You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

448 lines
14 KiB

import cheerio from 'cheerio'
import distanceToNow from 'date-fns/formatDistanceToNow'
import got from '../libs/got'
import { version, millify } from '../libs/utils'
import {
BadgenServeMeta as Meta,
BadgenServeHandlers as Handlers,
BadgenServeHandlerArgs as Args
} from '../libs/badgen-serve'
export const meta: Meta = {
title: 'GitHub',
examples: {
'/github/release/babel/babel': 'latest release',
'/github/release/babel/babel/stable': 'latest stable release',
'/github/tag/micromatch/micromatch': 'latest tag',
'/github/watchers/micromatch/micromatch': 'watchers',
'/github/checks/tunnckoCore/opensource': 'combined checks (default branch)',
'/github/status/micromatch/micromatch': 'combined statuses (default branch)',
'/github/status/micromatch/micromatch/gh-pages': 'combined statuses (branch)',
'/github/status/micromatch/micromatch/f4809eb6df80b': 'combined statuses (commit)',
'/github/status/micromatch/micromatch/4.0.1': 'combined statuses (tag)',
'/github/status/facebook/react/master/ci/circleci:%20lint': 'single status',
'/github/status/facebook/react/master/coverage/coveralls': 'single status',
'/github/status/zeit/hyper/master/ci': 'combined statuses (ci*)',
'/github/status/zeit/hyper/master/ci/circleci': 'combined statuses (ci/circleci*)',
'/github/status/zeit/hyper/master/ci/circleci:%20build': 'single status',
'/github/stars/micromatch/micromatch': 'stars',
'/github/forks/micromatch/micromatch': 'forks',
'/github/issues/micromatch/micromatch': 'issues',
'/github/open-issues/micromatch/micromatch': 'open issues',
'/github/closed-issues/micromatch/micromatch': 'closed issues',
'/github/label-issues/nodejs/node/ES%20Modules': 'issues by label',
'/github/label-issues/atom/atom/help-wanted/open': 'open issues by label',
'/github/label-issues/rust-lang/rust/B-RFC-approved/closed': 'closed issues by label',
'/github/prs/micromatch/micromatch': 'PRs',
'/github/open-prs/micromatch/micromatch': 'open PRs',
'/github/closed-prs/micromatch/micromatch': 'closed PRs',
'/github/merged-prs/micromatch/micromatch': 'merged PRs',
'/github/commits/micromatch/micromatch': 'commits count',
'/github/commits/micromatch/micromatch/gh-pages': 'commits count (branch ref)',
'/github/commits/micromatch/micromatch/4.0.1': 'commits count (tag ref)',
'/github/last-commit/micromatch/micromatch': 'last commit',
'/github/last-commit/micromatch/micromatch/gh-pages': 'last commit (branch ref)',
'/github/last-commit/micromatch/micromatch/4.0.1': 'last commit (tag ref)',
'/github/branches/micromatch/micromatch': 'branches',
'/github/releases/micromatch/micromatch': 'releases',
'/github/tags/micromatch/micromatch': 'tags',
'/github/license/micromatch/micromatch': 'license',
'/github/contributors/micromatch/micromatch': 'contributers',
'/github/assets-dl/electron/electron': 'latest assets downloads',
'/github/dependents-repo/micromatch/micromatch': 'repository depentents',
'/github/dependents-pkg/micromatch/micromatch': 'package dependents',
export const handlers: Handlers = {
'/github/:topic<watchers|stars|forks|branches|releases|tags|tag|license>/:owner/:repo': repoStats,
'/github/:topic<prs|open-prs|closed-prs|merged-prs>/:owner/:repo': repoStats,
'/github/:topic<issues|open-issues|closed-issues>/:owner/:repo': repoStats,
'/github/:topic<label-issues>/:owner/:repo/:label/:states?<open|closed>': repoStats,
'/github/:topic<commits|last-commit>/:owner/:repo/:ref?': repoStats,
'/github/:topic<dt|assets-dl>/:owner/:repo/:scope?': downloads, // `dt` is deprecated
'/github/release/:owner/:repo/:channel?': release,
'/github/checks/:owner/:repo/:ref?': checks,
'/github/status/:owner/:repo/:ref?': status,
'/github/status/:owner/:repo/:ref/:context+': status,
'/github/contributors/:owner/:repo': contributors,
'/github/dependents-repo/:owner/:repo': dependents('REPOSITORY'),
'/github/dependents-pkg/:owner/:repo': dependents('PACKAGE'),
const pickGithubToken = () => {
const { GH_TOKENS } = process.env
if (!GH_TOKENS) {
throw new BadgenError({
status: 'token required'
const tokens = GH_TOKENS.split(',')
return tokens[Math.floor(Math.random() * tokens.length)]
// request github api v3 (rest)
const restGithub = (path, preview = 'hellcat') => got.get(`${path}`, {
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${pickGithubToken()}`,
Accept: `application/vnd.github.${preview}-preview+json`
}).then(res => res.body)
// request github api v4 (graphql)
const queryGithub = query => {
return'', {
body: { query },
headers: {
Authorization: `token ${pickGithubToken()}`,
Accept: 'application/vnd.github.hawkgirl-preview+json'
}).then(res => res.body)
const statesColor = {
pending: 'orange',
success: 'green',
failure: 'red',
error: 'red',
unknown: 'grey'
function combined (states: Array<any>, stateKey: string = 'state') {
if (states.length === 0) return 'unknown'
if (states.find(x => x[stateKey] === 'error')) return 'error'
if (states.find(x => x[stateKey] === 'failure')) return 'failure'
if (states.find(x => x[stateKey] === 'pending')) return 'pending'
if (states.every(x => x[stateKey] === 'success')) return 'success'
// this shouldn't happen, but in case it happens
throw new Error(`Unknown states: ${ => x.state).join()}`)
async function checks ({ owner, repo, ref = 'master'}: Args) {
const resp = await restGithub(`repos/${owner}/${repo}/commits/${ref}/check-runs`, 'antiope')
const status = combined(resp.check_runs, 'conclusion')
return {
subject: 'checks',
status: status,
color: statesColor[status]
async function status ({ owner, repo, ref = 'master', context }: Args) {
const resp = await restGithub(`repos/${owner}/${repo}/commits/${ref}/status`)
let state = typeof context === 'string'
? resp!.statuses.filter(st => st.context.startsWith(context))
: resp!.state
if (Array.isArray(state)) {
state = combined(state, 'state')
if (state) {
return {
subject: context || 'status',
status: state,
color: statesColor[state]
} else {
return {
subject: 'status',
status: 'unknown',
color: 'grey'
async function release ({ owner, repo, channel }: Args) {
const releases = await restGithub(`repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases`)
if (!releases || !releases.length) {
return {
subject: 'release',
status: 'none',
color: 'yellow'
const [latest] = releases
const stable = releases.find(release => !release.prerelease)
switch (channel) {
case 'stable':
return {
subject: 'release',
status: version(stable ? || stable.tag_name : null),
color: 'blue'
return {
subject: 'release',
status: version( || latest.tag_name),
color: latest.prerelease ? 'orange' : 'blue'
async function contributors ({ owner, repo }: Args) {
const contributors = await restGithub(`repos/${owner}/${repo}/contributors`)
return {
subject: 'contributors',
status: contributors.length,
color: 'blue'
async function downloads ({ owner, repo, scope = '' }: Args) {
const release = await restGithub(`repos/${owner}/${repo}/releases${scope}`)
if (!release || !release.assets || !release.assets.length) {
return {
subject: 'downloads',
status: 'no assets',
color: 'grey'
/* eslint-disable camelcase */
const downloadCount = release.assets.reduce((result, { download_count }) => {
return result + download_count
}, 0)
return {
subject: 'downloads',
status: millify(downloadCount),
color: 'green'
const makeRepoQuery = (topic, owner, repo, restArgs) => {
const repoQueryBodies = {
'license': 'licenseInfo { spdxId }',
'watchers': 'watchers { totalCount }',
'stars': 'stargazers { totalCount }',
'forks': 'forks { totalCount }',
'issues': 'issues { totalCount }',
'open-issues': 'issues(states:[OPEN]) { totalCount }',
'closed-issues': 'issues(states:[CLOSED]) { totalCount }',
'prs': 'pullRequests { totalCount }',
'open-prs': 'pullRequests(states:[OPEN]) { totalCount }',
'closed-prs': 'pullRequests(states:[CLOSED, MERGED]) { totalCount }',
'merged-prs': 'pullRequests(states:[MERGED]) { totalCount }',
'branches': 'refs(first: 0, refPrefix: "refs/heads/") { totalCount }',
'releases': 'releases { totalCount }',
'tags': 'refs(first: 0, refPrefix: "refs/tags/") { totalCount }',
'tag': `refs(last: 1, refPrefix: "refs/tags/") {
edges {
node {
let queryBody
switch (topic) {
case 'label-issues':
const { label, states } = restArgs
const issueFilter = states ? `(states:[${states.toUpperCase()}])` : ''
queryBody = `label(name:"${label}") { color, issues${issueFilter} { totalCount } }`
case 'commits':
queryBody = `
branch: ref(qualifiedName: "${restArgs.ref || 'master'}") {
target {
... on Commit {
history(first: 0) {
case 'last-commit':
queryBody = `
branch: ref(qualifiedName: "${restArgs.ref || 'master'}") {
target {
... on Commit {
history(first: 1) {
nodes {
queryBody = repoQueryBodies[topic]
if (queryBody) {
const query = `
query {
repository(owner:"${owner}", name:"${repo}") {
return queryGithub(query).then(res =>!.repository)
async function repoStats ({topic, owner, repo, ...restArgs}: Args) {
const result = await makeRepoQuery(topic, owner, repo, restArgs)
if (!result) {
return {
subject: 'github',
status: 'not found',
color: 'grey'
switch (topic) {
case 'watchers':
case 'forks':
case 'issues':
case 'releases':
return {
subject: topic,
status: millify(result[topic].totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'branches':
case 'tags':
return {
subject: topic,
status: millify(result.refs.totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'stars':
return {
subject: topic,
status: millify(result.stargazers.totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'open-issues':
return {
subject: 'open issues',
status: millify(result.issues.totalCount),
color: result.issues.totalCount === 0 ? 'green' : 'orange'
case 'closed-issues':
return {
subject: 'closed issues',
status: millify(result.issues.totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'label-issues':
return {
subject: `${restArgs.label}`,
status: result.label ? result.label.issues.totalCount : 0,
color: result.label ? result.label.color : 'grey'
case 'prs':
return {
subject: 'PRs',
status: millify(result.pullRequests.totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'open-prs':
return {
subject: 'open PRs',
status: millify(result.pullRequests.totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'closed-prs':
return {
subject: 'closed PRs',
status: millify(result.pullRequests.totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'merged-prs':
return {
subject: 'merged PRs',
status: millify(result.pullRequests.totalCount),
color: 'blue'
case 'commits':
return {
subject: topic,
status: millify(,
color: 'blue'
case 'tag':
const tags = result.refs.edges
const latestTag = tags.length > 0 ? tags[0] : null
return {
subject: 'latest tag',
status: version(latestTag),
color: 'blue'
case 'license':
const li = result.licenseInfo
return {
subject: topic,
status: li ? li.spdxId : 'no license',
color: li ? 'blue' : 'grey'
case 'last-commit':
const commits =
const lastDate = commits.length && new Date(commits[0].committedDate)
const fromNow = lastDate && distanceToNow(lastDate, { addSuffix: true })
return {
subject: 'last commit',
status: fromNow || 'none',
color: 'green'
return {
subject: 'github',
status: 'unknown topic',
color: 'grey'
function dependents (type: string) {
return async function ({ owner, repo }: Args) {
const html = await got(`${owner}/${repo}/network/dependents`, {
// @ts-ignore
json: false,
headers: {
Accept: 'text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml'
}).then(res => res.body)
return {
subject: type === 'PACKAGE' ? 'pkg dependents' : 'repo dependents',
status: parseDependents(html, type),
color: 'blue'
const parseDependents = (html, type) => {
const $ = cheerio.load(html)
const depLink = $(`a[href$="?dependent_type=${type}"]`)
if (depLink.length !== 1) {
return 'unknown'
return depLink.text().replace(/[^0-9,]/g, '')
export default badgenServe(handlers)