5 changed files with 172 additions and 175 deletions
@ -1,49 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var _ = require('lodash'); |
var fs = require('fs'); |
var defineElement = function(fullName, baseClass, message) { |
return fullName + ' = function() {\n' + |
' this.message = ' + message + ';\n' + |
' this.stack = this.message + \'\\n\' + (new Error()).stack;\n' + |
'};\n' + |
fullName + '.prototype = Object.create(' + baseClass + '.prototype);\n' + |
fullName + '.prototype.name = "' + fullName + '";\n\n'; |
}; |
var traverseNode = function(baseClass, errorDefinition) { |
var className = baseClass + '.' + errorDefinition.name; |
var generated = defineElement(className, baseClass, errorDefinition.message); |
if (errorDefinition.errors) { |
generated += childDefinitions(className, errorDefinition.errors); |
} |
return generated; |
}; |
/* jshint latedef: false */ |
var childDefinitions = function(parent, childDefinitions) { |
var generated = ''; |
_.each(childDefinitions, function(childDefinition) { |
generated += traverseNode(parent, childDefinition); |
}); |
return generated; |
}; |
/* jshint latedef: true */ |
var traverseRoot = function(errorsDefinition) { |
var fullName = 'bitcore.Error'; |
var path = 'Error'; |
var generated = '\'use strict\';\n\n'; |
generated += '/* jshint maxlen: 300 */\n'; |
generated += '/* jshint quotmark: false */\n'; |
generated += '/* AUTOGENERATED FILE. DON\'T EDIT, MODIFY "lib/errors/spec.js" INSTEAD */\n\n'; |
generated += 'var bitcore = {};\n\n'; |
generated += defineElement(fullName, path, '\'Internal error\''); |
generated += childDefinitions(fullName, errorsDefinition); |
generated += 'module.exports = bitcore.Error;\n'; |
return generated; |
}; |
var data = require('./spec'); |
fs.writeFileSync(__dirname + '/index.js', traverseRoot(data)); |
@ -0,0 +1,60 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var _ = require('lodash'); |
function format(message, args) { |
return message |
.replace('{0}', args[0]) |
.replace('{1}', args[1]) |
.replace('{2}', args[2]); |
} |
var traverseNode = function(parent, errorDefinition) { |
var NodeError = function() { |
if (_.isString(errorDefinition.message)) { |
this.message = format(errorDefinition.message, arguments); |
} else if (_.isFunction(errorDefinition.message)) { |
this.message = errorDefinition.message.apply(null, arguments); |
} else { |
throw new Error('Invalid error definition for ' + errorDefinition.name); |
} |
this.stack = this.message + '\n' + (new Error()).stack; |
}; |
NodeError.prototype = Object.create(parent.prototype); |
NodeError.prototype.name = parent.prototype.name + errorDefinition.name; |
parent[errorDefinition.name] = NodeError; |
if (errorDefinition.errors) { |
childDefinitions(NodeError, errorDefinition.errors); |
} |
}; |
/* jshint latedef: false */ |
var childDefinitions = function(parent, childDefinitions) { |
_.each(childDefinitions, function(childDefinition) { |
traverseNode(parent, childDefinition); |
}); |
}; |
/* jshint latedef: true */ |
var traverseRoot = function(parent, errorsDefinition) { |
childDefinitions(parent, errorsDefinition); |
return parent; |
}; |
var bitcore = {}; |
bitcore.Error = function() { |
this.message = 'Internal error'; |
this.stack = this.message + '\n' + (new Error()).stack; |
}; |
bitcore.Error.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); |
bitcore.Error.prototype.name = 'bitcore.Error'; |
var data = require('./spec'); |
traverseRoot(bitcore.Error, data); |
module.exports = bitcore.Error; |
module.exports.extend = function(spec) { |
traverseRoot(bitcore.Error, spec); |
}; |
@ -1,131 +1,125 @@ |
'use strict'; |
function format(arg) { |
return '\'' + arg |
.replace('{0}', '\' + arguments[0] + \'') |
.replace('{1}', '\' + arguments[1] + \'') |
.replace('{2}', '\' + arguments[2] + \'') + '\''; |
} |
module.exports = [{ |
name: 'InvalidB58Char', |
message: format('Invalid Base58 character: {0} in {1}') |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidB58Checksum', |
message: format('Invalid Base58 checksum for {0}') |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidNetwork', |
message: format('Invalid version for network: got {0}') |
name: 'InvalidB58Char', |
message: 'Invalid Base58 character: {0} in {1}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidB58Checksum', |
message: 'Invalid Base58 checksum for {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidNetwork', |
message: 'Invalid version for network: got {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidState', |
message: 'Invalid state: {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'NotImplemented', |
message: 'Function {0} was not implemented yet' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidNetworkArgument', |
message: 'Invalid network: must be "livenet" or "testnet", got {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidArgument', |
message: function() { |
return 'Invalid Argument' + (arguments[0] ? (': ' + arguments[0]) : ''); |
} |
}, { |
name: 'AbstractMethodInvoked', |
message: 'Abstract Method Invokation: {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidArgumentType', |
message: function() { |
return 'Invalid Argument for ' + arguments[2] + ', expected ' + arguments[1] + ' but got ' + typeof arguments[0]; |
} |
}, { |
name: 'Unit', |
message: 'Internal Error on Unit {0}', |
errors: [{ |
'name': 'UnknownCode', |
'message': 'Unrecognized unit code: {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidState', |
message: format('Invalid state: {0}') |
'name': 'InvalidRate', |
'message': 'Invalid exchange rate: {0}' |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'Transaction', |
message: 'Internal Error on Transaction {0}', |
errors: [{ |
name: 'Input', |
message: 'Internal Error on Input {0}', |
errors: [{ |
name: 'MissingScript', |
message: 'Need a script to create an input' |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'NotImplemented', |
message: format('Function {0} was not implemented yet') |
name: 'NeedMoreInfo', |
message: '{0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidNetworkArgument', |
message: format('Invalid network: must be "livenet" or "testnet", got {0}') |
name: 'UnableToVerifySignature', |
message: 'Unable to verify signature: {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidArgument', |
message: format('Invalid Argument' + '\' + (arguments[0] ? \': {0}\' : \'\') + \'') |
name: 'DustOutputs', |
message: 'Dust amount detected in one output' |
}, { |
name: 'AbstractMethodInvoked', |
message: format('Abstract Method Invokation: {0}') |
name: 'FeeError', |
message: 'Fees are not correctly set {0}', |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidArgumentType', |
message: format('Invalid Argument for {2}, expected {1} but got ') + '+ typeof arguments[0]', |
name: 'ChangeAddressMissing', |
message: 'Change address is missing' |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'Script', |
message: 'Internal Error on Script {0}', |
errors: [{ |
name: 'UnrecognizedAddress', |
message: 'Expected argument {0} to be an address' |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'HDPrivateKey', |
message: 'Internal Error on HDPrivateKey {0}', |
errors: [{ |
name: 'InvalidDerivationArgument', |
message: 'Invalid derivation argument {0}, expected string, or number and boolean' |
}, { |
name: 'Unit', |
message: format('Internal Error on Unit {0}'), |
name: 'InvalidEntropyArgument', |
message: 'Invalid entropy: must be an hexa string or binary buffer, got {0}', |
errors: [{ |
'name': 'UnknownCode', |
'message': format('Unrecognized unit code: {0}') |
},{ |
'name': 'InvalidRate', |
'message': format('Invalid exchange rate: {0}') |
name: 'TooMuchEntropy', |
message: 'Invalid entropy: more than 512 bits is non standard, got "{0}"' |
}, { |
name: 'NotEnoughEntropy', |
message: 'Invalid entropy: at least 128 bits needed, got "{0}"' |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'Transaction', |
message: format('Internal Error on Transaction {0}'), |
errors: [ |
{ |
name: 'Input', |
message: format('Internal Error on Input {0}'), |
errors: [{ |
name: 'MissingScript', |
message: format('Need a script to create an input') |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'NeedMoreInfo', |
message: format('{0}') |
}, { |
name: 'UnableToVerifySignature', |
message: format('Unable to verify signature: {0}') |
}, { |
name: 'DustOutputs', |
message: format('Dust amount detected in one output') |
}, { |
name: 'FeeError', |
message: format('Fees are not correctly set {0}'), |
}, { |
name: 'ChangeAddressMissing', |
message: format('Change address is missing') |
} |
] |
name: 'InvalidLength', |
message: 'Invalid length for xprivkey string in {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'Script', |
message: format('Internal Error on Script {0}'), |
errors: [{ |
name: 'UnrecognizedAddress', |
message: format('Expected argument {0} to be an address') |
}] |
name: 'InvalidPath', |
message: 'Invalid derivation path: {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'HDPrivateKey', |
message: format('Internal Error on HDPrivateKey {0}'), |
errors: [{ |
name: 'InvalidDerivationArgument', |
message: format('Invalid derivation argument {0}, expected string, or number and boolean') |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidEntropyArgument', |
message: format('Invalid entropy: must be an hexa string or binary buffer, got {0}'), |
errors: [{ |
name: 'TooMuchEntropy', |
message: format('Invalid entropy: more than 512 bits is non standard, got "{0}"') |
}, { |
name: 'NotEnoughEntropy', |
message: format('Invalid entropy: at least 128 bits needed, got "{0}"') |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidLength', |
message: format('Invalid length for xprivkey string in {0}') |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidPath', |
message: format('Invalid derivation path: {0}') |
}, { |
name: 'UnrecognizedArgument', |
message: format('Invalid argument: creating a HDPrivateKey requires a string, buffer, json or object, got "{0}"') |
}] |
name: 'UnrecognizedArgument', |
message: 'Invalid argument: creating a HDPrivateKey requires a string, buffer, json or object, got "{0}"' |
}] |
}, { |
name: 'HDPublicKey', |
message: 'Internal Error on HDPublicKey {0}', |
errors: [{ |
name: 'ArgumentIsPrivateExtended', |
message: 'Argument is an extended private key: {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'HDPublicKey', |
message: format('Internal Error on HDPublicKey {0}'), |
errors: [{ |
name: 'ArgumentIsPrivateExtended', |
message: format('Argument is an extended private key: {0}') |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidDerivationArgument', |
message: format('Invalid derivation argument: got {0}') |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidLength', |
message: format('Invalid length for xpubkey: got "{0}"') |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidPath', |
message: format('Invalid derivation path, it should look like: "m/1/100", got "{0}"') |
}, { |
name: 'MustSupplyArgument', |
message: format('Must supply an argument to create a HDPublicKey') |
}, { |
name: 'UnrecognizedArgument', |
message: format('Invalid argument for creation, must be string, json, buffer, or object') |
}] |
} |
]; |
name: 'InvalidDerivationArgument', |
message: 'Invalid derivation argument: got {0}' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidLength', |
message: 'Invalid length for xpubkey: got "{0}"' |
}, { |
name: 'InvalidPath', |
message: 'Invalid derivation path, it should look like: "m/1/100", got "{0}"' |
}, { |
name: 'MustSupplyArgument', |
message: 'Must supply an argument to create a HDPublicKey' |
}, { |
name: 'UnrecognizedArgument', |
message: 'Invalid argument for creation, must be string, json, buffer, or object' |
}] |
}]; |
Reference in new issue