Browse Source

Merge pull request #48 from Bucko13/integrate-slate

Integrate slate
Buck Perley 7 years ago
committed by GitHub
  1. 11
  2. 11
  3. 129
  4. 13
  5. 114
  6. 57
  7. 148
  8. 16
  9. 30
  10. 17
  11. BIN
  12. 14
  13. BIN
  14. BIN
  15. BIN
  16. BIN
  17. BIN
  18. 106
  19. 218
  20. 4
  21. 294
  22. 52
  23. 581
  24. 144
  25. 541
  26. 651
  27. 638
  28. 614
  29. 680
  30. 336
  31. 1888
  32. 231
  33. 162
  34. 309
  35. 80
  36. 2
  37. 16
  38. 164
  39. 98
  40. 117
  41. 169
  42. 7
  43. 108
  44. 9831
  45. 1910
  46. 122
  47. 48
  48. 38
  49. 427
  50. 103
  51. 147
  52. 616
  53. 2
  54. 6
  55. 22
  56. 17
  57. 1
  58. 3
  59. 1
  60. 1
  61. 1
  62. 2
  63. 2
  64. 699
  65. 2


@ -1,9 +1,14 @@
language: node_js
- stable
- stable
- rvm get stable
- rvm use ruby --install --default
- npm run clear-guides
- npm run convert-markdown -- --all
- npm run clear-guides
- npm run convert-markdown -- --all
- sh ./
provider: pages
skip_cleanup: true


@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
ruby '>=2.3.1'
source ''
# Middleman
gem 'middleman', '~>4.2.1'
gem 'middleman-syntax', '~> 3.0.0'
gem 'middleman-autoprefixer', '~> 2.7.0'
gem "middleman-sprockets", "~> 4.1.0"
gem 'rouge', '~> 2.0.5'
gem 'redcarpet', '~> 3.4.0'
gem 'nokogiri', '~> 1.6.8'


@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
activesupport (5.0.1)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0, >= 1.0.2)
i18n (~> 0.7)
minitest (~> 5.1)
tzinfo (~> 1.1)
addressable (2.5.0)
public_suffix (~> 2.0, >= 2.0.2)
autoprefixer-rails (6.6.1)
backports (3.6.8)
coffee-script (2.4.1)
coffee-script-source (1.12.2)
compass-import-once (1.0.5)
sass (>= 3.2, < 3.5)
concurrent-ruby (1.0.4)
contracts (0.13.0)
dotenv (2.2.0)
erubis (2.7.0)
execjs (2.7.0)
fast_blank (1.0.0)
fastimage (2.0.1)
addressable (~> 2)
ffi (1.9.17)
haml (4.0.7)
hamster (3.0.0)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
hashie (3.5.1)
i18n (0.7.0)
kramdown (1.13.2)
listen (3.0.8)
rb-fsevent (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.4)
rb-inotify (~> 0.9, >= 0.9.7)
memoist (0.15.0)
middleman (4.2.1)
coffee-script (~> 2.2)
compass-import-once (= 1.0.5)
haml (>= 4.0.5)
kramdown (~> 1.2)
middleman-cli (= 4.2.1)
middleman-core (= 4.2.1)
sass (>= 3.4.0, < 4.0)
middleman-autoprefixer (2.7.1)
autoprefixer-rails (>= 6.5.2, < 7.0.0)
middleman-core (>= 3.3.3)
middleman-cli (4.2.1)
thor (>= 0.17.0, < 2.0)
middleman-core (4.2.1)
activesupport (>= 4.2, < 5.1)
addressable (~> 2.3)
backports (~> 3.6)
bundler (~> 1.1)
contracts (~> 0.13.0)
execjs (~> 2.0)
fastimage (~> 2.0)
hamster (~> 3.0)
hashie (~> 3.4)
i18n (~> 0.7.0)
listen (~> 3.0.0)
memoist (~> 0.14)
padrino-helpers (~> 0.13.0)
rack (>= 1.4.5, < 3)
sass (>= 3.4)
tilt (~> 2.0)
uglifier (~> 3.0)
middleman-sprockets (4.1.0)
middleman-core (~> 4.0)
sprockets (>= 3.0)
middleman-syntax (3.0.0)
middleman-core (>= 3.2)
rouge (~> 2.0)
mini_portile2 (2.1.0)
minitest (5.10.1)
nokogiri (
mini_portile2 (~> 2.1.0)
padrino-helpers (
i18n (~> 0.6, >= 0.6.7)
padrino-support (=
tilt (>= 1.4.1, < 3)
padrino-support (
activesupport (>= 3.1)
parallel (1.10.0)
public_suffix (2.0.5)
rack (2.0.1)
rb-fsevent (0.9.8)
rb-inotify (0.9.8)
ffi (>= 0.5.0)
redcarpet (3.4.0)
rouge (2.0.7)
sass (3.4.23)
servolux (0.12.0)
sprockets (3.7.1)
concurrent-ruby (~> 1.0)
rack (> 1, < 3)
thor (0.19.4)
thread_safe (0.3.5)
tilt (2.0.6)
tzinfo (1.2.2)
thread_safe (~> 0.1)
uglifier (3.0.4)
execjs (>= 0.3.0, < 3)
middleman (~> 4.2.1)
middleman-autoprefixer (~> 2.7.0)
middleman-sprockets (~> 4.1.0)
middleman-syntax (~> 3.0.0)
nokogiri (~> 1.6.8)
redcarpet (~> 3.4.0)
rouge (~> 2.0.5)
ruby 2.3.3p222


@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Copyright 2008-2013 Concur Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.


@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
<p align="center">
<img src="" alt="Slate: API Documentation Generator" width="226">
<a href=""><img src="" alt="Build Status"></a>
<p align="center">Slate helps you create beautiful, intelligent, responsive API documentation.</p>
<p align="center"><img src="" width=700 alt="Screenshot of Example Documentation created with Slate"></p>
<p align="center"><em>The example above was created with Slate. Check it out at <a href=""></a>.</em></p>
* **Clean, intuitive design** — With Slate, the description of your API is on the left side of your documentation, and all the code examples are on the right side. Inspired by [Stripe's]( and [Paypal's]( API docs. Slate is responsive, so it looks great on tablets, phones, and even in print.
* **Everything on a single page** — Gone are the days when your users had to search through a million pages to find what they wanted. Slate puts the entire documentation on a single page. We haven't sacrificed linkability, though. As you scroll, your browser's hash will update to the nearest header, so linking to a particular point in the documentation is still natural and easy.
* **Slate is just Markdown** — When you write docs with Slate, you're just writing Markdown, which makes it simple to edit and understand. Everything is written in Markdown — even the code samples are just Markdown code blocks.
* **Write code samples in multiple languages** — If your API has bindings in multiple programming languages, you can easily put in tabs to switch between them. In your document, you'll distinguish different languages by specifying the language name at the top of each code block, just like with Github Flavored Markdown.
* **Out-of-the-box syntax highlighting** for [over 100 languages](, no configuration required.
* **Automatic, smoothly scrolling table of contents** on the far left of the page. As you scroll, it displays your current position in the document. It's fast, too. We're using Slate at TripIt to build documentation for our new API, where our table of contents has over 180 entries. We've made sure that the performance remains excellent, even for larger documents.
* **Let your users update your documentation for you** — By default, your Slate-generated documentation is hosted in a public Github repository. Not only does this mean you get free hosting for your docs with Github Pages, but it also makes it simple for other developers to make pull requests to your docs if they find typos or other problems. Of course, if you don't want to use GitHub, you're also welcome to host your docs elsewhere.
Getting started with Slate is super easy! Simply fork this repository and follow the instructions below. Or, if you'd like to check out what Slate is capable of, take a look at the [sample docs](
Getting Started with Slate
### Prerequisites
You're going to need:
- **Linux or OS X** — Windows may work, but is unsupported.
- **Ruby, version 2.3.1 or newer**
- **Bundler** — If Ruby is already installed, but the `bundle` command doesn't work, just run `gem install bundler` in a terminal.
### Getting Set Up
1. Fork this repository on Github.
2. Clone *your forked repository* (not our original one) to your hard drive with `git clone`
3. `cd slate`
4. Initialize and start Slate. You can either do this locally, or with Vagrant:
# either run this to run locally
bundle install
bundle exec middleman server
# OR run this to run with vagrant
vagrant up
You can now see the docs at http://localhost:4567. Whoa! That was fast!
Now that Slate is all set up on your machine, you'll probably want to learn more about [editing Slate markdown](, or [how to publish your docs](
If you'd prefer to use Docker, instructions are available [in the wiki](
### Note on JavaScript Runtime
For those who don't have JavaScript runtime or are experiencing JavaScript runtime issues with ExecJS, it is recommended to add the [rubyracer gem]( to your gemfile and run `bundle` again.
Companies Using Slate
* [NASA](
* [IBM](
* [Sony](
* [Best Buy](
* [Travis-CI](
* [Greenhouse](
* [Woocommerce](
* [Appium](
* [Dwolla](
* [Clearbit](
* [Coinbase](
* [Parrot Drones](
* [Fidor Bank](
* [Scale](
You can view more in [the list on the wiki](
Need Help? Found a bug?
[Submit an issue]( to the Slate Github if you need any help. And, of course, feel free to submit pull requests with bug fixes or changes.
Slate was built by [Robert Lord]( while interning at [TripIt](
Thanks to the following people who have submitted major pull requests:
- [@chrissrogers](
- [@bootstraponline](
- [@realityking](
- [@cvkef](
Also, thanks to [Sauce Labs]( for sponsoring the development of the responsive styles.
Special Thanks
- [Middleman](
- [jquery.tocify.js](
- [middleman-syntax](
- [middleman-gh-pages](
- [Font Awesome](


@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
# Unique header generation
require './lib/unique_head.rb'
# Markdown
set :markdown_engine, :redcarpet
set :markdown,
fenced_code_blocks: true,
smartypants: true,
disable_indented_code_blocks: true,
prettify: true,
tables: true,
with_toc_data: true,
no_intra_emphasis: true,
renderer: UniqueHeadCounter
# Assets
set :css_dir, 'stylesheets'
set :js_dir, 'javascripts'
set :images_dir, 'images'
set :fonts_dir, 'fonts'
# Activate the syntax highlighter
activate :syntax
ready do
require './lib/multilang.rb'
activate :sprockets
activate :autoprefixer do |config|
config.browsers = ['last 2 version', 'Firefox ESR']
config.cascade = false
config.inline = true
# Github pages require relative links
activate :relative_assets
set :relative_links, true
# Build Configuration
configure :build do
# If you're having trouble with Middleman hanging, commenting
# out the following two lines has been known to help
activate :minify_css
activate :minify_javascript
# activate :relative_assets
# activate :asset_hash
# activate :gzip
# Deploy Configuration
# If you want Middleman to listen on a different port, you can set that below
set :port, 4567
helpers do
require './lib/toc_data.rb'


@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
module Multilang
def block_code(code, full_lang_name)
if full_lang_name
parts = full_lang_name.split('--')
rouge_lang_name = (parts) ? parts[0] : "" # just parts[0] here causes null ref exception when no language specified
super(code, rouge_lang_name).sub("highlight #{rouge_lang_name}") do |match|
match + " tab-" + full_lang_name
super(code, full_lang_name)
require 'middleman-core/renderers/redcarpet'
Middleman::Renderers::MiddlemanRedcarpetHTML.send :include, Multilang


@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
require 'nokogiri'
def toc_data(page_content)
html_doc = Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(page_content)
# get a flat list of headers
headers = []
html_doc.css('h1, h2, h3').each do |header|
id: header.attribute('id').to_s,
content: header.children,
children: []
[3,2].each do |header_level|
header_to_nest = nil
headers = headers.reject do |header|
if header[:level] == header_level
header_to_nest[:children].push header if header_to_nest
header_to_nest = header if header[:level] < header_level


@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# Unique header generation
require 'middleman-core/renderers/redcarpet'
class UniqueHeadCounter < Middleman::Renderers::MiddlemanRedcarpetHTML
def initialize
@head_count = {}
def header(text, header_level)
friendly_text = text.parameterize
@head_count[friendly_text] ||= 0
@head_count[friendly_text] += 1
if @head_count[friendly_text] > 1
friendly_text += "-#{@head_count[friendly_text]}"
return "<h#{header_level} id='#{friendly_text}'>#{text}</h#{header_level}>"


Binary file not shown.


@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
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Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 1.8 KiB


Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 96 B


@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Configuring Clients
## Default Listeners
# With curl you just send HTTP Requests based on further docs
# Only thing to have in mind is Authentication, which is described in Auth section.
curl # will get info from testnet
By default API listens on these addresses:
Network | API Port
--------- | -----------
main | 8332
testnet | 18332
regtest | 48332
simnet | 18556
You can interact with bcoin with REST Api as well as RPC,
there are couple of ways you can use API.
- `bcoin cli` - has almost all methods described to be used.
- `javascript` - Clients used by `bcoin cli` can be used directly from javascript
- `curl` - or you can use direct HTTP calls for invoking REST/RPC API calls.
## Configuring BCOIN CLI
# You can use config file
bcoin cli --config /full/path/to/bcoin.conf
# Or with prefix (which will later load bcoin.conf file from the directory)
bcoin cli --prefix /full/path/to/bcoin/dir
# You can configure it by passing arguments:
bcoin cli --network=regtest info
bcoin cli info --network=regtest
# Or use ENV variables (Starting with BCOIN_)
export BCOIN_NETWORK=regtest
export BCOIN_API_KEY=yoursecret
bcoin cli info
`bcoin cli` can be configured with many params:
### General configurations are:
Config | Options | Description
--------- | ----------- | -----------
prefix | dir path | This accepts directory where DBs and `bcoin.conf` are located.
network | `main`, `testnet`, `regtest` | This will configure which network to load, also where to look for config file
uri, url | Base HTTP URI | This can be used for custom port
api-key | secret | Secret used by RPC for auth.
### Wallet Specific
Config | Options | Description
--------- | ----------- | -----------
id | primary, custom | specify which account to use by default
token | token str | Token specific wallet
<aside class="notice">
Some commands might accept additional parameters.
## Using Javascript Client
const bcoin = require('bcoin');
const Client = bcoin.http.Client;
const Wallet = bcoin.http.Wallet;
const client = new Client({
network: 'testnet',
uri: 'http://localhost:18332'
const wallet = new Wallet({
network: 'testnet',
uri: 'http://localhost:18332',
id: 'primary'
You can also use api with Javascript Library (used by `bcoin cli`).
There are two objects: `bcoin.http.Client` for general API and `bcoin.http.Wallet` for wallet API.
`bcoin.http.Client` options:
Config | Type | Description
--------- | ----------- | -----------
network | `main`, `testnet`, `regtest` | Network to use (doesn't lookup configs by itself)
uri | String | URI of the service
apiKey | String | api secret
`bcoin.http.Wallet` options:
Config | Type | Description
--------- | ----------- | -----------
network | `main`, `testnet`, `regtest` | Network to use (doesn't lookup configs by itself)
uri | String | URI of the service
apiKey | String | api secret
id | primary, custom | specify which account to use by default
token | token str | Token specific wallet


@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
# Coin
Getting coin information via APi.
*Coin stands for UTXO*
<aside class="info">
You need to enable <code>index-tx</code> and <code>index-address</code> in order
to lookup coins by transaction hashes and addresses, respectively.
## Get coin by Outpoint
let hash, index;
curl $url/coin/$hash/$index
bcoin cli coin $hash $index
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const coin = await client.getCoin(hash, index);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"version": 1,
"height": 100019,
"value": 144709200,
"script": "76a9148fc80aadf127f6f92b6ed33404b110f851c8eca188ac",
"address": "mtdCZdNYny2U7met3umk47SoA7HMZGfsa2",
"coinbase": false,
"hash": "c13039f53247f9ca14206da079bcf738d91bc60e251ac9ebaba9ea9a862d9092",
"index": 0
Get coin by outpoint (hash and index). Returns coin in bcoin coin json format.
### HTTP Request
`GET /coin/:hash/:index`
### URL Parameters
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
:hash | Hash of tx
:index | Output's index in tx
## Get coins by address
let address;
curl $url/coin/address/$address
bcoin cli coin $address
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const coins = await client.getCoinsByAddress(address);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"version": 1,
"height": 502,
"value": 275391,
"script": "76a914edb1dfaf6e0b39449da811275386edf2eb54baba88ac",
"address": "n3BmXQPa1dKi3zEyCdCGNHTuE5GLdmw1Tr",
"coinbase": false,
"hash": "86150a141ebe5903a5d31e701698a01d598b81f099ea7577dad73033eab02ef9",
"index": 1
Get coin objects array by address.
### HTTP Request
`GET /coin/address/:address`
### URL Parameters
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
:address | bitcoin address
## Get coins by addresses
let address0, address1;
curl $url/coin/address \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "addresses":[ "'$address0'", "'$address1'" ]}'
No CLI Option.
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const coins = await client.getCoinsByAddresses([address0, address1]);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"version": 1,
"height": 502,
"value": 275391,
"script": "76a914edb1dfaf6e0b39449da811275386edf2eb54baba88ac",
"address": "n3BmXQPa1dKi3zEyCdCGNHTuE5GLdmw1Tr",
"coinbase": false,
"hash": "86150a141ebe5903a5d31e701698a01d598b81f099ea7577dad73033eab02ef9",
"index": 1
"version": 1,
"height": 500,
"value": 1095497,
"script": "76a914ad7d7b9ac5260ad13fa55e06143283f5b36495f788ac",
"address": "mwLHWwWPDwtCBZA7Ltg9QSzKK5icdCU5rb",
"coinbase": false,
"hash": "4692772a73ea834c836915089acf97f2c790380a2b8fd32f82729da72545d8c5",
"index": 0
Get coins by addresses,
returns array of coin objects.
### HTTP Request
`POST /coin/address`
### POST Parameters (JSON)
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
addresses | List of bitcoin addresses


@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
# Errors
Any errors will be returned with an http status code other than 200, containing a JSON object in the form:
`{"error": { message: "message" } }`


@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
# Node
## JSON-RPC Requests
Route for JSON-RPC requests, most of which mimic the bitcoind RPC calls completely.
curl $url \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "method": "getblockchaininfo", "params": [] }'
### HTTP Request
`POST /`
More about RPC Requests in RPC Docs.
## Get server info
curl $url/
bcoin cli info
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const info = await client.getInfo();
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"version": "v1.0.0-beta.14",
"network": "testnet",
"chain": {
"height": 1157058,
"tip": "00000000000002ac70408966be53a1e01e7e014a3d4f1f275201c751de7d6e77",
"progress": 1
"pool": {
"host": "",
"port": 18333,
"agent": "/bcoin:v1.0.0-beta.14/",
"services": "1001",
"outbound": 8,
"inbound": 0
"mempool": {
"tx": 39,
"size": 121512
"time": {
"uptime": 7403,
"system": 1502381034,
"adjusted": 1502381035,
"offset": 1
"memory": {
"total": 87,
"jsHeap": 23,
"jsHeapTotal": 30,
"nativeHeap": 56,
"external": 8
Get server Info.
### HTTP Request
<p>Get server info. No params.</p>
`GET /`
No Params.
## Get mempool snapshot
curl $url/mempool
bcoin cli mempool
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const mempoolTxs = await client.getMempool();
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
Get mempool snapshot (array of json txs).
### HTTP Request
`GET /mempool`
No Params.
## Get block by hash or height
let blockHash, blockHeight;
curl $url/block/$blockHash # by hash
curl $url/block/$blockHeight # by height
bcoin cli block $blockHash # by hash
bcoin cli block $blockHeight # by height
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const blockByHash = await client.getBlock(blockHash);
const blockByHeight = await client.getBlock(blockHeight);
console.log(blockByHash, blockByHeight);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"hash": "00000000cabd2d0245add40f335bab18d3e837eccf868b64aabbbbac74fb21e0",
"height": 1500,
"version": 1,
"prevBlock": "00000000f651e7fe6d9a4845dcf40f5642216e59054453a4368a73a7295f9f3d",
"merkleRoot": "e3e4590784a828967e6d9319eca2915c1860a63167449f9605e649a0aafe6d0a",
"time": 1337966228,
"bits": 486604799,
"nonce": 2671491584,
"txs": [
"hash": "e3e4590784a828967e6d9319eca2915c1860a63167449f9605e649a0aafe6d0a",
"witnessHash": "e3e4590784a828967e6d9319eca2915c1860a63167449f9605e649a0aafe6d0a",
"fee": 0,
"rate": 0,
"mtime": 1502382669,
"index": 0,
"version": 1,
"flag": 1,
"inputs": [
"prevout": {
"hash": "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"index": 4294967295
"script": "0494bebf4f0108172f503253482f49636549726f6e2d51432d6d696e65722f",
"witness": "00",
"sequence": 4294967295,
"address": null
"outputs": [
"value": 5000000000,
"script": "21032fd2666c8d5ffae0147acc0b9628160652679663397e911170ebaf1e26358abfac",
"address": "mtohBeScUtM2ndcmmpSV8o2jcvmknp1Mpy"
"locktime": 0
Returns block info by block hash or height.
### HTTP Request
`GET /block/:blockhashOrHeight`
### URL Parameters
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
:blockhashOrHeight | Hash or Height of block
## Broadcast transaction
let tx;
curl $url/broadcast \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "tx": "'$tx'" }'
bcoin cli broadcast $txhex
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet',
(async () => {
const result = await client.broadcast(tx);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"success": true
Broadcast a transaction by adding it to the node's mempool. If mempool verification fails, the node will still forcefully advertise and relay the transaction for the next 60 seconds.
### HTTP Request
`POST /broadcast`
### POST Parameters (JSON)
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
tx | transaction hash


@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
# RPC Calls - Node
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "method": "methodname", "params": [...] "id": "some-id" }'
bcoin cli rpc params...
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('MethodName', [ ...params ]);
// RES will return "result" part of the object, not the id or error
// error will be thrown.
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
> Further examples will only include "result" part.
{"result": resultObject ,"error": errorObject, "id": passedID}
Bcoin rpc calls mimic Bitcoin Core's RPC.
This is documentation how to use it with `bcoin`.
RPC Calls are accepted at:
`POST /`
*Note: bcoin cli rpc and javascript will return error OR result.*
### POST Parameters RPC
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
method | Name of the RPC call
params | Parameters accepted by method
id | Will be returned with the response (Shouldn't be object)


@ -0,0 +1,581 @@
# RPC Calls - Block
## getblockchaininfo
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "method": "getblockchaininfo" }'
bcoin cli rpc getblockchaininfo
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getblockchaininfo');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"chain": "test",
"blocks": 1178402,
"headers": 1178402,
"bestblockhash": "0000000000000dd897f549915ba7099b6d4f86f4512801d617a7c0c655827d08",
"difficulty": 1048576,
"mediantime": 1502814951,
"verificationprogress": 1,
"chainwork": "00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002976ca78529498e335",
"pruned": false,
"softforks": [
"id": "bip34",
"version": 2,
"reject": {
"status": true
"id": "bip66",
"version": 3,
"reject": {
"status": true
"id": "bip65",
"version": 4,
"reject": {
"status": true
"bip9_softforks": {
"csv": {
"status": "active",
"bit": 0,
"startTime": 1456790400,
"timeout": 1493596800
"segwit": {
"status": "active",
"bit": 1,
"startTime": 1462060800,
"timeout": 1493596800
"segsignal": {
"status": "defined",
"bit": 4,
"startTime": 4294967295,
"timeout": 4294967295
"testdummy": {
"status": "failed",
"bit": 28,
"startTime": 1199145601,
"timeout": 1230767999
"pruneheight": null
Returns blockchain information.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getbestblockhash
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "method": "getbestblockhash" }'
bcoin cli rpc getbestblockhash
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getbestblockhash');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Returns Block Hash of the tip.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getblockcount
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "method": "getblockcount" }'
bcoin cli rpc getbestblockhash
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getblockcount');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Returns block count.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. ||||
## getblock
let blockhash, details, verbose;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getblock",
"params": [ "'$blockhash'", "'$verbose'", "'$details'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getblock $blockhash $verbose $details
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getblock', [ blockhash, verbose, details ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"hash": "00000000e0290b7c66227c7499692aac5437860ee912424bf8eea3a3883a4e37",
"confirmations": 1177921,
"strippedsize": 2499,
"size": 2499,
"weight": 9996,
"height": 502,
"version": 1,
"versionHex": "00000001",
"merkleroot": "4f7a9087973b891fc86cc59fd9c2cb696f7a813360d3553626dc6c38909f9571",
"coinbase": "3337346bde777ade327922b5deef5fb7f88e98cecb22",
"tx": [
"time": 1296746959,
"mediantime": 1296746728,
"bits": 486604799,
"difficulty": 1,
"chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001f701f701f7",
"previousblockhash": "00000000c7f50b6dfac8b8a59e11b7e62f07fdef20597089b9c5d64ebfe6d682",
"nextblockhash": "00000000f797111d0f67d7f08346757948e7c469f14cddbd1c3d0217306bf003"
Returns information about block.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | blockhash | Required | Hash of the block
2 | verbose | true | If set to false, it will return hex of the block
3 | details | false | If set to true, it will return transaction details too.
## getblockbyheight
let blockhash, details, verbose;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getblockbyheight",
"params": [ "'$blockheight'", "'$verbose'", "'$details'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getblockbyheight $blockheight $verbose $details
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getblockbyheight', [ blockheight, verbose, details ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"hash": "00000000e0290b7c66227c7499692aac5437860ee912424bf8eea3a3883a4e37",
"confirmations": 1177921,
"strippedsize": 2499,
"size": 2499,
"weight": 9996,
"height": 502,
"version": 1,
"versionHex": "00000001",
"merkleroot": "4f7a9087973b891fc86cc59fd9c2cb696f7a813360d3553626dc6c38909f9571",
"coinbase": "3337346bde777ade327922b5deef5fb7f88e98cecb22",
"tx": [
"time": 1296746959,
"mediantime": 1296746728,
"bits": 486604799,
"difficulty": 1,
"chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001f701f701f7",
"previousblockhash": "00000000c7f50b6dfac8b8a59e11b7e62f07fdef20597089b9c5d64ebfe6d682",
"nextblockhash": "00000000f797111d0f67d7f08346757948e7c469f14cddbd1c3d0217306bf003"
Returns information about block by height.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | blockheight | Required | height of the block in the blockchain.
2 | verbose | true | If set to false, it will return hex of the block.
3 | details | false | If set to true, it will return transaction details too.
## getblockhash
let blockheight;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getblockhash",
"params": [ "'$blockheight'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getblockhash $blockheight
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getblockhash', [ blockheight ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Returns block's hash by height.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | blockheight | Required | height of the block in the blockchain.
## getblockheader
let blockhash, verbose;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getblockheader",
"params": [ "'$blockhash'", "'$details'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getblockheader $blockhash $verbose
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getblockheader', [ blockheight, verbose ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"hash": "00000000e0290b7c66227c7499692aac5437860ee912424bf8eea3a3883a4e37",
"confirmations": 1177934,
"height": 502,
"version": 1,
"versionHex": "00000001",
"merkleroot": "4f7a9087973b891fc86cc59fd9c2cb696f7a813360d3553626dc6c38909f9571",
"time": 1296746959,
"mediantime": 1296746728,
"bits": 486604799,
"difficulty": 1,
"chainwork": "000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001f701f701f7",
"previousblockhash": "00000000c7f50b6dfac8b8a59e11b7e62f07fdef20597089b9c5d64ebfe6d682",
"nextblockhash": "00000000f797111d0f67d7f08346757948e7c469f14cddbd1c3d0217306bf003"
Returns block's header by hash.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | blockheight | Required | height of the block in the blockchain.
2 | verbose | true | If set to false, it will return hex of the block.
## getchaintips
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getchaintips"
bcoin cli rpc getchaintips
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getchaintips');
})().catch((err) => {
Returns chaintips.
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"height": 1159071,
"hash": "0000000000043bc8896351bf4fbb9fadfa596566e6d88078a2364252346e0d2a",
"branchlen": 1,
"status": "valid-headers"
"height": 1158313,
"hash": "0000000000011e8328cf0382888e07f207e178e967f896794d600e39c962362e",
"branchlen": 1,
"status": "valid-headers"
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getdifficulty
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getdifficulty"
bcoin cli rpc getdifficulty
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getdifficulty');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |


@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
# RPC Calls - Chain
## pruneblockchain
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "pruneblockchain",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc pruneblockchain
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('pruneblockchain');
})().catch((err) => {
Prunes the blockchain, it will keep blocks specified in Network Configurations.
### Default Prune Options
Network | keepBlocks | pruneAfter
------- | ------- | -------
main | 288 | 1000
testnet | 10000 | 1000
regtest | 10000 | 1000
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## invalidateblock
let blockhash;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "invalidateblock",
"params": [ "'$blockhash'" ]
bcoin cli rpc invalidateblock $blockhash
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('invalidateblock', [ blockhash ]);
})().catch((err) => {
Invalidates the block in the chain.
It will rewind network to blockhash and invalidate it.
It won't accept that block as valid
*Invalidation will work while running, restarting node will remove invalid block from list.*
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | blockhash | Required | Block's hash
## reconsiderblock
let blockhash;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "reconsiderblock",
"params": [ "'$blockhash'" ]
bcoin cli rpc reconsiderblock $blockhash
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('reconsiderblock', [ blockhash ]);
})().catch((err) => {
This rpc command will remove block from invalid block set.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | blockhash | Required | Block's hash


@ -0,0 +1,541 @@
## stop
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "method": "stop" }'
bcoin cli rpc stop
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('stop');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Stops the running node.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getinfo
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getinfo",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc getinfo
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getinfo');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"version": "v1.0.0-beta.14",
"protocolversion": 70015,
"walletversion": 0,
"balance": 0,
"blocks": 1178980,
"timeoffset": 0,
"connections": 8,
"proxy": "",
"difficulty": 1048576,
"testnet": true,
"keypoololdest": 0,
"keypoolsize": 0,
"unlocked_until": 0,
"paytxfee": 0.0002,
"relayfee": 0.00001,
"errors": ""
Returns general info
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getmemoryinfo
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getmemoryinfo",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc getmemoryinfo
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getmemoryinfo');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"total": 99,
"jsHeap": 19,
"jsHeapTotal": 29,
"nativeHeap": 69,
"external": 10
Returns Memory usage info.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## setloglevel
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "setloglevel",
"params": [ "none" ]
bcoin cli rpc setloglevel none
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('setloglevel', [ 'none' ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Change Log level of the running node.
Levels are: `NONE`, `ERROR`, `WARNING`, `INFO`, `DEBUG`, `SPAM`
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | level | Required | Level for the logger
## validateaddress
let address;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "validateaddress",
"params": [ "'$address'" ]
bcoin cli rpc validateaddress $address
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('validateaddress', [ address ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"isvalid": true,
"address": "n34pHHSqsXJQwq9FXUsrfhmTghrVtN74yo",
"scriptPubKey": "76a914ec61435a3c8f0efee2ffafb8ddb4e1440d2db8d988ac",
"ismine": false,
"iswatchonly": false
Validates address.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | address | Required | Address to validate
## createmultisig
let nrequired, pubkey0, pubkey1, pubkey2;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "createmultisig",
"params": [ "'$nrequired'", [ "'$pubkey0'", "'$pubkey1'", "'$pubkey2'" ] ]
bcoin cli rpc createmultisig $nrequired '[ "'$pubkey0'", "'$pubkey1'", "'$pubkey2'" ]'
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('createmultisig', [ nrequired, [ pubkey0, pubkey1, pubkey2 ] ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"address": "2MzY9R5P1Wfy9aNdqyoH63K1EQZF7APuZ4S",
"redeemScript": "5221021f1dbc575db95a44e016fe6ecf00231109e7799d9b1e007dbe8814017cf0d65c2102b3280e779a7c849f9d6460e926097fe4b0f6280fa6fd038ce8e1236a4688c358210315613667e3ebe065c0b8d86ae0443d97de56545bdf38c99a6ee584f300206d9a53ae"
create multisig address
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | nrequired | Required | Required number of approvals for spending
2 | keyArray | Required | Array of public keys
## createwitnessaddress
let script;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "createwitnessaddress",
"params": [ "'$script'" ]
bcoin cli rpc createwitnessaddress $script
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('createwitnessaddress', [ script ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"address": "tb1qlfgqame3n0dt2ldjl2m9qjg6n2vut26jw3ezm25hqx9ez4m9wp5q567kg2",
"witnessScript": "0020fa500eef319bdab57db2fab650491a9a99c5ab5274722daa97018b9157657068"
Creates witness address.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | script | Required | Bitcoin script.
## signmessagewithprivkey
let privkey, message;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "signmessagewithprivkey",
"params": [ "'$privkey'", "'$message'"]
bcoin cli rpc signmessagewithprivkey $privkey $message
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('signmessagewithprivkey', [ privkey, message ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Signs message with private key.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | privkey | Required | Private key
1 | message | Required | Message you want to sign.
## verifymessage
let address, signature, message;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "verifymessage",
"params": [ "'$address'", "'$signature'", "'$message'" ]
bcoin cli rpc verifymessage $address $signature $message
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('verifymessage', [ address, signature, message ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Verify sign
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | address | Required | Address of the signer
2 | signature | Required | Signature of signed message
3 | message | Required | Message that was signed
## setmocktime
let timestamp;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "setmocktime",
"params": [ '$timestamp' ]
bcoin cli rpc setmocktime $timestamp
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('setmocktime', [ timestamp ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Changes network time (This is consensus-critical)
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | timestamp | Required | timestamp to change to


@ -0,0 +1,651 @@
# RPC Calls - Mempool
## getmempoolinfo
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getmempoolinfo"
bcoin cli rpc getmempoolinfo
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getmempoolinfo');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"size": 20,
"bytes": 68064,
"usage": 68064,
"maxmempool": 100000000,
"mempoolminfee": 0.00001
Returns informations about mempool.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getmempoolancestors
let txhash, verbose;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getmempoolancestors",
"params": [ "'$txhash'", "'$verbose'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getmempoolancestors $txhash $verbose
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getmempoolancestors', [ txhash, verbose ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
// verbose=1
"size": 225,
"fee": 0.0000454,
"modifiedfee": 0,
"time": 1502891340,
"height": 201,
"startingpriority": 0,
"currentpriority": 0,
"descendantcount": 1,
"descendantsize": 451,
"descendantfees": 9080,
"ancestorcount": 0,
"ancestorsize": 0,
"ancestorfees": 0,
"depends": []
// verbose=0
returns all in-mempool ancestors for a transaction in the mempool.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | txhash | Required | Transaction Hash
2 | verbose | false | False returns only tx hashs, true - returns dependency tx info
## getmempooldescendants
let txhash, verbose;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getmempooldescendants",
"params": [ "'$txhash'", "'$verbose'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getmempooldescendants $txhash $verbose
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getmempooldescendants', [ txhash, verbose ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
// verbose=1
"size": 226,
"fee": 0.0000454,
"modifiedfee": 0,
"time": 1502891378,
"height": 201,
"startingpriority": 0,
"currentpriority": 0,
"descendantcount": 0,
"descendantsize": 226,
"descendantfees": 4540,
"ancestorcount": 1,
"ancestorsize": 0,
"ancestorfees": 0,
"depends": [
// verbose=0
returns all in-mempool descendants for a transaction in the mempool.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | txhash | Required | Transaction hash
2 | verbose | false | False returns only tx hashs, true - returns dependency tx info
## getmempoolentry
let txhash;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getmempoolentry",
"params": [ "'$txhash'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getmempoolentry $txhash
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getmempoolentry', [ txhash ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"size": 226,
"fee": 0.0000454,
"modifiedfee": 0,
"time": 1502891378,
"height": 201,
"startingpriority": 0,
"currentpriority": 0,
"descendantcount": 0,
"descendantsize": 226,
"descendantfees": 4540,
"ancestorcount": 1,
"ancestorsize": 0,
"ancestorfees": 0,
"depends": [
returns mempool transaction info by its hash.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | txhash | Required | Transaction Hash
## getrawmempool
let verbose;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getrawmempool",
"params": [ "'$verbose'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getrawmempool $verbose
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getrawmempool', [ verbose ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"56ab7663c80cb6ffc9f8a4b493d77b2e6f52ae8ff64eefa8899c2065922665c8": {
"size": 225,
"fee": 0.0000454,
"modifiedfee": 0,
"time": 1502891340,
"height": 201,
"startingpriority": 0,
"currentpriority": 0,
"descendantcount": 1,
"descendantsize": 451,
"descendantfees": 9080,
"ancestorcount": 0,
"ancestorsize": 0,
"ancestorfees": 0,
"depends": []
"939a3b8485b53a718d89e7e4412473b3762fa1d9bbd555fc8b01e73be0ab1881": {
"size": 226,
"fee": 0.0000454,
"modifiedfee": 0,
"time": 1502891378,
"height": 201,
"startingpriority": 0,
"currentpriority": 0,
"descendantcount": 0,
"descendantsize": 226,
"descendantfees": 4540,
"ancestorcount": 1,
"ancestorsize": 0,
"ancestorfees": 0,
"depends": [
Returns mempool detailed information (on verbose).
Or mempool tx list.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | verbose | false | False returns only tx hashs, true - returns full tx info
## prioritisetransaction
let txhash, priorityDelta, feeDelta;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "prioritisetransaction",
"params": [ "'$txhash'", "'$priorityDelta'", "'$feeDelta'" ]
bcoin cli rpc prioritisetransaction $txhash $priorityDelta $feeDelta
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('prioritisetransaction', [ txhash, priorityDelta, feeDelta ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Prioritises the transaction.
*Note: changing fee or priority will only trick local miner (using this mempool)
into accepting Transaction(s) into the block. (even if Priority/Fee doen't qualify)*
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | txid | Required | Transaction hash
2 | priority delta | Required | Virtual priority to add/subtract to the entry
3 | fee delta | Required | Virtual fee to add/subtract to the entry
## estimatefee
let nblocks;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "estimatefee",
"params": [ "'$nblocks'" ]
bcoin cli rpc estimatefee $nblocks
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('estimatefee', [ nblocks ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Estimates fee to be paid for transaction.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | nblocks | 1 | Number of blocks to check for estimation.
## estimatepriority
let nblocks;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "estimatepriority",
"params": [ "'$nblocks'" ]
bcoin cli rpc estimatepriority $nblocks
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('estimatepriority', [ nblocks ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
estimates the priority (coin age) that a transaction needs in order to be included within a certain number of blocks as a free high-priority transaction.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | nblocks | 1 | Number of blocks to check for estimation.
## estimatesmartfee
let nblocks;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "estimatesmartfee",
"params": [ "'$nblocks'" ]
bcoin cli rpc estimatesmartfee $nblocks
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('estimatesmartfee', [ nblocks ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"fee": 0.001,
"blocks": 10
Estimates smart fee to be paid for transaction.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | nblocks | 1 | Number of blocks to check for estimation.
## estimatesmartpriority
let nblocks;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "estimatesmartpriority",
"params": [ "'$nblocks'" ]
bcoin cli rpc estimatesmartpriority $nblocks
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('estimatesmartpriority', [ nblocks ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"priority": 718158904.3501,
"blocks": 10
estimates smart priority (coin age) that a transaction needs in order to be included within a certain number of blocks as a free high-priority transaction.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | nblocks | 1 | Number of blocks to check for estimation.


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
# RPC Calls - Network
## getconnectioncount
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getconnectioncount",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc getconnectioncount
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getconnectioncount');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Returns connection count.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## ping
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "ping",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc ping
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('ping');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Will send ping request to every connected peer.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getpeerinfo
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getpeerinfo",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc getpeerinfo
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getpeerinfo');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"id": 1,
"addr": "",
"addrlocal": "",
"services": "0000000d",
"relaytxes": true,
"lastsend": 1503257171,
"lastrecv": 1503257171,
"bytessent": 1962,
"bytesrecv": 32499,
"conntime": 121,
"timeoffset": -1,
"pingtime": 0.143,
"minping": 0.143,
"version": 70015,
"subver": "/Satoshi:0.14.1/",
"inbound": false,
"startingheight": 1179570,
"besthash": null,
"bestheight": -1,
"banscore": 0,
"inflight": [],
"whitelisted": false
Returns information about all connected peers.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## addnode
let nodeAddr, cmd;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "addnode",
"params": [ "'$nodeAddr'", "'$cmd'" ]
bcoin cli rpc addnode $nodeAddr $cmd
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('addnode', [ nodeAddr, cmd ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Adds or removes peers in Host List.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | addr | Required | IP Address of the Node.
2 | cmd | Required | Command
### Commands
Command | Description
---- | ----
add | Adds node to Host List and connects to it
onetry | Tries to connect to the given node
remove | Removes node from host list
## disconnectnode
let nodeAddr;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "disconnectnode",
"params": [ "'$nodeAddr'" ]
bcoin cli rpc disconnectnode $nodeAddr
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('disconnectnode', [ nodeAddr ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Disconnects node.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | addr | Required | IP Address of the Node.
## getaddednodeinfo
let nodeAddr;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getaddednodeinfo",
"params": [ "'$nodeAddr'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getaddednodeinfo $nodeAddr
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getaddednodeinfo', [ nodeAddr ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"addednode": "",
"connected": true,
"addresses": [
"address": "",
"connected": "outbound"
Returns node information from host list.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | addr | Required | IP Address of the Node.
## getnettotals
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getnettotals",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc getnettotals
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getnettotals');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"totalbytesrecv": 370598,
"totalbytessent": 110058,
"timemillis": 1503262547279
Returns information about used network resources.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getnetworkinfo
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getnetworkinfo",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc getnetworkinfo
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getnetworkinfo');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"version": "v1.0.0-beta.14",
"subversion": "/bcoin:v1.0.0-beta.14/",
"protocolversion": 70015,
"localservices": "00000009",
"localrelay": true,
"timeoffset": -1,
"networkactive": true,
"connections": 8,
"networks": [],
"relayfee": 0.00001,
"incrementalfee": 0,
"localaddresses": [
"address": "",
"port": 18333,
"score": 3
"warnings": ""
Returns local node's network information
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## setban
let nodeAddr, cmd;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "setban",
"params": [ "'$nodeAddr'", "'$cmd'" ]
bcoin cli rpc setban $nodeAddr $cmd
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('setban', [ nodeAddr, cmd ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Adds or removes nodes from banlist.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | addr | Required | IP Address of the Node.
2 | cmd | Required | Command
### Commands
Command | Description
---- | ----
add | Adds node to ban list, removes from host list, disconnects.
remove | Removes node from ban list
## listbanned
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "listbanned",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc listbanned
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('listbanned');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"address": "",
"banned_until": 1503349501,
"ban_created": 1503263101,
"ban_reason": ""
Lists all banned peers.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## clearbanned
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "clearbanned",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc clearbanned
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('clearbanned');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Removes all banned peers.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |


@ -0,0 +1,680 @@
# RPC Calls - Transactions
## gettxout
let txhash, index, includemempool;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "gettxout",
"params": [ "'$txhash'", "'$index'", "'$includemempool'" ]
bcoin cli rpc gettxout $txhash $index $includemempool
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('gettxout', [ txhash, index, includemempool ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"bestblock": "00000000000004f0fbf1b2290e8255bbd468640d747fd9d44a16e77d9e129a55",
"confirmations": 1,
"value": 1.01,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "OP_HASH160 6a58967510cfd7e04987b245f73dbf62e8d3fdf8 OP_EQUAL",
"hex": "a9146a58967510cfd7e04987b245f73dbf62e8d3fdf887",
"type": "SCRIPTHASH",
"reqSigs": 1,
"addresses": [
"version": 1,
"coinbase": false
Get outpoint of the transaction.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | txid | Required | Transaction hash
2 | index | Required | Index of the Outpoint tx.
3 | includemempool | true | Whether to include mempool transactions.
## gettxoutsetinfo
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "gettxoutsetinfo",
"params": []
bcoin cli rpc gettxoutsetinfo
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('gettxoutsetinfo');
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"height": 1178729,
"bestblock": "00000000000004f0fbf1b2290e8255bbd468640d747fd9d44a16e77d9e129a55",
"transactions": 14827318,
"txouts": 17644185,
"bytes_serialized": 0,
"hash_serialized": 0,
"total_amount": 20544080.67292757
Returns information about UTXO's from Chain.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
None. |
## getrawtransaction
let txhash, verbose=0;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "getrawtransaction",
"params": [ "'$txhash'", "'$verbose'" ]
bcoin cli rpc getrawtransaction $txhash $verbose
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('getrawtransaction', [ txhash, verbose ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Returns raw transaction
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | txhash | Required | Transaction hash
2 | verbose | false | Returns json formatted if true
## decoderawtransaction
let rawtx;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "decoderawtransaction",
"params": [ "'$rawtx'" ]
bcoin cli rpc decoderawtransaction $rawtx
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('decoderawtransaction', [ rawtx ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"txid": "28d65fdaf5334ffd29066d7076f056bb112baa4bb0842f6eaa06171c277b4e8c",
"hash": "28d65fdaf5334ffd29066d7076f056bb112baa4bb0842f6eaa06171c277b4e8c",
"size": 372,
"vsize": 372,
"version": 1,
"locktime": 0,
"vin": [
"txid": "c4a22350ddc95c1dd2a8ee8a946f1b75f795f94e53308260c3b6be36ff100350",
"scriptSig": {
"asm": "3045022100e7c71d397b687f9f30e6003ceedc4c50436fdb2329b7a8a36c9c6759077969d30220059f24e917260d3e601c77079d03c9e73d04fd85f625eaebfd14a1ff695a722301 020bc134c91f4ff068f3a970616fad577f949406c18849321a2f6d4df96fc56c77",
"hex": "483045022100e7c71d397b687f9f30e6003ceedc4c50436fdb2329b7a8a36c9c6759077969d30220059f24e917260d3e601c77079d03c9e73d04fd85f625eaebfd14a1ff695a72230121020bc134c91f4ff068f3a970616fad577f949406c18849321a2f6d4df96fc56c77"
"sequence": 4294967294,
"vout": 1
"txid": "e3a12828e4ad57f118543a309801ce4803e5854e227f71c67f224fed5dd9feef",
"scriptSig": {
"asm": "3045022100f0bde463404db0983e0f221bfa1b13edf1063a78e869295c9457864b122a622b02207d9d5df76ecac6289784201e9a918acb34510c2d65144bf8e4753a3413024e3201 022565ed0ff8f79ecf11e8f33b9fbba5606dbc0618813acd74603f9466e88fb8a8",
"hex": "483045022100f0bde463404db0983e0f221bfa1b13edf1063a78e869295c9457864b122a622b02207d9d5df76ecac6289784201e9a918acb34510c2d65144bf8e4753a3413024e320121022565ed0ff8f79ecf11e8f33b9fbba5606dbc0618813acd74603f9466e88fb8a8"
"sequence": 4294967294,
"vout": 0
"vout": [
"value": 1.01,
"n": 0,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "OP_HASH160 6a58967510cfd7e04987b245f73dbf62e8d3fdf8 OP_EQUAL",
"hex": "a9146a58967510cfd7e04987b245f73dbf62e8d3fdf887",
"type": "SCRIPTHASH",
"reqSigs": 1,
"addresses": [
"value": 0.05183774,
"n": 1,
"scriptPubKey": {
"asm": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 132b05f47f2b1b56f26a78d3962e3acd0735f12d OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
"hex": "76a914132b05f47f2b1b56f26a78d3962e3acd0735f12d88ac",
"type": "PUBKEYHASH",
"reqSigs": 1,
"addresses": [
"blockhash": null,
"confirmations": 0,
"time": 0,
"blocktime": 0
Decodes raw tx and provide chain info.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | rawtx | Required | Raw transaction hex
## decodescript
let script;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "decodescript",
"params": [ "'$script'" ]
bcoin cli rpc decodescript $script
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('decodescript', [ script ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"asm": "3045022100f0bde463404db0983e0f221bfa1b13edf1063a78e869295c9457864b122a622b02207d9d5df76ecac6289784201e9a918acb34510c2d65144bf8e4753a3413024e3201 022565ed0ff8f79ecf11e8f33b9fbba5606dbc0618813acd74603f9466e88fb8a8",
"type": "NONSTANDARD",
"reqSigs": 1,
"addresses": [],
"p2sh": "2MyVRHsEpec67MkPLGr4NR2bT1ZFuzFGUoB"
Decodes script
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | script | Required | Script hex
## sendrawtransaction
let rawtx;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "sendrawtransaction",
"params": [ "'$rawtx'" ]
bcoin cli rpc sendrawtransaction $rawtx
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('sendrawtransaction', [ rawtx ]);
})().catch((err) => {
Sends raw transaction without verification
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | rawtx | Required | Raw transaction hex
## createrawtransaction
let txhash, txindex, amount, address, data;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "createrawtransaction",
"params": [
[{ "txid": "'$txhash'", "vout": "'$txindex'" }],
{ "'$address'": "'$amount'", "data": "'$data'" }
bcoin cli rpc createrawtransaction \
'[{ "txid": "'$txhash'", "vout": "'$txindex'" }]' \
'{ "'$address'": "'$amount'", "data": "'$data'" }'
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'regtest'
(async () => {
const sendTo = {
data: data
sendTo[address] = amount;
const res = await rpc.execute('createrawtransaction', [ [{ txid: txhash, vout: txindex }], sendTo]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
<aside class="info">
Note: Transaction in example doesn't specify change output,
you can do it by specifying another <code>address: amount</code> pair.
Creates raw, unsigned transaction without any formal verification.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | outpoints | Required | Outpoint list
1.1 | txid | | Transaction Hash
1.2 | vout | | Transaction Outpoint Index
1.3 | sequence | | Sequence number for input
2 | sendto | Required | List of addresses with amounts that we are sending to.
2.1 | address | 0 | `address: amount` key pairs
2.2 | data | nullData | Data output
3 | locktime | | earliest time a transaction can be added
## signrawtransaction
let rawtx, txhash, txindex, scriptPubKey, amount, privkey;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "signrawtransaction",
"params": [
"txid": "'$txhash'",
"vout": "'$txindex'",
"scriptPubKey": "'$scriptPubKey'",
"amount": "'$amount'"
[ "'$privkey'" ]
bcoin cli rpc signrawtransaction $rawtx \
'[{ "txid": "'$txhash'", "vout": "'$txindex'", "scriptPubKey": "'$scriptPubKey'", "amount": "'$amount'" }]' \
'[ "'$privkey'" ]'
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'regtest'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('signrawtransaction', [ rawtx,
txid: txhash,
vout: txindex,
scriptPubKey: scriptPubKey,
amount: amount
[ privkey ]
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
"hex": "01000000012f05b76c513901b7e9ca6dd36796f9e5370625dda51321de2a4d8cffa8b6e1d1010000006b48304502210094252b4db106def63264668717c5ad66e2804c5e1b390c6240e82515fb0c12690220708430b14ceb0a15308e665de21cb3eb9e6cd9e4571e110fbfddf65ef702cd990121035ef2bf6d09a343c4c0be6fb5b489b217c00f477a9878b60ca3ceca4c2b052c3cffffffff020000000000000000026a0000e1f505000000001976a914c1325e8fb60bd71d23532c39b4c9e743a2cc764988ac00000000",
"complete": true
Signs raw transaction
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | rawtx | Required | raw tx
2 | inputs | Required | Coins you're going to spend
2.1 | txid | | Transaction Hash
2.2 | vout | | Transaction Outpoint Index
2.3 | scriptPubKey | | script with pubkey you are going to sign
2.4 | redeemScript | | redeemScript if tx is P2SH
3 | privkeylist | | List of private keys
4 | sighashtype | | Type of signature hash
## gettxoutproof
let txhash;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "gettxoutproof",
"params": [ "'$txhash'" ]
bcoin cli rpc gettxoutproof $txhash
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('gettxoutproof', [ txhash ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Checks if transactions are within block.
Returns raw block.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | txidlist | Required | array of transaction hashes
2 | blockhash | Based on TX | Block hash
## verifytxoutproof
let proof;
curl $url/ \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"method": "verifytxoutproof",
"params": [ "'$proof'" ]
bcoin cli rpc verifytxoutproof $proof
const rpc = new bcoin.http.RPCClient({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const res = await rpc.execute('verifytxoutproof', [ proof ]);
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON "result" like this:
Checks the proof for transaction inclusion.
### Params
N. | Name | Default | Description
--------- | --------- | --------- | -----------
1 | proof | Required | Proof of transaction inclusion.


@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
# Transaction
Getting transaction information via APi.
<aside class="info">
You need to enable <code>index-tx</code> and <code>index-address</code> in order
to lookup transactions by transaction hashes and addresses, respectively.
## Get tx by txhash
let txhash;
curl $url/tx/$txhash
bcoin cli tx $txhash
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const tx = await client.getTX(txhash);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"hash": "86150a141ebe5903a5d31e701698a01d598b81f099ea7577dad73033eab02ef9",
"witnessHash": "86150a141ebe5903a5d31e701698a01d598b81f099ea7577dad73033eab02ef9",
"fee": 50000,
"rate": 220264,
"mtime": 1501093478,
"height": 502,
"block": "00000000e0290b7c66227c7499692aac5437860ee912424bf8eea3a3883a4e37",
"time": 1296746959,
"index": 8,
"version": 1,
"flag": 1,
"inputs": [
"prevout": {
"hash": "0173a5d24d393127d5e6fc043ff1a00dafc6a2777143cb98a803a0b6e8cd02c7",
"index": 0
"script": "493046022100be75ae6dbf9eab7656562136511501c83918ca28c5f96565ca1960b3dbb581b6022100d15692af456e8721fddeeb0d6df5d8a147afd8a3b2a39bbceae9b1bdfd53ade20121038e297cf2cf71c16592c36ca48f5b2a5bbb73e776e772079f4c695b12eec1a509",
"witness": "00",
"sequence": 4294967295,
"coin": {
"version": 1,
"height": 502,
"value": 4824247882,
"script": "76a914bc7aad9746a0bc03ed9715f13c94e554df90b84688ac",
"address": "mxhYHwYZdYh1AkLsUbEmU9ZGdvLfoNRdD6",
"coinbase": false
"outputs": [
"value": 4823922491,
"script": "76a914682215dfa6912d88f55a1853414d516122fcc66988ac",
"address": "mq1ZQJW1qPeNPNL83mpAWfNFPW9qwGDR2K"
"value": 275391,
"script": "76a914edb1dfaf6e0b39449da811275386edf2eb54baba88ac",
"address": "n3BmXQPa1dKi3zEyCdCGNHTuE5GLdmw1Tr"
"locktime": 0
### HTTP Request
`GET /tx/:txhash`
### URL Parameters
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
:txhash | Hash of tx.
## Get tx by address
let address;
curl $url/tx/address/$address
bcoin cli tx $address
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const txs = await client.getTXByAddress(address);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"hash": "8351d991c5dfb49d534fcd28f56bb2d5b0d5f31f5c9e2e0711b5f86312a5abfe",
"witnessHash": "8351d991c5dfb49d534fcd28f56bb2d5b0d5f31f5c9e2e0711b5f86312a5abfe",
"fee": 50000,
"rate": 129198,
"mtime": 1501093478,
"height": 467,
"block": "00000000057c13f1fa6b30c6ec32284875781e31474a532e96739523d926a9e2",
"time": 1296743253,
"index": 20,
"version": 1,
"flag": 1,
"inputs": [
"prevout": {
"hash": "d4d30e49228051bffe1317a013c06ae53f5325302a03cdcacb3312d0998f512a",
"index": 1
"script": "47304402201c29f13e8d817f2c2d1ea8b89d1d603677b86d0b4658f5d836bb16c56dc5dc3e02203e815b7ef739ba95c7bbbfdd63f38baa0806ad235f73c7df2492271e0b14ea43012103d50917ce22f377797a28c5e17e33000ea7d7d149d98b942d83f25ef2a223a8aa",
"witness": "00",
"sequence": 4294967295,
"coin": {
"version": 1,
"height": 464,
"value": 457110,
"script": "76a914583d5f973c850ec26f8efa39dabf8fbe0fcbb59c88ac",
"address": "moZXHEWiTwWyy1HSwvNANn9CKoCocPzDwm",
"coinbase": false
"prevout": {
"hash": "3d708378adc61ad2b6d623bfbb89df92e3c88f6c85f6e132796d5abefae8c587",
"index": 1
"script": "0d17a6a8512d174b6b679c375091483045022100a3d133ccd4353c6dbcd9dc035c059b9b45f3c044644613e2311b8290bd02a3fb022026ae0af0adaea2fad2bc76d40d77fde3628031ee73c8e0e36343d5585e9d93f50121029f15918cd48f9e5cecfc1fccf1efc0c518110a6d6258cf14d0ee49a0fd88a535",
"witness": "00",
"sequence": 4294967295,
"coin": {
"version": 1,
"height": 466,
"value": 966270,
"script": "76a914edb1dfaf6e0b39449da811275386edf2eb54baba88ac",
"address": "n3BmXQPa1dKi3zEyCdCGNHTuE5GLdmw1Tr",
"coinbase": false
"outputs": [
"value": 1021229,
"script": "76a91419eb536dc042d76454bea8dbec5ddc384e783e5a88ac",
"address": "mht16aZhnsHivv3cDGuzgHGvoLFy8rNkg8"
"value": 352151,
"script": "76a914342e5d1f2eb9c6e99fda90c85ca05aa36616644c88ac",
"address": "mkGrySSnxcqRbtPCisApj3zXCQVmUUWbf1"
"locktime": 0
Returns transaction objects array by address
### HTTP Request
`GET /tx/address/:address`
### URL Parameters
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
:address | Bitcoin address.
## Get tx by addresses
let address0, address1;
curl $url/tx/address \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{ "addresses":[ "'$address0'", "'$address1'" ]}'
No CLI Option.
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet'
(async () => {
const txs = await client.getTXByAddress([address0, address1]);
await client.close();
})().catch((err) => {
> The above command returns JSON structured like this:
"hash": "4692772a73ea834c836915089acf97f2c790380a2b8fd32f82729da72545d8c5",
"witnessHash": "4692772a73ea834c836915089acf97f2c790380a2b8fd32f82729da72545d8c5",
"fee": 50000,
"rate": 134048,
"mtime": 1501093478,
"height": 500,
"block": "00000000a2424460c992803ed44cfe0c0333e91af04fde9a6a97b468bf1b5f70",
"time": 1296746771,
"index": 3,
"version": 1,
"flag": 1,
"inputs": [
"prevout": {
"hash": "cff00582fa957178139b0db60228fc9b252adc01ec6b11c3e16f708802c12d3f",
"index": 0
"script": "48304502203ef5c34af08cd2865820757844ac079e081e7b41bf427ac896f41ab12a9f9857022100bd0914548145648ec538c088640228baaa983a7c78fbf49526c5c30358fe0f54012103420f2cb862c7a77d7b2376660573eb6976f01f59222892dd16326ee7ef37fc5b",
"witness": "00",
"sequence": 4294967295,
"coin": {
"version": 1,
"height": 499,
"value": 346342,
"script": "76a914f93f789537ba00a23e7e84dcf145dae36f50ea8088ac",
"address": "n4Eras4wT4kRjX34zP96nCiHqietgeKnTn",
"coinbase": false
"prevout": {
"hash": "39661409f6bc4d9e08e413e01f867fe276e12e83dae89ee351df17757ca64b3f",
"index": 0
"script": "47304402201468bcfff3b1d8bdd0ba5fd94692c4dc7766411bdafe8d65b6e7a5be8f7efa8602207cdcbe3a107db271f24d7d8ac83a887ef4a1b72c910cc9ea5627b4cf37e87bcf0121025f9a9951e2d2a3037c1af09d9789b84a5776c504cd5b59bccd469124eb59835f",
"witness": "00",
"sequence": 4294967295,
"coin": {
"version": 1,
"height": 499,
"value": 1024528,
"script": "76a914c4a22b009b02fe8488c5543f0873e062712b7f6888ac",
"address": "mySf1HGynwyAuNyYrapRnwM83k3svzWTgD",
"coinbase": false
"outputs": [
"value": 1095497,
"script": "76a914ad7d7b9ac5260ad13fa55e06143283f5b36495f788ac",
"address": "mwLHWwWPDwtCBZA7Ltg9QSzKK5icdCU5rb"
"value": 225373,
"script": "76a914bc0f9f5fc9dc55323d52a9e354b5fb67cecd389788ac",
"address": "mxfL3bJohxaoBkKNtUF8xSU1DVKzbiChnZ"
"locktime": 0
Returns transaction objects array by addresses
### HTTP Request
`POST /tx/address`
### POST Parameters (JSON)
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------
addresses | array of bitcoin addresses


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
# Wallet Accounts
## Account Object
> An account object looks like this:
"wid": 1,
"id": "test",
"name": "default",
"initialized": true,
"witness": false,
"watchOnly": false,
"type": "pubkeyhash",
"m": 1,
"n": 1,
"accountIndex": 0,
"receiveDepth": 8,
"changeDepth": 1,
"nestedDepth": 0,
"lookahead": 10,
"receiveAddress": "mu5Puppq4Es3mibRskMwoGjoZujHCFRwGS",
"nestedAddress": null,
"changeAddress": "n3nFYgQR2mrLwC3X66xHNsx4UqhS3rkSnY",
"accountKey": "tpubDC5u44zLNUVo2gPVdqCbtX644PKccH5VZB3nqUgeCiwKoi6BQZGtr5d6hhougcD6PqjszsbR3xHrQ5k8yTbUt64aSthWuNdGi7zSwfGVuxc",
"keys": []
Represents a BIP44 Account belonging to a Wallet.
Note that this object does not enforce locks. Any method that does a write is internal API only and will lead to race conditions if used elsewhere.
From the [BIP44 Specification](
This level splits the key space into independent user identities, so the wallet never mixes the coins across different accounts.
Users can use these accounts to organize the funds in the same fashion as bank accounts; for donation purposes (where all addresses are considered public), for saving purposes, for common expenses etc.
Accounts are numbered from index 0 in sequentially increasing manner. This number is used as child index in BIP32 derivation.
Hardened derivation is used at this level.
## Get Wallet Account List
bcoin cli wallet account list --id=$id
const client = new bcoin.http.Client();
(async () => {
const accountInfo = await client.getAccounts(id);
> Sample response:
List all account names (array indices map directly to bip44 account indices) associated with a specific wallet id.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/:id/account`
Parameters | Description
---------- | -----------
id <br> _string_ | id of wallet you would like to retrieve the account list for
<aside class="notice">
Note that command defaults to primary (default) wallet if no wallet id is passed
## Get Account Information
let id, account;
curl $url/wallet/$id/account/$account
bcoin cli wallet --id=$id account get $account
const client = new bcoin.http.Client();
(async () => {
const accountInfo = await client.getAccount(id, account);
> Sample response:
"wid": 1,
"id": "test",
"name": "default",
"initialized": true,
"witness": false,
"watchOnly": false,
"type": "pubkeyhash",
"m": 1,
"n": 1,
"accountIndex": 0,
"receiveDepth": 8,
"changeDepth": 1,
"nestedDepth": 0,
"lookahead": 10,
"receiveAddress": "mu5Puppq4Es3mibRskMwoGjoZujHCFRwGS",
"nestedAddress": null,
"changeAddress": "n3nFYgQR2mrLwC3X66xHNsx4UqhS3rkSnY",
"accountKey": "tpubDC5u44zLNUVo2gPVdqCbtX644PKccH5VZB3nqUgeCiwKoi6BQZGtr5d6hhougcD6PqjszsbR3xHrQ5k8yTbUt64aSthWuNdGi7zSwfGVuxc",
"keys": []
Get account info.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/:id/account/:account`
Parameters | Description
---------- | -----------
id <br> _string_ | id of wallet you would like to query
account <br> _string_ | id of account you would to retrieve information for
## Create new wallet account
let id, name, type;
bcoin cli wallet --id=$id account create $name --type=$type
curl $url/wallet/$id/account/$name \
--data '{"type": "'$type"}'
const httpWallet = new bcoin.http.Wallet({ id: id });
const options = {type: type}
(async () => {
const account = await httpWallet.createAccount(name, options);
> Sample response:
"wid": 1,
"id": "test",
"name": "menace",
"initialized": true,
"witness": false,
"watchOnly": false,
"type": "multisig",
"m": 1,
"n": 1,
"accountIndex": 1,
"receiveDepth": 1,
"changeDepth": 1,
"nestedDepth": 0,
"lookahead": 10,
"receiveAddress": "mg7b3H3ZCHx3fwvUf8gaRHwcgsL7WdJQXv",
"nestedAddress": null,
"changeAddress": "mkYtQFpxDcqutMJtyzKNFPnn97zhft56wH",
"accountKey": "tpubDC5u44zLNUVo55dtQsJRsbQgeNfrp8ctxVEdDqDQtR7ES9XG5h1SGhkv2HCuKA2RZysaFzkuy5bgxF9egvG5BJgapWwbYMU4BJ1SeSj916G",
"keys": []
Create account with specified account name.
### HTTP Request
`PUT /wallet/:id/account/:name`
### Options object
Parameter | Description
--------- | -----------------
name <br> _string_ | name to give the account. Option can be `account` or `name`
witness <br> _bool_ | whether or not to act as segregated witness wallet account
watchOnly <br> _bool_ | whether or not to make watch only account. Watch only accounts can't accept private keys for import (or sign transactions)
type <br> _string_ | what type of wallet to make it ('multisig', 'pubkeyhash')
m <br> _int_ | for multisig accounts, what to make `m` in m-of-n
n <br> _int_ | for multisig accounts, what to make the `n` in m-of-n


@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
# Wallet Admin
The _admin namespace exists to differentiate administrative level tasks on the wallet API that you probably don't want to expose to individual wallets.
<aside class="notice">
Replace `[TARGET_ACTION]` with one of the available actions listed below
## Wallet Rescan
let height;
height = 50000
curl $url/wallet/_admin/rescan \
--data '{"height": '$height'}'
bcoin cli rescan $height
const height = 50000;
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet',
(async () => {
await client.rescan(height);
> Response Body:
{"success": true}
Initiates a blockchain rescan for the walletdb. Wallets will be rolled back to the specified height (transactions above this height will be unconfirmed).
### Example HTTP Request
`POST /wallet/_admin/rescan?height=50000`
## Wallet Resend
curl $url/wallet/_admin/resend \
bcoin cli resend
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet',
(async () => {
await client.resend();
> Response Body:
{"success": true}
Rebroadcast all pending transactions in all wallets.
### HTTP Request
`POST /wallet/_admin/resend`
##Wallet Backup
let path;
curl $url/wallet/_admin/backup?path=/home/user/walletdb-backup.ldb \
bcoin cli backup $path
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet',
(async () => {
await client.backup(path);
> Response Body:
{"success": true}
Safely backup the wallet database to specified path (creates a clone of the database).
### HTTP Request
`POST /wallet/_admin/backup?path=/home/user/walletdb-backup.ldb`
## List all Wallets
curl $url/wallet/_admin/wallets
bcoin cli wallets
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
network: 'testnet',
(async () => {
const wallets = await client.getWallets();
> Sample Response Body:
List all wallet IDs. Returns an array of strings.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/_admin/wallets`


@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
# Wallet Transactions
## Get Wallet TX Details
let id, hash
bcoin cli wallet --id=$id tx $hash
curl $url/wallet/$id/tx/$hash
const httpWallet = new bcoin.http.Wallet({ id: id });
(async () => {
const response = await httpWallet.getTX(hash);
> Sample Response
"wid": 1,
"id": "foo",
"hash": "18d2cf5683d7befe06941f59b7fb4ca0e915dcb9c6aece4ce8966a29e7c576fe",
"height": -1,
"block": null,
"time": 0,
"mtime": 1507077109,
"date": "2017-10-04T00:31:49Z",
"size": 225,
"virtualSize": 225,
"fee": 4540,
"rate": 20177,
"confirmations": 0,
[ { value: 5000009080,
address: "SdCEuxkbdMygcKtL36x2CT8p1vhz56SsbG",
path: [Object] } ],
[ { value: 100000000,
address: "SP7K3cSLH66zDisioqPrTC3QSRwP9GPENB",
path: null },
{ value: 4900004540,
address: "SSzzdLbBeWBwNTUpbGdD9gBk6Wzk34sT7J",
path: [Object] } ],
"tx": "010000000148ae6682231f381845f98049c871e9b6bf0a9a7f5c5270354f71079262577977000000006a47304402203359117c409d292700fbacc03e4b540066a6b8ca763f1dd578e8262fe5e74c1b02206c91f816755469cd4a6b110941b51f29e251b86afe246456cf17823ef4fc7f5301210299c1a1049d546a720dd614034ce2802a3f64d64c37b729ae184825f71d0a037affffffff0200e1f505000000001976a91413eab6745a3fcbcf8b4448c130ff8bc37db6e91b88acbc221024010000001976a9143e9958577401fe8d75ed6f162cc6832fcb26094188ac00000000"
Get wallet transaction details.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/:id/tx/:hash`
### Request Parameters
Parameter | Description
--------- | --------------
id <br> _string_ | id of wallet that handled the transaction
hash <br> _string_ | hash of the transaction you're trying to retrieve
## Delete Transaction
let id, hash, passphrase;
# Not available in CLI
curl $url/wallet/$id/tx/$hash \
--data '{"passphrase": "'$passphrase'"}'
// Not available in javascript wallet client.
Abandon single pending transaction. Confirmed transactions will throw an error.
`"TX not eligible"`
### HTTP Request
`DEL /wallet/:id/tx/:hash`
Paramters | Description
----------| --------------------
id <br> _string_ | id of wallet where the transaction is that you want to remove
hash <br> _string_ | hash of transaction you would like to remove.
## Get Wallet TX History
let id;
bcoin cli wallet --id=$id history
curl $url/wallet/$id/tx/history
const httpWallet = new bcoin.http.Wallet({ id: id });
const account = 'default';
(async () => {
const response = await httpWallet.getHistory(account);
> Sample Response
"wid": 1,
"id": "primary",
"hash": "f5968051ce275d89b7a6b797eb6e6b081243ecf027872fc6949fae443e21b858",
"height": -1,
"block": null,
"time": 0,
"mtime": 1503690544,
"date": "2017-08-25T19:49:04Z",
"size": 226,
"virtualSize": 226,
"fee": 0,
"rate": 0,
"confirmations": 0,
"inputs": [
"value": 0,
"address": "mp2w1u4oqZnHDd1zDeAvCTX9B3SaFsUFQx",
"path": null
"outputs": [
"value": 100000,
"address": "myCkrhQbJwqM8wKi9YuhyTjN3pukNuWxZ9",
"path": {
"name": "default",
"account": 0,
"change": false,
"derivation": "m/0'/0/3"
"value": 29790920,
"address": "mqNm1rSYVqD23Aj6fkupApuSok9DNZAeBk",
"path": null
"tx": "0100000001ef8a38cc946c57634c2db05fc298bf94f5c88829c5a6e2b0610fcc7b38a9264f010000006b483045022100e98db5ddb92686fe77bb44f86ce8bf6ff693c1a1fb2fb434c6eeed7cf5e7bed4022053dca3980a902ece82fb8e9e5204c26946893388e4663dbb71e78946f49dd0f90121024c4abc2a3683891b35c04e6d40a07ee78e7d86ad9d7a14265fe214fe84513676ffffffff02a0860100000000001976a914c2013ac1a5f6a9ae91f66e71bbfae4cc762c2ca988acc892c601000000001976a9146c2483bf52052e1125fc75dd77dad06d65b70a8288ac00000000"
Get wallet TX history. Returns array of tx details.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/:id/tx/history`
### Request Parameters
Paramter | Description
-------- | -------------------------
id <br> _string_ | id of wallet to get history of
## Get Pending Transactions
let id;
bcoin cli wallet --id=$id pending
curl $url/wallet/$id/tx/unconfirmed
const httpWallet = new bcoin.http.Wallet({ id: id });
(async () => {
const response = await httpWallet.getPending(account);
Get pending wallet transactions. Returns array of tx details.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/:id/tx/unconfirmed`
### Request Parameters
Paramter | Description
-------- | -------------------------
id <br> _string_ | id of wallet to get pending/unconfirmed txs
## Get Range of Transactions
let id, account, start, end;
# range not available in CLI
curl $url/wallet/$id/tx/range?start=$start
const httpWallet = new bcoin.http.Wallet({ id: id });
(async () => {
const response = await httpWallet.getRange(account, {start: start, end: end});
> Sample Response
{ "wid": 1,
"id": "primary",
"hash": "80ac63671e7b8635d10d372c4c3bed5615624d9fa28dfd747abf440417d70983",
"height": -1,
"block": null,
"time": 0,
"mtime": 1506909119,
"date": "2017-10-02T01:51:59Z",
"size": 200,
"virtualSize": 173,
"fee": 0,
"rate": 0,
"confirmations": 0,
"inputs": [ [Object] ],
"outputs": [ [Object], [Object] ],
"tx": "010000000001010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ffffffff20028d010e6d696e65642062792062636f696e045460ad97080000000000000000ffffffff02bc03062a010000001976a914d7ee508e06ece23679ba9ee0a770561ae2ed595688ac0000000000000000266a24aa21a9ed5772988727e8641cf3c7d2bf5a7fee9a5d0e827de0b6bed5658eee8f0821b5200120000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
Get range of wallet transactions by timestamp. Returns array of tx details.
<aside class="notice">
Note that there are other options documented that `getRange` accepts in the options body, `limit` and `reverse`. At the time of writing however they do not have any effect.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/:id/tx/range`
### Body Parameters
Paramter | Description
-------- | -------------------------
account <br>_string_ | account to get the tx history from
start <br> _int_ | start time to get range from
end <br> _int_ | end time to get range from
<!-- ##GET /wallet/:id/tx/last
Get last N wallet transactions.
### HTTP Request
`GET /wallet/:id/tx/last` -->


@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
title: Bcoin API Reference
language_tabs: # must be one of
- shell--curl: cURL
- shell--cli: CLI
- javascript
- <a href=''>Join us on Slack</a>
- <a href=''>See the code on GitHub</a>
- <a href=''>Browse the guides</a>
- <a href=''>Full API Documentation</a>
- <a href=''>Documentation Powered by Slate</a>
- clients
- node
- node_rpc
- node_rpc_general
- node_rpc_chain
- node_rpc_block
- node_rpc_mempool
- node_rpc_tx
- node_rpc_mining
- node_rpc_network
- coin
- transaction
- wallet_admin
- wallet
- wallet_tx
- wallet_accounts
- errors
search: true
# Introduction
Welcome to the Bcoin API!
The default bcoin HTTP server listens on the standard RPC port (`8332` for main, `18332` for testnet, `48332` for regtest, and `18556` default for simnet). It exposes a REST json api, as well as a JSON-RPC api.
# Authentication
## Auth
curl http://x:[api-key]@
export BCOIN_API_KEY=[api-key]
bcoin cli info
const client = new bcoin.http.Client({
apiKey: [api-key],
// Or wallet
const wallet = new bcoin.http.Wallet({
apiKey: [api-key],
> Make sure to replace `[api-key]` with your own key.
Auth is accomplished via HTTP Basic Auth, using your node's API key (passed via --api-key).
<aside class="notice">
You must replace <code>[api-key]</code> with your personal API key.
<aside class="warning">
If you intend to use API via network and setup <code>api-key</code>, make sure to setup <code>ssl</code> too.


@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
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Copyright 2008-2013 Concur Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
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// parseURL and stringifyURL are from
// MIT licensed
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return str.split('&').reduce(function (ret, param) {
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var key = parts[0];
var val = parts[1];
key = decodeURIComponent(key);
// missing `=` should be `null`:
val = val === undefined ? null : decodeURIComponent(val);
if (!ret.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
ret[key] = val;
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} else {
ret[key] = [ret[key], val];
return ret;
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var val = obj[key];
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return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val2);
return encodeURIComponent(key) + '=' + encodeURIComponent(val);
}).join('&') : '';
// gets the language set in the query string
function getLanguageFromQueryString() {
if ( >= 1) {
var language = parseURL(
if (language) {
return language;
} else if (jQuery.inArray(, languages) != -1) {
return false;
// returns a new query string with the new language in it
function generateNewQueryString(language) {
var url = parseURL(;
if (url.language) {
url.language = language;
return stringifyURL(url);
return language;
// if a button is clicked, add the state to the history
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// the language is in the URL, so use that language!
localStorage.setItem("language", presetLanguage);
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// the language was the last selected one saved in localstorage, so use that language!
} else {
// no language selected, so use the default
// if we click on a language tab, activate that language
$(function() {
$(".lang-selector a").on("click", function() {
var language = $(this).data("language-name");
return false;


@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
//= require ../lib/_lunr
//= require ../lib/_jquery
//= require ../lib/_jquery.highlight
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var highlightOpts = { element: 'span', className: 'search-highlight' };
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index.field('title', { boost: 10 });
index.pipeline.add(lunr.trimmer, lunr.stopWordFilter);
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var title = $(this);
var body = title.nextUntil('h1, h2');
id: title.prop('id'),
title: title.text(),
body: body.text()
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if(index.tokenStore.length>5000) {
searchDelay = 300;
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var wait = function() {
return function(executingFunction, waitTime){
timeoutHandle = setTimeout(executingFunction, waitTime);
}, searchDelay );
function search(event) {
var searchInput = $('#input-search')[0];
// ESC clears the field
if (event.keyCode === 27) searchInput.value = '';
if (searchInput.value) {
var results = {
return r.score > 0.0001;
if (results.length) {
$.each(results, function (index, result) {
var elem = document.getElementById(result.ref);
searchResults.append("<li><a href='#" + result.ref + "'>" + $(elem).text() + "</a></li>");
} else {
$('.search-results li').text('No Results Found for "' + searchInput.value + '"');
} else {
function highlight() {
if (this.value) content.highlight(this.value, highlightOpts);
function unhighlight() {


@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
//= require ../lib/_jquery
//= require ../lib/_imagesloaded.min
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var debounce = function(func, waitTime) {
var timeout = false;
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// is shorter than the window height
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window.history.pushState(null, "", best);
// TODO remove classnames
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return false;
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setTimeout(function() {
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* energize.js v0.1.0
* Speeds up click events on mobile devices.
(function() { // Sandbox
* Don't add to non-touch devices, which don't need to be sped up
if(!('ontouchstart' in window)) return;
var lastClick = {},
isThresholdReached, touchstart, touchmove, touchend,
click, closest;
* isThresholdReached
* Compare touchstart with touchend xy coordinates,
* and only fire simulated click event if the coordinates
* are nearby. (don't want clicking to be confused with a swipe)
isThresholdReached = function(startXY, xy) {
return Math.abs(startXY[0] - xy[0]) > 5 || Math.abs(startXY[1] - xy[1]) > 5;
* touchstart
* Save xy coordinates when the user starts touching the screen
touchstart = function(e) {
this.startXY = [e.touches[0].clientX, e.touches[0].clientY];
this.threshold = false;
* touchmove
* Check if the user is scrolling past the threshold.
* Have to check here because touchend will not always fire
* on some tested devices (Kindle Fire?)
touchmove = function(e) {
// NOOP if the threshold has already been reached
if(this.threshold) return false;
this.threshold = isThresholdReached(this.startXY, [e.touches[0].clientX, e.touches[0].clientY]);
* touchend
* If the user didn't scroll past the threshold between
* touchstart and touchend, fire a simulated click.
* (This will fire before a native click)
touchend = function(e) {
// Don't fire a click if the user scrolled past the threshold
if(this.threshold || isThresholdReached(this.startXY, [e.changedTouches[0].clientX, e.changedTouches[0].clientY])) {
* Create and fire a click event on the target element
var touch = e.changedTouches[0],
evt = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
evt.initMouseEvent('click', true, true, window, 0, touch.screenX, touch.screenY, touch.clientX, touch.clientY, false, false, false, false, 0, null);
evt.simulated = true; // distinguish from a normal (nonsimulated) click;
* click
* Because we've already fired a click event in touchend,
* we need to listed for all native click events here
* and suppress them as necessary.
click = function(e) {
* Prevent ghost clicks by only allowing clicks we created
* in the click event we fired (look for e.simulated)
var time =,
timeDiff = time - lastClick.time,
x = e.clientX,
y = e.clientY,
xyDiff = [Math.abs(lastClick.x - x), Math.abs(lastClick.y - y)],
target = closest(, 'A') ||, // needed for standalone apps
nodeName = target.nodeName,
isLink = nodeName === 'A',
standAlone = window.navigator.standalone && isLink &&"href");
lastClick.time = time;
lastClick.x = x;
lastClick.y = y;
* Unfortunately Android sometimes fires click events without touch events (seen on Kindle Fire),
* so we have to add more logic to determine the time of the last click. Not perfect...
* Older, simpler check: if((!e.simulated) || standAlone)
if((!e.simulated && (timeDiff < 500 || (timeDiff < 1500 && xyDiff[0] < 50 && xyDiff[1] < 50))) || standAlone) {
if(!standAlone) return false;
* Special logic for standalone web apps
* See
if(standAlone) {
window.location = target.getAttribute("href");
* Add an energize-focus class to the targeted link (mimics :focus behavior)
* TODO: test and/or remove? Does this work?
if(!target || !target.classList) return;
}, 150);
* closest
* @param {HTMLElement} node current node to start searching from.
* @param {string} tagName the (uppercase) name of the tag you're looking for.
* Find the closest ancestor tag of a given node.
* Starts at node and goes up the DOM tree looking for a
* matching nodeName, continuing until hitting document.body
closest = function(node, tagName){
var curNode = node;
while(curNode !== document.body) { // go up the dom until we find the tag we're after
if(!curNode || curNode.nodeName === tagName) { return curNode; } // found
curNode = curNode.parentNode; // not found, so keep going up
return null; // not found
* Add all delegated event listeners
* All the events we care about bubble up to document,
* so we can take advantage of event delegation.
* Note: no need to wait for DOMContentLoaded here
document.addEventListener('touchstart', touchstart, false);
document.addEventListener('touchmove', touchmove, false);
document.addEventListener('touchend', touchend, false);
document.addEventListener('click', click, true); // TODO: why does this use capture?


File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long


@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
* jQuery Highlight plugin
* Based on highlight v3 by Johann Burkard
* Code a little bit refactored and cleaned (in my humble opinion).
* Most important changes:
* - has an option to highlight only entire words (wordsOnly - false by default),
* - has an option to be case sensitive (caseSensitive - false by default)
* - highlight element tag and class names can be specified in options
* Usage:
* // wrap every occurrance of text 'lorem' in content
* // with <span class='highlight'> (default options)
* $('#content').highlight('lorem');
* // search for and highlight more terms at once
* // so you can save some time on traversing DOM
* $('#content').highlight(['lorem', 'ipsum']);
* $('#content').highlight('lorem ipsum');
* // search only for entire word 'lorem'
* $('#content').highlight('lorem', { wordsOnly: true });
* // don't ignore case during search of term 'lorem'
* $('#content').highlight('lorem', { caseSensitive: true });
* // wrap every occurrance of term 'ipsum' in content
* // with <em class='important'>
* $('#content').highlight('ipsum', { element: 'em', className: 'important' });
* // remove default highlight
* $('#content').unhighlight();
* // remove custom highlight
* $('#content').unhighlight({ element: 'em', className: 'important' });
* Copyright (c) 2009 Bartek Szopka
* Licensed under MIT license.
highlight: function (node, re, nodeName, className) {
if (node.nodeType === 3) {
var match =;
if (match) {
var highlight = document.createElement(nodeName || 'span');
highlight.className = className || 'highlight';
var wordNode = node.splitText(match.index);
var wordClone = wordNode.cloneNode(true);
wordNode.parentNode.replaceChild(highlight, wordNode);
return 1; //skip added node in parent
} else if ((node.nodeType === 1 && node.childNodes) && // only element nodes that have children
!/(script|style)/i.test(node.tagName) && // ignore script and style nodes
!(node.tagName === nodeName.toUpperCase() && node.className === className)) { // skip if already highlighted
for (var i = 0; i < node.childNodes.length; i++) {
i += jQuery.highlight(node.childNodes[i], re, nodeName, className);
return 0;
jQuery.fn.unhighlight = function (options) {
var settings = { className: 'highlight', element: 'span' };
jQuery.extend(settings, options);
return this.find(settings.element + "." + settings.className).each(function () {
var parent = this.parentNode;
parent.replaceChild(this.firstChild, this);
jQuery.fn.highlight = function (words, options) {
var settings = { className: 'highlight', element: 'span', caseSensitive: false, wordsOnly: false };
jQuery.extend(settings, options);
if (words.constructor === String) {
words = [words];
words = jQuery.grep(words, function(word, i){
return word != '';
words =, function(word, i) {
return word.replace(/[-[\]{}()*+?.,\\^$|#\s]/g, "\\$&");
if (words.length == 0) { return this; };
var flag = settings.caseSensitive ? "" : "i";
var pattern = "(" + words.join("|") + ")";
if (settings.wordsOnly) {
pattern = "\\b" + pattern + "\\b";
var re = new RegExp(pattern, flag);
return this.each(function () {
jQuery.highlight(this, re, settings.element, settings.className);


File diff suppressed because it is too large


File diff suppressed because it is too large


@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
Copyright 2008-2013 Concur Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
<% language_tabs = || [] %>
<% page_content = yield %>
if do |include|
page_content += partial("includes/#{include}")
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta content="IE=edge,chrome=1" http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1">
<title><%= || "API Documentation" %></title>
<%= Rouge::Themes::MonokaiSublime.render(:scope => '.highlight') %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :screen, media: :screen %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag :print, media: :print %>
<% if %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "all" %>
<% else %>
<%= javascript_include_tag "all_nosearch" %>
<% end %>
<body class="<%= page_classes %>" data-languages="<%=h{ |lang| lang.is_a?(Hash) ? lang.keys.first : lang }.to_json %>">
<a href="#" id="nav-button">
<%= image_tag('navbar.png') %>
<div class="toc-wrapper">
<% if %>
<a href="<%= %>">
<% end %>
<%= image_tag "logo.png", class: 'logo' %>
<% if %>
<% end %>
<% if language_tabs.any? %>
<div class="lang-selector">
<% language_tabs.each do |lang| %>
<% if lang.is_a? Hash %>
<a href="#" data-language-name="<%= lang.keys.first %>"><%= lang.values.first %></a>
<% else %>
<a href="#" data-language-name="<%= lang %>"><%= lang %></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if %>
<div class="search">
<input type="text" class="search" id="input-search" placeholder="Search">
<ul class="search-results"></ul>
<% end %>
<div id="toc" class="toc-list-h1">
<% toc_data(page_content).each do |h1| %>
<a href="#<%= h1[:id] %>" class="toc-h1 toc-link" data-title="<%= h1[:content] %>"><%= h1[:content] %></a>
<% if h1[:children].length > 0 %>
<ul class="toc-list-h2">
<% h1[:children].each do |h2| %>
<a href="#<%= h2[:id] %>" class="toc-h2 toc-link" data-title="<%= h1[:content] %>"><%= h2[:content] %></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if %>
<ul class="toc-footer">
<% do |footer| %>
<li><%= footer %></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<div class="page-wrapper">
<div class="dark-box"></div>
<div class="content">
<%= page_content %>
<div class="dark-box">
<% if language_tabs.any? %>
<div class="lang-selector">
<% language_tabs.each do |lang| %>
<% if lang.is_a? Hash %>
<a href="#" data-language-name="<%= lang.keys.first %>"><%= lang.values.first %></a>
<% else %>
<a href="#" data-language-name="<%= lang %>"><%= lang %></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>


@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
.page-wrapper {
background-color: #dadee0;
.toc-wrapper .logo {
width: 60%;
margin: 20px 0 20px 15px;
.highlight .s1 {
color: #c991f9;
.highlight .s2 {
color: #b0faff;
.highlight .nb {
color: #ffa900;
.highlight .o {
color: #ff005c;
.highlight .kc {
color: #29adff;
.highlight .na {
color: #ccec8a;
.page-wrapper .dark-box {
background-color: #474f52;
.content aside {
background: #b3c4fb;
.content aside.warning {
background-color: #c0b3f3;
.toc-wrapper {
background-color: #5659dc;


@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
@font-face {
font-family: 'slate';
src:font-url('slate.eot?#iefix-syv14m') format('embedded-opentype'),
font-url('slate.woff2?-syv14m') format('woff2'),
font-url('slate.woff?-syv14m') format('woff'),
font-url('slate.ttf?-syv14m') format('truetype'),
font-url('slate.svg?-syv14m#slate') format('svg');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal;
%icon {
font-family: 'slate';
speak: none;
font-style: normal;
font-weight: normal;
font-variant: normal;
text-transform: none;
line-height: 1;
%icon-exclamation-sign {
@extend %icon;
content: "\e600";
%icon-info-sign {
@extend %icon;
content: "\e602";
%icon-ok-sign {
@extend %icon;
content: "\e606";
%icon-search {
@extend %icon;
content: "\e607";


@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
/*! normalize.css v3.0.2 | MIT License | */
* 1. Set default font family to sans-serif.
* 2. Prevent iOS text size adjust after orientation change, without disabling
* user zoom.
html {
font-family: sans-serif; /* 1 */
-ms-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
-webkit-text-size-adjust: 100%; /* 2 */
* Remove default margin.
body {
margin: 0;
/* HTML5 display definitions
========================================================================== */
* Correct `block` display not defined for any HTML5 element in IE 8/9.
* Correct `block` display not defined for `details` or `summary` in IE 10/11
* and Firefox.
* Correct `block` display not defined for `main` in IE 11.
summary {
display: block;
* 1. Correct `inline-block` display not defined in IE 8/9.
* 2. Normalize vertical alignment of `progress` in Chrome, Firefox, and Opera.
video {
display: inline-block; /* 1 */
vertical-align: baseline; /* 2 */
* Prevent modern browsers from displaying `audio` without controls.
* Remove excess height in iOS 5 devices.
audio:not([controls]) {
display: none;
height: 0;
* Address `[hidden]` styling not present in IE 8/9/10.
* Hide the `template` element in IE 8/9/11, Safari, and Firefox < 22.
template {
display: none;
/* Links
========================================================================== */
* Remove the gray background color from active links in IE 10.
a {
background-color: transparent;
* Improve readability when focused and also mouse hovered in all browsers.
a:hover {
outline: 0;
/* Text-level semantics
========================================================================== */
* Address styling not present in IE 8/9/10/11, Safari, and Chrome.
abbr[title] {
border-bottom: 1px dotted;
* Address style set to `bolder` in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
strong {
font-weight: bold;
* Address styling not present in Safari and Chrome.
dfn {
font-style: italic;
* Address variable `h1` font-size and margin within `section` and `article`
* contexts in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
h1 {
font-size: 2em;
margin: 0.67em 0;
* Address styling not present in IE 8/9.
mark {
background: #ff0;
color: #000;
* Address inconsistent and variable font size in all browsers.
small {
font-size: 80%;
* Prevent `sub` and `sup` affecting `line-height` in all browsers.
sup {
font-size: 75%;
line-height: 0;
position: relative;
vertical-align: baseline;
sup {
top: -0.5em;
sub {
bottom: -0.25em;
/* Embedded content
========================================================================== */
* Remove border when inside `a` element in IE 8/9/10.
img {
border: 0;
* Correct overflow not hidden in IE 9/10/11.
svg:not(:root) {
overflow: hidden;
/* Grouping content
========================================================================== */
* Address margin not present in IE 8/9 and Safari.
figure {
margin: 1em 40px;
* Address differences between Firefox and other browsers.
hr {
-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
box-sizing: content-box;
height: 0;
* Contain overflow in all browsers.
pre {
overflow: auto;
* Address odd `em`-unit font size rendering in all browsers.
samp {
font-family: monospace, monospace;
font-size: 1em;
/* Forms
========================================================================== */
* Known limitation: by default, Chrome and Safari on OS X allow very limited
* styling of `select`, unless a `border` property is set.
* 1. Correct color not being inherited.
* Known issue: affects color of disabled elements.
* 2. Correct font properties not being inherited.
* 3. Address margins set differently in Firefox 4+, Safari, and Chrome.
textarea {
color: inherit; /* 1 */
font: inherit; /* 2 */
margin: 0; /* 3 */
* Address `overflow` set to `hidden` in IE 8/9/10/11.
button {
overflow: visible;
* Address inconsistent `text-transform` inheritance for `button` and `select`.
* All other form control elements do not inherit `text-transform` values.
* Correct `button` style inheritance in Firefox, IE 8/9/10/11, and Opera.
* Correct `select` style inheritance in Firefox.
select {
text-transform: none;
* 1. Avoid the WebKit bug in Android 4.0.* where (2) destroys native `audio`
* and `video` controls.
* 2. Correct inability to style clickable `input` types in iOS.
* 3. Improve usability and consistency of cursor style between image-type
* `input` and others.
html input[type="button"], /* 1 */
input[type="submit"] {
-webkit-appearance: button; /* 2 */
cursor: pointer; /* 3 */
* Re-set default cursor for disabled elements.
html input[disabled] {
cursor: default;
* Remove inner padding and border in Firefox 4+.
input::-moz-focus-inner {
border: 0;
padding: 0;
* Address Firefox 4+ setting `line-height` on `input` using `!important` in
* the UA stylesheet.
input {
line-height: normal;
* It's recommended that you don't attempt to style these elements.
* Firefox's implementation doesn't respect box-sizing, padding, or width.
* 1. Address box sizing set to `content-box` in IE 8/9/10.
* 2. Remove excess padding in IE 8/9/10.
input[type="radio"] {
box-sizing: border-box; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 2 */
* Fix the cursor style for Chrome's increment/decrement buttons. For certain
* `font-size` values of the `input`, it causes the cursor style of the
* decrement button to change from `default` to `text`.
input[type="number"]::-webkit-outer-spin-button {
height: auto;
* 1. Address `appearance` set to `searchfield` in Safari and Chrome.
* 2. Address `box-sizing` set to `border-box` in Safari and Chrome
* (include `-moz` to future-proof).
input[type="search"] {
-webkit-appearance: textfield; /* 1 */
-moz-box-sizing: content-box;
-webkit-box-sizing: content-box; /* 2 */
box-sizing: content-box;
* Remove inner padding and search cancel button in Safari and Chrome on OS X.
* Safari (but not Chrome) clips the cancel button when the search input has
* padding (and `textfield` appearance).
input[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration {
-webkit-appearance: none;
* Define consistent border, margin, and padding.
fieldset {
border: 1px solid #c0c0c0;
margin: 0 2px;
padding: 0.35em 0.625em 0.75em;
* 1. Correct `color` not being inherited in IE 8/9/10/11.
* 2. Remove padding so people aren't caught out if they zero out fieldsets.
legend {
border: 0; /* 1 */
padding: 0; /* 2 */
* Remove default vertical scrollbar in IE 8/9/10/11.
textarea {
overflow: auto;
* Don't inherit the `font-weight` (applied by a rule above).
* NOTE: the default cannot safely be changed in Chrome and Safari on OS X.
optgroup {
font-weight: bold;
/* Tables
========================================================================== */
* Remove most spacing between table cells.
table {
border-collapse: collapse;
border-spacing: 0;
th {
padding: 0;


@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
Copyright 2008-2013 Concur Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
// Use these settings to help adjust the appearance of Slate
$nav-bg: #2E3336 !default;
$examples-bg: #2E3336 !default;
$code-bg: #1E2224 !default;
$code-annotation-bg: #191D1F !default;
$nav-subitem-bg: #1E2224 !default;
$nav-active-bg: #0F75D4 !default;
$nav-active-parent-bg: #1E2224 !default; // parent links of the current section
$lang-select-border: #000 !default;
$lang-select-bg: #1E2224 !default;
$lang-select-active-bg: $examples-bg !default; // feel free to change this to blue or something
$lang-select-pressed-bg: #111 !default; // color of language tab bg when mouse is pressed
$main-bg: #F3F7F9 !default;
$aside-notice-bg: #8fbcd4 !default;
$aside-warning-bg: #c97a7e !default;
$aside-success-bg: #6ac174 !default;
$search-notice-bg: #c97a7e !default;
$main-text: #333 !default; // main content text color
$nav-text: #fff !default;
$nav-active-text: #fff !default;
$nav-active-parent-text: #fff !default; // parent links of the current section
$lang-select-text: #fff !default; // color of unselected language tab text
$lang-select-active-text: #fff !default; // color of selected language tab text
$lang-select-pressed-text: #fff !default; // color of language tab text when mouse is pressed
$nav-width: 230px !default; // width of the navbar
$examples-width: 50% !default; // portion of the screen taken up by code examples
$logo-margin: 0px !default; // margin below logo
$main-padding: 28px !default; // padding to left and right of content & examples
$nav-padding: 15px !default; // padding to left and right of navbar
$nav-v-padding: 10px !default; // padding used vertically around search boxes and results
$nav-indent: 10px !default; // extra padding for ToC subitems
$code-annotation-padding: 13px !default; // padding inside code annotations
$h1-margin-bottom: 21px !default; // padding under the largest header tags
$tablet-width: 930px !default; // min width before reverting to tablet size
$phone-width: $tablet-width - $nav-width !default; // min width before reverting to mobile size
%default-font {
font-family: -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, "Segoe UI", Roboto, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif, "Apple Color Emoji", "Segoe UI Emoji", "Segoe UI Symbol";
font-size: 14px;
%header-font {
@extend %default-font;
font-weight: bold;
%code-font {
font-family: Consolas, Menlo, Monaco, "Lucida Console", "Liberation Mono", "DejaVu Sans Mono", "Bitstream Vera Sans Mono", "Courier New", monospace, serif;
font-size: 12px;
line-height: 1.5;
$nav-footer-border-color: #666 !default;
$search-box-border-color: #666 !default;
// These settings are probably best left alone.
%break-words {
word-break: break-all;
hyphens: auto;


@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
@charset "utf-8";
@import 'normalize';
@import 'variables';
@import 'icon-font';
Copyright 2008-2013 Concur Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
$print-color: #999;
$print-color-light: #ccc;
$print-font-size: 12px;
body {
@extend %default-font;
.tocify, .toc-footer, .lang-selector, .search, #nav-button {
display: none;
.tocify-wrapper>img {
margin: 0 auto;
display: block;
.content {
font-size: 12px;
pre, code {
@extend %code-font;
@extend %break-words;
border: 1px solid $print-color;
border-radius: 5px;
font-size: 0.8em;
pre {
code {
border: 0;
pre {
padding: 1.3em;
code {
padding: 0.2em;
table {
border: 1px solid $print-color;
tr {
border-bottom: 1px solid $print-color;
td,th {
padding: 0.7em;
p {
line-height: 1.5;
a {
text-decoration: none;
color: #000;
h1 {
@extend %header-font;
font-size: 2.5em;
padding-top: 0.5em;
padding-bottom: 0.5em;
margin-top: 1em;
margin-bottom: $h1-margin-bottom;
border: 2px solid $print-color-light;
border-width: 2px 0;
text-align: center;
h2 {
@extend %header-font;
font-size: 1.8em;
margin-top: 2em;
border-top: 2px solid $print-color-light;
padding-top: 0.8em;
h1+h2, h1+div+h2 {
border-top: none;
padding-top: 0;
margin-top: 0;
h3, h4 {
@extend %header-font;
font-size: 0.8em;
margin-top: 1.5em;
margin-bottom: 0.8em;
text-transform: uppercase;
h5, h6 {
text-transform: uppercase;
aside {
padding: 1em;
border: 1px solid $print-color-light;
border-radius: 5px;
margin-top: 1.5em;
margin-bottom: 1.5em;
line-height: 1.6;
aside:before {
vertical-align: middle;
padding-right: 0.5em;
font-size: 14px;
aside.notice:before {
@extend %icon-info-sign;
aside.warning:before {
@extend %icon-exclamation-sign;
aside.success:before {
@extend %icon-ok-sign;


@ -0,0 +1,616 @@
@charset "utf-8";
@import 'normalize';
@import 'variables';
@import 'icon-font';
Copyright 2008-2013 Concur Technologies, Inc.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
under the License.
html, body {
color: $main-text;
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
-webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased;
-moz-osx-font-smoothing: grayscale;
@extend %default-font;
background-color: $main-bg;
height: 100%;
-webkit-text-size-adjust: none; /* Never autoresize text */
#toc > ul > li > a > span {
float: right;
background-color: #2484FF;
border-radius: 40px;
width: 20px;
.toc-wrapper {
transition: left 0.3s ease-in-out;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
position: fixed;
z-index: 30;
top: 0;
left: 0;
bottom: 0;
width: $nav-width;
background-color: $nav-bg;
font-size: 13px;
font-weight: bold;
// language selector for mobile devices
.lang-selector {
display: none;
a {
padding-top: 0.5em;
padding-bottom: 0.5em;
// This is the logo at the top of the ToC
&>img {
display: block;
max-width: 100%;
&>.search {
position: relative;
input {
background: $nav-bg;
border-width: 0 0 1px 0;
border-color: $search-box-border-color;
padding: 6px 0 6px 20px;
box-sizing: border-box;
margin: $nav-v-padding $nav-padding;
width: $nav-width - 30;
outline: none;
color: $nav-text;
border-radius: 0; /* ios has a default border radius */
&:before {
position: absolute;
top: 17px;
left: $nav-padding;
color: $nav-text;
@extend %icon-search;
.logo {
margin-bottom: $logo-margin;
.search-results {
margin-top: 0;
box-sizing: border-box;
height: 0;
overflow-y: auto;
overflow-x: hidden;
transition-property: height, margin;
transition-duration: 180ms;
transition-timing-function: ease-in-out;
background: $nav-subitem-bg;
&.visible {
height: 30%;
margin-bottom: 1em;
li {
margin: 1em $nav-padding;
line-height: 1;
a {
color: $nav-text;
text-decoration: none;
&:hover {
text-decoration: underline;
// The Table of Contents is composed of multiple nested
// unordered lists. These styles remove the default
// styling of an unordered list because it is ugly.
ul, li {
list-style: none;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
line-height: 28px;
li {
color: $nav-text;
transition-property: background;
transition-timing-function: linear;
transition-duration: 200ms;
// This is the currently selected ToC entry {
background-color: $nav-active-bg;
color: $nav-active-text;
// this is parent links of the currently selected ToC entry {
background-color: $nav-active-parent-bg;
color: $nav-active-parent-text;
.toc-list-h2 {
display: none;
background-color: $nav-subitem-bg;
font-weight: 500;
.toc-h2 {
padding-left: $nav-padding + $nav-indent;
font-size: 12px;
.toc-footer {
padding: 1em 0;
margin-top: 1em;
border-top: 1px dashed $nav-footer-border-color;
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@ -682,7 +682,7 @@
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@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
cd ./api-docs-slate
gem install bundler
bundle install
bundle exec middleman build --clean # build api docs
cp -RT ./build/ ../api-docs && rm -r ./build


@ -262,6 +262,7 @@
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@ -356,6 +357,27 @@
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<h2 class="post-title"><a href="guides/wallets.html">Wallets and Accounts and Keys, Oh My!</a></h2>
<ul class="post-meta">
<li>By Daniel McNally</li>
<p>A guide to creating and working with wallets in bcoin</p>
<a href="guides/wallets.html" class="btn btn-lg btn-link btn-base">Start ›</a>
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@ -267,6 +267,7 @@
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<li><a href="multisig-tx.html">Creating Multisignature Transactions</a></li>
@ -317,7 +318,11 @@
<p>ALL|ANYONECANPAY<br>This construction can be used to make a &quot;crowdfunding”-style transaction. Someone attempting to raise funds can construct a transaction with a single output. The single output pays the &quot;goal&quot; amount to the fundraiser. Such a transaction is obviously not valid, as it has no inputs. However, others can now amend it by adding an input of their own, as a donation. They sign their own input with ALL|ANYONECANPAY. Unless enough inputs are gathered to reach the value of the output, the transaction is invalid. Each donation is a &quot;pledge,&quot; which cannot be collected by the fundraiser until the entire goal amount is raised.</p>
<h2 id="the-code">The Code</h2><p>We&#39;ll walk through the steps of creating the transaction first without any wallet database or node running. Then we&#39;ll do the same thing using bcoin&#39;s walletdb to manage the keys to see how it would work in a more realistic application (skip to <a href="#version-2-using-the-bcoin-wallet-system">Version 2</a>) further in the guide to check it out). At the end, we&#39;ll put out some ideas of how these can be built upon for a more robust, production ready application. (If this is something you&#39;d be interested in building, <a href="">get in touch</a>!). If you want to see the code, checkout the <a href="">repo on github</a>.</p>
<<<<<<< HEAD
<p>If you&#39;re not comfortable with key management, coin selection, and how transactions are constructed, checkout the tutorial on <a href="">working with transactions</a> first.</p>
<p>If you&#39;re not comfortable with key management, coin selection, and how transactions are constructed, checkout the tutorial on <a href="">working with transactions</a> first.</p>
>>>>>>> staging
<h3 id="version-1--manual-key-management">Version 1 - Manual Key Management</h3><h4 id="step-1-setup">Step 1: Setup</h4><p>Let&#39;s first start by importing the right tools, setting up some constants, and creating our keychains. (make sure you&#39;ve installed the latest version of bcoin into your project with <code>npm install bcoin</code>).</p>
<p>Note that we&#39;re setting the fundingTarget and amountToFund as constants for simplicity, but they could be set based on user input or some other variable circumstances.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token string">'use strict'</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
@ -399,7 +404,11 @@
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>
<span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span>
<span class="token property">"1"</span><span class="token operator">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">[</span>...<span class="token punctuation">]</span>
<<<<<<< HEAD
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="step-3-prepare-your-coins">Step 3: Prepare your Coins</h4><p>Above, we just funded our funder accounts with a single 5BTC outpoint. This means that the next transaction funded from these accounts can only use that one outpoint (or <em>coin</em>) as an input and send the remainder back as change. Remember, in Bitcoin the way you send funds is you fund a transaction with a full UTXO (in this case we only have one worth 5BTC available to our keychains) and then send the change back to yourself as an additional output. Since ALL|ANYONECANPAY transactions mean a fixed output, you can&#39;t add new change outputs without other signatures becoming invalid which means we need a coin available equal to the amount we want to contribute to the crowdfund.</p>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="step-4-prepare-your-coins">Step 4: Prepare your Coins</h4><p>Above, we just funded our funder accounts with a single 5BTC outpoint. This means that the next transaction funded from these accounts can only use that one outpoint (or <em>coin</em>) as an input and send the remainder back as change. Remember, in Bitcoin the way you send funds is you fund a transaction with a full UTXO (in this case we only have one worth 5BTC available to our keychains) and then send the change back to yourself as an additional output. Since ALL|ANYONECANPAY transactions mean a fixed output, you can&#39;t add new change outputs without other signatures becoming invalid which means we need a coin available equal to the amount we want to contribute to the crowdfund.</p>
>>>>>>> staging
<p>So what we want to do is have each funder create a coin (UTXO) with the value of what they want to donate.</p>
<p>The first thing we need to do make this work is calculate what the input will be. In our examples we are assuming that the funders cover the fee. Since different keyrings can be using different transaction types of different sizes (p2sh, multisig, etc.), we need a utility to calculate how much the fee should be for that input and add that to the amount to fund with.</p>
<h5 id="utility-functions">Utility functions</h5><p>We&#39;ll need some utility functions to help us out. It&#39;s nice to split these out separate from our main operations since we&#39;ll actually be reusing some of the functionality.</p>
@ -500,7 +509,11 @@
<span class="token punctuation">]</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span>
<span class="token property">"1"</span><span class="token operator">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">[</span>...<span class="token punctuation">]</span>
<<<<<<< HEAD
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="step-4-construct-the-transaction">Step 4: Construct the Transaction</h4><p>Now that we&#39;ve got our tools and coins ready, we can start to build the transaction!</p>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="step-6-construct-the-transaction">Step 6: Construct the Transaction</h4><p>Now that we&#39;ve got our tools and coins ready, we can start to build the transaction!</p>
>>>>>>> staging
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token keyword">const</span> composeCrowdfund <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">async</span> <span class="token keyword">function</span> <span class="token function">composeCrowdfund</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>coins<span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//...</span>
@ -687,7 +700,11 @@
<span class="token function">composeWalletCrowdfund</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">then</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>myCrowdfundTx <span class="token operator">=</span><span class="token operator">></span> console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'Transaction broadcast: '</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span> myCrowdfundTx<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span>
<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token keyword">catch</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>e <span class="token operator">=</span><span class="token operator">></span> console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'There was a problem: '</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span> e<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><p>And there you have it! If you were doing this on testnet, your <code>fundeeWallet</code> should now be 1BTC richer. If you&#39;re on a simnet or regtest network, you&#39;ll have to mine a block with your transactions to get those funds confirmed. Also note that, unless you have exact change coins, there will be 3 transactions that need to be confirmed: one each for the wallets that are splitting coins, and one for the crowdfund transaction.</p>
<<<<<<< HEAD
<h2 id="how-to-extend-and-improve">How to Extend and Improve</h2><p>These examples are obviously pretty basic, but they should give you an idea of how to use Bitcoin&#39;s scripting to build out the foundation for more complex applications. Here are some ideas on how you could build on top of these examples and get closer to a production ready application.</p>
<h2 id="how-to-build-it-out">How to Build it Out</h2><p>These examples are obviously pretty basic, but they should give you an idea of how to use Bitcoin&#39;s scripting to build out the foundation for more complex applications. Here are some ideas on how you could build on top of these examples and get closer to a production ready application.</p>
>>>>>>> staging
<li>More flexible contribution scheme (currently it&#39;s just 2 funders that split the amount evenly). E.g. custom number of contributers, custom contribution amount, etc.</li>
<li>UX to let people interact with the transaction via a browser</li>


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<li><a href="op_return.html">Store Data on the Blockchain</a></li>
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<li><a href="op_return.html">Store Data on the Blockchain</a></li>
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<li><a href="generate-address.html">Generate an Address</a></li>
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<h2 class="post-title panel-title" id="wallets-and-accounts-and-keys-oh-my!">Wallets and Accounts and Keys, Oh My!</h2><ul class="post-meta"><li class="author">By Daniel McNally</li></ul><p>Bcoin offers a powerful, modular way to create and manage bitcoin wallets. In this guide, I&#39;ll walk you through the concepts and features you&#39;ll need to know about to get started.</p>
<h2 id="the-basics">The Basics</h2><p>If you&#39;re a seasoned bitcoiner, you can probably skim this section or skip straight ahead to the <a href="#examples">Examples</a> section. But if you&#39;re relatively new or just want a refresher, this section will help you understand how wallets actually work. </p>
<h3 id="wallets">Wallets</h3><p>In the most basic sense, a bitcoin wallet is data that enables you to receive and spend bitcoins. Wallets come in <a href="">many different types and designs</a>, and assessing all the options can be overwhelming. Fortunately, bcoin implements the latest specifications for structuring wallets that are easy to backup, easy to restore, and that work just as well for a bitcoin novice making their first transactions as for a business with millions of users depositing and withdrawing bitcoin.</p>
<h4 id="keys-to-the-game">Keys to the Game</h4><p>If you want to transact with bitcoin, you&#39;ll need keys. Each bitcoin address is associated with a particular key, and wallets are made up of many different keys. Keys consist of both a private key and a public key. The private key is required for spending and is extremely sensitive information, while a public key can be used to receive bitcoins and monitor a particular address. If you want to learn more about how this works, read up on <a href="">Public-Key Cryptography</a>.</p>
<h4 id="hd-vs-non-hd,-you-mean-like-tvs?">HD vs. Non-HD, you mean like TVs?</h4><p>You may have seen references to &quot;HD&quot; wallets and wondered what that means. HD in this context does not mean &quot;high definition,&quot; as I assumed it did at first, but rather &quot;hierarchical deterministic.&quot; An HD wallet takes a <em>hierarchy</em> of keys in order and makes it so any key in that sequence can be <em>determined</em> by the one before it. This means that if you can produce the first key in the hierarchy, you can then generate a practically unlimited number of subsequent keys. The specification for HD wallets as implemented in bcoin is defined by <a href="">Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) 32</a>.</p>
<p>Non-HD wallets, on the other hand, contain keys that are unrelated to one another. Backing up such a wallet means each key must be preserved individually. Not only is this more cumbersome, but it means that backups can quickly become out of date as new keys are added to the wallet. With an HD wallet, as long as you hold on to the seed - the data needed to recreate the first key - you will be able to recover every other key.</p>
<p>While bcoin uses HD wallets, it does allow you to import individual keys into a wallet. This can be a handy feature in certain cases, but it means you&#39;ll need to backup any imported keys separately as they will not be recoverable simply by using your seed.</p>
<p>But what exactly is the seed for an HD wallet? It can come in several forms, but bcoin implements <a href="">BIP39</a> which enables seeds to be represented by a mnemonic made up of a fixed set of common words. This means your seed can be easily spoken, written down, or perhaps even memorized. But be careful! Your seed can be used to recover and spend everything in your HD wallet (except for the aforementioned imported keys), so treat it like you would an actual wallet with cash in it.</p>
<p>By default, mnemonics in bcoin are made up of twelve words representing 128 bits of entropy. This is a common standard that is far and away beyond what cutting edge computers can hope to crack via <a href="">brute force</a>. But if you want additional entropy, bcoin supports up to 512 bits of entropy which makes a 48 word mnemonic.</p>
<h3 id="accounts">Accounts</h3><p>Wallets in bcoin are partitioned into accounts. When you first create a wallet, a &quot;default&quot; account is created automatically along with it. Accounts can be used to track and manage separate sets of keys all within a single wallet. For example, a business can use accounts to generate distinct addresses for depositors or to segregate customer funds internally. </p>
<p>Bcoin implements <a href="">BIP44</a> as a method of generating unlimited accounts deterministically. This adds additional dimensions to the hierarchy described above, meaning the same seed that can recover all your keys can also recover all your addresses.</p>
<p>Each account also comes with its own &quot;extended public key,&quot; a piece of data that can be used to generate all public keys for that account in deterministic fashion. This means, for instance, that a business can create limitless deposit addresses for its users without having to touch its critical private keys or seed. Remember that public keys can be used for receiving bitcoins, but not for spending, so a public key falling into the wrong hands will not immediately result in theft. </p>
<h3 id="watch-only-wallets">Watch Only Wallets</h3><p>Speaking of not touching private keys, bcoin gives you the option to create wallets that are &quot;watch only.&quot; Watch only wallets don&#39;t contain <em>any</em> private keys, which means they can&#39;t be used to spend the bitcoins they receive. However, they work perfectly fine for creating addresses, receiving bitcoins, and detecting incoming transactions. Using watch only wallets where appropriate reduces the risk of your keys and bitcoin being stolen and is good security practice.</p>
<p>Accounts always inherit the watch only behavior of their parent wallet. In other words, a watch only wallet will have exclusively watch only accounts while a regular wallet will have only regular accounts. Accordingly, you can&#39;t import private keys into a watch only wallet or public keys into regular wallets. If you try to mix and match watch only wallets and keys with bcoin, you&#39;re gonna have a bad time.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-bash"><code class="line-numbers language-bash">~$ curl -X POST -d <span class="token string">'{"account":"default"
<span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"error"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"type"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"Error"</span>,
<span class="token string">"message"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"Cannot import privkey into watch-only wallet."</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>
~$ curl -X POST -d <span class="token string">'{"account":"default","publicKey":"02f4f200cb9391f8bbcc0a35e1f654b9b993b214a04ae7efd0313f4d4bf3d95745"}'</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"error"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"type"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"Error"</span>,
<span class="token string">"message"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"Cannot import pubkey into non watch-only wallet."</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h3 id="api-authentication">API Authentication</h3><p>Bcoin can run as a server and allow you to interact with your wallets via a <a href="">REST API</a>. It also allows you protect wallets from unauthenticated requests by running the server with the <code>wallet-auth</code> option. Each wallet you create has a <code>token</code> value that must be passed in with each request. Tokens, like accounts and keys, can also be deterministically generated using your HD seed. This means you can change the token on a wallet as often as you&#39;d like.</p>
<h3 id="recovery">Recovery</h3><p>By using the HD standards mentioned above, bcoin allows one to easily restore or transfer their entire wallet to different wallet implementations. By providing just the mnemonic, one can fully recover their wallet to a fresh instance of bcoin or any other software that properly implements BIP33, BIP39, and BIP44, like the <a href="">Trezor</a> hardware wallet.</p>
<h2 id="examples">Examples</h2><p>Enough chit chat, let&#39;s get down to business on how to create wallets, accounts, and keys with bcoin.</p>
<h3 id="nodejs">Node.js</h3><p>Below is a demo using javascript to instantiate a wallet and output important data and keys. Since bcoin is modular, you can easily use just the wallet functionality as I&#39;ve done here.</p>
<h4 id="setup">Setup</h4><p>With the <a href="">bcoin package</a> installed, we&#39;ll first import bcoin and open a wallet database in memory.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//import the bcoin module and set it to testnet</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> bcoin <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token function">require</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'bcoin'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token keyword">set</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'testnet'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> WalletDB <span class="token operator">=</span> bcoin<span class="token punctuation">.</span>walletdb<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> WalletKey <span class="token operator">=</span> bcoin<span class="token punctuation">.</span>walletkey<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> KeyRing <span class="token operator">=</span> bcoin<span class="token punctuation">.</span>keyring<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> Mnemonic <span class="token operator">=</span> bcoin<span class="token punctuation">.</span>hd<span class="token punctuation">.</span>Mnemonic<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> HD <span class="token operator">=</span> bcoin<span class="token punctuation">.</span>hd<span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token function">walletExample</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token keyword">catch</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>console<span class="token punctuation">.</span>error<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">bind</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>console<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">async</span> <span class="token keyword">function</span> <span class="token function">walletExample</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//for demonstration purposes, we'll be creating a temporary wallet in memory</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> wdb <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">new</span> <span class="token class-name">WalletDB</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span> db<span class="token punctuation">:</span> <span class="token string">'memory'</span> <span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">await</span> wdb<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">open</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="creating-a-wallet">Creating a Wallet</h4><p>Creating a wallet in our database takes only one line.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//creates and returns a Wallet object from scratch using a random master key and default options</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> wallet <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">await</span> wdb<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">create</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>wallet<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">/*{
wid: 2,
id: 'WLTdx4aYEPmmrQiYNwPop4nLtbpTEdJYwrN4',
network: 'testnet',
initialized: true,
accountDepth: 1,
token: 'eeae267e99d112793b892a8e30f89b1e1e0ba0d4984c2e6f09fc7931e750af5a', //the token you'll need to use the REST API with `wallet-auth` set to true
tokenDepth: 0,
{ wid: undefined,
id: undefined,
tx: 0,
coin: 0,
unconfirmed: 0,
confirmed: 0 },
{ encrypted: false,
key: { xprivkey: 'tprv8ZgxMBicQKsPdcD55gci7HBednWRaosU4CkAHNEAs3kAAj9m8TVrEzxAW3EPrTrFevVssHCCoRsA37vB65SUZs727k45Nz1Cjmy4tyaSFeR' }, //the keys to the castle, guard this carefully!
{ bits: 128,
language: 'english',
entropy: '04a50a56fbaaadc26a2b1690ec74243f',
phrase: 'again choose noble warrior print thrive post glare movie glove animal legal', //the keys to the castle in human readable form
passphrase: '' } },
{ wid: 2,
name: 'default',
network: &lt;Network: testnet>,
initialized: true,
witness: false,
watchOnly: false,
type: 'pubkeyhash',
m: 1,
n: 1,
accountIndex: 0,
receiveDepth: 1,
changeDepth: 1,
nestedDepth: 0,
lookahead: 10,
address: &lt;Address: type=pubkeyhash version=-1 str=mhNHETXFKDk7ZpGg3iEZb7guWZ2fbCuFjv>,
nestedAddress: null,
accountKey: 'tpubDDZ1r85SUsur87eW6uCrWancnCVHSLf5YcXzudCF6qBUQguR8upC6pgSuzxahDkf75SQ4LJ3R4x5NvfgQPmNjxhg2pcHzBCKcG2fBUQJ5U5', //the extended public key that can be used to generate receiving addresses for this account
keys: [] }
}*/</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="creating-accounts-and-receiving-addresses">Creating Accounts and Receiving Addresses</h4><p>You can start generating addresses with our first account right away.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token keyword">const</span> account <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">await</span> wallet<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getAccount</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'default'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//now we have a wallet and default account, let's get our first and current receiving address</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> key0 <span class="token operator">=</span> account<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getAddress</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'string'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//this will be the same value as seen in the 'address' property under 'account' in our wallet above</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>key0<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//mhNHETXFKDk7ZpGg3iEZb7guWZ2fbCuFjv</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//we can skip ahead if we want, grabbing the hundredth key in the heirarchy like so</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> key100 <span class="token operator">=</span> account<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">deriveReceive</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token number">100</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//ok, technically this is the hundred-and-first key because the sequence is zero-based</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>key100<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getAddress</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'string'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//mjVdQqQYWBpE6YzKyMRd96LxCMoJyeTX2i</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><p>You can also create a second account with a custom name.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">// let's create another account for hypothetical customer John Doe</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> jdAccount <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">await</span> wallet<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">createAccount</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>name<span class="token punctuation">:</span> <span class="token string">'john_doe'</span><span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdAccount<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">/*{
wid: 2,
name: '1',
network: &lt;Network: testnet>,
initialized: true,
witness: false,
watchOnly: false,
type: 'pubkeyhash',
m: 1,
n: 1,
accountIndex: 1,
receiveDepth: 1,
changeDepth: 1,
nestedDepth: 0,
lookahead: 10,
address: &lt;Address: type=pubkeyhash version=-1 str=muCSbWC6z1tAr2i1M5BKPWEZ8zapzcKfKh>,
nestedAddress: null,
accountKey: 'tpubDDZ1r85SUsur9txJF5ziLRD6757E1Q7x6VLfPby4YKqAdNwgmrkXBNDzMowxYJVoAizd7CCLHELY5X2HYzh6YurbH9vMyQJN
keys: []
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//Mr. Doe wants to make 10 deposits, let's get him a unique address for each one</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> depositAddressesToPrint <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token number">10</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">for</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token keyword">var</span> i<span class="token operator">=</span><span class="token number">0</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> i<span class="token operator">&lt;</span>depositAddressesToPrint<span class="token punctuation">;</span> i<span class="token operator">++</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdAccount<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">deriveReceive</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>i<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getAddress</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'string'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">/*
*/</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="getting-private-keys">Getting Private Keys</h4><p>Bcoin handles your private keys automatically for things like sending transactions and signing messages, but you can also manually extract private keys from a wallet.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//the keys above are only good for receiving bitcoins, not spending them</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//let's get the extended private key for John Doe's account, which can be used to generate every private key for the account</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> jdExtendedPrivateKey <span class="token operator">=</span> wallet<span class="token punctuation">.</span>master<span class="token punctuation">.</span>key<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">deriveAccount</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token number">44</span><span class="token punctuation">,</span> jdAccount<span class="token punctuation">.</span>accountIndex<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//44 is the fixed purpose for bip44 accounts </span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdExtendedPrivateKey<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">xprivkey</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//tprv8gryhi3CLWEBGRvWMSL7w1YyY3bHr4w3XBjt75vm842mntgv9Tvvzsc8Bf3NZt13ydD5QZaJVShMudE33egMhSLnEM41t5UUhRj5wA5u8Sc</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//for good measure, let's get the private key for John's first receiving address</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> branch <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token number">0</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//the branch for receiving addresses</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> index <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token number">0</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span> <span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//index of 0 means the first key among the receiving addresses</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> jdPrivateKey0 <span class="token operator">=</span> jdExtendedPrivateKey<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">derive</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>branch<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">derive</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>index<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> jdWalletKey0 <span class="token operator">=</span> WalletKey<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">fromHD</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdAccount<span class="token punctuation">,</span> jdPrivateKey0<span class="token punctuation">,</span> branch<span class="token punctuation">,</span> index<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//the private key below can be imported into almost any bitcoin wallet, HD or non-HD, and used to spend coins from the corresponding address</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdWalletKey0<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getPrivateKey</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'base58'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//cNZfR3NhQ9oCP3pTjvPZETUuTWZo2k6EXtfczvbWyv7FdjMhppvJ</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="generating-mnemonics-and-recovering-keys">Generating Mnemonics and Recovering Keys</h4><p>Finally, you can create mnemonics manually and seed new wallets with them. And if you need to generate keys from a mnemonic you provide - either by recreating a wallet or by extracting specific keys - you can do that as well.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-javascript"><code class="line-numbers language-javascript"><span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//can wegenerate a mnemonic with twice as many bits of entropy to future proof against brute force attacks from the next millenium? sure we can.</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> mnemonic24 <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">new</span> <span class="token class-name">Mnemonic</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>bits<span class="token punctuation">:</span> <span class="token number">256</span><span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>mnemonic24<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">toString</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//page unknown ladder thunder airport merry run ball inject clinic danger valley equip consider normal twist casual duck essay almost trade regular two segment</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//what if we need to recover the wallet we've created above? no problem.</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> mnemonic <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">new</span> <span class="token class-name">Mnemonic</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'again choose noble warrior print thrive post glare movie glove animal legal'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> masterKey <span class="token operator">=</span> HD<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">fromMnemonic</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>mnemonic<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//this wallet will generate all the same accounts, keys, addresses, and tokens if swapped in for the 'wallet' variable in examples above</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> recoveredWallet <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">await</span> wdb<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">create</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token punctuation">{</span>master<span class="token punctuation">:</span> masterKey<span class="token punctuation">}</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//we can also recover only the keys for John Doe's first receiving address without recreating the wallet or account</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//this time we'll skip instantiating the account and use the BIP44 path for the second account, first branch, and first index on bitcoin testnet</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> jdRecoveredPrivateKey <span class="token operator">=</span> masterKey<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">derivePath</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">"m/44'/1'/1'/0/0"</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token keyword">const</span> jdKeyRing <span class="token operator">=</span> <span class="token keyword">new</span> <span class="token class-name">KeyRing</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdRecoveredPrivateKey<span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//our output should be the same as what we logged to the console earlier in this example</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdKeyRing<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getAddress</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'string'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//muCSbWC6z1tAr2i1M5BKPWEZ8zapzcKfKh</span>
console<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">log</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span>jdKeyRing<span class="token punctuation">.</span><span class="token function">getPrivateKey</span><span class="token punctuation">(</span><span class="token string">'base58'</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">)</span><span class="token punctuation">;</span>
<span class="token comment" spellcheck="true">//cNZfR3NhQ9oCP3pTjvPZETUuTWZo2k6EXtfczvbWyv7FdjMhppvJ</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h3 id="command-line-examples-against-a-local-bcoin-server">Command Line Examples against a Local bcoin Server</h3><p>If you already have bcoin <a href=";s-Guide">set up as a full node</a>, you can use the command line to create wallets and demonstrate some of the topics I discussed in this guide. My examples below are against a running testnet bcoin instance with <code>wallet-auth</code> set to true.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-bash"><code class="line-numbers language-bash">~$ bcoin wallet create guide1
<span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"network"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"testnet"</span>,
<span class="token string">"wid"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 2,
<span class="token string">"id"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"guide1"</span>,
<span class="token string">"initialized"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> true,
<span class="token string">"watchOnly"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> false,
<span class="token string">"accountDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"token"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"c88bc2fda2f265bc00c8fd28771c62695dbbddfd05ef2510f9e0afbec14818ba"</span>,
<span class="token string">"tokenDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"state"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"tx"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"coin"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"unconfirmed"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"confirmed"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>,
<span class="token string">"master"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"encrypted"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token boolean">false</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>,
<span class="token string">"account"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"name"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"default"</span>,
<span class="token string">"initialized"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> true,
<span class="token string">"witness"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> false,
<span class="token string">"watchOnly"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> false,
<span class="token string">"type"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"pubkeyhash"</span>,
<span class="token string">"m"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"n"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"accountIndex"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"receiveDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"changeDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"nestedDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"lookahead"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 10,
<span class="token string">"receiveAddress"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"mirZQBLNFsjgxRC6STfCJU71nXqSon9U17"</span>,
<span class="token string">"nestedAddress"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> null,
<span class="token string">"changeAddress"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"n3qdAvsVk7v4q4CAp25SSPsfcBARJexSUr"</span>,
<span class="token string">"accountKey"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"tpubDCsPHK6xw9CziuN6o7tk1rubLopp5ipy4rDsapkA12KYdcuLXNH7frWUcWsMiFjU5Jxqp2d37SidfmvAahsLqon14wXtor7uQvjLZscb2fh"</span>,
<span class="token string">"keys"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">[</span><span class="token punctuation">]</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="auth-tokens">Auth Tokens</h4><p>See that <code>token</code>? We&#39;ll be needing that. With the token, we can do things like query our wallet balance.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-bash"><code class="line-numbers language-bash">~$ bcoin wallet balance --id guide1 --token c88bc2fda2f265bc00c8fd28771c62695d
<span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"wid"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 2,
<span class="token string">"id"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"guide1"</span>,
<span class="token string">"account"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> -1,
<span class="token string">"unconfirmed"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"confirmed"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><p>Without it, we get a 403 Forbidden error.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-bash"><code class="line-numbers language-bash">~$ bcoin wallet balance --id guide1Error: Status code: 403.
at HTTPClient._request <span class="token punctuation">(</span>/opt/bitnami/nodejs/lib/node_modules/bcoin/lib/http/client.js:229:11<span class="token punctuation">)</span>
at process._tickCallback <span class="token punctuation">(</span>internal/process/next_tick.js:109:7<span class="token punctuation">)</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><p>However, we can change our token for this wallet as often as we&#39;d like. In a production-like setting, you&#39;d probably want to encrypt the wallet with a passphrase which would also be required for the <code>retoken</code> call below. </p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-bash"><code class="line-numbers language-bash">~$ bcoin wallet retoken --id guide1 --token c88bc2fda2f265bc00c8fd28771c62695dbbddfd05ef2510f9e0afbec14818ba
26ea429fe1c0da8505c9b0e61a46343d802779d73393ee72130df0fb1a9eaa7e</code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h4 id="creating-an-account">Creating an Account</h4><p>With our new token, let&#39;s create an account for John Doe&#39;s sister, Jane.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-bash"><code class="line-numbers language-bash">~$ bcoin wallet --id guide1 account create jane_doe --token 26ea429fe1c0da8505c9b0e61a46343d802779d73393ee72130df0fb1a9eaa7e
<span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"wid"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 2,
<span class="token string">"id"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"guide1"</span>,
<span class="token string">"name"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"jane_doe"</span>,
<span class="token string">"initialized"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> true,
<span class="token string">"witness"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> false,
<span class="token string">"watchOnly"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> false,
<span class="token string">"type"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"pubkeyhash"</span>,
<span class="token string">"m"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"n"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"accountIndex"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"receiveDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"changeDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"nestedDepth"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"lookahead"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 10,
<span class="token string">"receiveAddress"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"n4RwFEkSV7MSxBqqvNziakuGgeS8XFusKq"</span>,
<span class="token string">"nestedAddress"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> null,
<span class="token string">"changeAddress"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"mfaHH8ESM8pzoR1wLSSRQS89kpaBi9dBVt"</span>,
<span class="token string">"accountKey"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"tpubDCsPHK6xw9CzjZQMnqwoZjLjMHqbkWjNYakAatZ9ktAf6Lou2H7jw2h93x24zT86BadMMmCAsp69yuUjBsGgHkfC41TpgXMPzSZRFxu3Ghi"</span>,
<span class="token string">"keys"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token punctuation">[</span><span class="token punctuation">]</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><p>We already have the first receiving address for Jane in <code>receiveAddress</code> above, but let&#39;s get one more for good measure.</p>
<pre class="snippet line-numbers language-bash"><code class="line-numbers language-bash">~$ bcoin wallet --id guide1 address --account jane_doe --token 26ea429fe1c0da8505c9b0e61a46343d802779d73393ee72130df0fb1a9eaa7e
<span class="token punctuation">{</span>
<span class="token string">"network"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"testnet"</span>,
<span class="token string">"wid"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 2,
<span class="token string">"id"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"guide1"</span>,
<span class="token string">"name"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"jane_doe"</span>,
<span class="token string">"account"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"branch"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 0,
<span class="token string">"index"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> 1,
<span class="token string">"witness"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> false,
<span class="token string">"nested"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> false,
<span class="token string">"publicKey"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"02dda1237f65e26d05451fb96b15e85c3fb5c420ebdfcf31835857c38daa8ef5d6"</span>,
<span class="token string">"script"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> null,
<span class="token string">"program"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> null,
<span class="token string">"type"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"pubkeyhash"</span>,
<span class="token string">"address"</span><span class="token keyword">:</span> <span class="token string">"mqDhGEywrWDm5DHw71Qxm5U8Lc6WvhZVeM"</span>
<span class="token punctuation">}</span></code><button class="copy-button"><img src="../assets/images/clippy.svg" alt="Copy to clipboard"></button></pre><h2 id="conclusion">Conclusion</h2><p>After reading this guide, you should have a decent understanding of not only the concepts behind bitcoin wallets, but also of how to go about creating and managing them with bcoin. Now you can integrate bcoin&#39;s wallet functionality directly into your application, or run bcoin as a full node and interact with it for your wallet creation needs. Good luck!</p>
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<li><a href="working-with-txs.html">Working with transactions</a></li>
<li><a href="wallets.html">Wallets and Accounts and Keys, Oh My!</a></li>
<li><a href="scripting.html">Intro to Scripting</a></li>
<li><a href="op_return.html">Store Data on the Blockchain</a></li>
<li><a href="multisig-tx.html">Creating Multisignature Transactions</a></li>
<li><a href="generate-address.html">Generate an Address</a></li>
<li><a href="crowdfund-tx.html">Create a Crowdfunding Transaction</a></li>
<li><a href="beginners.html">Beginners Guide to Getting Started</a></li>
<!-- /GUIDES-LIST -->
