MIN_ASSETCHAIN_SIGS ) { notarymask = numnotaries = 0; for (i=0; isymbol,spenttxid,0)) != 0 ) { if ( (vouts= jarray(&numvouts,spentobj,"vout")) != 0 ) { if ( spentvout < numvouts ) { vout = jitem(vouts,spentvout); if ( (sobj= jobj(vout,"scriptPubKey")) != 0 && (hexstr= jstr(sobj,"hex")) != 0 && (len= is_hexstr(hexstr,0)) == sizeof(script)*2 ) { len >>= 1; decode_hex(script,len,hexstr); if ( script[0] == 33 && script[34] == 0xac ) { for (j=0; j 0 ) { if ( numnotaries >= DPOW_MIN_ASSETCHAIN_SIGS ) hasnotarization = 1; //printf("numnotaries.%d %s hasnotarization.%d\n",numnotaries,coin->symbol,hasnotarization); } } } free_json(txobj); } return(hasnotarization); } int32_t LP_hasnotarization(struct iguana_info *coin,cJSON *blockjson) { int32_t i,n,hasnotarization = 0; bits256 txid; cJSON *txarray; if ( (txarray= jarray(&n,blockjson,"tx")) != 0 ) { for (i=0; isymbol,blockhash)) != 0 ) { if ( *bestheightp < 0 ) *bestheightp = jint(blockjson,"height"); if ( (hasnotarization= LP_hasnotarization(coin,blockjson)) > 0 ) { height = jint(blockjson,"height"); //char str[65]; printf("%s height.%d\n",bits256_str(str,blockhash),height); } else { blockhash = jbits256(blockjson,"previousblockhash"); if ( bits256_nonz(blockhash) == 0 ) { //printf("null prev.(%s)\n",jprint(blockjson,0)); free_json(blockjson); break; } } free_json(blockjson); if ( height > 0 ) break; } } else break; } return(height); }