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<h1 class="page-title">Source: bcoin/tx.js</h1>
<pre class="prettyprint source linenums"><code>/*!
* tx.js - transaction object for bcoin
* Copyright (c) 2014-2015, Fedor Indutny (MIT License)
* Copyright (c) 2014-2016, Christopher Jeffrey (MIT License).
var bcoin = require('./env');
var utils = require('./utils');
var assert = utils.assert;
var constants = bcoin.protocol.constants;
var Script = bcoin.script;
var Stack = bcoin.stack;
var BufferWriter = require('./writer');
* A static transaction object.
* @exports TX
* @constructor
* @param {NakedTX} data - Transaction fields.
* @property {String} type - "tx" (inv type).
* @property {Number} version - Transaction version. Note that BCoin reads
* versions as unsigned even though they are signed at the protocol level.
* This value will never be negative.
* @property {Number} flag - Flag field for segregated witness.
* Always non-zero (1 if not present).
* @property {Input[]} inputs
* @property {Output[]} outputs
* @property {Number} locktime - nLockTime
* @property {Number} ts - Timestamp of the block the transaction
* was included in (unix time).
* @property {Hash|null} block - Hash of the block the transaction
* was included in.
* @property {Number} index - Transaction's index in the block tx vector.
* @property {Number} ps - "Pending Since": The time at which the transaction
* was first seen. Only non-zero on unconfirmed transactions.
* @property {Number} changeIndex - Index of the change output (-1 if unknown).
* @property {Number} height - Height of the block the
* transaction was included in (-1 if unconfirmed).
* @property {ReversedHash|null} rblock - Reversed block hash (uint256le).
* @property {ReversedHash} rhash - Reversed transaction hash (uint256le).
* @property {ReversedHash} rwhash - Reversed witness
* transaction hash (uint256le).
* @property {String} txid - Transaction ID.
* @property {String} wtxid - Witness transaction ID (Same as txid if no
* witness is present. All zeroes if coinbase).
function TX(data) {
var i;
if (!(this instanceof TX))
return new TX(data);
assert(data, 'TX data is required.');
assert(typeof data.version === 'number');
assert(typeof data.flag === 'number');
assert(typeof data.locktime === 'number');
this.version = data.version;
this.flag = data.flag;
this.inputs = [];
this.outputs = [];
this.locktime = data.locktime;
this.ts = data.ts || 0;
this.block = data.block || null;
this.index = data.index != null ? data.index : -1; = this.ts === 0 ? ( != null ? : : 0;
this.height = data.height != null ? data.height : -1;
this.mutable = false;
this._hash = null;
this._whash = null;
this._raw = data._raw || null;
this._size = data._size || null;
this._witnessSize = data._witnessSize != null ? data._witnessSize : null;
this._outputValue = null;
this._inputValue = null;
this._hashPrevouts = null;
this._hashSequence = null;
this._hashOutputs = null;
for (i = 0; i &lt; data.inputs.length; i++)
this.inputs.push(new bcoin.input(data.inputs[i]));
for (i = 0; i &lt; data.outputs.length; i++)
this.outputs.push(new bcoin.output(data.outputs[i]));
* Clone the transaction.
* @returns {TX}
TX.prototype.clone = function clone() {
var copy, i;
copy = {
version: this.version,
flag: this.flag,
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
locktime: this.locktime,
ts: this.ts,
block: this.block,
index: this.index,
height: this.height
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
prevout: {
hash: this.inputs[i].prevout.hash,
index: this.inputs[i].prevout.index
coin: this.inputs[i].coin,
script: {
code: this.inputs[i].script.code.slice(),
raw: this.inputs[i].script.raw
witness: {
items: this.inputs[i].witness.items.slice()
sequence: this.inputs[i].sequence
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++) {
value: this.outputs[i].value,
script: {
code: this.outputs[i].script.code.slice(),
raw: this.outputs[i].script.raw
return new TX(copy);
* Set the block the transaction was included in.
* @param {Block|MerkleBlock} block
* @param {Number} index
TX.prototype.setBlock = function setBlock(block, index) {
this.ts = block.ts;
this.block = block.hash('hex');
this.height = block.height;
this.index = index == null ? -1 : index; = 0;
* Remove all relevant block data from the transaction.
TX.prototype.unsetBlock = function unsetBlock() {
this.ts = 0;
this.block = null;
this.height = -1;
this.index = -1; =;
* Hash the transaction with the non-witness serialization.
* @param {String?} enc - Can be `'hex'` or `null`.
* @returns {Hash|Buffer} hash
TX.prototype.hash = function _hash(enc) {
var hash = this._hash;
if (!hash) {
hash = utils.dsha256(this.renderNormal());
if (!this.mutable)
this._hash = hash;
return enc === 'hex' ? hash.toString('hex') : hash;
* Hash the transaction with the witness
* serialization, return the wtxid (normal
* hash if no witness is present, all zeroes
* if coinbase).
* @param {String?} enc - Can be `'hex'` or `null`.
* @returns {Hash|Buffer} hash
TX.prototype.witnessHash = function witnessHash(enc) {
var hash = this._whash;
if (this.isCoinbase()) {
return enc === 'hex'
? constants.NULL_HASH
: utils.copy(constants.ZERO_HASH);
if (!this.hasWitness())
return this.hash(enc);
if (!hash) {
hash = utils.dsha256(this.renderWitness());
if (!this.mutable)
this._whash = hash;
return enc === 'hex' ? hash.toString('hex') : hash;
* Serialize the transaction. Note
* that this is cached. This will use
* the witness serialization if a
* witness is present.
* @returns {Buffer} Serialized transaction.
TX.prototype.render = function render() {
return this.getRaw();
* Serialize the transaction without the
* witness vector, regardless of whether it
* is a witness transaction or not.
* @returns {Buffer} Serialized transaction.
TX.prototype.renderNormal = function renderNormal() {
var raw = this.getRaw();
if (!bcoin.protocol.parser.isWitnessTX(raw))
return raw;
return bcoin.protocol.framer.tx(this);
* Serialize the transaction with the
* witness vector, regardless of whether it
* is a witness transaction or not.
* @returns {Buffer} Serialized transaction.
TX.prototype.renderWitness = function renderWitness() {
var raw = this.getRaw();
if (bcoin.protocol.parser.isWitnessTX(raw))
return raw;
return bcoin.protocol.framer.witnessTX(this);
* Serialize the transaction. Note
* that this is cached. This will use
* the witness serialization if a
* witness is present.
* @returns {Buffer} Serialized transaction.
TX.prototype.getRaw = function getRaw() {
var raw;
if (this._raw) {
assert(this._size > 0);
assert(this._witnessSize >= 0);
return this._raw;
if (this.hasWitness())
raw = bcoin.protocol.framer.witnessTX(this);
raw = bcoin.protocol.framer.tx(this);
if (!this.mutable) {
this._raw = raw;
this._size = raw.length;
this._witnessSize = raw._witnessSize;
return raw;
* Calculate real size and size of the witness bytes.
* @returns {Object} Contains `size` and `witnessSize`.
TX.prototype.getSizes = function getSizes() {
if (this.mutable)
return bcoin.protocol.framer.tx.sizes(this);
return {
size: this._size,
witnessSize: this._witnessSize
* Calculate the virtual size of the transaction.
* Note that this is cached.
* @returns {Number} vsize
TX.prototype.getVirtualSize = function getVirtualSize() {
var scale = constants.WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;
return (this.getCost() + scale - 1) / scale | 0;
* Calculate the cost of the transaction.
* Note that this is cached.
* @returns {Number} cost
TX.prototype.getCost = function getCost() {
var sizes = this.getSizes();
var base = sizes.size - sizes.witnessSize;
return base * (constants.WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR - 1) + sizes.size;
* Calculate the real size of the transaction
* with the witness included.
* @returns {Number} size
TX.prototype.getSize = function getSize() {
return this.getSizes().size;
* Calculate the size of the transaction
* without the witness.
* with the witness included.
* @returns {Number} size
TX.prototype.getBaseSize = function getBaseSize() {
var sizes = this.getSizes();
return sizes.size - sizes.witnessSize;
* Test whether the transaction has a non-empty witness.
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.hasWitness = function hasWitness() {
var i;
if (this._witnessSize > 0)
return true;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
if (this.inputs[i].witness.items.length > 0)
return true;
return false;
* Get the signature hash of the transaction for signing verifying.
* @param {Number} index - Index of input being signed/verified.
* @param {Script} prev - Previous output script or redeem script
* (in the case of witnesspubkeyhash, this should be the generated
* p2pkh script).
* @param {SighashType} type - Sighash type.
* @param {Number} version - Sighash version (0=legacy, 1=segwit).
* @returns {Buffer} Signature hash.
TX.prototype.signatureHash = function signatureHash(index, prev, type, version) {
// Traditional sighashing
if (version === 0)
return this.signatureHashV0(index, prev, type);
// Segwit sighashing
if (version === 1)
return this.signatureHashV1(index, prev, type);
assert(false, 'Unknown sighash version.');
TX.prototype.signatureHashV0 = function signatureHashV0(index, prev, type) {
var p = new BufferWriter();
var i, copy;
if (typeof index !== 'number')
index = this.inputs.indexOf(index);
if (typeof type === 'string')
type = constants.hashType[type.toUpperCase()];
assert(index >= 0 &amp;&amp; index &lt; this.inputs.length);
assert(prev instanceof Script);
// Clone the transaction.
copy = {
version: this.version,
inputs: [],
outputs: [],
locktime: this.locktime
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
prevout: this.inputs[i].prevout,
script: this.inputs[i].script,
witness: this.inputs[i].witness,
sequence: this.inputs[i].sequence
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++) {
value: this.outputs[i].value,
script: this.outputs[i].script
// Remove all signatures.
for (i = 0; i &lt; copy.inputs.length; i++)
copy.inputs[i].script = new Script();
// Remove all code separators.
prev = prev.removeSeparators();
// Set our input to previous output's script
copy.inputs[index].script = prev;
if ((type &amp; 0x1f) === constants.hashType.NONE) {
// Drop all outputs. We don't want to sign them.
copy.outputs.length = 0;
// Allow input sequence updates for other inputs.
for (i = 0; i &lt; copy.inputs.length; i++) {
if (i !== index)
copy.inputs[i].sequence = 0;
} else if ((type &amp; 0x1f) === constants.hashType.SINGLE) {
// Bitcoind used to return 1 as an error code:
// it ended up being treated like a hash.
if (index >= copy.outputs.length)
return utils.copy(constants.ONE_HASH);
// Drop all the outputs after the input index.
copy.outputs.length = index + 1;
// Null outputs that are not the at current input index.
for (i = 0; i &lt; copy.outputs.length; i++) {
if (i !== index) {
copy.outputs[i].script = new Script();
copy.outputs[i].value = -1;
// Allow input sequence updates for other inputs.
for (i = 0; i &lt; copy.inputs.length; i++) {
if (i !== index)
copy.inputs[i].sequence = 0;
// Only sign our input. Allows anyone to add inputs.
if (type &amp; constants.hashType.ANYONECANPAY) {
copy.inputs[0] = copy.inputs[index];
copy.inputs.length = 1;
// Render the copy and append the hashtype.
bcoin.protocol.framer.tx(copy, p);
return utils.dsha256(p.render());
TX.prototype.signatureHashV1 = function signatureHashV1(index, prev, type) {
var p = new BufferWriter();
var i, prevout, hashPrevouts, hashSequence, hashOutputs;
if (typeof index !== 'number')
index = this.inputs.indexOf(index);
if (typeof type === 'string')
type = constants.hashType[type.toUpperCase()];
assert(index >= 0 &amp;&amp; index &lt; this.inputs.length);
assert(prev instanceof Script);
if (!(type &amp; constants.hashType.ANYONECANPAY)) {
if (this._hashPrevouts) {
hashPrevouts = this._hashPrevouts;
} else {
hashPrevouts = new BufferWriter();
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
prevout = this.inputs[i].prevout;
hashPrevouts = utils.dsha256(hashPrevouts.render());
if (!this.mutable)
this._hashPrevouts = hashPrevouts;
} else {
hashPrevouts = utils.copy(constants.ZERO_HASH);
if (!(type &amp; constants.hashType.ANYONECANPAY)
&amp;&amp; (type &amp; 0x1f) !== constants.hashType.SINGLE
&amp;&amp; (type &amp; 0x1f) !== constants.hashType.NONE) {
if (this._hashSequence) {
hashSequence = this._hashSequence;
} else {
hashSequence = new BufferWriter();
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++)
hashSequence = utils.dsha256(hashSequence.render());
if (!this.mutable)
this._hashSequence = hashSequence;
} else {
hashSequence = utils.copy(constants.ZERO_HASH);
if ((type &amp; 0x1f) !== constants.hashType.SINGLE
&amp;&amp; (type &amp; 0x1f) !== constants.hashType.NONE) {
if (this._hashOutputs) {
hashOutputs = this._hashOutputs;
} else {
hashOutputs = new BufferWriter();
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++)
bcoin.protocol.framer.output(this.outputs[i], hashOutputs);
hashOutputs = utils.dsha256(hashOutputs.render());
if (!this.mutable)
this._hashOutputs = hashOutputs;
} else if ((type &amp; 0x1f) === constants.hashType.SINGLE &amp;&amp; index &lt; this.outputs.length) {
hashOutputs = bcoin.protocol.framer.output(this.outputs[index]);
hashOutputs = utils.dsha256(hashOutputs);
} else {
hashOutputs = utils.copy(constants.ZERO_HASH);
return utils.dsha256(p.render());
* Verify the transaction inputs.
* @param {Number?} index - Index of output being
* verified. If not present, all outputs will be verified.
* @param {Boolean?} force - Force the transaction to
* be verified, even if it has been confirmed.
* @param {VerifyFlags?} flags
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the inputs are valid.
TX.prototype.verify = function verify(index, force, flags) {
var i, input;
// Valid if included in block
if (!force &amp;&amp; this.ts !== 0)
return true;
if (this.inputs.length === 0)
return false;
if (index &amp;&amp; typeof index === 'object')
index = this.inputs.indexOf(index);
if (index != null)
if (this.isCoinbase())
return true;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
if (index != null &amp;&amp; i !== index)
if (!input.coin) {
bcoin.debug('Warning: Not all coins are available for tx.verify().');
return false;
try {
} catch (e) {
if (e.type === 'ScriptError')
bcoin.debug('Script verification error: %s', e.message);
bcoin.debug('Script interpreter threw: %s', e.stack + '');
return false;
return true;
* Verify the transaction inputs on the worker pool
* (if workers are enabled).
* @param {Number?} index - Index of output being
* verified. If not present, all outputs will be verified.
* @param {Boolean?} force - Force the transaction to
* be verified, even if it has been confirmed.
* @param {VerifyFlags?} flags
* @param {Function} callback
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the inputs are valid.
TX.prototype.verifyAsync = function verifyAsync(index, force, flags, callback) {
var res;
callback = utils.asyncify(callback);
if (!bcoin.workerPool) {
try {
res = this.verify(index, force, flags);
} catch (e) {
return callback(e);
return callback(null, res);
if (!force &amp;&amp; this.ts !== 0)
return callback(null, true);
if (this.inputs.length === 0)
return callback(null, false);
if (this.isCoinbase())
return callback(null, true);
bcoin.workerPool.verify(this, index, force, flags, callback);
* Test whether the transaction is a coinbase
* by examining the inputs.
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.isCoinbase = function isCoinbase() {
return this.inputs.length === 1
&amp;&amp; this.inputs[0].prevout.hash === constants.NULL_HASH;
* Calculate the fee for the transaction.
* @returns {Amount} fee (zero if not all coins are available).
TX.prototype.getFee = function getFee() {
if (!this.hasCoins())
return 0;
return this.getInputValue() - this.getOutputValue();
* Calculate the total input value.
* @returns {Amount} value
TX.prototype.getInputValue = function getInputValue() {
var total = 0;
var i;
if (this._inputValue != null)
return this._inputValue;
if (!this.hasCoins())
return total;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++)
total += this.inputs[i].coin.value;
if (!this.mutable)
this._inputValue = total;
return total;
* Calculate the total output value.
* @returns {Amount} value
TX.prototype.getOutputValue = function getOutputValue() {
var total = 0;
var i;
if (this._outputValue != null)
return this._outputValue;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++)
total += this.outputs[i].value;
if (!this.mutable)
this._outputValue = total;
return total;
* Get all input addresses.
* @returns {Base58Address[]} addresses
TX.prototype.getInputAddresses = function getInputAddresses() {
var table = {};
var addresses = [];
var i, address, hash;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
address = this.inputs[i].getAddress();
if (address) {
hash = address.getHash('hex');
if (!table[hash]) {
table[hash] = true;
addresses.table = table;
return addresses;
* Get all output addresses.
* @returns {Base58Address[]} addresses
TX.prototype.getOutputAddresses = function getOutputAddresses() {
var table = {};
var addresses = [];
var i, address, hash;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++) {
address = this.outputs[i].getAddress();
if (address) {
hash = address.getHash('hex');
if (!table[hash]) {
table[hash] = true;
addresses.table = table;
return addresses;
* Get all addresses.
* @returns {Base58Address[]} addresses
TX.prototype.getAddresses = function getAddresses() {
var input = this.getInputAddresses();
var output = this.getOutputAddresses();
var i, hash;
for (i = 0; i &lt; output.length; i++) {
hash = output[i].getHash('hex');
if (!input.table[hash]) {
input.table[hash] = true;
return input;
* Get all input address hashes.
* @returns {Hash[]} hashes
TX.prototype.getInputHashes = function getInputHashes() {
return Object.keys(this.getInputAddresses().table);
* Get all output address hashes.
* @returns {Hash[]} hashes
TX.prototype.getOutputHashes = function getOutputHashes() {
return Object.keys(this.getOutputAddresses().table);
* Get all address hashes.
* @returns {Hash[]} hashes
TX.prototype.getHashes = function getHashes() {
return Object.keys(this.getAddresses().table);
* Test the inputs against an address, an
* array of address hashes, or a map of address hashes.
* @param {Hash|Hash[]|AddressHashMap} addressMap
* @param {Number?} index
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the transaction matched.
TX.prototype.testInputs = function testInputs(addressMap, index) {
var i;
if (typeof addressMap === 'string')
addressMap = [addressMap];
if (Array.isArray(addressMap))
addressMap = utils.toMap(addressMap);
if (index &amp;&amp; typeof index === 'object')
index = this.inputs.indexOf(index);
if (index != null)
return this.inputs[index].test(addressMap);
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
if (this.inputs[i].test(addressMap))
return true;
return false;
* Test the outputs against an address, an
* array of address hashes, or a map of address hashes.
* @param {Hash|Hash[]|AddressHashMap} addressMap
* @param {Number?} index
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the transaction matched.
TX.prototype.testOutputs = function testOutputs(addressMap, index) {
var i;
if (typeof addressMap === 'string')
addressMap = [addressMap];
if (Array.isArray(addressMap))
addressMap = utils.toMap(addressMap);
if (index &amp;&amp; typeof index === 'object')
index = this.outputs.indexOf(index);
if (index != null)
return this.outputs[index].test(addressMap);
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++) {
if (this.outputs[i].test(addressMap))
return true;
return false;
* Test whether the transaction has
* all coins available/filled.
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.hasCoins = function hasCoins() {
var i;
if (this.inputs.length === 0)
return false;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
if (!this.inputs[i].coin)
return false;
return true;
* Attempt to connect coins to prevouts.
* @param {Coin|TX|Coin[]|TX[]} coins
* @returns {Boolean} Whether the transaction is now completely filled.
TX.prototype.fillCoins = function fillCoins(coins) {
var total = 0;
var key, i, input, prevout;
if ((coins instanceof bcoin.coin) || (coins instanceof bcoin.tx))
coins = [coins];
if (Array.isArray(coins)) {
coins = coins.reduce(function(out, coin) {
if (coin instanceof TX) {
out[coin.hash('hex')] = coin;
} else if (coin instanceof bcoin.coin) {
assert(typeof coin.hash === 'string');
assert(typeof coin.index === 'number');
out[coin.hash + '/' + coin.index] = coin;
} else {
assert(false, 'Non-coin object passed to fillCoins.');
return out;
}, {});
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
prevout = input.prevout;
if (!input.coin) {
if (coins[prevout.hash]) {
input.coin = bcoin.coin.fromTX(coins[prevout.hash], prevout.index);
} else {
key = prevout.hash + '/' + prevout.index;
if (coins[key])
input.coin = coins[key];
if (input.coin)
return total === this.inputs.length;
* Check finality of transaction by examining nLockTime and nSequences.
* @example
* tx.isFinal(network.height + 1,;
* @param {Number} height - Height at which to test. This
* is usually the chain height, or the chain height + 1
* when the transaction entered the mempool.
* @param {Number} ts - Time at which to test. This is
* usually the chain tip's parent's median time, or the
* time at which the transaction entered the mempool. If
* MEDIAN_TIME_PAST is enabled this will be the median
* time of the chain tip's previous entry's median time.
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.isFinal = function isFinal(height, ts) {
var threshold = constants.LOCKTIME_THRESHOLD;
var i;
if (this.locktime === 0)
return true;
if (this.locktime &lt; (this.locktime &lt; threshold ? height : ts))
return true;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
if (this.inputs[i].sequence !== 0xffffffff)
return false;
return true;
* Calculate legacy (inaccurate) sigop count.
* @returns {Number} sigop count
TX.prototype.getLegacySigops = function getLegacySigops() {
var total = 0;
var i;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++)
total += this.inputs[i].script.getSigops(false);
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++)
total += this.outputs[i].script.getSigops(false);
return total;
* Calculate accurate sigop count, taking into account redeem scripts.
* @returns {Number} sigop count
TX.prototype.getScripthashSigops = function getScripthashSigops() {
var total = 0;
var i, input;
if (this.isCoinbase())
return 0;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
if (!input.coin)
if (input.coin.script.isScripthash())
total += input.coin.script.getScripthashSigops(input.script);
return total;
* Calculate sigops cost, taking into account witness programs.
* @param {VerifyFlags?} flags
* @returns {Number} sigop cost
TX.prototype.getSigopsCost = function getSigopsCost(flags) {
var cost = this.getLegacySigops() * constants.WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;
var input, i;
if (flags == null)
flags = constants.flags.STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS;
if (this.isCoinbase())
return cost;
if (flags &amp; constants.flags.VERIFY_P2SH)
cost += this.getScripthashSigops() * constants.WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
if (!input.coin)
cost += Script.getWitnessSigops(
return cost;
* Calculate virtual sigop count.
* @param {VerifyFlags?} flags
* @returns {Number} sigop count
TX.prototype.getSigops = function getSigops(flags) {
var scale = constants.WITNESS_SCALE_FACTOR;
if (flags == null)
flags = constants.flags.STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS;
return (this.getSigopsCost(flags) + scale - 1) / scale | 0;
* Non-contextual sanity checks for the transaction.
* Will mostly verify coin and output values.
* @see CheckTransaction()
* @param {Object?} ret - Return object, may be
* set with properties `reason` and `score`.
* @returns {Boolean} sane
TX.prototype.isSane = function isSane(ret) {
var prevout = {};
var total = 0;
var i, input, output, size, key;
if (!ret)
ret = {};
if (this.inputs.length === 0) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-vin-empty';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
if (this.outputs.length === 0) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-vout-empty';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
if (this.getBaseSize() > constants.block.MAX_SIZE) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-oversize';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++) {
output = this.outputs[i];
if (output.value &lt; 0) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-vout-negative';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
if (output.value > constants.MAX_MONEY) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-vout-toolarge';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
total += output.value;
if (total &lt; 0 || total > constants.MAX_MONEY) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-txouttotal-toolarge';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
key = input.prevout.hash + '/' + input.prevout.index;
if (prevout[key]) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-inputs-duplicate';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
prevout[key] = true;
if (this.isCoinbase()) {
size = this.inputs[0].script.getSize();
if (size &lt; 2 || size > 100) {
ret.reason = 'bad-cb-length';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
} else {
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
if (input.prevout.hash === constants.NULL_HASH
&amp;&amp; input.prevout.index === 0xffffffff) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-prevout-null';
ret.score = 10;
return false;
return true;
* Non-contextual checks to determine whether the
* transaction has all standard output script
* types and standard input script size with only
* pushdatas in the code.
* Will mostly verify coin and output values.
* @see IsStandardTx()
* @param {Object?} ret - Return object, may be
* set with properties `reason` and `score`.
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.isStandard = function isStandard(flags, ret) {
var i, input, output;
var nulldata = 0;
if (!ret)
ret = {};
if (flags == null)
flags = constants.flags.STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS;
if (this.version &lt; 1 || this.version > constants.tx.MAX_VERSION) {
ret.reason = 'version';
return false;
if (this.getCost() > constants.tx.MAX_COST) {
ret.reason = 'tx-size';
return false;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
if (input.script.getSize() > 1650) {
ret.reason = 'scriptsig-size';
return false;
if (flags &amp; constants.flags.VERIFY_SIGPUSHONLY) {
if (!input.script.isPushOnly()) {
ret.reason = 'scriptsig-not-pushonly';
return false;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++) {
output = this.outputs[i];
if (!output.script.isStandard()) {
ret.reason = 'scriptpubkey';
return false;
if (output.script.isNulldata()) {
if (output.script.isMultisig() &amp;&amp; !constants.tx.BARE_MULTISIG) {
ret.reason = 'bare-multisig';
return false;
if (output.isDust(constants.tx.MIN_RELAY)) {
ret.reason = 'dust';
return false;
if (nulldata > 1) {
ret.reason = 'multi-op-return';
return false;
return true;
* Perform contextual checks to verify coin and input
* script standardness (including the redeem script).
* @see AreInputsStandard()
* @param {VerifyFlags?}
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.hasStandardInputs = function hasStandardInputs(flags) {
var maxSigops = constants.script.MAX_SCRIPTHASH_SIGOPS;
var VERIFY_NONE = constants.flags.VERIFY_NONE;
var i, input, stack, redeem;
if (flags == null)
flags = constants.flags.STANDARD_VERIFY_FLAGS;
if (this.isCoinbase())
return true;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
if (!input.coin)
return false;
if (input.coin.script.isUnknown())
return false;
if ((flags &amp; constants.flags.VERIFY_P2SH)
&amp;&amp; input.coin.script.isScripthash()) {
stack = new Stack();
try {
input.script.execute(stack, VERIFY_NONE, this, i, 0);
} catch (e) {
return false;
if (stack.length === 0)
return false;
redeem = stack.getRedeem(false);
if (!redeem)
return false;
if (redeem.getSigops(true) > maxSigops)
return false;
return true;
* Perform contextual checks to verify input, output,
* and fee values, as well as coinbase spend maturity
* (coinbases can only be spent 100 blocks or more
* after they're created). Note that this function is
* consensus critical.
* @param {Number} spendHeight - Height at which the
* transaction is being spent. In the mempool this is
* the chain height plus one at the time it entered the pool.
* @param {Object?} ret - Return object, may be
* set with properties `reason` and `score`.
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.checkInputs = function checkInputs(spendHeight, ret) {
var total = 0;
var i, input, coin, fee, value;
if (!ret)
ret = {};
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
coin = input.coin;
if (coin.coinbase) {
if (spendHeight - coin.height &lt; constants.tx.COINBASE_MATURITY) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-premature-spend-of-coinbase';
ret.score = 0;
return false;
if (coin.value &lt; 0 || coin.value > constants.MAX_MONEY) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-inputvalues-outofrange';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
total += coin.value;
if (total &lt; 0 || total > constants.MAX_MONEY) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-inputvalues-outofrange';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
value = this.getOutputValue();
if (value > total) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-in-belowout';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
fee = total - value;
if (fee &lt; 0) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-fee-negative';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
if (fee > constants.MAX_MONEY) {
ret.reason = 'bad-txns-fee-outofrange';
ret.score = 100;
return false;
return true;
* Estimate the max possible size of transaction once the
* inputs are scripted. If the transaction is non-mutable,
* this will just return the virtual size.
* @returns {Number} size
TX.prototype.maxSize = function maxSize() {
return this.getVirtualSize();
* Calculate the modified size of the transaction. This
* is used in the mempool for calculating priority.
* @param {Number?} size - The size to modify. If not present,
* virtual size will be used.
* @returns {Number} Modified size.
TX.prototype.getModifiedSize = function getModifiedSize(size) {
var i, offset;
if (size == null)
size = this.maxSize();
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
offset = 41 + Math.min(110, this.inputs[i].script.getSize());
if (size > offset)
size -= offset;
return size;
* Calculate the transaction priority.
* @param {Number?} height - If not present, tx height
* or mempool height will be used.
* @param {Number?} size - Size to calculate priority
* based on. If not present, modified size will be
* calculated and used.
* @returns {Object} data - Object containing
* `priority` and `value`.
TX.prototype.getPriority = function getPriority(height, size) {
var sum, i, input, age, value;
if (this.isCoinbase())
return { value: 0, priority: 0 };
if (height == null) {
height = this.height;
if (height === -1)
height = + 1;
if (size == null)
size = this.maxSize();
sum = 0;
value = 0;
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
if (!input.coin)
if (input.coin.height === -1)
if (input.coin.height &lt;= height) {
age = height - input.coin.height;
sum += input.coin.value * age;
value += input.coin.value;
return {
value: value,
priority: Math.floor(sum / size)
* Determine whether the transaction is above the
* free threshold in priority. A transaction which
* passed this test is most likely relayable
* without a fee.
* @param {Number?} height - If not present, tx
* height or mempool height will be used.
* @param {Number?} size - If not present, modified
* size will be calculated and used.
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.prototype.isFree = function isFree(height, size) {
var data;
if (height == null) {
height = this.height;
if (height === -1)
height = + 1;
data = this.getPriority(height, size);
return data.priority > constants.tx.FREE_THRESHOLD;
* Calculate minimum fee in order for the transaction
* to be relayable (not the constant min relay fee).
* @param {Number?} size - If not present, max size
* estimation will be calculated and used.
* @param {Rate?} rate - Rate of satoshi per kB.
* @returns {Amount} fee
TX.prototype.getMinFee = function getMinFee(size, rate) {
if (size == null)
size = this.maxSize();
return TX.getMinFee(size, rate);
* Calculate the transaction's rate based on size
* and fees. Size will be calculated if not present.
* @param {Number?} size
* @returns {Rate}
TX.prototype.getRate = function getRate(size) {
if (size == null)
size = this.maxSize();
return TX.getRate(size, this.getFee());
* Calculate the minimum fee in order for the transaction
* to be relayable, but _round to the nearest kilobyte
* when taking into account size.
* @param {Number?} size - If not present, max size
* estimation will be calculated and used.
* @param {Rate?} rate - Rate of satoshi per kB.
* @returns {Amount} fee
TX.prototype.getRoundFee = function getRoundFee(size, rate) {
var fee;
if (size == null)
size = this.maxSize();
if (rate == null)
rate = constants.tx.MIN_RELAY;
fee = rate * Math.ceil(size / 1000);
if (fee === 0 &amp;&amp; rate > 0)
fee = rate;
return fee;
* Calculate current number of transaction confirmations.
* @param {Number?} height - Current chain height. If not
* present, network chain height will be used.
* @returns {Number} confirmations
TX.prototype.getConfirmations = function getConfirmations(height) {
if (height == null)
height =;
if (this.height === -1)
return 0;
if (height &lt; this.height)
return 1;
return height - this.height + 1;
* Get all unique outpoint hashes.
* @returns {Hash[]} Outpoint hashes.
TX.prototype.getPrevout = function getPrevout() {
var prevout = {};
var i, input;
if (this.isCoinbase())
return [];
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
prevout[input.prevout.hash] = true;
return Object.keys(prevout);
* Test a transaction against a bloom filter using
* the BIP37 matching algorithm. Note that this may
* update the filter depending on what the `update`
* value is.
* @see "Filter matching algorithm":
* @see
* @param {Bloom} filter
* @returns {Boolean} True if the transaction matched.
TX.prototype.isWatched = function isWatched(filter) {
var found = false;
var i, input, output, hash, index, outpoint;
if (!filter)
return false;
function testScript(code) {
var i, chunk;
for (i = 0; i &lt; code.length; i++) {
chunk = code[i];
if (Script.isBadPush(chunk))
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(chunk) || chunk.length === 0)
if (filter.test(chunk))
return true;
return false;
// 1. Test the tx hash
if (filter.test(this.hash()))
found = true;
// 2. Test data elements in output scripts
// (may need to update filter on match)
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.outputs.length; i++) {
output = this.outputs[i];
// Test the output script
if (testScript(output.script.code)) {
if (filter.update === constants.filterFlags.ALL) {
outpoint = bcoin.protocol.framer.outpoint(this.hash(), i);
} else if (filter.update === constants.filterFlags.PUBKEY_ONLY) {
if (output.script.isPubkey() || output.script.isMultisig()) {
outpoint = bcoin.protocol.framer.outpoint(this.hash(), i);
found = true;
if (found)
return found;
// 3. Test prev_out structure
// 4. Test data elements in input scripts
for (i = 0; i &lt; this.inputs.length; i++) {
input = this.inputs[i];
hash = input.prevout.hash;
index = input.prevout.index;
outpoint = bcoin.protocol.framer.outpoint(hash, index);
// Test the COutPoint structure
if (filter.test(outpoint))
return true;
// Test the input script
if (testScript(input.script.code))
return true;
// Test the witness
// if (testScript(input.witness.items))
// return true;
// 5. No match
return false;
TX.prototype.__defineGetter__('rblock', function() {
return this.block
? utils.revHex(this.block)
: null;
TX.prototype.__defineGetter__('rhash', function() {
return utils.revHex(this.hash('hex'));
TX.prototype.__defineGetter__('rwhash', function() {
return utils.revHex(this.witnessHash('hex'));
TX.prototype.__defineGetter__('txid', function() {
return this.rhash;
TX.prototype.__defineGetter__('wtxid', function() {
return this.rwhash;
* Convert the tx to an inv item.
* @returns {InvItem}
TX.prototype.toInv = function toInv() {
return {
type: constants.inv.TX,
hash: this.hash('hex')
* Calculate minimum fee based on rate and size.
* @param {Number?} size
* @param {Rate?} rate - Rate of satoshi per kB.
* @returns {Amount} fee
TX.getMinFee = function getMinFee(size, rate) {
var fee;
if (rate == null)
rate = constants.tx.MIN_RELAY;
fee = Math.floor(rate * size / 1000);
if (fee === 0 &amp;&amp; rate > 0)
fee = rate;
return fee;
* Calculate a fee rate based on size and fees.
* @param {Number} size
* @param {Amount} fee
* @returns {Rate}
TX.getRate = function(size, fee) {
return Math.floor(fee * 1000 / size);
* Inspect the transaction and return a more
* user-friendly representation of the data.
* @returns {Object}
TX.prototype.inspect = function inspect() {
return {
type: 'tx',
hash: this.rhash,
witnessHash: this.rwhash,
size: this.getSize(),
virtualSize: this.maxSize(),
height: this.height,
value: utils.btc(this.getOutputValue()),
fee: utils.btc(this.getFee()),
minFee: utils.btc(this.getMinFee()),
rate: utils.btc(this.getRate()),
confirmations: this.getConfirmations(),
priority: this.getPriority().priority.toString(10),
date: ||,
block: this.block ? utils.revHex(this.block) : null,
ts: this.ts,
index: this.index,
changeIndex: this.changeIndex || -1,
version: this.version,
flag: this.flag,
inputs: this.inputs,
outputs: this.outputs,
locktime: this.locktime
* Convert the transaction to an object suitable
* for JSON serialization. Note that the hashes
* will be reversed to abide by bitcoind's legacy
* of little-endian uint256s.
* @returns {Object}
TX.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
return {
type: 'tx',
hash: utils.revHex(this.hash('hex')),
witnessHash: utils.revHex(this.witnessHash('hex')),
height: this.height,
block: this.block ? utils.revHex(this.block) : null,
ts: this.ts,
index: this.index,
changeIndex: this.changeIndex || -1,
version: this.version,
flag: this.flag,
inputs: {
return input.toJSON();
outputs: {
return output.toJSON();
locktime: this.locktime
* Handle a deserialized JSON transaction object.
* @param {Object} json
* @returns {NakedTX} A "naked" transaction (a
* plain javascript object which is suitable
* for passing to the TX constructor).
TX.parseJSON = function fromJSON(json) {
assert.equal(json.type, 'tx');
return {
block: json.block ? utils.revHex(json.block) : null,
height: json.height,
ts: json.ts,
index: json.index,
changeIndex: json.changeIndex || -1,
version: json.version,
flag: json.flag,
inputs: {
return bcoin.input.parseJSON(input);
outputs: {
return bcoin.output.parseJSON(output);
locktime: json.locktime
* Instantiate a transaction from a
* jsonified transaction object.
* @param {Object} json - The jsonified transaction object.
* @returns {TX}
TX.fromJSON = function fromJSON(json) {
assert.equal(json.type, 'tx');
return new TX(TX.parseJSON(json));
* Serialize the transaction.
* @see {TX#render}
* @param {String?} enc - Encoding, can be `'hex'` or null.
* @returns {Buffer|String}
TX.prototype.toRaw = function toRaw(enc) {
var data = this.render();
if (enc === 'hex')
data = data.toString('hex');
return data;
* Parse a serialized transaction.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @param {String?} enc - Encoding, can be `'hex'` or null.
* @returns {NakedTX} A "naked" transaction object.
TX.parseRaw = function parseRaw(data, enc) {
if (enc === 'hex')
data = new Buffer(data, 'hex');
return bcoin.protocol.parser.parseTX(data);
* Instantiate a transaction from a serialized Buffer.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @param {String?} enc - Encoding, can be `'hex'` or null.
* @returns {TX}
TX.fromRaw = function fromRaw(data, enc) {
return new bcoin.tx(TX.parseRaw(data, enc));
* Serialize a transaction to BCoin "extended format".
* This is the serialization format BCoin uses internally
* to store transactions in the database. The extended
* serialization includes the height, block hash, index,
* timestamp, pending-since time, and optionally a vector
* for the serialized coins.
* @param {Boolean?} saveCoins - Whether to serialize the coins.
* @param {String?} enc - One of `"hex"` or `null`.
* @returns {Buffer}
TX.prototype.toExtended = function toExtended(saveCoins, enc) {
var data, tmp;
if (typeof saveCoins === 'string') {
tmp = saveCoins;
saveCoins = enc;
enc = tmp;
data = bcoin.protocol.framer.extendedTX(this, saveCoins);
if (enc === 'hex')
data = data.toString('hex');
return data;
* Parse a transaction in "extended" serialization format.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @param {Boolean?} saveCoins - If true, the function will
* attempt to parse the coins.
* @param {String?} enc - One of `"hex"` or `null`.
* @returns {NakedTX} - A "naked" transaction object.
TX.parseExtended = function parseExtended(data, saveCoins, enc) {
var tmp;
if (typeof saveCoins === 'string') {
tmp = saveCoins;
saveCoins = enc;
enc = tmp;
if (enc === 'hex')
data = new Buffer(data, 'hex');
return bcoin.protocol.parser.parseExtendedTX(data, saveCoins);
* Instantiate a transaction from a Buffer
* in "extended" serialization format.
* @param {Buffer} data
* @param {Boolean?} saveCoins - If true, the function will
* attempt to parse the coins.
* @param {String?} enc - One of `"hex"` or `null`.
* @returns {TX}
TX.fromExtended = function fromExtended(data, saveCoins, enc) {
return new TX(TX.parseExtended(data, saveCoins, enc));
* Convert transaction outputs to a {Coins} object.
* @returns {Coins}
TX.prototype.toCoins = function toCoins() {
return bcoin.coins.fromTX(this);
* Test whether an object is a TX.
* @param {Object} obj
* @returns {Boolean}
TX.isTX = function isTX(obj) {
return obj
&amp;&amp; Array.isArray(obj.inputs)
&amp;&amp; typeof obj.locktime === 'number'
&amp;&amp; typeof obj.witnessHash === 'function';
* Expose
module.exports = TX;
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