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* Copyright © 2014-2015 The SuperNET Developers. *
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* holder information and the developer policies on copyright and licensing. *
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* Unless otherwise agreed in a custom licensing agreement, no part of the *
* SuperNET software, including this file may be copied, modified, propagated *
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* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited. *
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#ifdef later
#ifndef peggy777_h
#define peggy777_h
// derived from vps from CfB
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <memory.h>
#include <time.h>
#include "../iguana777.h"
#include "txind777.h"
#include "opreturn777.h"
#include "serdes777.h"
#include "accts777.h"
// CfB "the rule is simple = others can know the redemption day only AFTER the price for that day is set in stone."
#define HASH_SIZE 32
#define PEGGY_MINUTE 60
#define MAX_TIMEFRAME (24 * 3600 * 365)
#define MAX_PEGGYDAYS (365)
#define PEGGY_MAXVOTERS 4096
#define PEGGY_MIXRANGE 7777
#define PEGGY_RATE_777 2052
struct peggy_time { uint32_t blocknum,blocktimestamp; };
struct peggy_units { int64_t num,numoppo; };
struct peggy_margin { int64_t deposits,margindeposits,marginvalue; };
struct peggy_description { char name[32],base[16],rel[16]; uint64_t basebits,relbits,assetbits; int16_t id,baseid,relid; int8_t hasprice,enabled; };
struct peggy_pool { struct peggy_margin funds; struct peggy_units liability; uint64_t quorum,decisionthreshold,mainunitsize,mainbits; };
//struct peggy_limits { int64_t scales[MAX_TIMEFRAMES],maxsupply,maxnetbalance; uint32_t timeframes[MAX_TIMEFRAMES],numtimeframes; };
struct peggy
struct peggy_description name; struct peggy_pool pool; struct peggy_lock lockparms; int64_t maxsupply,maxnetbalance;
struct price_resolution spread,mindenomination,genesisprice,price,dayprice; uint32_t day,genesistime,maxdailyrate,unitincr,peggymils;
uint32_t dayprices[MAX_PEGGYDAYS],*baseprices,*relprices; int32_t RTminute;
struct peggy_pricedpeg
struct peggy PEG;
uint32_t prices[MAX_PEGGYDAYS * 1440]; // In main currency units
union peggy_pair { struct peggy PEG; struct peggy_pricedpeg pricedPEG; };
struct peggy_bet { struct price_resolution prediction; uint64_t distbet,dirbet,payout,shares,dist; uint32_t timestamp,minutes; };
struct peggy_vote { int32_t pval,tolerance; };//struct price_resolution price,tolerance; uint64_t nxt64bits,weight; };
struct peggy_entry
int64_t total,costbasis,satoshis,royalty,fee,estimated_interest,interest_unlocked,interestpaid,supplydiff,denomination;
int16_t dailyrate,baseid,relid,polarity;
struct peggy_units supply; struct price_resolution price,oppoprice;
struct peggy_balances { struct peggy_margin funds; int64_t privatebetfees,crypto777_royalty,APRfund,APRfund_reserved; };
struct peggy_info
char maincurrency[16]; uint64_t basebits[256],mainbits,mainunitsize,quorum,decisionthreshold; int64_t hwmbalance,worstbalance,maxdrawdown;
struct price_resolution default_spread; struct peggy_lock default_lockparms;
struct peggy_balances bank,basereserves[256];
int32_t default_dailyrate,interesttenths,posboost,negpenalty,feediv,feemult;
int32_t numpegs,numpairedpegs,numpricedpegs,numopreturns,numvoters;
struct accts777_info *accts;
double btcusd,btcdbtc; char path[512],*genesis; uint32_t genesistime,BTCD_price0;
struct peggy *contracts[PEGGY_MAXPEGS];
struct peggy_pricedpeg pricedpegs[PEGGY_MAXPRICEDPEGS];
struct price_resolution peggy_priceconsensus(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,uint64_t seed,int16_t peg,struct peggy_vote *votes,uint32_t numvotes,struct peggy_bet *bets,uint32_t numbets);
extern char CURRENCIES[][8];
uint64_t peggy_createunit(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,struct peggy_unit *readU,uint64_t seed,char *name,uint64_t nxt64bits,bits256 lockhash,struct peggy_lock *lock,uint64_t amount,uint64_t marginamount);
uint64_t peggy_redeem(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,int32_t readonly,char *name,int32_t polarity,uint64_t nxt64bits,bits256 pubkey,uint16_t lockdays,uint8_t chainlen);
struct price_resolution peggy_price(struct peggy *PEG,int32_t minute);
int32_t peggy_setprice(struct peggy *PEG,struct price_resolution price,int32_t minute);
struct price_resolution peggy_aveprice(struct peggy *PEG,int32_t minute,int32_t width);
char *peggy_emitprices(int32_t *nonzp,struct peggy_info *PEGS,uint32_t blocktimestamp,int32_t maxlockdays);
void peggy_delete(struct accts777_info *accts,struct peggy_unit *U,int32_t reason);
int32_t peggy_addunit(struct accts777_info *accts,struct peggy_unit *U,bits256 lockhash);
struct peggy_unit *peggy_match(struct accts777_info *accts,int32_t peg,uint64_t nxt64bits,bits256 lockhash,uint16_t lockdays);
struct peggy *peggy_find(struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy_info *PEGS,char *name,int32_t polarity);
char *peggy_aprstr(int64_t dailyrate);
uint64_t peggy_assetbits(char *name);
int64_t peggy_compound(int32_t dispflag,int64_t satoshis,int64_t dailyrate,int32_t n);
int32_t prices777_mindenomination(int32_t base);
struct price_resolution peggy_shortprice(struct peggy *PEG,struct price_resolution price);
uint32_t peggy_mils(int32_t i);
struct price_resolution peggy_scaleprice(struct price_resolution price,int64_t peggymils);
extern uint64_t peggy_smooth_coeffs[PEGGY_NUMCOEFFS];
extern int32_t Peggy_inds[];
extern int32_t Debuglevel;
#ifndef peggy777_c
#define peggy777_c
#ifndef peggy777_h
#include "peggy777.c"
int32_t prices777_mindenomination(int32_t);
//#include "txind777.c"
#include "serdes777.c"
#include "accts777.c"
int32_t dailyrates[101] =
0, 27, 55, 82, 110, 137, 164, 192, 219, 246, 273, 300, 327, 355, 382, 409, 436, 463, 489, 516, 543, 570, 597, 624, 651, 677, 704, 731, 757, 784, 811, 837, 864, 890, 917, 943, 970, 996, 1023, 1049, 1076, 1102, 1128, 1155, 1181, 1207, 1233, 1259, 1286, 1312, 1338, 1364, 1390, 1416, 1442, 1468, 1494, 1520, 1546, 1572, 1598, 1624, 1649, 1675, 1701, 1727, 1752, 1778, 1804, 1830, 1855, 1881, 1906, 1932, 1957, 1983, 2008, 2034, 2059, 2085, 2110, 2136, 2161, 2186, 2212, 2237, 2262, 2287, 2313, 2338, 2363, 2388, 2413, 2438, 2463, 2488, 2513, 2538, 2563, 2588, 2613
int32_t peggy_aprpercs(int64_t dailyrate)
int32_t i;
if ( dailyrate == PEGGY_RATE_777 )
else if ( dailyrate == -PEGGY_RATE_777 )
for (i=0; i<sizeof(dailyrates)/sizeof(*dailyrates)-1; i++)
if ( dailyrate >= dailyrates[i] && dailyrate < dailyrates[i+1] )
char *peggy_aprstr(int64_t dailyrate)
static char aprstr[16];
int32_t apr,dir = 1;
if ( dailyrate < 0 )
dir = -1, dailyrate = -dailyrate;
apr = peggy_aprpercs(dailyrate);
sprintf(aprstr,"%c%d.%02d%% APR",dir<0?'-':'+',apr/100,(apr%100));
int64_t peggy_compound(int32_t dispflag,int64_t satoshis,int64_t dailyrate,int32_t n)
int32_t i; int64_t compounded = satoshis;
if ( dailyrate == 0 )
if ( dispflag != 0 )
printf("peggy_compound rate.%lld n.%d %.8f %lld %lld -> ",(long long)dailyrate,n,dstr(satoshis),(long long)compounded,(long long)SCALED_PRICE(compounded,dailyrate));
for (i=0; i<n; i++)
//tmp = (compounded * (PRICE_RESOLUTION + dailyrate)) / PRICE_RESOLUTION; // WARNING: Do not use floating-point math!
compounded += SCALED_PRICE(compounded,dailyrate);
if ( dispflag != 0 )
printf("%.8f ",dstr(compounded));
if ( dispflag != 0 )
printf("%.8f %.8f\n",dstr(compounded),(double)compounded/satoshis);
if ( compounded < 0 )
compounded = 0;
void peggy_updatemargin(struct peggy_margin *funds,int64_t satoshis,uint16_t margin,int64_t amount)
if ( margin == 0 )
funds->deposits += satoshis;
funds->margindeposits += amount;
funds->marginvalue += (amount * margin);
void peggy_thanks_you(struct peggy_info *PEGS,int64_t tip) { PEGS->bank.crypto777_royalty += tip; }
void peggy_changereserve(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy *PEG,int32_t dir,struct peggy_entry *entry,int64_t satoshis,uint16_t margin,int64_t marginamount)
int64_t *dest; uint64_t replenish = 0,fee = 0;
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf("CHANGE %.8f: %c%s: %lld costbasis %.8f %s fee %.8f royalty %.8f estimated %.8f unlocked %.8f, interestpaid %.8f | units.%lld oppo.%lld\n",dstr(satoshis),entry->polarity<0?'-':'+',PEG->,(long long)entry->denomination,dstr(entry->costbasis),peggy_aprstr(entry->dailyrate),dstr(entry->fee),dstr(entry->royalty),dstr(entry->estimated_interest),dstr(entry->interest_unlocked),dstr(entry->interestpaid),(long long)entry->supply.num,(long long)entry->supply.numoppo);
PEGS->bank.APRfund_reserved += (entry->estimated_interest - entry->interest_unlocked);
if ( PEG->pool.funds.deposits > 0 && PEGS->bank.funds.deposits > 0 )
if ( PEGS->bank.APRfund < 0 )
PEGS->bank.APRfund += entry->fee;
fee = entry->fee / PEGS->feediv, fee *= PEGS->feemult;
PEGS->bank.APRfund += ((entry->fee - fee) - entry->interestpaid);
} else replenish = entry->fee;
peggy_thanks_you(PEGS,entry->royalty + fee);
peggy_updatemargin(&PEG->pool.funds,satoshis + replenish,margin,marginamount);
peggy_updatemargin(&PEGS->bank.funds,satoshis + replenish,margin,marginamount);
peggy_updatemargin(&PEGS->basereserves[entry->baseid].funds,dir * satoshis,margin,dir * marginamount);
peggy_updatemargin(&PEGS->basereserves[entry->relid].funds,-dir * satoshis,margin,-dir * marginamount);
//printf("dir.%d polarity.%d baseid.%d relid.%d sats %.8f [%.8f %.8f]\n",dir,entry->polarity,entry->baseid,entry->relid,dstr(satoshis),dstr(PEGS->basereserves[entry->baseid]),dstr(PEGS->basereserves[entry->relid]));
dest = (entry->polarity < 0) ? &PEG->pool.liability.numoppo : &PEG->pool.liability.num;
*dest += (dir * entry->denomination);
if ( Debuglevel > 2 || (rand() % 1000) == 0 )
printf(">>>>>>> %c%s %lld: cost %11.8f %s royalties %.8f APR.(R%.8f B%.8f) satoshis %11.8f %s.(+%lld -%lld) base.(%.8f %.8f) total %s (%.8f %.8f %.8f) (%.8f %.8f %.8f)\n",entry->polarity<0?'-':'+',PEG->,(long long)entry->denomination,dstr(entry->costbasis),peggy_aprstr(entry->dailyrate),dstr(PEGS->bank.crypto777_royalty),dstr(PEGS->bank.APRfund_reserved),dstr(PEGS->bank.APRfund),dstr(satoshis),PEG->,(long long)PEG->pool.liability.num,(long long)PEG->pool.liability.numoppo,dstr(PEGS->basereserves[entry->baseid].funds.deposits),dstr(PEGS->basereserves[entry->relid].funds.deposits),PEG->,dstr(PEG->pool.funds.deposits),dstr(PEG->pool.funds.margindeposits),dstr(PEG->pool.funds.marginvalue),dstr(PEGS->bank.funds.deposits),dstr(PEGS->bank.funds.margindeposits),dstr(PEGS->bank.funds.marginvalue));
uint64_t peggy_satoshis(int32_t polarity,int16_t denomination,int64_t price,int64_t oppoprice)
uint64_t satoshi;
if ( polarity < 0 )
//satoshi = (denomination * price) / PRICE_RESOLUTION;
//satoshi = (satoshi * oppoprice) / PRICE_RESOLUTION;
//return((SATOSHIDEN * satoshi) / PRICE_RESOLUTION);
satoshi = (oppoprice * price) / PRICE_RESOLUTION_ROOT;
satoshi = ((SATOSHIDEN / PRICE_RESOLUTION_ROOT) * (satoshi * denomination)) / PRICE_RESOLUTION;
//return(denomination * price * oppoprice * (10 / (PRICE_RESOLUTION * PRICE_RESOLUTION * PRICE_RESOLUTION)));
//satoshi = (denomination * price) / PRICE_RESOLUTION;
//return((SATOSHIDEN * satoshi) / PRICE_RESOLUTION);
return((SATOSHIDEN * denomination * price) / PRICE_RESOLUTION);
uint64_t peggy_poolmainunits(struct peggy_entry *entry,int32_t dir,int32_t polarity,struct price_resolution price,struct price_resolution oppoprice,struct price_resolution spread,uint64_t poolincr,int16_t denomunits)
uint64_t mainunits,satoshis; struct price_resolution fee;
entry->denomination = denomunits;
entry->costbasis = peggy_satoshis(polarity,denomunits,price.Pval,oppoprice.Pval);
if ( (entry->baseid != 0 || entry->relid != 0) && spread.Pval != 0 && (fee.Pval= SCALED_PRICE(price.Pval,spread.Pval)) != 0 )
price.Pval += dir * fee.Pval;
else fee.Pval = 0;
satoshis = peggy_satoshis(polarity,denomunits,price.Pval,oppoprice.Pval);
if ( (satoshis % poolincr) == 0 )
dir = 0;
mainunits = dir + (satoshis / poolincr);
entry->total = poolincr * mainunits;
entry->fee = (entry->total - entry->costbasis);
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf("mainunits %llu: origcost %.8f [%.8f] denomination %d poolincr %.8f price %.6f spread %.6f fee %.8f\n",(long long)mainunits,dstr(entry->costbasis),dstr(entry->fee),denomunits,dstr(poolincr),Pval(&price),Pval(&spread),Pval(&fee));
int64_t peggy_pairabs(int64_t basebalance,int64_t relbalance)
int64_t baserelbalance;
if ( (baserelbalance= basebalance) < 0 )
baserelbalance = -baserelbalance;
if ( relbalance < 0 )
baserelbalance -= relbalance;
else baserelbalance += relbalance;
int64_t peggy_lockrate(struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy *PEG,uint64_t satoshis,uint16_t numdays)
int64_t diff,compounded,prod,dailyrate=0,both,needed = 0;
if ( (both= entry->supply.num + entry->supply.numoppo) != 0 )
if ( (diff= (entry->supply.numoppo - entry->supply.num)) < 0 )
entry->supplydiff = -diff;
else entry->supplydiff = diff;
prod = (PEG->maxdailyrate * diff);
if ( prod > 0 )
prod *= PEGS->posboost;
dailyrate = (prod / both) + dailyrates[PEGS->interesttenths];
if ( dailyrate > PEGGY_RATE_777 )
dailyrate = PEGGY_RATE_777;
else if ( dailyrate < -PEGGY_RATE_777 )
dailyrate = -PEGGY_RATE_777;
if ( prod < 0 && dailyrate > 0 )
dailyrate /= PEGS->negpenalty;
compounded = peggy_compound(0,satoshis,dailyrate,numdays);
needed = (compounded - satoshis);
needed *= 3, needed /= 2;
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf("2x needed %.8f dailyrate.%lld compounded %lld <- %lld diff.%lld prod.%lld both.%lld -> %lld %s\n",dstr(needed),(long long)dailyrate,(long long)compounded,(long long)satoshis,(long long)diff,(long long)prod,(long long)both,(long long)dailyrate,peggy_aprstr(dailyrate));
if ( (PEGS->bank.APRfund_reserved + needed) > PEGS->bank.APRfund )
compounded = peggy_compound(1,satoshis,dailyrate,numdays);
printf("reserved %.8f + needed %.8f) > APRfund %.8f\n",dstr(PEGS->bank.APRfund_reserved),dstr(needed),dstr(PEGS->bank.APRfund));
needed = dailyrate = 0;
} else entry->estimated_interest = needed;
entry->dailyrate = dailyrate;
int32_t peggy_islegal_amount(struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy *PEG,int32_t dir,int64_t satoshis,int32_t numdays,uint16_t margin,struct price_resolution price)
uint64_t newsupply; int64_t baserelbalance,newbaserel;
if ( margin == 0 )
entry->dailyrate = peggy_lockrate(entry,PEGS,PEG,satoshis,numdays);
if ( entry->baseid == entry->relid )
printf("illegal baseid.%d relid.%d (%s)\n",PEG->name.baseid,PEG->name.relid,PEG->;
if ( PEG-> == 0 )
printf("BTCD is legal\n");
if ( (newsupply= ((PEG->pool.funds.deposits + PEG->pool.funds.marginvalue) + satoshis)) > PEG->maxsupply )
printf("peggy_islegal_amount %.8f %.8f newsupply %.8f > limits %.8f\n",dstr(PEG->pool.funds.deposits),dstr(PEG->pool.funds.marginvalue),dstr(newsupply),dstr(PEG->maxsupply));
//printf("baseid.%d relid.%d\n",entry->baseid,entry->relid);
baserelbalance = peggy_pairabs(PEGS->basereserves[entry->baseid].funds.deposits,PEGS->basereserves[entry->relid].funds.deposits);
newbaserel = peggy_pairabs(PEGS->basereserves[entry->baseid].funds.deposits + satoshis,PEGS->basereserves[entry->relid].funds.deposits - satoshis);
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf("baseid.%d relid.%d satoshis %.8f baserelbalance %.8f newbaserel %.8f\n",entry->baseid,entry->relid,dstr(satoshis),dstr(baserelbalance),dstr(newbaserel));
if ( newbaserel <= baserelbalance )
//printf("entry->supplydiff.%lld diff %.8f vs maxnetbalance %.8f\n",(long long)entry->supplydiff,(double)(price.Pval*entry->supplydiff)/PRICE_RESOLUTION,dstr(PEG->limits.maxnetbalance));
if ( PEG->maxnetbalance != 0 && (price.Pval * entry->supplydiff) / PRICE_RESOLUTION > PEG->maxnetbalance/SATOSHIDEN )
printf("entry->supplydiff.%lld diff %.8f vs maxnetbalance %.8f\n",(long long)entry->supplydiff,(double)(price.Pval*entry->supplydiff)/PRICE_RESOLUTION,dstr(PEG->maxnetbalance));
uint64_t peggy_assetbits(char *name) { return((is_decimalstr(name) != 0) ? calc_nxt64bits(name) : stringbits(name)); }
struct peggy *peggy_findpair(struct peggy_info *PEGS,char *name)
int32_t i; uint64_t assetbits;
if ( (assetbits= peggy_assetbits(name)) != 0 )
for (i=0; i<PEGS->numpegs; i++)
if ( PEGS->contracts[i]->name.assetbits == assetbits )
struct peggy *peggy_found(struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy *PEG,int32_t polarity)
int64_t num,numoppo;
num = PEG->pool.liability.num, numoppo = PEG->pool.liability.numoppo;
if ( polarity >= 0 )
entry->polarity = 1, entry->baseid = PEG->name.baseid, entry->relid = PEG->name.relid, entry->supply.num = num, entry->supply.numoppo = numoppo;
else entry->polarity = -1, entry->baseid = PEG->name.relid, entry->relid = PEG->name.baseid, entry->supply.num = numoppo, entry->supply.numoppo = num;
//printf("(%s) -> baseid.%d relid.%d\n",PEG->,entry->baseid,entry->relid);
struct peggy *peggy_find(struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy_info *PEGS,char *name,int32_t polarity)
struct peggy *PEG;
if ( (PEG= peggy_findpair(PEGS,name)) != 0 )
struct peggy *peggy_findpeg(struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy_info *PEGS,int32_t peg)
if ( peg >= 0 )
else return(peggy_found(entry,PEGS->contracts[-peg],peg));
int32_t peggy_pegstr(char *buf,struct peggy_info *PEGS,char *name)
int32_t peg=0; struct peggy *PEG;
buf[0] = 0;
if ( name != 0 )
if ( (PEG= peggy_findpair(PEGS,name)) != 0 )
int32_t peggy_setname(char *buf,char *name)
int64_t peggy_calcspread(int64_t spread,int32_t lockdays) { return((lockdays < 30) ? spread : ((30 * spread) / lockdays)); }
uint64_t peggy_setunit(struct peggy_unit *U,struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,struct peggy *PEG,uint64_t seed,uint64_t nxt64bits,struct peggy_lock *lock)
int32_t numdays,polarity; uint64_t poolincr; int16_t denom; struct price_resolution spread;
U->lock = *lock;
if ( (denom= lock->denom) < 0 )
polarity = -1, denom = -denom;
else polarity = 1;
printf("denom.%d is too big max %lld\n",denom,(long long)PRICE_RESOLUTION_MAXUNITS);
if ( U->lock.margin != 0 )
if ( U->lock.maxlockdays > PEGGY_MARGINLOCKDAYS )
printf("error: maxlockdays cant be more than PEGGY_MARGINLOCKDAYS %d for margin trading\n",PEGGY_MARGINLOCKDAYS);
else if ( U->lock.margin > PEG->lockparms.margin )
printf("error: margin.%d cant be more than %d for margin trading %s\n",U->lock.margin,PEG->lockparms.margin,PEG->;
else if ( denom < U->lock.margin )
printf("error: denomination %lld must be >= margin %dx trading %s\n",(long long)denom,U->lock.margin,PEG->;
else if ( (denom + entry->supply.num) > entry->supply.numoppo )
//printf("error: denom.%d supply %d %d > oppo %d -> balance violation %s\n",denom,entry->supply.num,denom+entry->supply.num,entry->supply.numoppo,PEG->;
U->lock.redemptiongapdays = PEGGY_MARGINGAPDAYS;
} else U->lock.redemptiongapdays = PEG->lockparms.redemptiongapdays;
if ( U->lock.maxlockdays <= PEG->lockparms.maxlockdays )
U->lock.maxlockdays = PEG->lockparms.maxlockdays;
if ( U->lock.minlockdays >= PEG->lockparms.minlockdays )
U->lock.minlockdays = PEG->lockparms.minlockdays;
if ( U->lock.minlockdays > U->lock.maxlockdays )
U->lock.minlockdays = U->lock.maxlockdays;
if ( U->lock.clonesmear > PEG->lockparms.clonesmear )
U->lock.clonesmear = PEG->lockparms.clonesmear;
if ( U->lock.mixrange > PEG->lockparms.mixrange )
U->lock.mixrange = PEG->lockparms.mixrange;
U->lock.extralockdays = PEGGY_MINEXTRADAYS + (seed % PEG->lockparms.extralockdays);
entry->price = PEG->dayprice;//peggy_nonzprice(PEGS,T,PEG,1,day);
entry->oppoprice = peggy_shortprice(PEG,entry->price);//peggy_nonzprice(PEGS,T,PEG,-1,day);
poolincr = PEG->pool.mainunitsize;
U->timestamp = T.blocktimestamp, U->baseid = entry->baseid, U->relid = entry->relid; //, U->nxt64bits = nxt64bits,
U->lock.peg = PEG-> * polarity;
spread.Pval = peggy_calcspread(PEG->spread.Pval,U->lock.minlockdays + U->lock.extralockdays);
U->costbasis = entry->costbasis;
numdays = (polarity > 0) ? (U->lock.maxlockdays + PEG->lockparms.extralockdays) : (U->lock.minlockdays + PEG->lockparms.extralockdays);
return(entry->total * peggy_islegal_amount(entry,PEGS,PEG,polarity,entry->total,numdays,U->lock.margin,entry->price));
int64_t peggy_redeemhash(struct peggy_entry *entry,struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,struct peggy_unit *U,int32_t lockdays)
struct price_resolution price,oppoprice,spread; struct peggy *PEG; int32_t n,delta; uint64_t poolincr,interest,satoshis = 0;
if ( (PEG= peggy_findpeg(entry,PEGS,U->lock.peg)) != 0 )
poolincr = PEG->pool.mainunitsize, oppoprice.Pval = spread.Pval = 0;
delta = (T.blocktimestamp - U->timestamp) / PEGGY_DAYTICKS;
lockdays += U->lock.extralockdays;
if ( delta < lockdays )
else if ( delta > (lockdays + U->lock.redemptiongapdays) )
T.blocktimestamp = U->timestamp + (lockdays * PEGGY_DAYTICKS);
if ( (n= (int32_t)(U->costbasis / PEG->unitincr)) > 0 )
T.blocktimestamp -= (n * PEGGY_DAYTICKS) / 2;
else n = 1;
price = peggy_aveprice(PEG,(T.blocktimestamp - PEG->genesistime) / PEGGY_DAYTICKS,n);
if ( entry->polarity < 0 )
oppoprice = peggy_shortprice(PEG,price);
spread.Pval = peggy_calcspread(PEG->spread.Pval,lockdays);
satoshis = peggy_poolmainunits(entry,-1,entry->polarity,price,oppoprice,spread,poolincr,U->lock.denom);
entry->costbasis = U->costbasis;
if ( U->estimated_interest != 0 )
interest = peggy_compound(0,satoshis,U->dailyrate,lockdays + U->lock.extralockdays) - satoshis;
entry->interestpaid = (interest / poolincr) * poolincr;
if ( entry->interestpaid > U->estimated_interest )
entry->interestpaid = U->estimated_interest;
entry->royalty += (interest - entry->interestpaid);
entry->interest_unlocked = U->estimated_interest;
if ( U->lock.margin == 0 )
if ( PEG->pool.funds.deposits < satoshis )
satoshis = PEG->pool.funds.deposits;
else if (PEG->pool.funds.deposits >= (satoshis + entry->interestpaid) )
satoshis += entry->interestpaid;
if ( PEG->pool.funds.margindeposits < satoshis )
satoshis = PEG->pool.funds.margindeposits;
uint64_t peggy_redeem(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,int32_t readonly,char *name,int32_t polarity,uint64_t nxt64bits,bits256 pubkey,uint16_t lockdays,uint8_t chainlen)
struct peggy_entry entry; struct peggy_unit *U; struct peggy *PEG; int32_t peg; int64_t satoshis = 0; bits256 lockhash;
if ( (PEG= peggy_findpair(PEGS,name)) != 0 )
peg = PEG-> * polarity;
lockhash = acct777_lockhash(pubkey,lockdays,chainlen);
if ( (U= peggy_match(PEGS->accts,peg,nxt64bits,lockhash,lockdays)) != 0 )
if ( (satoshis= peggy_redeemhash(&entry,PEGS,T,U,lockdays)) < 0 )
printf("Autopurge unit.%p\n",U);
satoshis = 0;
if ( readonly == 0 )
peggy_delete(PEGS->accts,U,satoshis == 0 ? PEGGY_RSTATUS_AUTOPURGED : PEGGY_RSTATUS_REDEEMED);
uint64_t peggy_createunit(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,struct peggy_unit *readU,uint64_t seed,char *name,uint64_t nxt64bits,bits256 lockhash,struct peggy_lock *lock,uint64_t amount,uint64_t marginamount)
struct peggy_entry entry; struct peggy_unit U; int32_t peg,polarity; int16_t denomination; int64_t satoshis = 0; struct peggy *PEG = 0;
denomination = lock->denom;
if ( denomination < 0 )
polarity = -1, denomination = -denomination;
else polarity = 1;
if ( denomination >= PRICE_RESOLUTION_MAXUNITS )
printf("denomination.%d is too big max %lld\n",denomination,(long long)PRICE_RESOLUTION_MAXUNITS);
if ( name == 0 )
if ( (peg= lock->peg) == 0 )
PEG = PEGS->contracts[0];
else if ( lock->peg < 0 )
peg = -peg, polarity = -polarity;
if ( peg >= PEGS->numpegs )
printf("illegal peg id.%d\n",lock->peg);
PEG = PEGS->contracts[peg];
PEG = peggy_find(&entry,PEGS,PEG->,polarity);
} else PEG = peggy_find(&entry,PEGS,name,polarity);
if ( PEG != 0 )
if ( (satoshis= peggy_setunit(&U,&entry,PEGS,T,PEG,seed,nxt64bits,lock)) != 0 )
U.estimated_interest = entry.estimated_interest, U.amount = amount, U.marginamount = marginamount;
if ( readU == 0 )
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf("%s.%d amount %.8f satoshis %.8f incr.%.8f price.%.8f\n",PEG->,PEG->,dstr(amount),dstr(satoshis),dstr(PEG->pool.mainunitsize),Pval(&entry.price));
if ( (lock->margin == 0 && amount >= satoshis) || (marginamount * lock->margin) >= satoshis )
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf("id.%d needed for interest reserved %.8f BTCD, royalty %.8f | dailyrate %lld %s\n",PEG->,dstr(U.estimated_interest),dstr(amount) - dstr(satoshis),(long long)U.dailyrate,peggy_aprstr(U.dailyrate));
} else printf("%s amount %.8f not enough for unit %.8f or margin.%d %llu %.8f\n",PEG->,dstr(amount),dstr(satoshis),lock->margin,(long long)marginamount,dstr(marginamount * lock->margin)), satoshis = 0;
if ( readU != 0 ) *readU = U, printf("%c%s cost %.8f %s\n",polarity < 0 ? '-' : '+',PEG->,dstr(satoshis),peggy_aprstr(U.dailyrate));
} else printf("peggy_createunit: cant find.(%s)\n",name);
uint64_t peggy_gamblers(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,struct price_resolution prevprice,struct price_resolution newprice,struct peggy_bet *bets,int32_t numbets)
int32_t i,j,match,oppo,numbest = 0; int64_t diff,preddiff,tmp,dist,bestdist;
uint64_t bet,payout,totalbets,losingbets,winningbets,totalpayout,matchbets,oppobets,matchshares;
matchshares = matchbets = oppobets = losingbets = winningbets = bestdist = totalpayout = match = oppo = 0;
if ( bets != 0 )
for (totalbets=i=0; i<numbets; i++)
if ( (bet= (bets[i].dirbet + bets[i].distbet)) != 0 )
totalbets += bet;
} else return(0);
if ( (diff= (newprice.Pval - prevprice.Pval)) < 0 )
diff = -1;
else if ( diff > 0 )
diff = 1;
for (j=0; j<numbets; j++)
bets[j].minutes = (T.blocktimestamp - bets[j].timestamp) / PEGGY_MINUTE;
bets[j].shares = bets[j].dist = 0;
if ( (bet= bets[j].dirbet) != 0 )
if ( (preddiff= (bets[j].prediction.Pval - prevprice.Pval)) < 0 )
preddiff = -1;
else if ( preddiff > 0 )
preddiff = 1;
if ( (tmp= diff*preddiff) > 0 )
match++, matchbets += bet, bets[j].shares = (bet * bets[j].minutes), matchshares += (bet * (1 + bets[j].minutes));
else if ( tmp < 0 )
oppo++, oppobets += bet;
if ( (bet= bets[j].distbet) != 0 )
if ( (dist= ((int64_t)newprice.Pval - bets[j].prediction.Pval)) < 0 )
dist = -dist;
bets[j].dist = ++dist;
if ( bestdist == 0 || dist < bestdist )
bestdist = dist;
bets[j].payout = 0;
for (j=0; j<numbets; j++)
if ( bets[j].dist == bestdist )
winningbets += bets[j].distbet, numbest++;
else losingbets += bets[j].distbet;
winningbets += (winningbets / 100);
for (j=0; j<numbets; j++)
if ( bets[j].dist == bestdist && winningbets != 0 )
bets[j].payout = bets[j].distbet + ((bets[j].distbet * losingbets) / winningbets);
matchshares += (matchshares / 100);
for (payout=j=0; j<numbets; j++)
if ( bets[j].shares != 0 )
bets[j].payout = bets[j].dirbet + ((bets[j].shares * oppobets) / matchshares);
payout += bets[j].payout;
PEGS->bank.privatebetfees += (totalbets - payout);
if ( numbets != 0 )
printf("royalty %.8f (%.8f - payout %.8f) numbest.%d winningbets %.8f vs losingbets %.8f | match.%d %.8f, oppo.%d %.8f\n",dstr(totalbets - payout),dstr(totalbets),dstr(payout),numbest,dstr(winningbets),dstr(losingbets),match,dstr(matchbets),oppo,dstr(oppobets));
struct price_resolution peggy_newprice(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy *PEG,struct peggy_time T,uint32_t newpval)
uint64_t sum,den,gap; int64_t diff; int32_t i,j,minute,iter; struct price_resolution price,shortprice,newprice;
gap = (PEG->spread.Pval * newpval) / PRICE_RESOLUTION;
if ( (newprice.Pval= newpval) != 0 )
for (iter=0; iter<1; iter++)
sum = den = 0;
sum = (((uint64_t)peggy_smooth_coeffs[0]) * newprice.Pval);
den = peggy_smooth_coeffs[0];
minute = (T.blocktimestamp - PEG->genesistime) / PEGGY_MINUTE;
//printf("peggy_newprice day.%d: %u sum %lld\n",day,newpval,(long long)sum);
for (i=1; i<PEGGY_NUMCOEFFS; i++)
j = (minute - i);
if ( j > 0 )
price = peggy_price(PEG,j);
if ( price.Pval != 0 )
sum += (((uint64_t)peggy_smooth_coeffs[i]) * price.Pval);
den += peggy_smooth_coeffs[i];
//printf("i.%d ind.%d coeff.%llu add.%lld sum %lld den %lld %.6f -> %.7f\n",i,j,(long long)peggy_smooth_coeffs[i],(long long)price.Pval,(long long)sum,(long long)den,Pval(&price),(double)sum/(den));
} else break;
price.Pval = newpval;
//printf("sum %lld den %lld %.10f -> %.10f || ",(long long)sum,(long long)den,Pval(&price),(double)sum/(den));
if ( den != 0 )
price.Pval = (sum / den);
else break;
newprice = price;
diff = (newprice.Pval - newpval);
if ( diff < 0 )
diff = -diff;
if ( diff < gap )
newprice.Pval = (newprice.Pval*7 + newpval) / 8;
//printf("%.8f ",Pval(&newprice));
shortprice = peggy_shortprice(PEG,newprice);
price.Pval = newpval;
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
fprintf(stderr,"t.%u M%d day.%-4d new %.8f short.%.8f pval.%.8f | first %.10f ",T.blocktimestamp,minute,minute/1440,Pval(&newprice),Pval(&shortprice),Pval(&price),Pval(&PEG->genesisprice));
void peggy_margincalls(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,struct peggy *PEG,struct price_resolution newprice,struct price_resolution shortprice)
int32_t i; struct peggy_unit *U; int64_t satoshis,gain,threshold; struct peggy_entry entry;
for (i=0,U=&PEGS->accts->units[0]; i<PEGS->accts->numunits; i++,U++)
if ( U->lock.margin != 0 && PEG != 0 && (PEG-> == U->lock.peg || PEG-> == -U->lock.peg) )
if ( (PEG= peggy_findpeg(&entry,PEGS,U->lock.peg)) != 0 )
satoshis = peggy_poolmainunits(&entry,-1,entry.polarity,newprice,shortprice,PEG->spread,PEG->pool.mainunitsize,U->lock.denom);
gain = entry.polarity * (satoshis - U->costbasis), threshold = -U->costbasis/U->lock.margin;
if ( gain < threshold )
printf("%s %8.6f %8.6f %2dx gain %11.8f polarity.%-2d (%11.8f - cost %11.8f) -> profit %11.8f margincall %11.8f ",PEG->,Pval(&newprice),Pval(&shortprice),U->lock.margin,dstr(gain),entry.polarity,dstr(satoshis),dstr(U->costbasis),dstr(gain),dstr(threshold));
struct price_resolution peggy_priceconsensus(struct peggy_info *PEGS,struct peggy_time T,uint64_t seed,int16_t pricedpeg,struct peggy_vote *votes,uint32_t numvotes,struct peggy_bet *bets,uint32_t numbets)
struct peggy_entry entry; struct price_resolution newprice,dayprice,tmp; struct peggy *PEG;
int64_t delta,weight,totalwt = 0; int32_t i,j,n,minute,day,wts[PEGGY_NUMCOEFFS]; uint32_t start,k; uint64_t ind;
newprice.Pval = 0;
if ( (PEG= peggy_find(&entry,PEGS,PEGS->contracts[pricedpeg]->,1)) != 0 )
for (i=n=0; i<numvotes; i++)
if ( votes[i].pval != 0 )
wts[i] = 1;//n + 1;
totalwt += wts[i];
if ( n < PEG->pool.quorum || totalwt < PEG->pool.decisionthreshold )
start = (uint32_t)(pricedpeg * seed);
for (k=0; k<numvotes; k++)
if ( numvotes == PEGGY_NUMCOEFFS )
ind = Peggy_inds[(k + start) % PEGGY_NUMCOEFFS];
else ind = (start + k);
i = (int32_t)(ind % numvotes);
//fprintf(stderr,"(%d %d) ",i,k);
weight = 0;
if ( votes[i].pval != 0 )
for (j=0; j<numvotes; j++)
if ( votes[j].pval != 0 )
//fprintf(stderr,"%lld ",(long long)(j*incr + seed) % numvotes);
if ( (delta= (votes[i].pval - votes[j].pval)) < 0 )//votes[j].price.Pval)) < 0 )
delta = -delta;
//printf("(%lld %llu %u).%lld ",(long long)delta,(long long)votes[i].pval,votes[j].tolerance,(long long)weight);
if ( delta <= votes[j].tolerance )//votes[j].tolerance.Pval )
weight += wts[j];
if ( weight > (totalwt >> 1) ) ////votes[j].weight;
//if ( strcmp("SuperNET",PEG-> == 0 )
// fprintf(stderr,"%d.(%.6f %llu) ",i,(double)votes[i].pval/PRICE_RESOLUTION,(long long)weight);
if ( weight > (totalwt >> 1) )
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
fprintf(stderr,"%6d k%-4d %4d-> %.6f wt.%-4lld/%4lld ",votes[i].pval,k,i,Pval(&PEG->price),(long long)weight,(long long)totalwt);
PEG->price = peggy_newprice(PEGS,PEG,T,votes[i].pval);
if ( 0 && k == numvotes )
fprintf(stderr,"no consensus for %s %6d k%-4d %4d-> %.6f wt.%-4lld/%4lld ",PEG->,votes[i].tolerance,k,i,Pval(&PEG->price),(long long)weight,(long long)totalwt);
if ( (day= (T.blocktimestamp - PEG->genesistime)/PEGGY_DAYTICKS) != PEG->day )
dayprice.Pval = 0;
for (minute=PEG->day*1440,i=n=0; i<1440; i++,minute++)
tmp = peggy_price(PEG,minute);
if ( tmp.Pval != 0 )
dayprice.Pval += tmp.Pval, n++;
if ( n != 0 )
dayprice.Pval /= n;
PEG->dayprice = dayprice;
PEG->day = day;
PEG->dayprices[day] = (uint32_t)dayprice.Pval;
if ( Debuglevel > 2 )
printf(">>>>>>>>>>>> DAY PRICE.%d %s %.8f\n",day,PEG->,Pval(&dayprice));
while ( --day > 0 && PEG->dayprices[day] == 0 )
PEG->dayprices[day] = (uint32_t)dayprice.Pval;
newprice = PEG->price;
} else printf("cant find peg.%d\n",pricedpeg);
#include "peggytx.c"