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amCharts Data Loader

Version: 1.0.16


By default all amCharts libraries accept data in JSON format. It needs to be there when the web page loads, defined in-line or loaded via custom code.

This plugin introduces are native wrapper that enables automatic loading of data from external data data sources in CSV and JSON formats.

Most of the times you will just need to provide a URL of the external data source - static file or dynamically generated - and it will do the rest.

Important notice

Due to security measures implemented in most of the browsers, the external data loader will work only when the page with the chart or map is loaded via web server.

So, any of the examples loaded locally (file:///) will not work.

The page needs to be loaded via web server (http://) in order to work properly.

Loading data from another domain than the web page is loaded is possible but is a subject for Access-Control-Allow-Origin policies defined by the web server you are loading data from.

For more about loading data across domains use the following thread:


1) Include the minified version of file of this plugin. I.e.:

<script src="amcharts/plugins/dataloader/dataloader.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

(this needs to go after all the other amCharts includes)

2) Add data source properties to your chart configuration.

Regular (Serial, Pie, etc.) charts:

AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", {
  "dataLoader": {
    "url": "data.json",
    "format": "json"
} );

Stock chart:

AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", {
  "dataSets": [{
    "dataLoader": {
      "url": "data.csv",
      "format": "csv",
      "delimiter": ",",       // column separator
      "useColumnNames": true, // use first row for column names
      "skip": 1               // skip header row
} );

That's it. The plugin will make sure the files are loaded and dataProvider is populated with their content before the chart is built.

Some formats, like CSV, will require additional parameters needed to parse the data, such as "separator".

If the "format" is omitted, the plugin will assume JSON.

Complete list of available dataLoader settings

Property Default Description
async true If set to false (not recommended) everything will wait until data is fully loaded
complete Callback function to execute when loader is done
delimiter , [CSV only] a delimiter for columns (use \t for tab delimiters)
emptyAs undefined [CSV only] replace empty columns with whatever is set here
error Callback function to execute if file load fails
init Callback function to execute when Data Loader is initialized, before any loading starts
format json Type of data: json, csv
headers An array of objects with two properties (key and value) to attach to HTTP request
load Callback function to execute when file is successfully loaded (might be invoked multiple times)
noStyles false If set to true no styles will be applied to "Data loading" curtain
numberFields [CSV only] An array of fields in data to treat as numbers
postProcess If set to function reference, that function will be called to "post-process" loaded data before passing it on to chart. The handler function will receive two parameters: loaded data, Data Loader options
progress Set this to function reference to track progress of the load. The function will be passed in three parameters: global progress, individual file progress, file URL.
showErrors true Show loading errors in a chart curtain
showCurtain true Show curtain over the chart area when loading data
reload 0 Reload data every X seconds
reverse false [CSV only] add data points in revers order
skip 0 [CSV only] skip X first rows in data (includes first row if useColumnNames is used)
skipEmpty true [CSV only] Ignore empty lines in data
timestamp false Add current timestamp to data URLs (to avoid caching)
useColumnNames false [CSV only] Use first row in data as column names when parsing

Using in JavaScript Stock Chart

In JavaScript Stock Chart it works exactly the same as in other chart types, with the exception that dataLoader is set as a property to the data set definition. I.e.:

var chart = AmCharts.makeChart("chartdiv", {
  "type": "stock",
  "dataSets": [{
    "title": "MSFT",
      "fieldMappings": [{
        "fromField": "Open",
        "toField": "open"
      }, {
        "fromField": "High",
        "toField": "high"
      }, {
        "fromField": "Low",
        "toField": "low"
      }, {
        "fromField": "Close",
        "toField": "close"
      }, {
        "fromField": "Volume",
        "toField": "volume"
      "compared": false,
      "categoryField": "Date",
      "dataLoader": {
        "url": "data/MSFT.csv",
        "format": "csv",
        "showCurtain": true,
        "showErrors": true,
        "async": true,
        "reverse": true,
        "delimiter": ",",
        "useColumnNames": true

Can I also load event data the same way?

Sure. You just add a eventDataLoader object to your data set. All the same settings apply.

Adding custom headers to HTTP requests

If you want to add additional headers to your data load HTTP requests, use "headers" array. Each header is an object with two keys: "key" and "value":

"dataLoader": {
  "url": "data/serial.json",
  "format": "json",
  "headers": [{
    "key": "x-access-token",
    "value": "123456789"

Manually triggering a reload of all data

Once chart is initialized, you can trigger the reload of all data manually by calling chart.dataLoader.loadData() function. (replace "chart" with the actual variable that holds reference to your chart object)

Using callback functions

Data Loader can call your own function when certain event happens, like data loading is complete, error occurs, etc.

To set custom event handlers, use these config options:

  • "complete"
  • "init"
  • "load"
  • "error"
  • "progress"


AmCharts.makeChart( "chartdiv", {
  "dataSets": [{
    "dataLoader": {
      "url": "data.json",
      "init": function ( options, chart ) {
        console.log( 'Loading started' );
      "load": function ( options, chart ) {
        console.log( 'Loaded file: ' + options.url );
      "complete": function ( chart ) {
        console.log( 'Woohoo! Finished loading' );
      "error": function ( options, chart ) {
        console.log( 'Ummm something went wrong loading this file: ' + options.url );
      "progress": function( totalPercent, filePercent, url ) {
        console.log( 'Total percent loaded: ' + Math.round( totalPercent ) );
} );

Translating into other languages

Depending on configuration options the plugin will display a small number of text prompts, like 'Data loading...'.

Plugin will try matching chart's language property and display text prompts in a corresponding language. For that the plugin needs to have the translations.

Some of the plugin translations are in lang subdirectory. Simply include the one you need.

If there is no translation to your language readily available, just grab en.js, copy it and translate.

The structure is simple:

'The phrase in English': 'Translation'

The phrase in English must be left intact.

When you're done, you can include your language as a JavaScript file.

P.S. send us your translation so we can include it for the benefits of other users. Thanks!


This plugin requires at least 3.13 version of JavaScript Charts, JavaScript Stock Chart or JavaScript Maps.


They're all in subdirectory /examples.

Extending this plugin

You're encouraged to modify, extend and make derivative plugins out of this plugin.

You can modify files, included in this archive or, better yet, fork this project on GitHub:

We're curious types. Please let us know ( if you do create something new out of this plugin.


This plugin is licensed under Apache License 2.0.

This basically means you're free to use or modify this plugin, even make your own versions or completely different products out of it.

Please see attached file "license.txt" for the complete license or online here:

Contact us



  • Added "numberFields" config array


  • Added "emptyAs" config property. Empty CSV values will be set to this (default undefined)


  • Added "init" event handler, which is called before loading starts


  • Added "progress" handler, which can be used to monitor data load progress


  • Better default options handling in external calls to AmCharts.loadFile
  • Fixed the latest version of Stock Chart not resetting to default pre-defined period
  • New example: Using Data Loader functions externally (map_json_external_function.html)


  • New translation: Added French translation. Thanks Remy!
  • Tweaks to allow better animation after data load on Pie chart


  • Fixed error related to headers not being set when using standalone data load functions


  • Plugin will now ignore empty CSV lines by default (configurable with skipEmpty property)


  • Added headers config variable which allows adding custom headers to HTTP requests


  • Fixed an issue with the Pie chart when it is being loaded in inactive tab


  • Added support for Gauge chart (loads arrows array)


  • Fixed JS error if periodSelector was not defined in chart config
  • Now all callback functions (complete, error, load) receive additional parameter: chart
  • postProcess function will now have "this" context set to Data Loader object as well as receive chart reference as third paramater


  • Added chart.dataLoader.loadData() function which can be used to manually trigger all data reload


  • Fixed the bug where defaults were not being applied properly
  • Fixed the bug with translations not being applied properly
  • Cleaned up the code (to pass JSHint validation)


  • Fixed the issue with modified Array prototypes


  • Added complete, load and error properties that can be set with function handlers to be invoked on load completion, successful file load or failed load respectively
  • Fixed language container initialization bug
  • Fixed bug that was causing parse errors not be displayed


  • Added GANTT chart support


  • Added global data load methods that can be used to load and parse data by code outside plugin
  • Trim CSV column names
  • Translation added: Lithuanian


  • Fix chart animations not playing after asynchronous load


  • Initial release