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bip-xchgrate: Draft of a new BIP for a common format for exchange rate information

Luke Dashjr 8 years ago
  1. 115


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BIP: ?
Layer: Applications
Title: Currency/exchange rate information API
Author: Luke Dashjr <>
Comments-Summary: No comments yet.
Comments-URI: ?
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2017-03-04
License: BSD-2-Clause
A common interface for requesting currency exchange rate information from a server.
This BIP is licensed under the BSD 2-clause license.
Four requests are defined, which are all made by a GET request to a common URI with parameters encoded in application/x-www-form-urlencoded format.
All matching parameters may be specified with multiple comma-separated values, which are to be interpreted as "any of these".
Each result is always in JSON format, with a line-feed (never a carriage-return) separating multiple results.
To be BIP <FIXME> compatible, servers MUST support at least one currency-pair compared to XBT.
All inquiries for bitcoin amounts MUST be specified in XBT, even if the presentation to the end user is in another unit.
(FIXME: or should this be satoshis?)
Currency code(s) used herein are defined as such:
* All ISO 4217 codes are valid currency codes.
* XBT is defined as 100000000 satoshis (commonly known as 1 BTC).
* Strings longer than 3 characters may be used for currencies without an applicable code. (If a shorter code is desired despite this, it may be padded with space(s) to the left until it is 4 characters. Software MAY strip these spaces.)
===Enumerating supported currency-pair tokens===
* ''mode'' - Always "list" for this request.
* ''cc'' - If provided, the server MAY limit the results to only currency-pairs describing a currency with the given currency code(s).
* ''alt'' - If provided, the server MAY limit the results to only currency-pairs describing currency rates compared to the given currency code(s).
* ''locale'' - If provided, the server MAY limit the results to only currency-pairs supporting the given locale(s).
There is only one result, which is a JSON Array of Strings, each representing a supported currency-pair.
These Strings are arbitrarily decided by the server.
===Currency-pair information===
* ''mode'' - Always "info" for this request.
* ''cp'' - Currency pair(s) for which information is requested.
Each currency-pair will receive a separate result, a JSON Object, with the following information:
* ''cp'' - The currency-pair token.
* ''cc'' - The currency code for the primary currency, if any.
* ''symbol'' - An Array of prefix and suffix for the primary currency. Each may be either a fixed String, an Array of two Strings (negative and positive), or null. Any positive or negative symbols must be included in this prefix/suffix; it MUST NOT be implied otherwise.
* ''digits'' - The type of digits to use for the primary currency's numbers. "arabic" should be used for common 0-9 digits.
* ''grouping'' - An Array alternating between Numbers representing a series of digits, and Strings used as delimiters. If terminated by a zero, the final grouping is to be repeated continually. For example, the common US locale thousands grouping would be <code>[3, ",", 0]</code>
* ''fraction_sep'' - A String to be placed between whole numbers and a fractional amount.
* ''fraction_digits'' - Array of absolute minimum (even for whole numbers) number of fractional digits, minimum fractional digits when a fraction exists, and maximum number of fractional digits when absolute precision is not demanded (below which is to be rounded in an implementation-dependent manner).
* ''locale'' - If provided, a String with the applicable ISO 15897 locale.
* ''minpoll'' - A Number of seconds indicating a minimum time between polls to the server. Clients should be prudent about not polling too often, even if this number is low.
* ''longpoll'' - If provided and true, indicates longpolling is supported by the server.
* ''history'' - If provided, indicates the server has historical records going back no earlier than the POSIX timestamp provided as a value.
* ''archive'' - If provided, indicates the server no longer has current rates, and has no historical rates more recent than the POSIX timestamp provided as a value.
===Current exchange rate===
* ''mode'' - Always "rate" for this request.
* ''cp'' - Currency pair(s) for which rate is requested.
* ''type'' - Type of exchange rate data being requested. May be "high", "low", "average", "typical", or any other arbitrary name. If omitted, the server may provide any rates it deems appropriate.
* ''minrate'', ''maxrate'' - If specified, indicates this request is a longpoll. The server should not send a response until the rate(s) fall below or above (respectively) the provided value.
Each currency-pair receives a separate result (a JSON Object) with all requested rate types:
* ''cp'' - The currency-pair token.
* ''time'' - The time (as a POSIX timestamp) the rate information is applicable to (should be approximately the request time).
* ''rates'' - A JSON Object with each rate type provided as a key, and a Number as the value specifying the rate.
===Historical exchange rates===
* ''mode'' - Always "history" for this request.
* ''cp'' - Currency pair(s) for which rate is requested.
* ''type'' - Type of exchange rate data being requested. May be "high", "low", "average", "typical", or any other arbitrary name. If omitted, the server may provide any rates it deems appropriate.
* ''from'' - POSIX timestamp the results should begin with.
* ''to'' - POSIX timestamp the results should end with. If omitted, the present time shall be used.
* ''ratedelta'', ''timedelta'' - If specified, the server may omit data where the rate or time has not changed since the last provided rate and time. If both are provided, either a significant rate change OR time change should trigger a new record in the results.
A result is provided for each currency-pair and timestamp record, in the same format as the current exchange rate request.
Records MUST be provided in chronological order, but only within the scope of the applicable currency-pair (ie, it is okay to send the full history for one currency-pair, and then the full history for the next; or to intermix them out of any given order).
End users often desire to see fiat currency information in their Bitcoin wallet software.
Due to the nature of Bitcoin, there is inherently no authoritative source for exchange rates.
There are many independent providers of such information, but they all use different formats for providing it, so wallet software is currently forced to implement dedicated code for each provider.
By providing a standard interface for retrieving this information, wallets (and other software) and service providers can implement it once, and become immediately interoperable with all other compatible implementations.
==Backwards compatibility==
While this new standard is adopted, software and providers can continue to use and provide their current formats until they are no longer needed.
==Reference implementation==