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api-docs: update sockets calls and events (#141)

Matthew Zipkin 6 years ago
committed by GitHub
No known key found for this signature in database GPG Key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
  1. 629
  2. 20
  3. 112
  4. 4


@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
# Node Sockets
## Node sockets - bsock
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const {ChainEntry, TX} = require('bcoin');
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
// Authenticate and subscribe to channels after connection
nodeSocket.on('connect', async () => {
// Auth
await'auth', '<api-key>');
// Subscribe to chain events to listen for blocks
await'watch chain');
// Subscribe to mempool events to listen for transactions
await'watch mempool');
// Listen for new blocks -- from chain channel
nodeSocket.bind('chain connect', (raw) => {
console.log('Node -- Chain Connect Event:\n', ChainEntry.fromRaw(raw));
// Listen for new transactions -- from mempool channel (bloom filter required)
nodeSocket.bind('tx', (raw) => {
console.log('Node -- TX Event:\n', TX.fromRaw(raw));
### Node Socket Authentication
Authentication with the API server must be completed before any other events
will be accepted.
### Joining a channel
Instead of joining wallets, the node server offers two "channels" of events:
`chain` and `mempool`. When the node has no mempool (for example in SPV mode)
transaction events will be relayed from the pool of peers instead. In both
channels, transactions are only returned if they match a bloom filter sent in
advance (see [set filter](#code-set-filter-code)).
### Listening for events
Unlike the wallet events, data returned by node events are not converted into
JSON format. The results are raw Buffers or arrays of Buffers. Be sure to observe
how the examples use library modules from bcoin and `fromRaw()` methods to recreate
the objects.
### Making calls
The node socket server can also respond to more calls than the wallet socket
## Node sockets - bclient
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const {NodeClient} = require('bclient');
const {Network, ChainEntry} = require('bcoin');
const network = Network.get('regtest');
const nodeOptions = {
network: network.type,
port: network.rpcPort,
apiKey: '<api-key>'
const nodeClient = new NodeClient(nodeOptions);
(async () => {
// Connection and both channel subscriptions handled by opening client
// Listen for new blocks
nodeClient.bind('chain connect', (raw) => {
console.log('Node -- Chain Connect Event:\n', ChainEntry.fromRaw(raw));
`bclient` abstracts away the connection, subscription, and authentication steps
to make listening for events much easier.
## Node sockets - Calls
## `watch chain`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
nodeSocket.on('connect', async () => {
// Auth
await'auth', '<api-key>');
// Subscribe to chain events to listen for blocks
await'watch chain');
Subscribe to chain events:
[`chain connect`](#code-chain-connect-code)
[`block connect`](#code-block-connect-code)
[`chain disconnect`](#code-chain-disconnect-code)
[`block disconnect`](#code-block-disconnect-code)
[`chain reset`](#code-chain-reset-code)
Unsubscribe by calling `unwatch chain`.
## `watch mempool`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
nodeSocket.on('connect', async () => {
// Auth
await'auth', '<api-key>');
// Subscribe to chain events to listen for blocks
await'watch mempool');
Subscribe to mempool/pool events:
Unsubscribe by calling `unwatch mempool`.
## `set filter`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const {BloomFilter} = require('bfilter');
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Create new Bloom filter with standard false-positive parameters
const filter = BloomFilter.fromRate(20000, 0.001, BloomFilter.flags.ALL);
// Add address to Bloom filter (arguments are similar to `Buffer.from()`)
filter.add('2N4Y3oQo6w2rLdsPuYKcsQtMQeXAHnZizeC', 'ascii');
// Send to server. The Bloom filter's `filter` property is type `Buffer`'set filter', filter.filter);
Load a bloom filter to the node socket server. Only transactions matching the filter
will be returned. Applies to node [`tx`](#node-code-tx-code) events and the array
of transactions returned by the [`block connect`](#code-block-connect-code) event.
## `add filter`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Bloom filter set required
// Add address (as a Buffer) to Bloom filter
const addrBuffer = Buffer.from('mp33NDe153Umb4AbRgPDFKyKmmkYEVx1fX', 'ascii');
// Send to server.'add filter', [addrBuffer]);
Add an array of Buffers to the existing Bloom filter. [`set filter`](#code-set-filter-code)
required in advance.
## `reset filter`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Bloom filter set required'reset filter');
Resets the Bloom filter on the server to an empty buffer.
## `get tip`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const {ChainEntry} = require('bcoin');
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
const tip ='get tip');
Returns the chain tip.
## `get entry`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const {ChainEntry} = require('bcoin');
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<regtest node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Get the regtest genesis block by REVERSE hash
const hash = Buffer.from('06226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f', 'hex')
const entryByHash = await'get entry', hash);
// Get block at height 5
const entryByHeight = await'get entry', 5);
Returns a chain entry requested by little-endian block hash or by integer height.
No response if entry is not found.
## `get hashes`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Get all block hashes from height 10 through 20
const hashes = await'get hashes', 10, 20);
Returns an array of block hashes (as Buffers) in the specified range of height
## `estimate fee`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Request fee estimation for inclusion within 6 blocks
const estimate = await'estimate fee', 6);
Returns an estimated fee rate (in satoshis per kB) necessary to include a
transaction in the specified number of blocks.
## `send`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<network node RPC port>');
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Send raw transaction
const rawtx = Buffer.from(
'01000000018613693410cbaba5aec0d2660fa17efa70bc6e6951a190f61b5c7096c2b58' +
'10f000000006a47304402202e6bc4acbcc6dc823cd188e7d4179ff2ebdee0bad1b2ef66' +
'21b73e9f28145a7e022051fdfe89c4322312038eb81193665b688b002c15d6b2ca8a5a1' +
'8505e90918ba20121036297333416f91d1db918882ec637c009f180b1f54b7c21663c2a' +
'53df48e09e57ffffffff02809698000000000017a9147bd7f36e8f4504f4eaf9ab0a74d' +
);'send', rawtx);
Send a raw transaction (as Buffer) to node server to broadcast. Server will attempt
to broadcast the transaction without any checks.
## `rescan`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const bsock = require('bsock');
const nodeSocket = bsock.connect('<regtest node RPC port>');
// Establish a socket hook to process the filter-matched blocks and transactions
nodeSocket.hook('block rescan', (entry, txs) => {
// Do something (like update your wallet DB)
(async () => {
// Authentication required
// Bloom filter set required
// Rescan the blockchain from height 5
const entry = await'rescan', 5);
Rescan the chain from the specified integer height OR little-endian block
hash (as Buffer). Requires Bloom filter. Returns a call _back to the client_
after scanning each block:
`'block rescan', block, txs)`
Where `block` is a raw `ChainEntry` and `txs` is an array of filter-matched
transactions (as Buffers).
Note that this is NOT a wallet rescan, but the returned data can be used by a
client-side wallet to update its state.
## Node sockets - Events
## `chain connect`
> Example:
# ChainEntry.fromRaw(raw)
version: '30000001',
time: 1553614114,
bits: 545259519,
nonce: 0,
height: 234,
### Channel: `chain`
Emitted when a block is added to the chain. Returns raw `ChainEntry` of new
## `block connect`
> Example:
# ChainEntry.fromRaw(raw), txs
version: '30000001',
time: 1553614114,
bits: 545259519,
nonce: 0,
height: 234,
<Buffer 01 00 00 00 00 01 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ... >,
<Buffer 01 00 00 00 01 2f 32 30 94 24 88 42 4e b8 e4 08 9d 0d aa ee 3a ... >,
<Buffer 01 00 00 00 01 2f 9e 7d 93 16 1c 0f 0a 48 93 79 63 a8 2c 9f 6c ... >,
<Buffer 01 00 00 00 01 e2 47 a2 d1 2b 90 03 39 94 09 f2 bf d9 7a ff 6b ... >
### Channel: `chain`
Emitted when a block is added to the chain. Returns raw `ChainEntry` of new
block. If a [Bloom filter has been loaded in advance](#code-set-filter-code),
this call will also return an array of filter-matching transactions (as raw
## `chain disconnect`
> Example:
# ChainEntry.fromRaw(raw)
version: '30000001',
time: 1553784886,
bits: 545259519,
nonce: 0,
height: 229,
### Channel: `chain`
Emitted when a block is removed from the chain. Returns raw `ChainEntry` of the
block being removed.
## `block disconnect`
Identical to [`chain disconnect`](#code-chain-disconnect-code)
## `chain reset`
> Example:
# ChainEntry.fromRaw(raw)
version: '30000001',
time: 1553783915,
bits: 545259519,
nonce: 1,
height: 226,
### Channel: `chain`
Returns raw `ChainEntry` of the new current tip.
## Node `tx`
> Example:
# TX.fromRaw(raw)
size: 223,
virtualSize: 223,
value: '49.999955',
fee: '0.0',
rate: '0.0',
minFee: '0.00000223',
height: -1,
block: null,
time: 0,
date: null,
index: -1,
version: 1,
[ { type: 'pubkeyhash',
subtype: null,
<Address: type=pubkeyhash version=-1 str=1EMhzKJsFARX1To4nf8ZSkEitsSu1uPAAQ>,
<Script: 0x47 0x304402201619988d47c70c0834bd0c0c407b116654f0fb29faabc68129ab66487ca86ba802204a683fa071f177db960b9bd98e62703c3cb1a7a0888ccc41ee854cb0633dcfe501 0x21 0x02c9e389af9245e7e38c64c46465d6d281e7cc822e909f20454dada561c47e0d3e>,
witness: <Witness: >,
redeem: null,
sequence: 4294967295,
<Outpoint: a0b3d51f320493660af2f92171f1ed01bc1e85e1c66e2785fe42cb20069b4fb8/0>,
coin: null } ],
[ { type: 'scripthash',
value: '0.1',
<Script: OP_HASH160 0x14 0x7bd7f36e8f4504f4eaf9ab0a74d65f3d2995e8d8 OP_EQUAL>,
<Address: type=scripthash version=-1 str=3Cyqjfs5KaLzS5mMsBzznwN9SAx814WVe2> },
{ type: 'pubkeyhash',
value: '49.899955',
<Script: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 0x14 0x31cb0ced3ff113b82e5e7d935a5c0e23a9f659c3 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG>,
<Address: type=pubkeyhash version=-1 str=15YHMbY1rFgss64CaqMZyGVDUqZKqHHetM> } ],
locktime: 0
### Channel: `mempool`
Emitted when a transaction that matches a previously set Bloom filter is received
by the node server. Returns transaction as raw Buffer.


@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
# Sockets
Socket events use the protocol.
Socket IO implementations:
- JS: [](
- Python: [](
- Go: [](
- C++: [](
- bsock: []( (recommended!)
`bsock` is a minimal websocket-only implementation of the protocol,
complete with ES6/ES7 features, developed by the bcoin team. `bsock` is used
throughout the bcoin ecosystem including
[`bclient`]( and [`bpanel`](
Examples below describe usage with `bsock` specifically.
For a deeper dive into events and sockets in bcoin, including a tutorial
on using `bsock` and `bclient`, see the [ Events and Sockets Guide.](

api-docs-slate/source/includes/ → api-docs-slate/source/includes/

@ -1,45 +1,39 @@
# Wallet Events
# Wallet Sockets
## Using Wallet Sockets
Wallet events use the protocol.
## Wallet sockets - bsock
Socket IO implementations:
- JS: [](
- Python: [](
- Go: [](
- C++: [](
- bsock: []( (recommended!)
`bsock` is a minimal websocket-only implementation of the protocol,
complete with ES6/ES7 features, developed by the bcoin team. `bsock` is used
throughout the bcoin ecosystem including
[`bclient`]( and [`bpanel`](
For a deeper dive into events and sockets in bcoin, including a tutorial
on using `bsock` and `bclient`, see the [ Events and Sockets Guide.](
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
# Authentication
socket.emit('auth', '<api-key>')
# Joining
socket.emit('join', 'wallet-id', 'token')
const bsock = require('bsock');
const walletSocket = bsock.connect('<network wallet RPC port>');
# example - join specific wallet:
socket.emit('join', 'primary', '92ded8555d6f04e440ba540f2221349cbf799c454f7e08d3f16577d3e0127b0e')
// Authenticate and join wallet after connection to listen for events
walletSocket.on('connect', async () => {
// Auth
await'auth', '<api-key>');
# example - join all wallets:
socket.emit('join', '*')
// Join - All wallets
await'join', '*', '<admin token>');
# Leaving
socket.emit('leave', 'wallet-id')
// Join - Specific wallet
await'join', '<wallet id>', '<wallet token>');
# Listen for new transactions
socket.on('tx', (walletID, details) => {
// Listen for new transactions
walletSocket.bind('tx', (walletID, details) => {
console.log('Wallet -- TX Event, Wallet ID:\n', walletID);
console.log('Wallet -- TX Event, TX Details:\n', details);
// Leave'leave', <wallet id>);
### Wallet Socket Authentication
@ -52,13 +46,68 @@ will be accepted.
After creating a websocket and authing with the server, you must send a `join`
event to listen for events on a wallet. Join all wallets by passing `'*'`.
Leave a wallet with the `leave` event.
Wallet or admin token is required if `wallet-auth` is `true`.
### Listening for events
All wallet events return the `wallet-id` in addition to the JSON data described below.
## Wallet sockets - bclient
## `tx`
(See JavaScript example)
(See JavaScript example)
const {WalletClient} = require('bclient');
const {Network} = require('bcoin');
const network = Network.get('regtest');
const walletOptions = {
network: network.type,
port: network.walletPort,
apiKey: '<api-key>'
const walletClient = new WalletClient(walletOptions);
(async () => {
// Connection and auth handled by opening client
await walletClient.join('*', '<admin token>');
// Listen for new transactions
walletClient.bind('tx', (walletID, details) => {
console.log('Wallet -- TX Event, Wallet ID:\n', walletID);
console.log('Wallet -- TX Event, TX Details:\n', details);
// Leave all wallets
walletClient.leave('<wallet id>');
`bclient` abstracts away the connection and authentication steps to make listening
for events much easier.
## Wallet sockets - Calls
The only wallet calls available are covered in the [previous section.](#wallet-sockets-bsock)
They are:
## Wallet sockets - Events
## wallet `tx`
> Example:
@ -95,7 +144,6 @@ Emitted on transaction.
Returns tx details.
## `conflict`
Emitted on double spend.


@ -32,8 +32,10 @@ includes:
- wallet_admin
- wallet_tx
- wallet_accounts
- wallet_events
- wallet_rpc
- sockets
- node_sockets
- wallet_sockets
- errors
search: true
