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'use strict';
var chai = require('chai');
var bitcore = require('../bitcore');
var should = chai.should();
var PrivateKeyModule = bitcore.PrivateKey;
var PrivateKey;
var networks = bitcore.networks;
describe('PrivateKey', function() {
it('should initialze the main object', function() {
it('should be able to create class', function() {
PrivateKey = PrivateKeyModule;
it('should be able to create instance', function() {
var pk = new PrivateKey();
it('should convert hex testnet private key with compressed public key to base58check format', function() {
var hex = 'b9f4892c9e8282028fea1d2667c4dc5213564d41fc5783896a0d843fc15089f3';
var buf = new Buffer(hex, 'hex');
var privkey = new PrivateKey(networks.testnet.keySecret, buf, true);'base58').should.equal('cTpB4YiyKiBcPxnefsDpbnDxFDffjqJob8wGCEDXxgQ7zQoMXJdH');