/****************************************************************************** * Copyright © 2014-2016 The SuperNET Developers. * * * * See the AUTHORS, DEVELOPER-AGREEMENT and LICENSE files at * * the top-level directory of this distribution for the individual copyright * * holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. * * * * Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the * * SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated * * or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file * * * * Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. * * * ******************************************************************************/ // verify undo cases for hhutxo, and all 4 permutations of setting #include "iguana777.h" //#define FAST_UTHASH #ifdef FAST_UTHASH #undef uthash_malloc #undef uthash_free #define uthash_malloc(size) ((coin->RTHASHMEM.ptr == 0) ? mycalloc('u',1,size) : iguana_memalloc(&coin->RTHASHMEM,size,1)) #define uthash_free(mem,size) ((coin->RTHASHMEM.ptr == 0) ? myfree(mem,size) : 0) #endif void iguana_RTtxid_free(struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr) { int32_t i; struct iguana_RTspend *spend; for (i=0; inumvouts; i++) if ( RTptr->unspents[i] != 0 ) free(RTptr->unspents[i]); for (i=0; inumvins; i++) { if ( (spend= RTptr->spends[i]) != 0 ) { if ( spend->bundle_unspent != 0 ) free(spend->bundle_unspent); free(spend); } } if ( RTptr->rawtxbytes != 0 ) free(RTptr->rawtxbytes); free(RTptr); } void iguana_RTdataset_free(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr,*tmp; struct iguana_RTaddr *RTaddr,*tmp2; HASH_ITER(hh,coin->RTdataset,RTptr,tmp) { HASH_DELETE(hh,coin->RTdataset,RTptr); iguana_RTtxid_free(RTptr); } HASH_ITER(hh,coin->RTaddrs,RTaddr,tmp2) { HASH_DELETE(hh,coin->RTaddrs,RTaddr); free(RTaddr); } iguana_hhutxo_purge(coin); iguana_memreset(&coin->RTHASHMEM); } void iguana_RTreset(struct iguana_info *coin) { iguana_utxoaddrs_purge(coin); //iguana_utxoupdate(coin,-1,0,0,0,0,-1,0); // free hashtables coin->lastRTheight = 0; iguana_RTdataset_free(coin); #ifdef FAST_UTHASH if ( coin->RTHASHMEM.ptr == 0 ) iguana_meminit(&coin->RTHASHMEM,"RTHASHMEM",0,1024*1024*1024,0); iguana_memreset(&coin->RTHASHMEM); #endif printf("%s RTreset %d\n",coin->symbol,coin->RTheight); coin->RTheight = coin->firstRTheight; coin->RTcredits = coin->RTdebits = 0; } struct iguana_RTaddr *iguana_RTaddrfind(struct iguana_info *coin,uint8_t *rmd160,char *coinaddr) { struct iguana_RTaddr *RTaddr; int32_t len; char _coinaddr[64]; if ( coinaddr == 0 ) { coinaddr = _coinaddr; bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,rmd160,20); } len = (int32_t)strlen(coinaddr); HASH_FIND(hh,coin->RTaddrs,coinaddr,len,RTaddr); return(RTaddr); } int64_t iguana_RTbalance(struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr) { struct iguana_RTaddr *RTaddr; uint8_t addrtype,rmd160[20]; int32_t len; len = (int32_t)strlen(coinaddr); HASH_FIND(hh,coin->RTaddrs,coinaddr,len,RTaddr); if ( RTaddr != 0 ) return(RTaddr->credits - RTaddr->debits + RTaddr->histbalance); else { bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr); return(iguana_utxoaddrtablefind(coin,-1,-1,rmd160)); } } int64_t iguana_RTnetbalance(struct iguana_info *coin) { struct iguana_RTaddr *RTaddr,*tmp; int64_t RTdebits,RTcredits; RTdebits = RTcredits = 0; HASH_ITER(hh,coin->RTaddrs,RTaddr,tmp) { RTcredits += RTaddr->credits; RTdebits += RTaddr->debits; } if ( RTcredits != coin->RTcredits || RTdebits != coin->RTdebits ) printf("RTnetbalance mismatch (%.8f %.8f) != (%.8f %.8f)\n",dstr(RTcredits),dstr(RTdebits),dstr(coin->RTcredits),dstr(coin->RTdebits)); return(RTcredits - RTdebits); } int32_t iguana_RTbalance_verify(char *str,struct iguana_info *coin) { int64_t balance; balance = iguana_RTnetbalance(coin); if ( balance != (coin->RTcredits - coin->RTdebits) ) { printf("%s RTbalance %.8f != %.8f (%.8f - %.8f)\n",str,dstr(balance),dstr(coin->RTcredits - coin->RTdebits),dstr(coin->RTcredits),dstr(coin->RTdebits)); return(-1); } return(0); } void iguana_RTcoinaddr(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr,struct iguana_block *block,int64_t polarity,char *coinaddr,uint8_t *rmd160,int32_t spendflag,int64_t value,struct iguana_RTunspent *unspent) { struct iguana_RTaddr *RTaddr; int32_t len = (int32_t)strlen(coinaddr); HASH_FIND(hh,coin->RTaddrs,coinaddr,len,RTaddr); if ( RTaddr == 0 ) { RTaddr = calloc(1,sizeof(*RTaddr)); strncpy(RTaddr->coinaddr,coinaddr,len); RTaddr->histbalance = iguana_utxoaddrtablefind(coin,-1,-1,rmd160); HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,coin->RTaddrs,RTaddr->coinaddr,len,RTaddr); } if ( spendflag != 0 ) { RTaddr->debits += polarity * value; coin->RTdebits += polarity * value; } else { RTaddr->credits += polarity * value; coin->RTcredits += polarity * value; if ( polarity > 0 ) { //printf("%s lastunspent[%d] <- %p\n",coinaddr,RTaddr->numunspents,unspent); RTaddr->numunspents++; unspent->prevunspent = RTaddr->lastunspent; RTaddr->lastunspent = unspent; } else if ( polarity < 0 ) { //printf("%s lastunspent[%d] -> last.%p %p\n",coinaddr,RTaddr->numunspents,RTaddr->lastunspent,unspent); if ( RTaddr->lastunspent == unspent ) { RTaddr->lastunspent = unspent->prevunspent; free(unspent); } else printf("lastunspent.%p != %p\n",RTaddr->lastunspent,unspent); //RTaddr->unspents[i] = RTaddr->unspents[--RTaddr->numunspents]; } } //printf("%s %.8f [%.8f - %.8f] -> %.8f\n",coinaddr,dstr(value),dstr(coin->RTcredits),dstr(coin->RTdebits),dstr(coin->histbalance)+dstr(coin->RTcredits)-dstr(coin->RTdebits)); if ( 0 && strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) != 0 && strcmp("LTC",coin->symbol) != 0 && strcmp("DOGE",coin->symbol) != 0 ) printf("%lld %s %.8f h %.8f, cr %.8f deb %.8f [%.8f] numunspents.%d %p\n",(long long)polarity,coinaddr,dstr(value),dstr(RTaddr->histbalance),dstr(RTaddr->credits),dstr(RTaddr->debits),dstr(RTaddr->credits)-dstr(RTaddr->debits)+dstr(RTaddr->histbalance),RTaddr->numunspents,unspent); } struct iguana_RTunspent *iguana_RTunspent_create(uint8_t *rmd160,int64_t value,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen,struct iguana_RTtxid *parent,int32_t vout) { struct iguana_RTunspent *unspent; unspent = calloc(1,sizeof(*unspent) + scriptlen); unspent->value = value; if ( (unspent->parent= parent) != 0 ) unspent->height = parent->height; else unspent->height = -1; unspent->vout = vout; unspent->scriptlen = scriptlen; memcpy(unspent->rmd160,rmd160,sizeof(unspent->rmd160)); memcpy(unspent->script,script,scriptlen); return(unspent); } void iguana_RTunspent(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr,struct iguana_block *block,int64_t polarity,char *coinaddr,uint8_t *rmd160,int32_t type,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,int64_t value) { int32_t i; struct iguana_RTunspent *unspent; char str[65]; //printf("iguana_RTunspent.%lld %s vout.%d %.8f\n",(long long)polarity,coinaddr,vout,dstr(value)); //fprintf(stderr,"+"); if ( RTptr != 0 ) { if ( bits256_cmp(RTptr->txid,txid) == 0 ) { if ( (unspent= RTptr->unspents[vout]) == 0 ) { if ( polarity > 0 ) { unspent = iguana_RTunspent_create(rmd160,value,script,scriptlen>0?scriptlen:0,RTptr,vout); RTptr->unspents[vout] = unspent; } else printf("iguana_RTunspent missing vout.%d ptr\n",vout); } else { if ( memcmp(rmd160,unspent->rmd160,sizeof(unspent->rmd160)) != 0 || value != unspent->value || scriptlen != unspent->scriptlen || memcmp(unspent->script,script,scriptlen) != 0 ) { printf("iguana_RTunspent.%d of %d mismatch %s\n",vout,RTptr->numvouts,bits256_str(str,RTptr->txid)); return; } } iguana_RTcoinaddr(coin,RTptr,block,polarity,coinaddr,unspent->rmd160,0,value,unspent); if ( polarity < 0 ) RTptr->unspents[vout] = 0; } else printf("iguana_RTunspent txid mismatch %llx != %llx\n",(long long)RTptr->txid.txid,(long long)txid.txid); } else { for (i=0; i<20; i++) printf("%02x",rmd160[i]); printf(" %s vout.%d %.8f %lld\n",coinaddr,vout,dstr(value),(long long)polarity); } //fprintf(stderr,","); } void iguana_RTvout_create(struct iguana_info *coin,int64_t polarity,struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr,struct iguana_block *block,bits256 txid,int32_t j,struct iguana_msgvout *vout) { int32_t scriptlen,type,k; uint8_t *script; struct vin_info V; char coinaddr[64]; script = vout->pk_script; scriptlen = vout->pk_scriptlen; type = iguana_calcrmd160(coin,0,&V,script,scriptlen,txid,j,0xffffffff); if ( (type == 12 && scriptlen == 0) || (type == 1 && bitcoin_pubkeylen(script+1) <= 0) ) { for (k=0; kchain->pubtype,V.rmd160,sizeof(V.rmd160)); iguana_RTunspent(coin,RTptr,block,polarity,coinaddr,V.rmd160,type,script,scriptlen,txid,j,vout->value); } void iguana_RTspend_create(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr,struct iguana_block *block,int64_t polarity,uint8_t *script,int32_t scriptlen,bits256 txid,int32_t vini,bits256 prev_hash,int32_t prev_vout) { struct iguana_RTspend *spend; struct iguana_RTtxid *spentRTptr; struct iguana_RTunspent *unspent=0; char str[65],str2[65],coinaddr[64]; uint8_t addrtype,rmd160[20],spendscript[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; uint32_t unspentind; int32_t spendlen,height; uint64_t RTspent,value; struct iguana_outpoint spentpt; //printf("RTspend %s vini.%d spend.(%s/v%d) %lld\n",bits256_str(str,txid),vini,bits256_str(str2,prev_hash),prev_vout,(long long)polarity); if ( vini == 0 && bits256_nonz(prev_hash) == 0 && prev_vout < 0 ) return; //fprintf(stderr,"-"); if ( RTptr != 0 ) { if ( bits256_cmp(RTptr->txid,txid) == 0 ) { if ( (spend= RTptr->spends[vini]) == 0 ) { if ( polarity > 0 ) { spend = calloc(1,sizeof(*spend) + scriptlen); spend->prev_hash = prev_hash; spend->prev_vout = prev_vout; spend->scriptlen = scriptlen; memcpy(spend->vinscript,script,scriptlen); RTptr->spends[vini] = spend; } else printf("iguana_RTspend missing vini.%d ptr\n",vini); } else { if ( bits256_cmp(prev_hash,spend->prev_hash) != 0 || prev_vout != spend->prev_vout || scriptlen != spend->scriptlen || memcmp(spend->vinscript,script,scriptlen) != 0 ) { printf("RTspend.%d of %d mismatch %s\n",vini,RTptr->numvins,bits256_str(str,RTptr->txid)); return; } } if ( bits256_nonz(prev_hash) != 0 && prev_vout >= 0 ) { HASH_FIND(hh,coin->RTdataset,prev_hash.bytes,sizeof(prev_hash),spentRTptr); if ( spentRTptr != 0 ) { if ( (unspent= spentRTptr->unspents[prev_vout]) == 0 ) { printf("iguana_RTspend null unspent.(%s).%d\n",bits256_str(str,prev_hash),prev_vout); } } else { if ( (unspentind= iguana_unspentindfind(myinfo,coin,&RTspent,coinaddr,spendscript,&spendlen,&value,&height,prev_hash,prev_vout,coin->bundlescount,0)) == 0 ) printf("iguana_RTspend cant find spentRTptr.(%s) search history\n",bits256_str(str,prev_hash)); else { int32_t spentheight,lockedflag,RTspentflag; bitcoin_addr2rmd160(&addrtype,rmd160,coinaddr); unspent = iguana_RTunspent_create(rmd160,value,spendscript,spendlen>0?spendlen:0,0,prev_vout); memset(&spentpt,0,sizeof(spentpt)); spentpt.unspentind = unspentind; spentpt.hdrsi = height / coin->chain->bundlesize; spentpt.value = value; iguana_RTutxofunc(coin,&spentheight,&lockedflag,spentpt,&RTspentflag,0,RTptr->height); spend->bundle_unspent = unspent; } } if ( unspent != 0 ) { if ( polarity < 0 ) unspent->spend = 0; bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,unspent->rmd160,sizeof(unspent->rmd160)); iguana_RTcoinaddr(coin,RTptr,block,polarity,coinaddr,unspent->rmd160,1,unspent->value,unspent); if ( polarity > 0 ) unspent->spend = spend; } } } else printf("iguana_RTspend txid mismatch %llx != %llx\n",(long long)RTptr->txid.txid,(long long)txid.txid); } else printf("null rtptr? %s vini.%d spend.(%s/v%d) %lld\n",bits256_str(str,txid),vini,bits256_str(str2,prev_hash),prev_vout,(long long)polarity); //fprintf(stderr,","); } struct iguana_RTtxid *iguana_RTtxid_create(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block,int64_t polarity,int32_t txi,int32_t txn_count,bits256 txid,int32_t numvouts,int32_t numvins,uint32_t locktime,uint32_t version,uint32_t timestamp,uint8_t *serialized,int32_t txlen) { struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr; char str[65]; if ( block == 0 || block->height < coin->firstRTheight || block->height >= coin->firstRTheight+sizeof(coin->RTblocks)/sizeof(*coin->RTblocks) ) { printf("iguana_RTtxid_create: illegal block height.%d\n",block!=0?block->height:-1); return(0); } //fprintf(stderr,"t"); HASH_FIND(hh,coin->RTdataset,txid.bytes,sizeof(txid),RTptr); if ( RTptr == 0 ) { RTptr = calloc(1,sizeof(*RTptr) + sizeof(void *)*numvins + sizeof(void *)*numvouts); RTptr->txi = txi, RTptr->txn_count = txn_count; RTptr->coin = coin; RTptr->block = block; RTptr->height = block->height; RTptr->txid = txid; RTptr->txn_count = txn_count; RTptr->numvouts = numvouts; RTptr->numvins = numvins; RTptr->locktime = locktime; RTptr->version = version; RTptr->timestamp = timestamp; RTptr->unspents = (void *)&RTptr->spends[numvins]; if ( txlen > 0 && txlen < IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE ) { RTptr->rawtxbytes = malloc(txlen); RTptr->txlen = txlen; memcpy(RTptr->rawtxbytes,serialized,txlen); } HASH_ADD_KEYPTR(hh,coin->RTdataset,RTptr->txid.bytes,sizeof(RTptr->txid),RTptr); bits256_str(str,txid); if ( 0 && strcmp("BTC",coin->symbol) != 0 ) printf("%s.%d txid.(%s) vouts.%d vins.%d version.%d lock.%u t.%u %lld\n",coin->symbol,block->height,str,numvouts,numvins,version,locktime,timestamp,(long long)polarity); } else if ( RTptr->txn_count != txn_count || RTptr->numvouts != numvouts || RTptr->numvins != numvins ) { printf("%s inconsistent counts.(%d %d %d) vs (%d %d %d)\n",bits256_str(str,txid),RTptr->txn_count,RTptr->numvouts,RTptr->numvins,txn_count,numvouts,numvins); return(0); } //fprintf(stderr," %d ",txi); //if ( txi == txn_count-1 ) // fprintf(stderr," ht.%d\n",block->height); return(RTptr); } int32_t iguana_RTramchaindata(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,int64_t polarity,struct iguana_block *block,struct iguana_msgtx *txarray,int32_t txn_count) { struct iguana_msgtx *tx; struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr; int32_t i,j; if ( block->RO.txn_count != txn_count ) { printf("txn_count mismatch ht.%d %d != %d\n",block->height,block->RO.txn_count,txn_count); return(-1); } if ( polarity > 0 ) { for (i=0; itxid,tx->tx_out,tx->tx_in,tx->lock_time,tx->version,tx->timestamp,tx->serialized,tx->allocsize); for (j=0; jtx_out; j++) iguana_RTvout_create(coin,polarity,RTptr,block,tx->txid,j,&tx->vouts[j]); for (j=0; jtx_in; j++) { iguana_RTspend_create(myinfo,coin,RTptr,block,polarity,tx->vins[j].vinscript,tx->vins[j].scriptlen,tx->txid,j,tx->vins[j].prev_hash,tx->vins[j].prev_vout); } } } else { for (i=txn_count-1; i>=0; i--) { tx = &txarray[i]; RTptr = iguana_RTtxid_create(coin,block,polarity,i,txn_count,tx->txid,tx->tx_out,tx->tx_in,tx->lock_time,tx->version,tx->timestamp,tx->serialized,tx->allocsize); for (j=tx->tx_in-1; j>=0; j--) { iguana_RTspend_create(myinfo,coin,RTptr,block,polarity,tx->vins[j].vinscript,tx->vins[j].scriptlen,tx->txid,j,tx->vins[j].prev_hash,tx->vins[j].prev_vout); } for (j=tx->tx_out-1; j>=0; j--) iguana_RTvout_create(coin,polarity,RTptr,block,tx->txid,j,&tx->vouts[j]); } } return(0); } int64_t _RTgettxout(struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_RTtxid **ptrp,int32_t *heightp,int32_t *scriptlenp,uint8_t *script,uint8_t *rmd160,char *coinaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,int32_t mempool) { int32_t scriptlen; int64_t value = 0; struct iguana_RTtxid *RTptr; struct iguana_RTunspent *unspent = 0; HASH_FIND(hh,coin->RTdataset,txid.bytes,sizeof(txid),RTptr); *ptrp = RTptr; *heightp = -1; if ( scriptlenp == 0 ) scriptlenp = &scriptlen; *scriptlenp = 0; memset(rmd160,0,20); coinaddr[0] = 0; if ( RTptr != 0 )// && (RTptr->height <= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height || mempool != 0) ) { if ( vout >= 0 && vout < RTptr->txn_count && (unspent= RTptr->unspents[vout]) != 0 ) { *heightp = RTptr->height; if ( script != 0 && unspent->spend == 0 && (*scriptlenp= unspent->scriptlen) > 0 ) memcpy(script,unspent->script,*scriptlenp); memcpy(rmd160,unspent->rmd160,sizeof(unspent->rmd160)); bitcoin_address(coinaddr,coin->chain->pubtype,rmd160,sizeof(unspent->rmd160)); value = unspent->value; } else printf("vout.%d error %p\n",vout,unspent); } return(value); } int32_t _iguana_RTunspentfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 *txidp,int32_t *voutp,uint8_t *spendscript,struct iguana_outpoint outpt,int64_t value) { int32_t spendlen = 0; struct iguana_RTunspent *unspent; struct iguana_RTtxid *parent; if ( outpt.isptr != 0 && (unspent= outpt.ptr) != 0 && (parent= unspent->parent) != 0 ) { if ( value != unspent->value ) printf("_iguana_RTunspentfind: mismatched value %.8f != %.8f\n",dstr(value),dstr(unspent->value)); if ( (spendlen= unspent->scriptlen) > 0 ) memcpy(spendscript,unspent->script,spendlen); *txidp = parent->txid; *voutp = unspent->vout; } return(spendlen); } int32_t iguana_RTunspentindfind(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_outpoint *outpt,char *coinaddr,uint8_t *spendscript,int32_t *spendlenp,uint64_t *valuep,int32_t *heightp,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,int32_t lasthdrsi,int32_t mempool) { char _coinaddr[64]; struct iguana_RTtxid *ptr; uint8_t rmd160[20]; uint64_t value,RTspend; uint32_t unspentind; if ( coinaddr == 0 ) coinaddr = _coinaddr; memset(outpt,0,sizeof(*outpt)); if ( (value= _RTgettxout(coin,&ptr,heightp,spendlenp,spendscript,rmd160,coinaddr,txid,vout,mempool)) > 0 ) { outpt->ptr = ptr; if ( valuep != 0 ) { *valuep = value; outpt->value = *valuep; } return(0); } else { if ( (unspentind= iguana_unspentindfind(myinfo,coin,&RTspend,coinaddr,spendscript,spendlenp,valuep,heightp,txid,vout,lasthdrsi,mempool)) != 0 ) { char str[65]; if ( unspentind == 0xffffffff ) printf("neg 1 unspentind? %s/v%d\n",bits256_str(str,txid),vout); if ( valuep != 0 && *valuep == 0 ) *valuep = RTspend; outpt->hdrsi = *heightp / coin->chain->bundlesize; outpt->unspentind = unspentind; if ( valuep != 0 ) outpt->value = *valuep; return(0); } return(-1); } } int32_t iguana_outptset(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_outpoint *outpt,bits256 txid,int32_t vout,int64_t value,char *spendscriptstr) { int32_t spendlen; memset(outpt,0,sizeof(*outpt)); spendlen = (int32_t)strlen(spendscriptstr) >> 1; if ( spendlen > sizeof(outpt->spendscript) ) return(-1); outpt->spendlen = spendlen; decode_hex(outpt->spendscript,spendlen,spendscriptstr); outpt->txid = txid; outpt->vout = vout; outpt->value = value; return(0); } int32_t iguana_txidheight(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 txid) { struct iguana_outpoint outpt; int32_t spendlen,height = 0; uint64_t value; char coinaddr[64]; uint8_t spendscript[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; iguana_RTunspentindfind(myinfo,coin,&outpt,coinaddr,spendscript,&spendlen,&value,&height,txid,0,(coin->firstRTheight/coin->chain->bundlesize) - 1,0); return(height); } int64_t iguana_txidamount(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,char *coinaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { struct iguana_outpoint outpt; int32_t spendlen,height = 0; uint64_t value; uint8_t spendscript[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; iguana_RTunspentindfind(myinfo,coin,&outpt,coinaddr,spendscript,&spendlen,&value,&height,txid,vout,(coin->firstRTheight/coin->chain->bundlesize) - 1,0); return(value); } char *iguana_txidcategory(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,char *account,char *coinaddr,bits256 txid,int32_t vout) { struct iguana_outpoint outpt; struct iguana_waccount *wacct; struct iguana_waddress *waddr; int32_t ismine=0,spendlen,height = 0; uint64_t value; uint8_t spendscript[IGUANA_MAXSCRIPTSIZE]; coinaddr[0] = 0; iguana_RTunspentindfind(myinfo,coin,&outpt,coinaddr,spendscript,&spendlen,&value,&height,txid,vout,(coin->firstRTheight/coin->chain->bundlesize) - 1,0); account[0] = 0; if ( coinaddr[0] != 0 ) { if ( (waddr= iguana_waddresssearch(myinfo,&wacct,coinaddr)) != 0 ) { if ( waddr->scriptlen != 0 ) return("isp2sh"); else if ( waddr->wifstr[0] != 0 ) ismine = 1; if ( wacct != 0 ) strcpy(account,wacct->account); } } else account[0] = 0; if ( value != 0 ) { if ( spendlen == 0 ) { if ( ismine != 0 ) return("send"); else return("spent"); } else { if ( ismine != 0 ) return("receive"); else return("unspent"); } } else return("unknown"); } void iguana_RTunmap(uint8_t *ptr,uint32_t len) { OS_releasemap(&ptr[-2*sizeof(len)],len+2*sizeof(len)); } void *iguana_RTrawdata(struct iguana_info *coin,bits256 hash2,uint8_t *data,int32_t *recvlenp,int32_t *numtxp,int32_t checkonly) { FILE *fp; char fname[1024],str[65]; long filesize; int32_t len; uint8_t *ptr; uint32_t i,nonz,checknumtx,checklen; sprintf(fname,"%s/%s/RT/%s.raw",GLOBAL_TMPDIR,coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,hash2)); OS_compatible_path(fname); if ( *recvlenp == -1 ) OS_removefile(fname,0); else { if ( (checkonly != 0 || *recvlenp > 0) && (fp= fopen(fname,"rb")) != 0 ) { fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END); filesize = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); if ( fread(&len,1,sizeof(len),fp) == sizeof(len) && len == filesize-sizeof(int32_t)*2 ) { fclose(fp); //printf("already have %s\n",bits256_str(str,hash2)); *recvlenp = 0; if ( checkonly != 0 ) return((void *)"already have rawdata"); return(0); } printf("malformed delete.(%s) len.%d filesize.%ld\n",fname,len,filesize); fclose(fp); OS_removefile(fname,0); } else if ( checkonly == 0 ) { if ( *recvlenp > 0 ) { if ( coin->RTheight == 0 && coin->blocks.hwmchain.height < coin->longestchain-coin->chain->bundlesize && iguana_utxofinished(coin) < coin->bundlescount-3 ) { //printf("skip %s\n",bits256_str(str,hash2)); return(0); } if ( (fp= fopen(fname,"wb")) != 0 ) { if ( fwrite(recvlenp,1,sizeof(*recvlenp),fp) != sizeof(*recvlenp) || fwrite(numtxp,1,sizeof(*numtxp),fp) != sizeof(*numtxp) || fwrite(data,1,*recvlenp,fp) != *recvlenp ) printf("error writing %s len.%d numtx.%d\n",bits256_str(str,hash2),*recvlenp,*numtxp); fclose(fp); //printf("numtx.%d len.%d %s hwm.%d L.%d\n",*numtxp,*recvlenp,fname,coin->blocks.hwmchain.height,coin->longestchain); } else printf("couldnt create %s\n",fname); } else if ( (ptr= OS_mapfile(fname,&filesize,0)) != 0 ) { memcpy(&checklen,ptr,sizeof(checklen)); memcpy(&checknumtx,&ptr[sizeof(checklen)],sizeof(checknumtx)); *numtxp = checknumtx; if ( checklen == (int32_t)(filesize - sizeof(checklen) - sizeof(checknumtx)) )//&& checknumtx == *numtxp ) { for (i=nonz=0; ichain->bundlesize); bundlei = (height % coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( (bp= coin->bundles[hdrsi]) != 0 && bits256_nonz(bp->hashes[bundlei]) != 0 ) iguana_RTrawdata(coin,bp->hashes[bundlei],0,&recvlen,&numtx,0); // delete file } printf("end %s RTpurge.%d\n",coin->symbol,lastheight); } int32_t iguana_RTiterate(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t offset,struct iguana_block *block,int64_t polarity) { struct iguana_txblock txdata; uint8_t *serialized; struct iguana_bundle *bp; int32_t hdrsi,bundlei,height,i,n,numtx,num,len; int32_t recvlen = 0; if ( (numtx= coin->RTnumtx[offset]) == 0 || (serialized= coin->RTrawdata[offset]) == 0 || (recvlen= coin->RTrecvlens[offset]) == 0 ) { //char str[65]; //printf("errs.%d cant load %s ht.%d polarity.%lld numtx.%d %p recvlen.%d\n",errs,bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2),block->height,(long long)polarity,coin->RTnumtx[offset],coin->RTrawdata[offset],coin->RTrecvlens[offset]); coin->RTrecvlens[offset] = 0; coin->RTrawdata[offset] = iguana_RTrawdata(coin,block->RO.hash2,0,&coin->RTrecvlens[offset],&coin->RTnumtx[offset],0); if ( (numtx= coin->RTnumtx[offset]) == 0 || (serialized= coin->RTrawdata[offset]) == 0 || (recvlen= coin->RTrecvlens[offset]) == 0 ) { //char str[65]; printf("%s cant load %s ht.%d polarity.%lld numtx.%d %p recvlen.%d\n",coin->symbol,bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2),block->height,(long long)polarity,coin->RTnumtx[offset],coin->RTrawdata[offset],coin->RTrecvlens[offset]); struct iguana_peer *addr; // int32_t errs = 0; iguana_blockhashset("RTblock",coin,coin->firstRTheight+offset,block->RO.hash2,1); if ( (bp= coin->bundles[block->hdrsi]) != 0 ) { bp->issued[block->bundlei] = 0; bp->blocks[block->bundlei] = block; bp->hashes[block->bundlei] = block->RO.hash2; block->height = coin->firstRTheight+offset; if ( coin->peers != 0 ) { if ( coin->peers->numranked > 0 ) { for (i=0; ipeers->numranked&&i<8; i++) if ( (addr= coin->peers->ranked[i]) != 0 ) { iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,coin->bundles[block->hdrsi],block->bundlei,block->RO.hash2,1); } } else iguana_updatemetrics(myinfo,coin); } } iguana_blockQ("RTiterate",coin,bp,block->bundlei,block->RO.hash2,1); num = 0; for (height=block->height+1; height<=coin->blocks.hwmchain.height; height++) { hdrsi = (height / coin->chain->bundlesize); bundlei = (height % coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( (bp= coin->bundles[hdrsi]) != 0 && (block= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 ) { recvlen = 0; if ( iguana_RTrawdata(coin,block->RO.hash2,0,&recvlen,&numtx,0) == 0 ) { num++; iguana_blockQ("RTiterate",coin,0,-1,block->RO.hash2,1); if ( 0 && coin->peers != 0 && (n= coin->peers->numranked) > 0 ) { if ( (addr= coin->peers->ranked[rand() % n]) != 0 ) iguana_sendblockreqPT(coin,addr,0,-1,block->RO.hash2,1); } } } } //printf("issue missing %d to ht.%d\n",num,height); return(-1); } } char str[65]; if ( block->height > coin->maxRTheight ) { coin->maxRTheight = block->height; printf("%s %.8f [%.8f %.8f] RTiterate.%lld %d tx.%d len.%d %s\n",coin->symbol,dstr(coin->histbalance)+dstr(coin->RTcredits)-dstr(coin->RTdebits),dstr(coin->RTcredits),dstr(coin->RTdebits),(long long)polarity,offset,coin->RTnumtx[offset],coin->RTrecvlens[offset],bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2)); } if ( coin->RTrawmem.ptr == 0 ) iguana_meminit(&coin->RTrawmem,"RTrawmem",0,IGUANA_MAXPACKETSIZE * 2,0); memset(&txdata,0,sizeof(txdata)); iguana_memreset(&coin->RTrawmem); if ( (n= iguana_gentxarray(myinfo,coin,&coin->RTrawmem,&txdata,&len,serialized,recvlen)) > 0 ) { iguana_RTramchaindata(myinfo,coin,polarity,block,coin->RTrawmem.ptr,numtx); return(0); } else printf("gentxarray n.%d RO.txn_count.%d recvlen.%d\n",n,numtx,recvlen); iguana_RTreset(coin); return(-1); } struct iguana_block *iguana_RTblock(struct iguana_info *coin,int32_t height) { int32_t offset; struct iguana_block *block; offset = height - coin->firstRTheight; //printf("%s iguana_RTblock.%d offset.%d\n",coin->symbol,height,offset); if ( offset < sizeof(coin->RTblocks)/sizeof(*coin->RTblocks) ) { if ( (block= coin->RTblocks[offset]) != 0 ) { if ( block->height != coin->firstRTheight+offset ) { printf("block height mismatch patch %d != %d\n",block->height,coin->firstRTheight+offset); block->height = coin->firstRTheight+offset; } return(block); } } else printf("RTblock offset.%d too big\n",offset); return(0); } int32_t iguana_RTblockadd(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { int32_t offset; if ( block != 0 ) { offset = block->height - coin->firstRTheight; if ( coin->RTrawdata[offset] == 0 ) coin->RTrawdata[offset] = iguana_RTrawdata(coin,block->RO.hash2,0,&coin->RTrecvlens[offset],&coin->RTnumtx[offset],0); //printf("%s RTblockadd.%d offset.%d numtx.%d len.%d\n",coin->symbol,block->height,offset,coin->RTnumtx[offset],coin->RTrecvlens[offset]); block->RO.txn_count = coin->RTnumtx[offset]; coin->RTblocks[offset] = block; if ( iguana_RTiterate(myinfo,coin,offset,block,1) < 0 ) return(-1); } return(0); } int32_t iguana_RTblocksub(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { int32_t offset; if ( block != 0 ) { offset = block->height - coin->firstRTheight; block->RO.txn_count = coin->RTnumtx[offset]; printf("%s RTblocksub.%d offset.%d\n",coin->symbol,block->height,offset); if ( iguana_RTiterate(myinfo,coin,offset,block,-1) < 0 ) return(-1); if ( coin->RTrawdata[offset] != 0 && coin->RTrecvlens[offset] != 0 ) iguana_RTunmap(coin->RTrawdata[offset],coin->RTrecvlens[offset]); coin->RTrawdata[offset] = 0; coin->RTrecvlens[offset] = 0; coin->RTnumtx[offset] = 0; coin->RTblocks[offset] = 0; } return(0); } void iguana_RTnewblock(struct supernet_info *myinfo,struct iguana_info *coin,struct iguana_block *block) { int32_t i,n,height,hdrsi,bundlei; struct iguana_block *addblock=0,*subblock=0; struct iguana_bundle *bp; if ( coin->RTreset_needed != 0 ) { printf("RTreset_needed -> RTreset\n"); iguana_RTreset(coin); coin->RTreset_needed = 0; } iguana_RTbalance_verify("start iterate",coin); /*if ( strcmp(coin->symbol,"BTC") != 0 && strcmp(coin->symbol,"LTC") != 0 ) { if ( block->height < coin->firstRTheight+coin->minconfirms ) return; if ( (block= iguana_blockfind("RTnew",coin,iguana_blockhash(coin,block->height-coin->minconfirms))) == 0 ) return; }*/ if ( block->height < coin->firstRTheight || block->height >= coin->firstRTheight+sizeof(coin->RTblocks)/sizeof(*coin->RTblocks) ) { if ( 0 && coin->firstRTheight > 0 ) printf("iguana_RTnewblock illegal blockheight.%d\n",block->height); return; } if ( block != 0 && coin->RTheight > 0 && coin->utxoaddrtable != 0 )//&& coin->RTheight <= coin->blocks.hwmchain.height ) { /*if ( block->height < (coin->RTheight - coin->minconfirms) ) { printf("ht.%d > RT.%d - %d\n",block->height,coin->RTheight,coin->minconfirms); return; }*/ if ( (block= iguana_blockfind("RTnew",coin,iguana_blockhash(coin,block->height-coin->minconfirms+1))) == 0 ) return; // error check to bundle boundary portable_mutex_lock(&coin->RTmutex); if ( block->height > coin->lastRTheight ) { n = (block->height - coin->RTheight) + 1; for (i=0; iRTheight + i); hdrsi = (height / coin->chain->bundlesize); bundlei = (height % coin->chain->bundlesize); if ( (bp= coin->bundles[hdrsi]) != 0 && (addblock= bp->blocks[bundlei]) != 0 && addblock->height == coin->RTheight+i ) { if ( iguana_RTblockadd(myinfo,coin,addblock) < 0 ) break; //if ( iguana_RTblocksub(myinfo,coin,addblock) < 0 ) // break; //if ( iguana_RTblockadd(myinfo,coin,addblock) < 0 ) // break; coin->lastRTheight = addblock->height; } else { char str[65]; if ( addblock != 0 ) bits256_str(str,addblock->RO.hash2); else str[0] = 0; printf("mismatched RTaddblock at i.%d RTheight.%d vs %p %d %s\n",i,coin->RTheight,addblock,addblock!=0?addblock->height:-1,str); iguana_blockunmark(coin,addblock,bp,bundlei,0); break; } } coin->RTheight += i; //if ( coin->RTheight != coin->lastRTheight+1 ) // printf("ERROR: "); //printf("%s >= RTnewblock RTheight %d prev %d\n",coin->symbol,coin->RTheight,coin->lastRTheight); } else if ( block->height == coin->lastRTheight ) { if ( (subblock= iguana_RTblock(coin,block->height)) != 0 && subblock != block ) { if ( iguana_RTblocksub(myinfo,coin,subblock) < 0 || iguana_RTblockadd(myinfo,coin,block) < 0 ) { printf("error unwinding to current %d\n",coin->RTheight); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->RTmutex); return; } printf("%s == RTnewblock RTheight %d prev %d\n",coin->symbol,coin->RTheight,coin->lastRTheight); } } else { char str[65]; printf("reorg RTheight.%d vs block.%d %s\n",coin->RTheight,block->height,bits256_str(str,block->RO.hash2)); iguana_RTreset(coin); /*while ( coin->RTheight > block->height ) { if ( iguana_RTblocksub(myinfo,coin,iguana_RTblock(coin,coin->RTheight-1)) < 0 ) { printf("error subtracting %d\n",coin->RTheight-1); coin->lastRTheight = coin->RTheight-1; portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->RTmutex); return; } coin->RTheight--; } if ( iguana_RTblockadd(myinfo,coin,block) < 0 ) { printf("error adding %d\n",block->height); portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->RTmutex); return; } coin->lastRTheight = block->height; coin->RTheight = coin->lastRTheight+1;*/ } portable_mutex_unlock(&coin->RTmutex); } iguana_RTbalance_verify("end iterate",coin); }