'use strict';
/* jshint maxstatements: 30 */
var should = require('chai').should();
var bitcore = require('..');
var PublicKey = bitcore.PublicKey;
var Address = bitcore.Address;
var Script = bitcore.Script;
var Networks = bitcore.Networks;
describe('Address', function() {
var pubkeyhash = new Buffer('3c3fa3d4adcaf8f52d5b1843975e122548269937', 'hex');
var buf = Buffer.concat([new Buffer([0]), pubkeyhash]);
var str = '16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r';
it('should throw an error because of missing data', function() {
(function() {
return new Address();
}).should.throw('First argument is required, please include address data.');
it('should throw an error because of bad network param', function() {
return new Address(PKHLivenet[0], 'main', 'pubkeyhash');
}).should.throw('Second argument must be "livenet" or "testnet".');
it('should throw an error because of bad type param', function() {
(function() {
return new Address(PKHLivenet[0], 'livenet', 'pubkey');
}).should.throw('Third argument must be "pubkeyhash" or "scripthash"');
// livenet valid
var PKHLivenet = [
// livenet p2sh
var P2SHLivenet = [
// testnet p2sh
var P2SHTestnet = [
//livenet bad checksums
var badChecksums = [
//livenet non-base58
var nonBase58 = [
//testnet valid
var PKHTestnet = [
describe('validation', function() {
it('should describe this livenet address as an invalid testnet address', function() {
var error = Address.getValidationError('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'testnet');
it('should should return a true boolean', function(){
var valid = Address.isValid('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'livenet');
it('should should return a false boolean', function(){
var valid = Address.isValid('37BahqRsFrAd3qLiNNwLNV3AWMRD7itxTo', 'testnet');
it('should validate addresses', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i]);
it('should validate p2sh addresses', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < P2SHLivenet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(P2SHLivenet[i]);
it('should validate testnet p2sh addresses', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < P2SHTestnet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(P2SHTestnet[i], 'testnet');
it('should not validate addresses with params', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'testnet');
it('should validate addresses with params', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'livenet');
it('should not validate because of an invalid checksum', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < badChecksums.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(badChecksums[i], 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash');
error.message.should.equal('Checksum mismatch');
it('should not validate because of mismatched network', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'testnet', 'pubkeyhash');
error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched network type.');
it('should not validate because of a mismatched type', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < PKHLivenet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHLivenet[i], 'livenet', 'scripthash');
error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched type.');
it('should not validate because of non-base58 characters', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < nonBase58.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(nonBase58[i], 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash');
error.message.should.equal('Non-base58 character');
it('should not validate addresses', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < badChecksums.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(badChecksums[i]);
it('should validate testnet addresses', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < PKHTestnet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHTestnet[i], 'testnet');
it('should not validate testnet addresses because of mismatched network', function() {
for (var i = 0; i < PKHTestnet.length; i++) {
var error = Address.getValidationError(PKHTestnet[i], 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash');
error.message.should.equal('Address has mismatched network type.');
describe('encodings', function() {
it('should make an address from a buffer', function() {
new Address(buf).toString().should.equal(str);
it('should make an address from a string', function() {
new Address(str).toString().should.equal(str);
it('should make an address using a non-string network', function() {
Address.fromString(str, Networks.livenet).toString().should.equal(str);
it('should error because of unrecognized data format', function() {
(function() {
return new Address(new Error());
}).should.throw('First argument is an unrecognized data format.');
it('should error because of incorrect format for pubkey hash', function() {
(function() {
return new Address.fromPublicKeyHash('notahash');
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.');
it('should error because of incorrect format for script hash', function() {
(function() {
return new Address.fromScriptHash('notascript');
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.');
it('should error because of incorrect type for transform buffer', function() {
(function() {
return Address._transformBuffer('notabuffer');
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a buffer.');
it('should error because of incorrect length buffer for transform buffer', function() {
(function() {
return Address._transformBuffer(new Buffer(20));
}).should.throw('Address buffers must be exactly 21 bytes.');
it('should error because of incorrect type for pubkey transform', function() {
(function() {
return Address._transformPublicKey(new Buffer(20));
}).should.throw('Address must be an instance of PublicKey.');
it('should error because of incorrect type for script transform', function() {
(function() {
return Address._transformScript(new Buffer(20));
}).should.throw('Address must be an instance of Script.');
it('should error because of incorrect type for string transform', function() {
(function() {
return Address._transformString(new Buffer(20));
}).should.throw('Address supplied is not a string.');
it('should make an address from a pubkey hash buffer', function() {
var hash = pubkeyhash; //use the same hash
var b = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(hash, 'testnet');
new Address(hash).toString().should.equal(str);
it('should make an address using the default network', function() {
var hash = pubkeyhash; //use the same hash
var a = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(hash);
// change the default
Networks.defaultNetwork = Networks.testnet;
var b = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(hash);
// restore the default
Networks.defaultNetwork = Networks.livenet;
it('should throw an error for invalid length hashBuffer', function() {
(function() {
return Address.fromPublicKeyHash(buf);
}).should.throw('Address hashbuffers must be exactly 20 bytes.');
it('should make this address from a compressed pubkey', function() {
var pubkey = PublicKey.fromDER(new Buffer('0285e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004', 'hex'));
var address = Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey);
it('should make this address from an uncompressed pubkey', function() {
var pubkey = PublicKey.fromDER(new Buffer('0485e9737a74c30a873f74df05124f2aa6f53042c2fc0a130d6cbd7d16b944b004833fef26c8be4c4823754869ff4e46755b85d851077771c220e2610496a29d98', 'hex'));
var a = Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey, 'livenet');
var b = new Address(pubkey, 'livenet', 'pubkeyhash');
it('should make this address from a script', function() {
var s = Script.fromString('OP_CHECKMULTISIG');
var buf = s.toBuffer();
var a = Address.fromScript(s);
var b = new Address(s);
var c = Address.fromScriptHash(bitcore.crypto.Hash.sha256ripemd160(buf));
it('should make this address from other script', function() {
var s = Script.fromString('OP_CHECKSIG OP_HASH160');
var a = Address.fromScript(s);
var b = new Address(s);
it('should derive from this known address string livenet', function() {
var address = new Address(str);
var buffer = address.toBuffer();
var slice = buffer.slice(1);
var sliceString = slice.toString('hex');
it('should derive from this known address string testnet', function() {
var a = new Address(PKHTestnet[0], 'testnet');
var b = new Address(a.toString());
it('should derive from this known address string livenet scripthash', function() {
var a = new Address(P2SHLivenet[0], 'livenet', 'scripthash');
var b = new Address(a.toString());
it('should derive from this known address string testnet scripthash', function() {
var address = new Address(P2SHTestnet[0], 'testnet', 'scripthash');
address = new Address(address.toString());
describe('#toBuffer', function() {
it('should output this known hash', function() {
var address = new Address(str);
describe('#json', function() {
it('should output/input a JSON object', function() {
var address = Address.fromJSON(new Address(str).toJSON());
it('should output/input a JSON string', function() {
var json = new Address(str).toJSON();
var address = Address.fromJSON(json);
describe('#toString', function() {
it('should output a livenet pubkeyhash address', function() {
var address = new Address(str);
it('should output a scripthash address', function() {
var address = new Address(P2SHLivenet[0]);
it('should output a testnet scripthash address', function() {
var address = new Address(P2SHTestnet[0]);
it('should output a testnet pubkeyhash address', function() {
var address = new Address(PKHTestnet[0]);
describe('#inspect', function() {
it('should output formatted output correctly', function() {
var address = new Address(str);
var output = '<Address: 16VZnHwRhwrExfeHFHGjwrgEMq8VcYPs9r, type: pubkeyhash, network: livenet>';
describe('questions about the address', function() {
it('should detect a P2SH address', function() {
new Address(P2SHLivenet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(true);
new Address(P2SHLivenet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(false);
new Address(P2SHTestnet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(true);
new Address(P2SHTestnet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(false);
it('should detect a Pay To PubkeyHash address', function() {
new Address(PKHLivenet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(true);
new Address(PKHLivenet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(false);
new Address(PKHTestnet[0]).isPayToPublicKeyHash().should.equal(true);
new Address(PKHTestnet[0]).isPayToScriptHash().should.equal(false);