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BIP 157 & 158: client-side block filtering.

Jim Posen 7 years ago
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@ -736,6 +736,20 @@ Those proposing changes should consider that ultimately consent may rest with th
| Standard
| Draft
| [[bip-0157.mediawiki|157]]
| Peer Services
| Client Side Block Filtering
| Olaoluwa Osuntokun, Alex Akselrod, Jim Posen
| Standard
| Draft
| [[bip-0158.mediawiki|158]]
| Peer Services
| Compact Block Filters for Light Clients
| Olaoluwa Osuntokun, Alex Akselrod
| Standard
| Draft
| [[bip-0159.mediawiki|159]]
| Peer Services


@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
BIP: 157
Layer: Peer Services
Title: Client Side Block Filtering
Author: Olaoluwa Osuntokun <>
Alex Akselrod <>
Jim Posen <>
Comments-Summary: None yet
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2017-05-24
License: CC0-1.0
== Abstract ==
This BIP describes a new light client protocol in Bitcoin that improves upon
currently available options. The standard light client protocol in use today,
defined in BIP
37<ref></ref>, has
known flaws that weaken the security and privacy of clients and allow
denial-of-service attack vectors on full
The new protocol overcomes these issues by allowing light clients to obtain
compact probabilistic filters of block content from full nodes and download full
blocks if the filter matches relevant data.
New P2P messages empower light clients to securely sync the blockchain without
relying on a trusted source. This BIP also defines a filter header, which serves
as a commitment to all filters for previous blocks and provides the ability to
efficiently detect malicious or faulty peers serving invalid filters. The
resulting protocol guarantees that light clients with at least one honest peer
are able to identify the correct block filters.
== Motivation ==
Bitcoin light clients allow applications to read relevant transactions from the
blockchain without incurring the full cost of downloading and validating all
data. Such applications seek to simultaneously minimize the trust in peers and
the amount of bandwidth, storage space, and computation required. They achieve
this by downloading all block headers, verifying the proofs of work, and
following the longest proof-of-work chain. Since block headers are a fixed
80-bytes and are generated every 10 minutes on average, the bandwidth required
to sync the block headers is minimal. Light clients then download only the
blockchain data relevant to them directly from peers and validate inclusion in
the header chain. Though clients do not check the validity of all blocks in the
longest proof-of-work chain, they rely on miner incentives for security.
BIP 37 is currently the most widely used light client execution mode for
Bitcoin. With BIP 37, a client sends a Bloom filter it wants to watch to a full
node peer, then receives notifications for each new transaction or block that
matches the filter. The client then requests relevant transactions from the peer
along with Merkle proofs of inclusion in the blocks containing them, which are
verified against the block headers. The Bloom filters match data such as client
addresses and unspent outputs, and the filter size must be carefully tuned to
balance the false positive rate with the amount of information leaked to peer. It
has been shown, however, that most implementations available offer virtually
''zero privacy'' to wallets and other
Additionally, malicious full nodes serving light clients can omit critical data
with little risk of detection, which is unacceptable for some applications
(such as Lightning Network clients) that must respond to certain on-chain
events. Finally, honest nodes servicing BIP 37 light clients may incur
significant I/O and CPU resource usage due to maliciously crafted Bloom filters,
creating a denial-of-service (DoS) vector and disincentizing node operators from
supporting the
The alternative detailed in this document can be seen as the opposite of BIP 37:
instead of the client sending a filter to a full node peer, full nodes generate
deterministic filters on block data that are served to the client. A light
client can then download an entire block if the filter matches the data it is
watching for. Since filters are deterministic, they only need to be constructed
once and stored on disk, whenever a new block is connected to the chain. This
keeps the computation required to serve filters minimal, and eliminates the I/O
asymmetry that makes BIP 37 enabled nodes vulnerable. Clients also get better
assurance of seeing all relevant transactions because they can check the
validity of filters received from peers more easily than they can check
completeness of filtered blocks. Finally, client privacy is improved because
blocks can be downloaded from ''any source'', so that no one peer gets complete
information on the data required by a client. Extremely privacy conscious light
clients may opt to anonymously fetch blocks using advanced techniques such a
Private Information
== Definitions ==
<code>[]byte</code> represents a vector of bytes.
<code>[N]byte</code> represents a fixed-size byte array with length N.
''CompactSize'' is a compact encoding of unsigned integers used in the Bitcoin
P2P protocol.
''double-SHA256'' is a hash algorithm defined by two invocations of SHA-256:
<code>double-SHA256(x) = SHA256(SHA256(x))</code>.
"SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be
interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
== Specification ==
=== Filter Types ===
For the sake of future extensibility and reducing filter sizes, there are
multiple ''filter types'' that determine which data is included in a block
filter as well as the method of filter construction/querying. In this model,
full nodes generate one filter per block per filter type supported.
Each type is identified by a one byte code, and specifies the contents and
serialization format of the filter. A full node MAY signal support for
particular filter types using service bits. The initial filter types are defined
separately in [[bip-0158.mediawiki|BIP 158]], and one service bit is allocated
to signal support for them.
=== Filter Headers ===
This proposal draws inspiration from the headers-first mechanism that Bitcoin
nodes use to sync the block
chain<ref></ref>. Similar to
how block headers have a Merkle commitment to all transaction data in the block,
we define filter headers that have commitments to the block filters. Also like
block headers, filter headers each have a commitment to the preceding one.
Before downloading the block filters themselves, a light client can download all
filter headers for the current block chain and use them to verify the
authenticity of the filters. If the filter header chains differ between multiple
peers, the client can identify the point where they diverge, then download the
full block and compute the correct filter, thus identifying which peer is
The canonical hash of a block filter is the double-SHA256 of the serialized
filter. Filter headers are 32-byte hashes derived for each block filter. They
are computed as the double-SHA256 of the concatenation of the filter hash with
the previous filter header. The previous filter header used to calculate that of
the genesis block is defined to be the 32-byte array of 0's.
=== New Messages ===
==== getcfilters ====
<code>getcfilters</code> is used to request the compact filters of a particular
type for a particular range of blocks. The message contains the following
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name
! Data Type
! Byte Size
! Description
| FilterType
| byte
| 1
| Filter type for which headers are requested
| StartHeight
| uint32
| 4
| The height of the first block in the requested range
| StopHash
| [32]byte
| 32
| The hash of the last block in the requested range
# Nodes SHOULD NOT send <code>getcfilters</code> unless the peer has signaled support for this filter type. Nodes receiving <code>getcfilters</code> with an unsupported filter type SHOULD NOT respond.
# StopHash MUST be known to belong to a block accepted by the receiving peer. This is the case if the peer had previously sent a <code>headers</code> or <code>inv</code> message with that block or any descendents. A node that receives <code>getcfilters</code> with an unknown StopHash SHOULD NOT respond.
# The height of the block with hash StopHash MUST be greater than or equal to StartHeight, and the difference MUST be strictly less than 1,000.
# The receiving node MUST respond to valid requests by sending one <code>cfilter</code> message for each block in the requested range, sequentially in order by block height.
==== cfilter ====
<code>cfilter</code> is sent in response to <code>getcfilters</code>, one for
each block in the requested range. The message contains the following fields:
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name
! Data Type
! Byte Size
! Description
| FilterType
| byte
| 1
| Byte identifying the type of filter being returned
| BlockHash
| [32]byte
| 32
| Block hash of the Bitcoin block for which the filter is being returned
| NumFilterBytes
| CompactSize
| 1-5
| A variable length integer representing the size of the filter in the following field
| FilterBytes
| []byte
| NumFilterBytes
| The serialized compact filter for this block
# The FilterType SHOULD match the field in the <code>getcfilters</code> request, and BlockHash must correspond to a block that is an ancestor of StopHash with height greater than or equal to StartHeight.
==== getcfheaders ====
<code>getcfheaders</code> is used to request verifiable filter headers for a
range of blocks. The message contains the following fields:
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name
! Data Type
! Byte Size
! Description
| FilterType
| byte
| 1
| Filter type for which headers are requested
| StartHeight
| uint32
| 4
| The height of the first block in the requested range
| StopHash
| [32]byte
| 32
| The hash of the last block in the requested range
# Nodes SHOULD NOT send <code>getcfheaders</code> unless the peer has signaled support for this filter type. Nodes receiving <code>getcfheaders</code> with an unsupported filter type SHOULD NOT respond.
# StopHash MUST be known to belong to a block accepted by the receiving peer. This is the case if the peer had previously sent a <code>headers</code> or <code>inv</code> message with that block or any descendents. A node that receives <code>getcfheaders</code> with an unknown StopHash SHOULD NOT respond.
# The height of the block with hash StopHash MUST be greater than or equal to StartHeight, and the difference MUST be strictly less than 2,000.
==== cfheaders ====
<code>cfheaders</code> is sent in response to <code>getcfheaders</code>. Instead
of including the filter headers themselves, the response includes one filter
header and a sequence of filter hashes, from which the headers can be derived.
This has the benefit that the client can verify the binding links between the
headers. The message contains the following fields:
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name
! Data Type
! Byte Size
! Description
| FilterType
| byte
| 1
| Filter type for which hashes are requested
| StopHash
| [32]byte
| 32
| The hash of the last block in the requested range
| PreviousFilterHeader
| [32]byte
| 32
| The filter header preceding the first block in the requested range
| FilterHashesLength
| CompactSize
| 1-3
| The length of the following vector of filter hashes
| FilterHashes
| [][32]byte
| FilterHashesLength * 32
| The filter hashes for each block in the requested range
# The FilterType and StopHash SHOULD match the fields in the <code>getcfheaders</code> request.
# FilterHashesLength MUST NOT be greater than 2,000.
# FilterHashes MUST have one entry for each block on the chain terminating with tip StopHash, starting with the block at height StartHeight. The entries MUST be the filter hashes of the given type for each block in that range, in ascending order by height.
# PreviousFilterHeader MUST be set to the previous filter header of first block in the requested range.
==== getcfcheckpt ====
<code>getcfcheckpt</code> is used to request filter headers at evenly spaced
intervals over a range of blocks. Clients may use filter hashes from
<code>getcfheaders</code> to connect these checkpoints, as is described in the
[[#client-operation|Client Operation]] section below. The
<code>getcfcheckpt</code> message contains the following fields:
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name
! Data Type
! Byte Size
! Description
| FilterType
| byte
| 1
| Filter type for which headers are requested
| StopHash
| [32]byte
| 32
| The hash of the last block in the chain that headers are requested for
# Nodes SHOULD NOT send <code>getcfcheckpt</code> unless the peer has signaled support for this filter type. Nodes receiving <code>getcfcheckpt</code> with an unsupported filter type SHOULD NOT respond.
# StopHash MUST be known to belong to a block accepted by the receiving peer. This is the case if the peer had previously sent a <code>headers</code> or <code>inv</code> message with any descendent blocks. A node that receives <code>getcfcheckpt</code> with an unknown StopHash SHOULD NOT respond.
==== cfcheckpt ====
<code>cfcheckpt</code> is sent in response to <code>getcfcheckpt</code>. The
filter headers included are the set of all filter headers on the requested chain
where the height is a positive multiple of 1,000. The message contains the
following fields:
{| class="wikitable"
! Field Name
! Data Type
! Byte Size
! Description
| FilterType
| byte
| 1
| Filter type for which headers are requested
| StopHash
| [32]byte
| 32
| The hash of the last block in the chain that headers are requested for
| FilterHeadersLength
| CompactSize
| 1-3
| The length of the following vector of filter headers
| FilterHeaders
| [][32]byte
| FilterHeadersLength * 32
| The filter headers at intervals of 1,000
# The FilterType and StopHash SHOULD match the fields in the <code>getcfcheckpt</code> request.
# FilterHeaders MUST have exactly one entry for each block on the chain terminating in StopHash, where the block height is a multiple of 1,000 greater than 0. The entries MUST be the filter headers of the given type for each such block, in ascending order by height.
=== Node Operation ===
Full nodes MAY opt to support this BIP and generate filters for any of the
specified filter types. Such nodes SHOULD treat the filters as an additional
index of the blockchain. For each new block that is connected to the main chain,
nodes SHOULD generate filters for all supported types and persist them. Nodes
that are missing filters and are already synced with the blockchain SHOULD
reindex the chain upon start-up, constructing filters for each block from
genesis to the current tip. They also SHOULD keep every checkpoint header in
memory, so that <code>getcfcheckpt</code> requests do not result in many
random-access disk reads.
Nodes SHOULD NOT generate filters dynamically on request, as malicious peers may
be able to perform DoS attacks by requesting small filters derived from large
blocks. This would require an asymmetical amount of I/O on the node to compute
and serve, similar to attacks against BIP 37 enabled nodes noted in BIP 111.
Nodes MAY prune block data after generating and storing all filters for a block.
=== Client Operation ===
This section provides recommendations for light clients to download filters with
maximal security.
Clients SHOULD first sync the entire block header chain from peers using the
standard headers-first syncing mechanism before downloading any block filters or
filter headers. Clients configured with trusted checkpoints MAY only sync
headers started from the last checkpoint. Clients SHOULD disconnect any outbound
peers whose best chain has significantly less work than the known longest
proof-of-work chain.
Once a client's block headers are in sync, it SHOULD download and verify filter
headers for all blocks and filter types that it might later download. The client
SHOULD send <code>getcfheaders</code> messages to peers and derive and store the
filter headers for each block. The client MAY first fetch headers at evenly
spaced intervals of 1,000 by sending <code>getcfcheckpt</code>. The header
checkpoints allow the client to download filter headers for different intervals
from multiple peers in parallel, verifying each range of 1,000 headers against
the checkpoints.
Unless securely connected to a trusted peer that is serving filter headers, the
client SHOULD connect to multiple outbound peers that support each filter type
to mitigate the risk of downloading incorrect headers. If the client receives
conflicting filter headers from different peers for any block and filter type,
it SHOULD interrogate them to determine which is faulty. The client SHOULD use
<code>getcfheaders</code> and/or <code>getcfcheckpt</code> to first identify
the first filter headers that the peers disagree on. The client then SHOULD
download the full block from any peer and derive the correct filter and filter
header. The client SHOULD ban any peers that sent a filter header that does not
match the computed one.
Once the client has downloaded and verified all filter headers needed, ''and''
no outbound peers have sent conflicting headers, the client can download the
actual block filters it needs. The client MAY backfill filter headers before the
first verified one at this point if it only downloaded them starting at a later
point. Clients SHOULD persist the verified filter headers for last 100 blocks in
the chain (or whatever finality depth is desired), to compare against headers
received from new peers after restart. They MAY store more filter headers to
avoid redownloading them if a rescan is later necessary.
Starting from the first block in the desired range, the client now MAY download
the filters. The client SHOULD test that each filter links to its corresponding
filter header and ban peers that send incorrect filters. The client MAY download
multiple filters at once to increase throughput, though it SHOULD test the
filters sequentially. The client MAY check if a filter is empty before
requesting it by checking if the filter header commits to the hash of the empty
filter, saving a round trip if that is the case.
Each time a new valid block header is received, the client SHOULD request the
corresponding filter headers from all eligible peers. If two peers send
conflicting filter headers, the client should interrogate them as described
above and ban any peers that send an invalid header.
If a client is fetching full blocks from the P2P network, they SHOULD be downloaded
from outbound peers at random to mitigate privacy loss due to transaction
intersection analysis. Note that blocks may be downloaded from peers that do not
support this BIP.
== Rationale ==
The filter headers and checkpoints messages are defined to help clients identify
the correct filter for a block when connected to peers sending conflicting
information. An alternative solution is to require Bitcoin blocks to include
commitments to derived block filters, so light clients can verify authenticity
given block headers and some additional witness data. This would require a
network-wide change to the Bitcoin consensus rules, however, whereas this
document proposes a solution purely at the P2P layer.
The constant interval of 1,000 blocks between checkpoints was chosen so that,
given the current chain height and rate of growth, the size of a
<code>cfcheckpt</code> message is not drastically from a
<code>cfheaders</code> between two checkpoints. Also, 1,000 is a nice round
number, at least to those of us who think in decimal.
== Compatibility ==
This light client mode is not compatible with current node deployments and
requires support for the new P2P messages. The node implementation of this
proposal is not incompatible with the current P2P network rules (ie. doesn't
affect network topology of full nodes). Light clients may adopt protocols based
on this as an alternative to the existing BIP 37. Adoption of this BIP may
result in reduced network support for BIP 37.
== Acknowledgments ==
We would like to thank bfd (from the bitcoin-dev mailing list) for bringing the
basis of this BIP to our attention, Joseph Poon for suggesting the filter header
chain scheme, and Pedro Martelletto for writing the initial indexing code for
We would also like to thank Dave Collins, JJ Jeffrey, Eric Lombrozo, and Matt
Corallo for useful discussions.
== Reference Implementation ==
Light client: []
Full-node indexing:
Golomb-Rice Coded sets:
== References ==
== Copyright ==
This document is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal lisence.


@ -0,0 +1,431 @@
BIP: 158
Layer: Peer Services
Title: Compact Block Filters for Light Clients
Author: Olaoluwa Osuntokun <>
Alex Akselrod <>
Comments-Summary: None yet
Status: Draft
Type: Standards Track
Created: 2017-05-24
License: CC0-1.0
== Abstract ==
This BIP describes a structure for compact filters on block data, for use in the
BIP 157 light client protocol<ref>bip-0157.mediawiki</ref>. The filter
construction proposed is an alternative to Bloom filters, as used in BIP 37,
that minimizes filter size by using Golomb-Rice coding for compression. This
document specifies two initial types of filters based on this construction that
enables basic wallets and applications with more advanced smart contracts.
== Motivation ==
[[bip-0157.mediawiki|BIP 157]] defines a light client protocol based on
deterministic filters of block content. The filters are designed to
minimize the expected bandwidth consumed by light clients, downloading filters
and full blocks. This document defines two initial filter types, ''basic'' and
''extended'', to provide support for advanced applications while reducing the
filter size for regular wallets.
== Definitions ==
<code>[]byte</code> represents a vector of bytes.
<code>[N]byte</code> represents a fixed-size byte array with length N.
''CompactSize'' is a compact encoding of unsigned integers used in the Bitcoin
P2P protocol.
''Data pushes'' are byte vectors pushed to the stack according to the rules of
Bitcoin script.
''Bit streams'' are readable and writable streams of individual bits. The
following functions are used in the pseudocode in this document:
* <code>new_bit_stream</code> instantiates a new writable bit stream
* <code>new_bit_stream(vector)</code> instantiates a new bit stream reading data from <code>vector</code>
* <code>write_bit(stream, b)</code> appends the bit <code>b</code> to the end of the stream
* <code>read_bit(stream)</code> reads the next available bit from the stream
* <code>write_bits_big_endian(stream, n, k)</code> appends the <code>k</code> least significant bits of integer <code>n</code> to the end of the stream in big-endian bit order
* <code>read_bits_big_endian(stream, k)</code> reads the next available
* <code>k</code> bits from the stream and interprets them as the least significant bits of a big-endian integer
"SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be
interpreted as described in RFC 2119.
== Specification ==
=== Golomb-Coded Sets ===
For each block, compact filters are derived containing sets of items associated
with the block (eg. addresses sent to, outpoints spent, etc.). A set of such
data objects is compressed into a probabilistic structure called a
''Golomb-coded set'' (GCS), which matches all items in the set with probability
1, and matches other items with probability <code>2^(-P)</code> for some integer
parameter <code>P</code>.
At a high level, a GCS is constructed from a set of <code>N</code> items by:
# hashing all items to 64-bit integers in the range <code>[0, N * 2^P)</code>
# sorting the hashed values in ascending order
# computing the differences between each value and the previous one
# writing the differences sequentially, compressed with Golomb-Rice coding
The following sections describe each step in greater detail.
==== Hashing Data Objects ====
The first step in the filter construction is hashing the variable-sized raw
items in the set to the range <code>[0, F)</code>, where <code>F = N *
2^P</code>. Set membership queries against the hash outputs will have a false
positive rate of <code>2^(-P)</code>. To avoid integer overflow, the number of
items <code>N</code> MUST be <2^32 and <code>P</code> MUST be <=32.
The items are first passed through the pseudorandom function ''SipHash'', which
takes a 128-bit key <code>k</code> and a variable-sized byte vector and produces
a uniformly random 64-bit output. Implementations of this BIP MUST use the
SipHash parameters <code>c = 2</code> and <code>d = 4</code>.
The 64-bit SipHash outputs are then mapped uniformly over the desired range by
multiplying with F and taking the top 64 bits of the 128-bit result. This
algorithm is a faster alternative to modulo reduction, as it avoids the
expensive division
Note that care must be taken when implementing this reduction to ensure the
upper 64 bits of the integer multiplication are not truncated; certain
architectures and high level languages may require code that decomposes the
64-bit multiplication into four 32-bit multiplications and recombines into the
hash_to_range(item: []byte, F: uint64, k: [16]byte) -> uint64:
return (siphash(k, item) * F) >> 64
hashed_set_construct(raw_items: [][]byte, P: uint, k: [16]byte) -> []uint64:
let N = len(raw_items)
let F = N << P
let set_items = []
for item in raw_items:
let set_value = hash_to_range(item, F, k)
return set_items
==== Golomb-Rice Coding ====
Instead of writing the items in the hashed set directly to the filter, greater
compression is achieved by only writing the differences between successive
items in sorted order. Since the items are distributed uniformly, it can be
shown that the differences resemble a geometric
is a technique that optimally compresses geometrically distributed values.
With Golomb-Rice, a value is split into a quotient and remainder modulo
<code>2^P</code>, which are encoded separately. The quotient <code>q</code> is
encoded as ''unary'', with a string of <code>q</code> 1's followed by one 0. The
remainder <code>r</code> is represented in big-endian by P bits. For example,
this is a table of Golomb-Rice coded values using <code>P=2</code>:
{| class="wikitable"
! n !! (q, r) !! c
| 0 || (0, 0) || <code>0 00</code>
| 1 || (0, 1) || <code>0 01</code>
| 2 || (0, 2) || <code>0 10</code>
| 3 || (0, 3) || <code>0 11</code>
| 4 || (1, 0) || <code>10 00</code>
| 5 || (1, 1) || <code>10 01</code>
| 6 || (1, 2) || <code>10 10</code>
| 7 || (1, 3) || <code>10 11</code>
| 8 || (2, 0) || <code>110 00</code>
| 9 || (2, 1) || <code>110 01</code>
golomb_encode(stream, x: uint64, P: uint):
let q = x >> P
while q > 0:
write_bit(stream, 1)
write_bit(stream, 0)
write_bits_big_endian(stream, x, P)
golomb_decode(stream, P: uint) -> uint64:
let q = 0
while read_bit(stream) == 1:
let r = read_bits_big_endian(stream, P)
let x = (q << P) + r
return x
==== Set Construction ====
A GCS is constructed from three parameters:
* <code>L</code>, a vector of <code>N</code> raw items
* <code>P</code>, which determines the false positive rate
* <code>k</code>, the 128-bit key used to randomize the SipHash outputs
The result is a byte vector with a minimum size of <code>N * (P + 1)</code>
The raw items in <code>L</code> are first hashed to 64-bit unsigned integers as
specified above and sorted. The differences between consecutive values,
hereafter referred to as ''deltas'', are encoded sequentially to a bit stream
with Golomb-Rice coding. Finally, the bit stream is padded with 0's to the
nearest byte boundary and serialized to the output byte vector.
construct_gcs(L: [][]byte, P: uint, k: [16]byte) -> []byte:
let set_items = hashed_set_construct(L, P, k)
let output_stream = new_bit_stream()
let last_value = 0
for item in set_items:
let delta = item - last_value
golomb_encode(output_stream, delta, P)
last_value = item
return output_stream.bytes()
==== Set Querying/Decompression ====
To check membership of an item in a compressed GCS, one must reconstruct the
hashed set members from the encoded deltas. The procedure to do so is the
reverse of the compression: deltas are decoded one by one and added to a
cumulative sum. Each intermediate sum represents a hashed value in the original
set. The queried item is hashed in the same way as the set members and compared
against the reconstructed values. Note that querying does not require the entire
decompressed set be held in memory at once.
gcs_match(key: [16]byte, compressed_set: []byte, target: []byte, P: uint, N: uint) -> bool:
let F = N << P
let target_hash = hash_to_range(target, F, k)
stream = new_bit_stream(compressed_set)
let last_value = 0
loop N times:
let delta = golomb_decode(stream, P)
let set_item = last_value + delta
if set_item == target_hash:
return true
// Since the values in the set are sorted, terminate the search once
// the decoded value exceeds the target.
if set_item > target_hash:
last_value = set_item
return false
Some applications may need to check for set intersection instead of membership
of a single item. This can be performed far more efficiently than checking each
item individually by leveraging the sorted structure of the compressed GCS.
First the query elements are all hashed and sorted, then compared in order
against the decompressed GCS contents. See
[[#golomb-coded-set-multi-match|Appendix B]] for pseudocode.
=== Block Filters ===
This BIP defines two initial filter types:
* Basic (<code>0x00</code>)
* Extended (<code>0x01</code>)
==== Contents ====
The basic filter is designed to contain everything that a light client needs to
sync a regular Bitcoin wallet. A basic filter MUST contain exactly the following
items for each transaction in a block:
* The outpoint of each input, except for the coinbase transaction
* Each data push in the scriptPubKey of each output, ''only if'' the scriptPubKey is parseable
* The <code>txid</code> of the transaction itself
The extended filter contains extra data that is meant to enable applications
with more advanced smart contracts. An extended filter MUST contain exactly the
following items for each transaction in a block ''except the coinbase'':
* Each item within the witness stack of each input (if the input has a witness)
* Each data push in the scriptSig of each input
Note that neither filter type interprets P2SH scripts or witness scripts to
extract data pushes from them. If necessary, future filter types may be designed
to do so.
==== Construction ====
Both the basic and extended filter types are constructed as Golomb-coded sets
with the following parameters.
The parameter <code>P</code> MUST be set to <code>20</code>. This value was
chosen as simulations show that it minimizes the bandwidth utilized, considering
both the expected number of blocks downloaded due to false positives and the
size of the filters themselves. The code along with a demo used for the
parameter tuning can be found
[ here].
The parameter <code>k</code> MUST be set to the first 16 bytes of the hash of
the block for which the filter is constructed. This ensures the key is
deterministic while still varying from block to block.
Since the value <code>N</code> is required to decode a GCS, a serialized GCS
includes it as a prefix, written as a CompactSize. Thus, the complete
serialization of a filter is:
* <code>N</code>, encoded as a CompactSize
* The bytes of the compressed filter itself
==== Signaling ====
This BIP allocates a new service bit:
{| class="wikitable"
| style="white-space: nowrap;" | <code>1 << 6</code>
| If enabled, the node MUST respond to all BIP 157 messages for filter types <code>0x00</code> and <code>0x01</code>
== Compatibility ==
This block filter construction is not incompatible with existing software,
though it requires implementation of the new filters.
== Acknowledgments ==
We would like to thank bfd (from the bitcoin-dev mailing list) for bringing the
basis of this BIP to our attention, Greg Maxwell for pointing us in the
direction of Golomb-Rice coding and fast range optimization, and Pedro
Martelletto for writing the initial indexing code for <code>btcd</code>.
We would also like to thank Dave Collins, JJ Jeffrey, and Eric Lombrozo for
useful discussions.
== Reference Implementation ==
Light client: []
Full-node indexing:
Golomb-Rice Coded sets:
== Appendix A: Alternatives ==
A number of alternative set encodings were considered before Golomb-coded
sets were settled upon. In this appendix section, we'll list a few of the
alternatives along with our rationale for not pursuing them.
==== Bloom Filters ====
Bloom Filters are perhaps the best known probabilistic data structure for
testing set membership, and were introduced into the Bitcoin protocol with BIP
37. The size of a Bloom filter is larger than the expected size of a GCS with
the same false positive rate, which is the main reason the option was rejected.
==== Cryptographic Accumulators ====
are a cryptographic data structures that enable (amongst other operations) a one
way membership test. One advantage of accumulators are that they are constant
size, independent of the number of elements inserted into the accumulator.
However, current constructions of cryptographic accumulators require an initial
trusted set up. Additionally, accumulators based on the Strong-RSA Assumption
require mapping set items to prime representatives in the associated group which
can be preemptively expensive.
==== Matrix Based Probabilistic Set Data Structures ====
There exist data structures based on matrix solving which are even more space
efficient compared to Bloom
filters<ref></ref>. We instead opted for our
GCS-based filters as they have a much lower implementation complexity and are
easier to understand.
== Appendix B: Pseudocode ==
=== Golomb-Coded Set Multi-Match ===
gcs_match_any(key: [16]byte, compressed_set: []byte, targets: [][]byte, P: uint, N: uint) -> bool:
let F = N << P
// Map targets to the same range as the set hashes.
let target_hashes = []
for target in targets:
let target_hash = hash_to_range(target, F, k)
// Sort targets so matching can be checked in linear time.
stream = new_bit_stream(compressed_set)
let value = 0
let target_idx = 0
let target_val = target_hashes[target_idx]
loop N times:
let delta = golomb_decode(stream, P)
value += delta
inner loop:
if target_val == value:
return true
// Move on to the next set value.
else if target_val > value:
break inner loop
// Move on to the next target value.
else if target_val < value:
// If there are no targets left, then there are no matches.
if target_idx == len(targets):
break outer loop
target_val = target_hashes[target_idx]
return false
== Appendix C: Test Vectors ==
TODO: To be generated.
== References ==
== Copyright ==
This document is licensed under the Creative Commons CC0 1.0 Universal lisence.