'use strict';
var buffer = require('buffer');
var Signature = require('../crypto/signature');
var Script = require('../script');
var Output = require('./output');
var BufferReader = require('../encoding/bufferreader');
var BufferWriter = require('../encoding/bufferwriter');
var BN = require('../crypto/bn');
var Hash = require('../crypto/hash');
var ECDSA = require('../crypto/ecdsa');
var $ = require('../util/preconditions');
var BufferUtil = require('../util/buffer');
var _ = require('lodash');
var SIGHASH_SINGLE_BUG = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001';
var BITS_64_ON = 'ffffffffffffffff';
var sighashForForkId = function(transaction, sighashType, inputNumber, subscript, satoshisBN) {
console.log('[sighash.js.56:SIGHASH_FORKID:]'); //TODO
console.log('[sighash.js.29:transaction:]', transaction); //TODO
console.log('[sighash.js.29:sighashType:]', sighashType); //TODO
console.log('[sighash.js.29:inputNumber:]', inputNumber); //TODO
console.log('[sighash.js.29:subscript:]', subscript); //TODO
console.log('[sighash.js.24:satoshisBN:]',satoshisBN); //TODO
var input = transaction.inputs[inputNumber];
satoshisBN instanceof BN || (input.output && input.output._satoshisBN),
'For ForkId=0 signatures, satoshis or complete input must be provided'
function GetForkId() {
return 0; // In the UAHF, a fork id of 0 is used (see [4] REQ-6-2 NOTE 4)
function GetPrevoutHash() {
var buf = new BufferWriter()
// for ( n = 0; n < txTo.vin.size(); n++) {
// ss << txTo.vin[n].prevout;
// }
return buf.GetHash();
function GetSequenceHash() {
// CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
// for ( n = 0; n < txTo.vin.size(); n++) {
// ss << txTo.vin[n].nSequence;
// }
// return ss.GetHash();
function GetOutputsHash(tx) {
var writer = new BufferWriter()
_.each(tx.outputs, function(output) {
var buf = writer.toBuffer();
var ret = Hash.sha256sha256(buf);
console.log('[sighash.js.58:ret:]',ret); //TODO
return ret;
satoshisBN = satoshisBN || input.output._satoshisBN;
var hashPrevouts = BufferUtil.emptyBuffer(32);
var hashSequence = BufferUtil.emptyBuffer(32);
var hashOutputs = BufferUtil.emptyBuffer(32);
if (!(sighashType & Signature.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY)) {
console.log('NOT [sighash.js.62:SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY:]'); //TODO
// hashPrevouts = cache ? cache->hashPrevouts : GetPrevoutHash(txTo);
if (!(sighashType & Signature.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) &&
(sighashType & 31) != Signature.SIGHASH_SINGLE &&
(sighashType & 31) != Signature.SIGHASH_NONE) {
console.log('NOT [sighash.js.62:SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY:] & !SINGLE && !NONE'); //TODO
// hashSequence = cache ? cache->hashSequence : GetSequenceHash(txTo);
if ((sighashType & 31) != Signature.SIGHASH_SINGLE &&
(sighashType & 31) != Signature.SIGHASH_NONE) {
console.log('!SINGLE && !NONE'); //TODO
hashOutputs = GetOutputsHash(transaction);
console.log('[sighash.js.94:hashOutputs:]',hashOutputs); //TODO
} else if ((sighashType & 31) == Signature.SIGHASH_SINGLE &&
nIn < txTo.vout.size()) {
console.log('SINGLE'); //TODO
// CHashWriter ss(SER_GETHASH, 0);
// ss << txTo.vout[nIn];
// hashOutputs = ss.GetHash();
function getHash (w) {
var buf = w.toBuffer();
var ret = Hash.sha256sha256(buf);
ret = new BufferReader(ret).readReverse();
return ret;
var writer = new BufferWriter()
// Version
// // Input prevouts/nSequence (none/all, depending on flags)
// OK
// outpoint (32-byte hash + 4-byte little endian)
// OK
// scriptCode of the input (serialized as scripts inside CTxOuts)
// OK
// value of the output spent by this input (8-byte little endian)
// OK
// nSequence of the input (4-byte little endian)
var sequenceNumber = input.sequenceNumber;
// Outputs (none/one/all, depending on flags)
// Locktime
// sighashType
//writer.writeUInt32LE((GetForkId() << 24) | (sighashType & 31));
console.log('[sighash.js.158:sighashType:]',sighashType); //TODO
writer.writeUInt32LE(sighashType >>>0);
var buf = writer.toBuffer();
var ret = Hash.sha256sha256(buf);
ret = new BufferReader(ret).readReverse();
return ret;
// writer.writeVarintNum(this.inputs.length);
// _.each(this.inputs, function(input) {
// input.toBufferWriter(writer);
// });
* Returns a buffer of length 32 bytes with the hash that needs to be signed
* @name Signing.sighash
* @param {Transaction} transaction the transaction to sign
* @param {number} sighashType the type of the hash
* @param {number} inputNumber the input index for the signature
* @param {Script} subscript the script that will be signed
* @param {opts.satoshis} Optional, only used in ForkId signatures. If not provided, outputs's amount is used.
var sighash = function sighash(transaction, sighashType, inputNumber, subscript, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
var Transaction = require('./transaction');
var Input = require('./input');
// Copy transaction
var txcopy = Transaction.shallowCopy(transaction);
// Copy script
subscript = new Script(subscript);
console.log('[sighash.js.197] type, ', sighashType, Signature.SIGHASH_FORKID, sighashType & Signature.SIGHASH_FORKID ); //TODO
if ( ( sighashType & Signature.SIGHASH_FORKID) && ENABLE_SIGHASH_FORKID) {
return sighashForForkId(txcopy, sighashType, inputNumber, subscript, opts.satoshisBN);
console.log('[sighash.js.200] NO FORKID'); //TODO
// For no ForkId sighash, separators need to be removed.
var i;
for (i = 0; i < txcopy.inputs.length; i++) {
// Blank signatures for other inputs
txcopy.inputs[i] = new Input(txcopy.inputs[i]).setScript(Script.empty());
txcopy.inputs[inputNumber] = new Input(txcopy.inputs[inputNumber]).setScript(subscript);
if ((sighashType & 31) === Signature.SIGHASH_NONE ||
(sighashType & 31) === Signature.SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
// clear all sequenceNumbers
for (i = 0; i < txcopy.inputs.length; i++) {
if (i !== inputNumber) {
txcopy.inputs[i].sequenceNumber = 0;
if ((sighashType & 31) === Signature.SIGHASH_NONE) {
txcopy.outputs = [];
} else if ((sighashType & 31) === Signature.SIGHASH_SINGLE) {
// https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=260595.0
if (inputNumber >= txcopy.outputs.length) {
return new Buffer(SIGHASH_SINGLE_BUG, 'hex');
txcopy.outputs.length = inputNumber + 1;
for (i = 0; i < inputNumber; i++) {
txcopy.outputs[i] = new Output({
satoshis: BN.fromBuffer(new buffer.Buffer(BITS_64_ON, 'hex')),
script: Script.empty()
if (sighashType & Signature.SIGHASH_ANYONECANPAY) {
txcopy.inputs = [txcopy.inputs[inputNumber]];
console.log('[sighash.js.252:sighashType:]',sighashType); //TODO
var buf = new BufferWriter()
var ret = Hash.sha256sha256(buf);
ret = new BufferReader(ret).readReverse();
return ret;
* Create a signature
* @name Signing.sign
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {PrivateKey} privateKey
* @param {number} sighash
* @param {number} inputIndex
* @param {Script} subscript
* @return {Signature}
function sign(transaction, privateKey, sighashType, inputIndex, subscript) {
var hashbuf = sighash(transaction, sighashType, inputIndex, subscript);
var sig = ECDSA.sign(hashbuf, privateKey, 'little').set({
nhashtype: sighashType
return sig;
* Verify a signature
* @name Signing.verify
* @param {Transaction} transaction
* @param {Signature} signature
* @param {PublicKey} publicKey
* @param {number} inputIndex
* @param {Script} subscript
* @return {boolean}
function verify(transaction, signature, publicKey, inputIndex, subscript) {
$.checkArgument(!_.isUndefined(signature) && !_.isUndefined(signature.nhashtype));
var hashbuf = sighash(transaction, signature.nhashtype, inputIndex, subscript);
return ECDSA.verify(hashbuf, signature, publicKey, 'little');
* @namespace Signing
module.exports = {
sighash: sighash,
sign: sign,
verify: verify