160 lines
4.2 KiB

function ClassSpec(b) {
var base58 = b.base58 || require('base58-native').base58Check;
// Constructor. Takes the following forms:
// new EncodedData(<base58_address_string>)
// new EncodedData(<binary_buffer>)
// new EncodedData(<data>, <encoding>)
// new EncodedData(<version>, <20-byte-hash>)
function EncodedData(data, encoding) {
this.data = data;
if(!encoding && (typeof data == 'string')) {
this.__proto__ = this.encodings['base58'];
} else {
this.__proto__ = this.encodings[encoding || 'binary'];
// get or set the encoding used (transforms data)
EncodedData.prototype.encoding = function(encoding) {
if(encoding && (encoding != this._encoding)) {
this.data = this.as(encoding);
this.__proto__ = this.encodings[encoding];
return this._encoding;
// answer a new instance having the given encoding
EncodedData.prototype.withEncoding = function(encoding) {
return new EncodedData(this.as(encoding), encoding);
// answer the data in the given encoding
EncodedData.prototype.as = function(encoding) {
if(!encodings[encoding]) throw new Error('invalid encoding');
return this.converters[encoding].call(this);
// validate that we can convert to binary
EncodedData.prototype._validate = function() {
// Boolean protocol for testing if valid
EncodedData.prototype.isValid = function() {
try {
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
// subclasses can override to do more stuff
EncodedData.prototype.validate = function() {
// Boolean protocol for testing if valid
EncodedData.prototype.isValid = function() {
try {
return true;
} catch(e) {
return false;
// convert to a string (in base58 form)
EncodedData.prototype.toString = function() {
return this.as('base58');
// utility
EncodedData.prototype.doAsBinary = function(callback) {
var oldEncoding = this.encoding();
// Setup support for various address encodings. The object for
// each encoding inherits from the EncodedData prototype. This
// allows any encoding to override any method...changing the encoding
// for an instance will change the encoding it inherits from. Note,
// this will present some problems for anyone wanting to inherit from
// EncodedData (we'll deal with that when needed).
var encodings = {
'binary': {
converters: {
'binary': function() {
var answer = new Buffer(this.data.length);
return answer;
'base58': function() {
return base58.encode(this.data);
'hex': function() {
return this.data.toString('hex');
_validate: function() {
//nothing to do here...we make no assumptions about the data
'base58': {
converters: {
'binary': function() {
return base58.decode(this.data);
'hex': function() {
return this.withEncoding('binary').as('hex');
'hex': {
converters: {
'binary': function() {
return new Buffer(this.data, 'hex');
'base58': function() {
return this.withEncoding('binary').as('base58');
var no_conversion = function() {return this.data;};
for(var k in encodings) {
encodings[k].converters[k] = no_conversion;
encodings[k]._encoding = k;
EncodedData.applyEncodingsTo = function(aClass) {
var tmp = {};
for(var k in encodings) {
var enc = encodings[k];
var obj = {};
for(var j in enc) {
obj[j] = enc[j];
obj.__proto__ = aClass.prototype;
tmp[k] = obj;
aClass.prototype.encodings = tmp;
return EncodedData;