4 changed files with 1 additions and 357 deletions
@ -1,44 +0,0 @@ |
title: JSON-RPC |
description: A simple interface to connect and make RPC calls to bitcoind. |
--- |
## Description |
Bitcoind provides a direct interface to the bitcoin network and it also exposes a `JSON-RPC` API. This class will connect to a local instance of a bitcoind server and make simple or batch RPC calls to it. |
## Connection to bitcoind |
First you will need a running instance of bitcoind, setting up a username and password to connect with it. For more information about running bitcoind please refer to the [official documentation](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Running_Bitcoin). |
The code for creating and configuring an instance of the RPC client looks like this: |
``` |
var bitcore = require('bitcore'); |
var RPC = bitcore.transport.RPC; |
var client = new RPC('username', 'password', { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: 18332, |
secure: false, |
disableAgent: true, |
rejectUnauthorized: true |
}); |
``` |
## Examples |
For more information please refer to the [API reference](https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/API_reference_%28JSON-RPC%29). |
``` |
var bitcore = require('bitcore'); |
var blockHash = '0000000000000000045d581af7fa3b6110266ece8131424d95bf490af828be1c'; |
var client = new bitcore.transport.RPC('username', 'password'); |
client.getBlock(blockHash, function(err, block) { |
// do something with the block |
}); |
``` |
@ -1,249 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var http = require('http'); |
var https = require('https'); |
/** |
* A JSON RPC client for bitcoind. An instances of RPC connects to a bitcoind |
* server and enables simple and batch RPC calls. |
* |
* @example |
* ```javascript
* |
* var client = new RPC('user', 'pass'); |
* client.getInfo(function(err, info) { |
* // do something with the info
* }); |
* ``` |
* |
* @param {String} user - username used to connect bitcoind |
* @param {String} password - password used to connect bitcoind |
* @param {Object} opts - Connection options: host, port, secure, disableAgent, rejectUnauthorized |
* @returns {RPC} |
* @constructor |
*/ |
function RPC(user, password, opts) { |
if (!(this instanceof RPC)) { |
return new RPC(user, password, opts); |
} |
this.user = user; |
this.pass = password; |
opts = opts || {}; |
this.host = opts.host || ''; |
this.port = opts.port || 8332; |
this.secure = typeof opts.secure === 'undefined' ? true : opts.secure; |
this._client = opts.secure ? https : http; |
this.batchedCalls = null; |
this.disableAgent = opts.disableAgent || false; |
this.rejectUnauthorized = opts.rejectUnauthorized || false; |
} |
/** |
* Allows to excecute RPC calls in batch. |
* |
* @param {Function} batchCallback - Function that makes all calls to be excecuted in bach |
* @param {Function} resultCallbak - Function to be called on result |
*/ |
RPC.prototype.batch = function(batchCallback, resultCallback) { |
this.batchedCalls = []; |
batchCallback(); |
this._request(this.batchedCalls, resultCallback); |
this.batchedCalls = null; |
} |
/** |
* Internal function to make an RPC call |
* |
* @param {Object} request - Object to be serialized and sent to bitcoind |
* @param {Function} callbak - Function to be called on result |
*/ |
RPC.prototype._request = function(request, callback) { |
var self = this; |
var request = JSON.stringify(request); |
var auth = Buffer(self.user + ':' + self.pass).toString('base64'); |
var options = { |
host: self.host, |
path: '/', |
method: 'POST', |
port: self.port, |
rejectUnauthorized: self.rejectUnauthorized, |
agent: self.disableAgent ? false : undefined |
}; |
var req = this._client.request(options, function(res) { |
var buf = ''; |
res.on('data', function(data) { |
buf += data; |
}); |
res.on('end', function() { |
if (res.statusCode == 401) { |
var error = new Error('bitcoin JSON-RPC connection rejected: 401 unauthorized'); |
return callback(error); |
} |
if (res.statusCode == 403) { |
var error = new Error('bitcoin JSON-RPC connection rejected: 403 forbidden'); |
return callback(error); |
} |
try { |
var parsedBuf = JSON.parse(buf); |
} catch (e) { |
return callback(e); |
} |
callback(parsedBuf.error, parsedBuf); |
}); |
}); |
req.on('error', function(e) { |
var err = new Error('Could not connect to bitcoin via RPC at host: ' + self.host + ' port: ' + self.port + ' Error: ' + e.message); |
callback(err); |
}); |
req.setHeader('Content-Length', request.length); |
req.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json'); |
req.setHeader('Authorization', 'Basic ' + auth); |
req.write(request); |
req.end(); |
}; |
var callspec = { |
addMultiSigAddress: '', |
addNode: '', |
backupWallet: '', |
createMultiSig: '', |
createRawTransaction: '', |
decodeRawTransaction: '', |
dumpPrivKey: '', |
encryptWallet: '', |
getAccount: '', |
getAccountAddress: 'str', |
getAddedNodeInfo: '', |
getAddressesByAccount: '', |
getBalance: 'str int', |
getBestBlockHash: '', |
getBlock: '', |
getBlockCount: '', |
getBlockHash: 'int', |
getBlockNumber: '', |
getBlockTemplate: '', |
getConnectionCount: '', |
getDifficulty: '', |
getGenerate: '', |
getHashesPerSec: '', |
getInfo: '', |
getMemoryPool: '', |
getMiningInfo: '', |
getNewAddress: '', |
getPeerInfo: '', |
getRawMemPool: '', |
getRawTransaction: 'str int', |
getReceivedByAccount: 'str int', |
getReceivedByAddress: 'str int', |
getTransaction: '', |
getTxOut: 'str int bool', |
getTxOutSetInfo: '', |
getWork: '', |
help: '', |
importAddress: 'str str bool', |
importPrivKey: 'str str bool', |
keyPoolRefill: '', |
listAccounts: 'int', |
listAddressGroupings: '', |
listReceivedByAccount: 'int bool', |
listReceivedByAddress: 'int bool', |
listSinceBlock: 'str int', |
listTransactions: 'str int int', |
listUnspent: 'int int', |
listLockUnspent: 'bool', |
lockUnspent: '', |
move: 'str str float int str', |
sendFrom: 'str str float int str str', |
sendMany: 'str str int str', //not sure this is will work
sendRawTransaction: '', |
sendToAddress: 'str float str str', |
setAccount: '', |
setGenerate: 'bool int', |
setTxFee: 'float', |
signMessage: '', |
signRawTransaction: '', |
stop: '', |
submitBlock: '', |
validateAddress: '', |
verifyMessage: '', |
walletLock: '', |
walletPassPhrase: 'string int', |
walletPassphraseChange: '', |
}; |
var slice = function(arr, start, end) { |
return Array.prototype.slice.call(arr, start, end); |
}; |
function generateRPCMethods(constructor, apiCalls) { |
function createRPCMethod(methodName, argMap) { |
return function() { |
var limit = arguments.length - 1; |
if (this.batchedCalls) var limit = arguments.length; |
for (var i = 0; i < limit; i++) { |
if (argMap[i]) arguments[i] = argMap[i](arguments[i]); |
}; |
if (this.batchedCalls) { |
this.batchedCalls.push({ |
jsonrpc: '2.0', |
method: methodName, |
params: slice(arguments) |
}); |
} else { |
this._request({ |
method: methodName, |
params: slice(arguments, 0, arguments.length - 1) |
}, arguments[arguments.length - 1]); |
} |
}; |
}; |
var types = { |
str: function(arg) { |
return arg.toString(); |
}, |
int: function(arg) { |
return parseFloat(arg); |
}, |
float: function(arg) { |
return parseFloat(arg); |
}, |
bool: function(arg) { |
return (arg === true || arg == '1' || arg == 'true' || arg.toString().toLowerCase() == 'true'); |
}, |
}; |
for (var k in apiCalls) { |
if (apiCalls.hasOwnProperty(k)) { |
var spec = apiCalls[k].split(' '); |
for (var i = 0; i < spec.length; i++) { |
if (types[spec[i]]) { |
spec[i] = types[spec[i]]; |
} else { |
spec[i] = types.string; |
} |
} |
var methodName = k.toLowerCase(); |
constructor.prototype[k] = createRPCMethod(methodName, spec); |
constructor.prototype[methodName] = constructor.prototype[k]; |
} |
} |
} |
generateRPCMethods(RPC, callspec); |
module.exports = RPC; |
@ -1,62 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var chai = require('chai'); |
var should = chai.should(); |
var bitcore = require('../..'); |
var RPC = bitcore.transport.RPC; |
describe('RPC', function() { |
it('should be able to create instance', function() { |
var client = new RPC('user', 'pass'); |
should.exist(client); |
}); |
it('should set default config', function() { |
var client = new RPC('user', 'pass'); |
client.user.should.be.equal('user'); |
client.pass.should.be.equal('pass'); |
client.host.should.be.equal(''); |
client.port.should.be.equal(8332); |
client.secure.should.be.equal(true); |
client.disableAgent.should.be.equal(false); |
client.rejectUnauthorized.should.be.equal(false); |
}); |
it('should allow setting custom host and port', function() { |
var client = new RPC('user', 'pass', { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: 18332 |
}); |
client.host.should.be.equal('localhost'); |
client.port.should.be.equal(18332); |
}); |
it('should honor request options', function() { |
var client = new RPC('user', 'pass', { |
host: 'localhost', |
port: 18332, |
rejectUnauthorized: true, |
disableAgent: true |
}); |
client._client = {}; |
client._client.request = function(options, callback) { |
options.host.should.be.equal('localhost'); |
options.port.should.be.equal(18332); |
options.rejectUnauthorized.should.be.equal(true); |
options.agent.should.be.false; |
return { |
on: function() {}, |
setHeader: function() {}, |
write: function() {}, |
end: function() {} |
}; |
}; |
client._request({}, function() {}); |
}); |
}); |
Reference in new issue