A pure and powerful JavaScript Bitcoin *Cash*library.
## Principles
Bitcoin is a powerful new peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network allows for highly resilient bitcoin infrastructure, and the developer community needs reliable, open-source tools to implement bitcoin apps and services.
Bitcoin Cash is an other powerful peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network allows for highly resilient bitcoin infrastructure, and the developer community needs reliable, open-source tools to implement bitcoin apps and services.
## Bitcoin Cash changes
Bitcoin cash uses a different `sighash` for transaction signatures. The implementation in bitcore-cash has been tested agains the original bitcoin-cash test vectors (see sighash.json in `/test`). `bitcoin-cash` modifications in script evaluation has not been implemented yet.
An usage example of ubitcore-lib-cash can be seen at https://github.com/bitpay/copay-recovery