Getting Started:
These banners help you pick the first resource(s) from a page. Links in these boxes open in a new tab to encourage you to come back and explore other links from the page! The linked resources may changes over time!


What is this place?

This website is a vast collection of links to bitcoin only resources (think websites, software, videos etc that are focused on bitcoin). Content is grouped into sections which you can quickly get back to by pressing the Main Menu button at the bottom of each page.

Who made this?

My name is (@6102bitcoin), I'm a pseudonymous bitcoin user and educator doing what I can to accelerate bitcoin understanding. I have done my best to ensure that this site only links to high quality resources, but in the words of Matt Odell - 'I'm merely a tool in your own quest for knowledge. My aim is to help you but I demand you do your own due diligence.'

How do I get started?

Visit to get started.

How do I use this site?

  1. Bookmark and check back in regularly!

  2. Read 'What is Bitcoin' - [4 minute read]

  3. Click the main menu button below & explore the site

  4. Reach out to me on twitter (@bitcoinonly_) if you have any questions.

This guide will be extended soon

Why bitcoin only?

Max Hillebrand made a great video that explains why being bitcoin only makes sense.

Getting Started:
Read this explanation, it's only ~800 words and takes 4 minutes to read.


Written by Greg Walker

What is bitcoin?

Bitcoin is an electronic payment system, but really it’s just a computer program.

When you run the program, it connects to other computers running the same program all over the world. This creates a massive network of computers that can communicate and share information with each other. All of this happens for one reason… to share a file, and this file is called the blockchain.

The blockchain is a file that contains transactions. Anyone can make a transaction and insert it in to a computer on the network. From here, it will be passed from computer to computer until everyone has a copy. Eventually, this transaction makes it in to the blockchain.

However, there’s a problem.

You can actually insert two conflicting transactions in to the network at the same time. For example, you can buy a pizza in one transaction, then create another transaction and use the same bitcoin to buy some beer. If you insert both of these transactions in to different ends of the network at the same time, some computers will get the pizza transaction first, and some computers will get the beer transaction first.

Who should get the bitcoin?

Both of these transactions can’t be written to the file, as that would be a “double-spend”. Still, we have a network of computers with conflicting transactions on them, and no single computer is in charge. So how can we decide?

Bitcoin solves this problem through a system called “mining”. Instead of writing all new transactions on to the blockchain (and writing double-spends on to the file), all new transactions get held in a waiting area called the “memory pool”. From here, each computer can collect the transactions from their memory pool in to a “block”, and try to add this block of transactions on to the blockchain. Whoever adds their block on to the blockchain first decides which transaction makes it.

So this is where the competition starts…

Each computer starts by putting their block (every block is different) through what’s called a “hash function”. This hash function takes in a block, and scrambles it to produce a random number from it. Unusual, I know, but this is what hash functions do. Interestingly, nobody knows what number a hash function will spit out based on the data you feed in to it – you just have to try it and find out.

Anyway, the contest here is to try and get a number from this hash function (or to be precise, a “block hash”) that is below a certain threshold number. If you can manage to get a low enough number from your block, you can add it on to the blockchain.

And that’s the competition.

For example, let’s say I have the beer transaction in my memory pool. I will construct a block, put that beer transaction inside it, then put that block through the hash function. If the number that comes out isn’t below the threshold, my attempt has failed. However, I can always make a tiny adjustment to the data inside the block (e.g. add a bit of extra data to the end of the block), and put it through the hash function again.

So “mining” basically involves hashing my block as fast as I can, trying to be the first to get a result below the threshold. If I get lucky, I will be the first computer on the network to do so. If this happens, I can send this block to all the other computers on the network, and they will add it on to their blockchain. Then, because this block contains the beer transaction, the conflicting pizza transaction gets kicked out of memory.

So by pure luck and randomness, the beer transaction is the one that makes it in to the blockchain.

The beer transaction may have entered the network slightly after the pizza transaction, but it doesn’t matter. It just so happened that a computer with the beer transaction in its memory was able to build a block and get a low enough hash for it before anyone else, so all nodes accept this block and add it to their file. Any conflicting transactions that are in memory get thrown away.

Upon receiving this new successful block, nodes will drop the current block they were working on and go back in to their memory pool to create a new one. This means that the blockchain is constantly being built, with new blocks of transactions being added on to the chain roughly every 10 minutes.

As a result, we have a system where anyone can insert transactions in to a network of computers, and these computers will all work hard to try and add them on to a shared file.

Thanks to this system of “mining” (preventing any double-spends from being written to the file), we have created an electronic payment system that runs over a network of computers, and it all runs without a cental point of control.

That’s Bitcoin.

Getting Started:
Download Bitcoin Core to get started for free today.


These hardware projects explicitly state that they support bitcoin only.

Node: Buy (Plug and Play)

Project Description
MyNode Full Stack - Low Cost
Nodl Full Stack - Feature Rich
Nodl Samourai Full Stack - RAID backups
Raspiblitz Full Stack [EU) | USA]

Node: DIY

Project Description
Bitcoin Core - Guide Install Core on your computer
MyNode - Guide Full Stack (Rock64 / Pi3 / Pi4)
Node Launcher UI to install Full Stack on PC
Samourai DOJO Full Node with API (PC / Pi4)
Raspibolt / Raspiblitz Lightning Node (Pi3 / Pi4)
RoninDojo Full Stack (Rockpro 64 / Pi4 / Odroid N2)
Thundroid Lightning Node (Odroid HC2)
Other DIY Bitcoin Hardware Other DIY Hardware Projects

Other Hardware

Project Description
Bitpiggys Piggybank + Opendime
Coldbit Bitcoin Mnemonic Seed Backup
ColdCard Cold Storage Hardware Wallet
Hodlinox Bitcoin Mnemonic Seed Backup
Opendime * Bitcoin Bearer Bond
Revealer Optical Seed Encryption Tool

* Currently only Bitcoin versions exist. NVK says this will probably always be the case.

Getting Started:
PC: Download Bitcoin Core
Android: Download Samourai Wallet
iOS: Download Blockstream Green (Use Google Authentication not Email/Phone)


These wallets have explicitly stated that they support bitcoin only .

It is very important that you learn how to backup your mnemonic seed & that if you use a passphrase you back that up too. Read this document to learn more about backing up your wallet and check out the privacy page. See this report for a comparison of the features of many of the wallets listed below.


Project Description Platform
ABCore Bitcoin Core Full Node for Android Android
Armory Cold Storage & Multisig Desktop
Bitcoin Core Full node & Bitcoin wallet. Desktop
Blockstream Green Easy to use wallet. Use Google Authentication not Email/Phone. iOS & Android
Caravan Stateless Multisig Coordinator. Desktop
Casa Keymaster Multisig Bitcoin [see Google Drive note below] iOS & Android
Electrum The most feature rich bitcoin desktop wallet available today. Desktop & Android
Fully Noded (BETA) Bitcoin Core GUI for iOS device iOS
GreenAddress Desktop companion to Blockstream Green mobile wallet. Deskop
Hodl Wallet Relatively new wallet with simple UI. iOS & Android
Muun Wallet Relatively new wallet with novel multi-sig 2-of-2 spending. Android
Samourai Wallet The most feature rich and advanced bitcoin wallet available on Android today. Android
Wasabi Wallet Privacy focused Bitcoin wallet, that implements trustless coin shuffling Desktop


Project Description Platform
BLW A standalone SPV Bitcoin node with a fully functional built-in Lightning node. Android
Breez Mobile Non-Custodial Wallet [see Google Drive note below] iOS & Android (Beta)
Eclair Lightning Node Software Desktop
Eclair Mobile Lightning-ready Bitcoin wallet Android
Phoenix Lightning-only Bitcoin wallet Android
Sats App Mobile Non-Custodial Wallet connected to Casa Node iOS & Android (Beta)
Zap Desktop Lightning Wallet. Mobile LND Interface Desktop, iOS & Android
Zeus Mobile app for LND users iOS & Android

[Note: Google Drive] : Google Drive backups on Breeze & Casa Keymaster allows those companies to access your email address, name and google profile picture. Strongly recommend using a separate google account to use these apps.


Project Description Platform
Blue Wallet Bitcoin & Lightning wallet [1] iOS & Android Lightning Social Tipping [5] Web
Opennode Accept Bitcoin & Lightning payments [4] Web Lightning Social Tipping [3] Web
Wallet of Satoshi Lightning only wallet [2] iOS & Android

[1] : Blue Wallet's Lightning is Custodial by Default but users can opt to connect their app to their own Lightning Node using LNDhub. The On-Chain functionality is non-custodial.

[2] : Wallet of Satoshi is fully custodial meaning you do not have your private keys, thus you are not guaranteed full control of your funds.

[3] : is fully custodial meaning you do not have your private keys, thus you are not guaranteed full control of your funds.

[4] : Opennode is fully custodial meaning you do not have your private keys, thus you are not guaranteed full control of your funds. You can (and should) set reoccurring withdrawals to send any bitcoin you receive to your own wallet.

[5] : is fully custodial meaning you do not have your private keys, thus you are not guaranteed full control of your funds

Advanced Users

Getting Started:
Read 'Programming Bitcoin' by Jimmy Song (Hardcopy | GitHub).

Dev Tools

Backend Tools

Project Description
Bitcoin Forge Toolkit for tinkering with scripts, TXs and addresses.
Bitcoin Optec Dashboard Detailed Live Bitcoin Stats
Bitcoin Playground Explore Raw tx Data
bitcoin-s Scala Bitcoin Library
Braiins OS Opensource Mining Software
CoinBin Web Wallet to learn
CypherNode API Server
Dojo End-to-end Bitcoin Wallet backing server
LibreTX Create Bitcoin tx's to learn
LNdash Simple web dashboard for LND
LNtop Lightning Network channel management
Mule Tools Bitcoin transaction broadcasting
Node Launcher Easy Launch Core & LND
Python Bitcoinlib Python Bitcoin Library
WebLN Interract with LN node via browser

LEARNING resources

Project Description
Bitcoin Dev Network Tutorials for aspiring Bitcoin Dev's
BitcoinJS & Core CLI Extensive guide to Bitcoin Javascript
Bitcoin Reader Learn about Bitcoin Script (GitHub)
Command Line Bitcoin Learning Bitcoin From The Command Line
Lightning Hood Information / Resources
Mastering Bitcoin How Bitcoin works - high level (Hardcopy | GitHub)
Programming Bitcoin How Bitcoin works - technical level (Hardcopy | GitHub)
Programming the Blockchain in C# Guide to Bitcoin in C#
Script Explorer Learn about Bitcoin Script (GitHub)


Project Description Trustless Bitcoin Service Provider
Blockstream Satellite Blockchain satellite service


These meetups are bitcoin only. Do your own research before attending (stay safe). To get your meetup added raise an issue..

Meetups: Cyberspace

Meetup Description
Bitcoin Enemies 24/7 voice chat.
Reckless VR Weekly VR meetup. Also accessible without VR headset and is livestreamed.

Meetups: Local

Getting Started:
Watch the following videos:
1) The Bitcoin Standard - Saifedean Ammous on hard money
2) Why Bitcoin Matters - Aleks Svetski on the future of money
3) Bitcoin Genesis - Max Keiser on the origins of bitcoin
Then work through the step by step Bitcoin software tutorials by 402PaymentRequired

Video Channels


Class Description
402PaymentRequired Step by step Bitcoin software tutorials.
Bitcoinheiros Brazilian Portuguese Videos and Tutorials
KIS Bitcoin Keep It Simple - Practical Guides
Wasabi Series Max Hillebrand's Wasabi Wallet Guide

Other Informative

Channel Description
Advancing Bitcoin 11 Superb Presentations *
BitKnow Interviews
Bolt-A-Thon 9 Superb Presentations + Hackathon
Hard Money Film Excellent Short Film About Money
Hungry Hodler Engaging, Informative Bitcoin Videos
Justin Moon Interviews & Presentations
Learn Me A Bitcoin 4 Superb Explainer Videos

* Skip 'The Difficulties in ...' & 'Bitcoin Engineering ...' (poor audio)


Channel Description
Amber Aleks Svetski & Amber Promo
Bull Bitcoin Francis Pouliot & Bull Bitcoin Promo

Getting Started:
For a non-technical intro read 'The Bitcoin Standard' by Saifedean Ammous (Hardcopy)
For a technical intro read 'Grokking Bitcoin' by Kalle Rosenbaum (Hardcopy | GitHub)
For further technical info read 'Programming Bitcoin' by Jimmy Song (Hardcopy | GitHub)


These books explicitly cover bitcoin only.

Book Synopsis Author
21 Lessons Superb Bitcoin Lessons Gigi
Bitcoin Money (Direct , Amazon) Bitcoin Story Book for Kids Michael Caras
Grokking Bitcoin (Direct) Illustrated Bitcoin Explainer Kalle Rosenbaum
Inventing Bitcoin (Kindle / PDF) Beginner's intro to bitcoin. Yan Pritzker
Q/A about Bitcoin (Direct , Amazon) Common Questions and Answers David Coen
Sovereignty Through Mathematics (Amazon) Properties of Bitcoin Knut Svanholm
The Bitcoin Standard (Hardcopy) Essential reading. Saifedean Ammous
The Little Bitcoin Book (Direct , Amazon) Intro to Bitcoin Alex Gladstein , Jimmy Song
Why Buy Bitcoin: Investing Today in the Money of Tomorrow (Amazon) Bitcoin and Economics Andy Edstrom

More technical resources can be found in dev-tools.


These periodicals explicitly cover bitcoin only.

Class Description
Citadel 21 Monthly Bitcoin Cultural Zine
Lightning Hood Round Up Weekly Summary of Bitcoin and Lightning Network News
The Bitcoin Times A Beautiful, Informative and Stylish Publication released 2-3 times per year.


These classes explicitly cover bitcoin only.

Class Description
21 Lectures (Beginner) 2-day Course (In development)
21 Lectures (Advanced) 4-day Course
Bitcoin Studio 1-day Workshops
Buidl Bootcamp 6-week Course (20h/week) online
Learn Me A Bitcoin 1-day Workshop
Programming Blockchain 2-day Seminar
Programming With Bitcoin 2-day Workshop
Smart Custody 1-day Workshop
Teach Bitcoin 4-week Course (10h/week) online
The Bitcoin Standard Academy 10-week Course online


These websites explicitly cover bitcoin only.

Class Description
10hoursofbitcoin Links to 10h of Bitcoin Lessons
Background Reading Understanding the technical side of bitcoin
Bitcoin Designed Striking Bitcoin Infographics
Bitcoin Explained Comprehensive intro with curated links
Bitcoin Q & A Extensive Questions & Answers
Bitcoin Rabbit Hole Index of Bitcoin Content
Bitcoin Resources Comprehensive Bitcoin Book/Article/Podcast List
Bitcoin Slides Comprehensive Slides
Bitcoin Translated Russian Translations of Articles & Books Bitcoin information
BitKnow Quality Bitcoin Blog
Chaincode Study Groups Bitcoin & Lightning study guides
Estudio Bitcoin Resources for Spanish Bitcoiners
Hungry Hodler Informative Bitcoin Evangelizing
L2B Global Blog from an OTC desk
Learn Me A Bitcoin Bitcoin Explained
Look Into Bitcoin Live valuation charts
Ministry Of Nodes Articles, Videos and Workshops/Webinars
Nakamoto Institute Everything Satoshi
Towards Liberty Open Source Bitcoin Archive
Veriphi Bitcoin Tech Explained
Why Hold Bitcoin Reviews, Guides & Resources
WORDS A monthly Bitcoin journal

Advanced Reading

Class Description
Bitcoin Questions Technical Bitcoin questions
Lightning Summary Lightning network deep-dive
Schnorr / MuSig Max's Cliffnotes
Shamir Secret Sharing Max's Cliffnotes


Class Description
Coinjoin Research Coinjoin Research by 6102bitcoin
Bitcoin and the Trust Issue: Is Bitcoin adoption accelerated by the abuse of trust? Bitcoin Research Thesis about Bitcoin and Social Organization
Cryptoasset consumer research 2020 Research by the UK FCA


See the dedicated Podcast section.

Getting Started:
First listen to 'SLP71: Intro to Bitcoin Austrian Thought' by Stephan Livera


These podcasts explicitly cover bitcoin only.

Podcast Description
Bitcoin Audible Narrations of the best bitcoin articles
Bitcoin And ... Bitcoin news & more
Bit Buy Bit Interviews with Bitcoiners
Bitcoin Echo Chamber Interviews with Bitcoiners
Bitcoin Fixes This @JimmySong Interviewing Bitcoiners
Bitcoinheiros Brazilian Portuguese Podcast
Bitcoin Matters Conversations with @Beautyon_
Bitcoin Rapid Fire Interviews with Bitcoiners
Blockdigest Casual bitcoin news podcast
Bottomshelf Bitcoin Putting Bitcoin within everyone's reach
Citizen Bitcoin Interviews with Bitcoiners
De Bitcoin Show Dutch weekly bitcoin news
Fun With Bitcoin Interviews with Bitcoiners
Noded Michael Goldstein and Pierre Rochard
Once BITten! Daniel Prince
Reckless Review Lawrence Nahum & Udi Wertheimer
Stephan Livera Bitcoin and Austrian Economics
Swan Signal Interviews with Bitcoiners
TFTC21 Tales from the crypt
The Bitcoin Basics Podcast Bitcoin for Beginners
The Chaincode Podcast Interviews with Bitcoin Engineers
The Total Connector Interviews with Bitcoiners

Getting Started:
Check tx's with & the mempool with Mempool.Space



These explorers support bitcoin only.

Name Description Simple Blockchain Explorer
BTC RPC Opensource Bitcoin Explorer
OXT Advanced Blockchain Explorer
Yogh Explorer Bitcoin Blockchain Reader

Fees / Mempool

Name Description
Bitcoiner Live Simple Fee Estimation
Bitcoinrain Mempool Visualisation
BTC moe Mempool Visualisation
Mempool.Observer Mempool / Block Visualisation & Fee Charts
Mempool.Space Mempool / Block Visualisation & Fee Charts
What The Fee Simple Fee Estimation


Name Description
Clark Moody Dashboard Bitcoin & LN Metrics

Getting Started:
Earn bitcoin with MicroLancer
Buy bitcoin with Cash App in USA

Get Bitcoin

You can get bitcoin using these services.


Name Description
jfgi [*] Bitcoin Fundraising
LNDwork Micro-Freelancing
MicroLancer Micro-Freelancing
Paywall Link Easily paywall content
TallyCoin [*] Bitcoin Fundraising

[*] : Tallycoin & jfgi could at any time swap out your donation address for their own.


Name Description
Fold App Bitcoin Cashback Rewards
Lolli Bitcoin Cashback Rewards


You can buy a fraction of a bitcoin, so don't let a high price per bitcoin put you off. Many people are #stackingsats (regularly spending a fixed $ amount on buying bitcoin, also known as Dollar Cost Averaging), you can see that this method has historically been a good way of accumulating bitcoin by looking at &

Name Description Location
Amber Buy Australia Buy Global
Bitaroo Buy & Sell Australia
Bitonic Buy & Sell Netherlands
BullBitcoin Buy & Sell Canada
Cash App Buy & Sell USA
Coinfloor Buy & Sell UK
FastBitcoins Buy & Sell Canada & UK
Hodl Hodl Buy & Sell Global
River Financial Buy & Sell USA
SBB Railway Station Buy Switzerland
Strike Buy & Sell USA
Swan Bitcoin Buy USA
VBTC Buy & Sell Vietnam


Long gone are the days that you could mine Bitcoin using common hardware. Bitcoin mining is now dominated by specialist hardware powered by low cost electricity. This video gives a simple overview.

Getting Started:
Bitcoin enables anyone to tap into a truly global marketplace.
Consider the impact on your privacy if you buy goods which link to your identity or require physical delivery. It's best to avoid getting things delivered to your home address for this reason.

Spend Bitcoin


Name Description
Bitcoin Dev List Various Bitcoin Developers


Name Description
Bitscribble Write 40 bytes of data to the blockchain
BullBitcoin Non-Custodial Bitcoin Services
Bylls Pay Bills (Canada)
Fold App Buy Vouchers with Bitcoin Cashback
Host4Coins VPS Hosting
LNsms Send texts worldwide and pay with Lightning
paybtc Pay any Australian bank account or BPAY bill with Bitcoin
Spacebit Send messages via satellite
Woleet Timestamping Service

Fun & Play

Name Description
Fair Poker Provably Fair Bitcoin Poker
Moneni Lightning Games
Lightning Puzzle Set / Solve Puzzles Lightning Games
Pollo Feed Feed Chickens
Satoshis Game Of Life Conway's Game of Life
Satoshis Games Original Lightning Games
Satoshis Place Lightning Canvas

Remember to check that gambling sites are fair, helps check this.


Name Description
1.21 Jigawatts Stamps, Stickers & More
21X Bitcoin Art, Designs, and Merchandise
Arnhem Bitcoin City A Bitcoin Friendly City
Bitcoin Shirt Bitcoin Merchandise
Bitcoin Tunnels Clothing, Mugs & More
Bitko Yinowsky Bitcoin Art
BTC Pins Bitcoin Lapel Pins & Stickers
CryptoCloaks 3D Printed Cases & Custom Nodes
DIYnodes Bitcoin Nodes & More
Layer One BTC Bitcoin apparel and more
Liberty Mugs Mugs, T-shirts & More
Lightning Hood Consultation, T-shirts & More
Lightning Hosted Simple Image Hosting
Moneybadger Shop T-shirts, Mugs & More
Mt. Socks Socks
Original Satoshi Stickers & More
PirateHash Bitcoin curiosities and educational materials.
Quinsolo Coasters, Magnets & More
Sats Ledger Bitcoin Savings Book For Kids
Start 2 Bitcoin Fun Bitcoin Info Pack
Von Bitcoin T-Shirts, Prints, & More
Wears My Liberty Liberty Shirts, Hats, Hoodies & More

Remind yourself of the buying power of a Satoshi with live-bitcoin-price.

Store Tools

These tools help you accept bitcoin only.

Name Description
BullBitcoin Non-Custodial Bitcoin Services
chainside Payments Processor
lnpay Lighting Network payments processor
opennode Payments Processor * Sell things for Bitcoin (uses OpenNode) *

[*] : Opennode is fully custodial meaning you do not have your private keys, thus you are not guaranteed full control of your funds. You can (and should) set reoccurring withdrawals to send any bitcoin you receive to your own wallet. You are now also required to submit KYC Documentation to be an Opennode merchant.


These conferences are bitcoin only.


Conference Location Dates
BitBlockBoom Dallas 2020 / Aug / 22-23rd
Portland Bitcoin Conf Portland, USA 2020 / Oct / 25th
Bitcoin 2021 Los Angeles 2021 / Apr / 30-1st

Looking Back

Getting Started:
Read my FAQ on how to Hold bitcoin Privately.


Preserve your privacy when using bitcoin.

CoinJoin Tools

Name Unique Perks Learn More
Joinmarket Market based fee structure. Text | Video | Audio
Wasabi Wallet Strong network level privacy. Text | Video | Audio
Whirlpool Advanced postmix spending [PUBLIC BETA] Text | Video | Audio

Communication Tools

Name Unique Perks Learn More
Juggernaut End-to-end encrypted messaging over the lightning network. Text



Have any questions? Need some help? Please do get in touch and I'll do my best to help.

@bitcoinonly_ |


New Project Requirements

For a new project to be listed on bitcoin-only it must simply meet the following two requirements;

1. Support bitcoin.
2. Not Support Altcoins.

we've changed, We are now bitcoin-only!

People make mistakes (such as supporting / promoting altcoins) and my belief is that if a project is now genuinely bitcoin only it is welcome.

That said, if a company previously supported altcoins and then switches to be bitcoin only how do we know that they won't switch back?

It's for this reason that to be listed, companies that switch to being bitcoin only must also meet the following additional requirement;

3. Publicly explain why they became bitcoin only and remove/update any old public information in which altcoins are promoted.

These requirements are a good way to filter out those companies who are actually committed to being bitcoin only vs. those jumping on the bandwagon.

It also serves a secondary purpose - to help educating those users who are not (yet) bitcoin only and begin to counteract the damage caused by previously supporting altcoins.

Note: This is a prerequisite for being evaluated for addition and meeting these requirements does not guarantee you will be added.

How do I get my project added?

Simply make an issue on the GitHub repo by following this link and clicking the Content Suggestion - Get Started button (see below image).

Replace the words in CAPITAL LETTERS and click Sumbit New Issue

Promote Us

on your podcast / website

We are proud to have been mentioned on a number of podcasts & websites.

Please let us know if you mention on your podcast / website!

in meatspace

Want to help promote The gorgeous poster below was designed by Phneep.

1) Print it out
2) Put it up somewhere busy
3) Reply to this tweet with an in-context photo.


Site Content

We are proud to have supported/worked with the following peers on site content.


Thanks to all the sites/podcasts that have helped with growth of the site. To accelerate site growth & to support great projects some grassroots promotion has been sponsored.

If I missed your shout out please get in touch and I'll make amends.

A shoutout does not entitle your project to being listed or bump you up the list to be evaluated. Only projects listed on will be featured on this list for helping support our growth.