16 lines
644 B
16 lines
644 B
cd secp256k1; ./m_unix; cd ..
cd ../crypto777; ./m_LP; cd ../iguana
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == "linux-gnu" ]]; then
echo "Linux"
# Default is dynamic nanomsg for linux using this script
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == "darwin"* ]]; then
# Mac OSX
echo "Mac OSX"
# on osx this script generates static libnanomsg and uses it to compile static marketmaker binary
nanomsg_lib="../OSlibs/osx/$(uname -m)/libnanomsg-static.a"
gcc -g -o marketmaker -I../crypto777 exchanges/mm.c ../crypto777/cJSON.c mini-gmp.c groestl.c segwit_addr.c secp256k1.o ../agents/libcrypto777.a $nanomsg_lib -lcurl -lpthread -lm