var coinManagement = {}; // Classes coinManagement.Coin = function (_id, _symbol, _description, _statusId) { this.Id = _id; this.Symbol = _symbol; this.Description = _description; this.StatusId = _statusId; }; coinManagement.CoinStatus = function (_id, _name) { this.Id = _id; this.Name = _name; }; // Initialization coinManagement.loggingEnabled = true; coinManagement.Coins = []; coinManagement.CoinStatuses = [ new coinManagement.CoinStatus(1, 'Dormant'), new coinManagement.CoinStatus(2, 'Launched'), new coinManagement.CoinStatus(3, 'Started'), new coinManagement.CoinStatus(4, 'Paused') ]; coinManagement.Initialize = function () { coinManagement.Coins = [ new coinManagement.Coin(1, 'BTC', 'Bitcoin', 1), new coinManagement.Coin(2, 'BTCD', 'Bitcoin Dark', 1), //new coinManagement.Coin(3, 'GBP', 'British Pound', 3), //new coinManagement.Coin(4, 'INR', 'Indian Rupee', 4), //new coinManagement.Coin(5, 'YEN', 'Japanese Yen', 3) ]; }; coinManagement.getCoinSymbols=function(){ var coins=[]; if (coinManagement.Coins === null || coinManagement.Coins === undefined) { return []; } for (var index = 0; index < coinManagement.Coins.length; index++) { coins.push(coinManagement.Coins[index].Symbol); } return coins; }; coinManagement.GetCoinIndex = function (id) { if (coinManagement.Coins == null || coinManagement.Coins == undefined) { return -1; } for (var index = 0; index < coinManagement.Coins.length; index++) { if (coinManagement.Coins[index].Id == id) { console.log('# coin ID:' + id.toString() + 'is @' + index); return index; } } }; coinManagement.GetCoinIndexBySymbol = function (id) { if (coinManagement.Coins == null || coinManagement.Coins == undefined) { return -1; } for (var index = 0; index < coinManagement.Coins.length; index++) { if (coinManagement.Coins[index].Symbol == id) { console.log('# coin symbol:' + id.toString() + 'is @' + index); return index; } } }; coinManagement.Post = function (coin) { if (coin === null || coin === undefined) { console.log('# can not add coin, invalid record'); return false; } console.log('# posting coin', coin); coinManagement.Coins.push(coin); }; coinManagement.Get = function () { console.log('# getting coins'); return coinManagement.Coins; }; coinManagement.Delete = function (id) { if (id == null || id == undefined) { console.log('# invalid Coin Id'); return false; } var index = coinManagement.GetCoinIndex(id); if (index == null || index == undefined || index < 0) { console.log('# the coin index is invalid'); } console.log('# coin deleted with id:', id, '@ index', index); coinManagement.Coins.splice(index, 1); }; coinManagement.getNewCoinId = function () { console.log('# getting new id'); var newId = -1; // Get an array of ids var ids = (elem, index) { return elem.Id; }); // sort ids ids.sort(function (x, y) { return (x - y); }); // get the next id for (var i = 0; i < ids.length; i++) { if (ids.indexOf(i) == -1) { newId = i; break; } }; // worst case scenario if (newId == -1) { newId = ids.length; } console.log('# new id: ', newId); return newId; }; // Helper functions // Genric Functions to read a key from local storage : for Chrome Browser and Chrome Extension App var readCache = function (key) { // Check if this is a chrome extension App if (chrome != null && chrome != undefined && != null && != undefined) { } // Else it should be a browser, which supports HTML 5 localStorage API else { } }; // Genric Functions to add/update key value pair in lcoal storage : for Chrome Browser and Chrome Extension App var updateCache = function (key, value) { // Check if this is a chrome extension App if (chrome != null && chrome != undefined && != null && != undefined) { } // Else it should be a browser, which supports HTML 5 localStorage API else { } }; var populateCoinStatusDropDown = function () { console.log('# populating coin status dropdown'); var select = document.getElementById('ddStatus'); for (var i = 0; i < coinManagement.CoinStatuses.length; i++) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.value = coinManagement.CoinStatuses[i].Id option.textContent = coinManagement.CoinStatuses[i].Name; select.appendChild(option); }; console.log('# populated coin status dropdown'); }; var coinEditFormIsValid = function () { var txt_symbol = document.getElementById('txtSymbol').value; var txt_description = document.getElementById('txtDescription').value; var dd_Status = document.getElementById('ddStatus').value; var symbol_group = document.getElementById('txtSymbolGroup'); var description_group = document.getElementById('txtDescriptionGroup'); var status_group = document.getElementById('ddCoinStatus'); symbol_group.removeAttribute('class'); symbol_group.setAttribute('class', 'form-group'); description_group.removeAttribute('class'); description_group.setAttribute('class', 'form-group'); status_group.removeAttribute('class'); status_group.setAttribute('class', 'form-group'); if (txt_symbol == null || txt_symbol == undefined || txt_symbol.length == 0) { symbol_group.removeAttribute('class'); symbol_group.setAttribute('class', 'has-error form-group'); return false; } else if (txt_description == null || txt_description == undefined || txt_description.length == 0) { description_group.removeAttribute('class'); description_group.setAttribute('class', 'has-error form-group'); return false; } else if (dd_Status == null || dd_Status == undefined || dd_Status.length == 0) { status_group.removeAttribute('class'); status_group.setAttribute('class', 'has-error form-group'); return false; } }; var GetStatusName = function (id) { for (var index = 0; index < coinManagement.CoinStatuses.length; index++) { if (coinManagement.CoinStatuses[index].Id == id) { return coinManagement.CoinStatuses[index].Name; } } }; var GetStatusNameHtml = function (id) { var result = GetStatusName(id); switch (parseInt(id)) { case 1: return '' + result + ''; break; case 2: return '' + result + ''; break; case 3: return '' + result + ''; break; case 4: return '' + result + ''; break; default: coinManagement.log('Invalid Status ID : ' + id); return '#Invalid'; break; } }; var getActionButton = function (objCoin) { if(objCoin.StatusId===3){ return getStopActionButton(objCoin.Id); }else if(objCoin.StatusId===2 || objCoin.StatusId===4){ return getStartActionButton(objCoin.Id); }else if(objCoin.StatusId===1){ return getAddActionButton(objCoin.Id); } }; var getAddActionButton = function (id) { return ''; }; var getStopActionButton = function (id) { // return ''; return ''; }; var getStartActionButton = function (id) { // return ''; return ''; }; var objToHtml = function (objCoin) { if (objCoin == null || objCoin == undefined) { return ''; } return '' + objCoin.Symbol + '' + objCoin.Description + '' + GetStatusNameHtml(objCoin.StatusId) + '' + getActionButton(objCoin) + ''; }; var addCoin = function (e) { console.log('# add coin called');'data-dismiss'); if (coinEditFormIsValid() === false) { console.log('# add coin form is invalid'); return; }'data-dismiss', 'modal'); var id = coinManagement.getNewCoinId(); var txt_symbol = document.getElementById('txtSymbol').value; var txt_description = document.getElementById('txtDescription').value; var dd_Status = document.getElementById('ddStatus').value; var objNewCoin = new coinManagement.Coin(id, txt_symbol, txt_description, dd_Status); coinManagement.Post(objNewCoin); console.log('# coin added'); renderGrid(); coinEditFormReset(); }; var renderGrid = function () { console.log('# refreshing coin grid'); var coinsTableBody = document.getElementById('Coins_table').getElementsByTagName('tbody')[0]; coinsTableBody.innerHTML = ''; coinManagement.Coins.forEach(function (element) { var htmlCoin = objToHtml(element); coinsTableBody.innerHTML += htmlCoin; }); }; var deleteCoin = function (id) { console.log('# coin delete called'); coinManagement.Delete(id); renderGrid(); }; var pauseCoin = function (id) { console.log('# coin pause called'); var index = coinManagement.GetCoinIndex(id); var coin=coinManagement.Coins[index].Symbol; console.log("clicked on coin "+coin); var request="{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"pausecoin\",\"coin\":\""+coin+"\"}"; SPNAPI.makeRequest(request, function(request,response){ response=JSON.parse(response); if(response.result && response.result ==="coin paused"){ var indx=coinManagement.GetCoinIndexBySymbol(request.coin); coinManagement.Coins[indx].StatusId=4; console.log("coins status changed "+coinManagement.Coins[indx].StatusId); renderGrid(); } }); }; var startCoin = function (id) { console.log('# coin start called'); //coinManagement.Delete(id); var index = coinManagement.GetCoinIndex(id); var coin=coinManagement.Coins[index].Symbol; console.log("clicked on coin "+coin); var request="{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"startcoin\",\"coin\":\""+coin+"\"}"; SPNAPI.makeRequest(request, function(request,response){ response=JSON.parse(response); if(response.result && response.result ==="coin started"){ var indx=coinManagement.GetCoinIndexBySymbol(request.coin); coinManagement.Coins[indx].StatusId=3; console.log("coins status changed "+coinManagement.Coins[indx].StatusId); renderGrid(); } }); }; var addExistingCoin = function (id) { var isactive=0; var maxpeers=SPNAPI.settings.maxpeers; var services=128; var index = coinManagement.GetCoinIndex(id); console.log('# coin add called '+index); var coin=coinManagement.Coins[index].Symbol; console.log("clicked on coin "+coin); var request="{\"agent\":\"iguana\",\"method\":\"addcoin\",\"newcoin\":\""+coin+"\",\"active\":"+isactive+",\"maxpeers\":"+maxpeers+",\"services\":"+services+"}"; SPNAPI.makeRequest(request, function(request,response){ response=JSON.parse(response); if(response.result && (response.result ==="coin added" || response.result ==="coin already there")){ var indx=coinManagement.GetCoinIndexBySymbol(request.newcoin); coinManagement.Coins[indx].StatusId=2; console.log("coins status changed "+coinManagement.Coins[indx].StatusId); renderGrid(); } }); }; var initCoinsAdded=false; var addInitCoins= function(){ if(!initCoinsAdded){ for (var index = 0; index < coinManagement.Coins.length; index++) { addExistingCoin(coinManagement.Coins[index].Id); } initCoinsAdded=true; } }; var coinEditFormReset = function () { document.getElementById('txtSymbol').value = ''; document.getElementById('txtDescription').value = ''; document.getElementById('ddStatus').value = 1; }; // Event Handlers var startCoinManagement = function () { coinManagement.Initialize(); document.getElementById('btnSaveCoinForm').onclick = addCoin; document.getElementById('btnClearCoinForm').onclick = coinEditFormReset; document.getElementById('Coins_refresh').onclick = renderGrid; document.getElementById('Coins_reset').addEventListener('click', coinManagement.Initialize); document.getElementById('Coins_reset').addEventListener('click', renderGrid); renderGrid(); populateCoinStatusDropDown(); }; var add_new_coin_test=function(){ var request = IsJsonString($('textarea#json_src_coin').val()); if(request!==false){ SPNAPI.makeRequest(JSON.stringify(request), function(request,response){ //response=JSON.parse(response); $(".coin_result").text(response); }); }else{ console.log("Invalid JSON"); } };