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Quick iOS Development Environment setup instructions

  • Install xcode from Apple App Store.
  • Execute command xcode-select --install from Terminal. Install Command line tools
  • Install Git for command line. Get installer from here:

Compile iguana for iOS

  • Get SuperNET repository clonned on your machine with command

git clone

  • Change your directory to the clonned SuperNET and execute the following commands:

./m_onetime m_ios


  • You'll find libcrypto777.a and iguana for iOS in agents directory inside SuperNET repo clonned dir.
  • To check if the files are for iOS platform, you can execute the folowing command which will show a result something like this:

cd agents

lipo -info iguana

Expected result:

Architectures in the fat file: agents/iguana are: armv7 armv7s arm64

Info on iOS libraries

The iOS libraries libcrypto.a, libssl.a, and libcurl.a are picked from the following github repositories:

NOTE: This build of iguana iOS has not been tested with any iOS device due to the limitations of iOS App has to execute system commands in iOS devices. A task is created in developer channel to help testing this iguana iOS compile. Please head over to this link for more detail:

More detailed instructions you may visit the developer wiki at