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<h1 class="page-title">Source: bcoin/bloom.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/*!
* bloom.js - bloom filter for bcoin
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Fedor Indutny (MIT License)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
var constants = require('./protocol/constants');
* Constants
var LN2SQUARED = 0.4804530139182014246671025263266649717305529515945455;
var LN2 = 0.6931471805599453094172321214581765680755001343602552;
* Bloom Filter
* @exports Bloom
* @constructor
* @param {Number|Bufer} size - Filter size in bits, or filter itself.
* @param {Number} n - Number of hash functions.
* @param {Number} tweak - Seed value.
* @property {Buffer} filter
* @property {Number} size
* @property {Number} n
* @property {Number} tweak
* @property {Number} update - Update flag (see {@link constants.filterFlags}).
function Bloom(size, n, tweak, update) {
if (!(this instanceof Bloom))
return new Bloom(size, n, tweak, update);
if (Buffer.isBuffer(size)) {
this.filter = size;
this.size = this.filter.length * 8;
} else {
this.size = size - (size % 8);
this.filter = new Buffer(this.size / 8);
if (tweak == null || tweak === -1)
tweak = (Math.random() * 0x100000000) >>> 0;
if (update == null || update === -1)
update = constants.filterFlags.NONE;
if (typeof update === 'string')
update = constants.filterFlags[update.toUpperCase()];
this.n = n;
this.tweak = tweak;
this.update = update;
* Perform the mumur3 hash on data.
* @param {Buffer} val
* @param {Number} seed
* @returns {Number}
Bloom.prototype.hash = function hash(val, n) {
return murmur3(val, sum32(mul32(n, 0xfba4c795), this.tweak)) % this.size;
* Reset the filter.
Bloom.prototype.reset = function reset() {
* Add data to the filter.
* @param {Buffer|String}
* @param {String?} enc - Can be any of the Buffer object's encodings.
Bloom.prototype.add = function add(val, enc) {
var i, index;
if (typeof val === 'string')
val = new Buffer(val, enc);
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.n; i++) {
index = this.hash(val, i);
this.filter[index >>> 3] |= 1 &lt;&lt; (7 &amp; index);
* Test whether data is present in the filter.
* @param {Buffer|String} val
* @param {String?} enc - Can be any of the Buffer object's encodings.
* @returns {Boolean}
Bloom.prototype.test = function test(val, enc) {
var i, index;
if (typeof val === 'string')
val = new Buffer(val, enc);
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.n; i++) {
index = this.hash(val, i);
if ((this.filter[index >>> 3] &amp; (1 &lt;&lt; (7 &amp; index))) === 0)
return false;
return true;
* Test whether data is present in the
* filter and potentially add data.
* @param {Buffer|String} val
* @param {String?} enc - Can be any of the Buffer object's encodings.
* @returns {Boolean} Whether data was added.
Bloom.prototype.added = function added(val, enc) {
var ret = false;
var i, index;
if (typeof val === 'string')
val = new Buffer(val, enc);
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.n; i++) {
index = this.hash(val, i);
if (!ret &amp;&amp; (this.filter[index >>> 3] &amp; (1 &lt;&lt; (7 &amp; index))) === 0)
ret = true;
this.filter[index >>> 3] |= 1 &lt;&lt; (7 &amp; index);
return ret;
* Ensure the filter is within the size limits.
* @returns {Boolean}
Bloom.prototype.isWithinConstraints = function isWithinConstraints() {
if (this.filter.length > constants.bloom.MAX_BLOOM_FILTER_SIZE)
return false;
if (this.n > constants.bloom.MAX_HASH_FUNCS)
return false;
return true;
* Create a filter from a false positive rate.
* @param {Number} items - Expeected number of items.
* @param {Number} rate - False positive rate (0.0-1.0).
* @param {Number|String} update
* @example
* bcoin.bloom.fromRate(800000, 0.01, 'none');
* @returns {Boolean}
Bloom.fromRate = function fromRate(items, rate, update) {
var size, n;
size = (-1 / LN2SQUARED * items * Math.log(rate)) | 0;
if (update !== -1)
size = Math.min(size, constants.bloom.MAX_BLOOM_FILTER_SIZE * 8);
n = (size / items * LN2) | 0;
if (update !== -1)
n = Math.min(n, constants.bloom.MAX_HASH_FUNCS);
return new Bloom(size, n, -1, update);
* A rolling bloom filter used internally
* (do not relay this on the p2p network).
* @exports RollingFilter
* @constructor
* @param {Number} items - Expected number of items.
* @param {Number} rate - False positive rate (0.0-1.0).
function RollingFilter(items, rate) {
var logRate, max;
if (!(this instanceof RollingFilter))
return new RollingFilter(items, rate);
logRate = Math.log(rate);
this.entries = 0;
this.generation = 1;
this.n = Math.max(1, Math.min(Math.round(logRate / Math.log(0.5)), 50));
this.limit = (items + 1) / 2 | 0;
max = this.limit * 3;
this.size = -1 * this.n * max / Math.log(1.0 - Math.exp(logRate / this.n));
this.size = Math.ceil(this.size);
this.items = ((this.size + 63) / 64 | 0) &lt;&lt; 1;
this.tweak = (Math.random() * 0x100000000) >>> 0;
this.filter = new Buffer(this.items * 8);
* Perform the mumur3 hash on data.
* @param {Buffer} val
* @param {Number} seed
* @returns {Number}
RollingFilter.prototype.hash = function hash(val, n) {
return murmur3(val, sum32(mul32(n, 0xfba4c795), this.tweak));
* Reset the filter.
RollingFilter.prototype.reset = function reset() {
if (this.entries === 0)
this.entries = 0;
this.generation = 1;
* Add data to the filter.
* @param {Buffer|String}
* @param {String?} enc - Can be any of the Buffer object's encodings.
RollingFilter.prototype.add = function add(val, enc) {
var i, hash, bits, pos, pos1, pos2, bit, oct;
var m1, m2, v1, v2, mhi, mlo;
if (typeof val === 'string')
val = new Buffer(val, enc);
if (this.entries === this.limit) {
this.entries = 0;
this.generation += 1;
if (this.generation === 4)
this.generation = 1;
m1 = (this.generation &amp; 1) * 0xffffffff;
m2 = (this.generation >>> 1) * 0xffffffff;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.items; i += 2) {
pos1 = i * 8;
pos2 = (i + 1) * 8;
v1 = read(this.filter, pos1);
v2 = read(this.filter, pos2);
mhi = (v1.hi ^ m1) | (v2.hi ^ m2);
mlo = (v1.lo ^ m1) | (v2.lo ^ m2);
v1.hi &amp;= mhi;
v1.lo &amp;= mlo;
v2.hi &amp;= mhi;
v2.lo &amp;= mlo;
write(this.filter, v1, pos1);
write(this.filter, v2, pos2);
this.entries += 1;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.n; i++) {
hash = this.hash(val, i);
bits = hash &amp; 0x3f;
pos = (hash >>> 6) % this.items;
pos1 = (pos &amp; ~1) * 8;
pos2 = (pos | 1) * 8;
bit = bits % 8;
oct = (bits - bit) / 8;
pos1 += oct;
pos2 += oct;
this.filter[pos1] &amp;= ~(1 &lt;&lt; bit);
this.filter[pos1] |= (this.generation &amp; 1) &lt;&lt; bit;
this.filter[pos2] &amp;= ~(1 &lt;&lt; bit);
this.filter[pos2] |= (this.generation >>> 1) &lt;&lt; bit;
* Test whether data is present in the filter.
* @param {Buffer|String} val
* @param {String?} enc - Can be any of the Buffer object's encodings.
* @returns {Boolean}
RollingFilter.prototype.test = function test(val, enc) {
var i, hash, bits, pos, pos1, pos2, bit, oct;
if (this.entries === 0)
return false;
if (typeof val === 'string')
val = new Buffer(val, enc);
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.n; i++) {
hash = this.hash(val, i);
bits = hash &amp; 0x3f;
pos = (hash >>> 6) % this.items;
pos1 = (pos &amp; ~1) * 8;
pos2 = (pos | 1) * 8;
bit = bits % 8;
oct = (bits - bit) / 8;
pos1 += oct;
pos2 += oct;
bits = (this.filter[pos1] >>> bit) &amp; 1;
bits |= (this.filter[pos2] >>> bit) &amp; 1;
if (bits === 0)
return false;
return true;
* Test whether data is present in the
* filter and potentially add data.
* @param {Buffer|String} val
* @param {String?} enc - Can be any of the Buffer object's encodings.
* @returns {Boolean} Whether data was added.
RollingFilter.prototype.added = function added(val, enc) {
if (typeof val === 'string')
val = new Buffer(val, enc);
if (!this.test(val)) {
return true;
return false;
* Murmur3 hash.
* @memberof Bloom
* @param {Buffer} data
* @param {Number} seed
* @returns {Number}
function murmur3(data, seed) {
var tail = data.length - (data.length % 4);
var c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
var c2 = 0x1b873593;
var h1 = seed;
var i, k1;
for (i = 0; i &lt; tail; i += 4) {
k1 = (data[i + 3] &lt;&lt; 24)
| (data[i + 2] &lt;&lt; 16)
| (data[i + 1] &lt;&lt; 8)
| data[i];
k1 = mul32(k1, c1);
k1 = rotl32(k1, 15);
k1 = mul32(k1, c2);
h1 ^= k1;
h1 = rotl32(h1, 13);
h1 = sum32(mul32(h1, 5), 0xe6546b64);
k1 = 0;
switch (data.length &amp; 3) {
case 3:
k1 ^= data[tail + 2] &lt;&lt; 16;
case 2:
k1 ^= data[tail + 1] &lt;&lt; 8;
case 1:
k1 ^= data[tail + 0];
k1 = mul32(k1, c1);
k1 = rotl32(k1, 15);
k1 = mul32(k1, c2);
h1 ^= k1;
h1 ^= data.length;
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
h1 = mul32(h1, 0x85ebca6b);
h1 ^= h1 >>> 13;
h1 = mul32(h1, 0xc2b2ae35);
h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;
if (h1 &lt; 0)
h1 += 0x100000000;
return h1;
function mul32(a, b) {
var alo = a &amp; 0xffff;
var blo = b &amp; 0xffff;
var ahi = a >>> 16;
var bhi = b >>> 16;
var r, lo, hi;
lo = alo * blo;
hi = (ahi * blo + bhi * alo) &amp; 0xffff;
hi += lo >>> 16;
lo &amp;= 0xffff;
r = (hi &lt;&lt; 16) | lo;
if (r &lt; 0)
r += 0x100000000;
return r;
function sum32(a, b) {
var r = (a + b) &amp; 0xffffffff;
if (r &lt; 0)
r += 0x100000000;
return r;
function rotl32(w, b) {
return (w &lt;&lt; b) | (w >>> (32 - b));
function read(data, off) {
return {
hi: data.readUInt32LE(off + 4, true),
lo: data.readUInt32LE(off, true)
function write(data, value, off) {
data.writeUInt32LE(value.hi, off + 4, true);
data.writeUInt32LE(value.lo, off, true);
* Expose
exports = Bloom;
exports.murmur3 = murmur3;
exports.rolling = RollingFilter;
module.exports = exports;
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