13 changed files with 4543 additions and 230 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@ |
#!/usr/bin/env node |
/** |
* Modules |
*/ |
var fs = require('fs'); |
var url = require('url'); |
var http = require('http'); |
var path = require('path'); |
var Stream = require('stream').Stream; |
var StringDecoder = require('string_decoder').StringDecoder; |
/** |
* Mozilla Root Cert URL |
*/ |
var certUrl = 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/joyent/node/master/src/node_root_certs.h'; |
/** |
* Get Root Certs |
*/ |
function getRootCerts(callback) { |
return request(certUrl, function(err, res, body) { |
if (err) return callback(err); |
body = body.replace(/,$/, ''); |
body = 'var RootCerts = [\n' + body + '\n];\n'; |
body = body.replace(/^"/gm, '+ "'); |
body = body.replace(/^\+ "-----B/gm, '"-----B'); |
body += '' |
+ '\n' |
+ '// Use hash table for efficiency:\n' |
+ 'RootCerts = RootCerts.reduce(function(trusted, cert) {\n' |
+ ' cert = cert.replace(/\\s+/g, "");\n' |
+ ' trusted[cert] = true;\n' |
+ ' return trusted;\n' |
+ '}, {});\n' |
+ '\n' |
+ 'function isTrusted(pem) {\n' |
+ ' pem = pem + "";\n' |
+ ' pem = pem.replace(/\\s+/g, "");\n' |
+ ' return !!RootCerts[pem];\n' |
+ '}\n' |
+ '\n' |
+ 'exports = RootCerts;\n' |
+ 'exports.isTrusted = isTrusted;\n' |
+ 'module.exports = exports;\n'; |
return callback(null, body); |
}); |
} |
/** |
* Helpers |
*/ |
function request(options, callback) { |
if (typeof options === 'string' || options.hostname) { |
options = { uri: options }; |
} |
var uri = options.uri || options.url |
, body = options.json |
? JSON.stringify(options.json) |
: options.body || ''; |
if (typeof uri !== 'object') { |
uri = url.parse(uri); |
} |
if (options.qs) { |
var query = uri.query ? qs.parse(uri.query) : {}; |
Object.keys(options.qs).forEach(function(key) { |
query[key] = options.qs[key]; |
}); |
uri.path = uri.pathname + '?' + qs.stringify(query); |
} |
var protocol = uri.protocol === 'https:' |
? require('https') |
: http; |
options.method = options.method || (body ? 'POST' : 'GET'); |
options.method = options.method.toUpperCase(); |
options.headers = options.headers || {}; |
options.headers['Accept'] = options.headers['Accept'] || 'text/plain; charset=utf-8'; |
if (options.json) { |
options.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json; charset=utf-8'; |
options.headers['Accept'] = 'application/json'; |
} |
if (options.method !== 'GET' && options.method !== 'HEAD') { |
options.headers['Content-Length'] = Buffer.byteLength(body); |
} |
var opt = { |
auth: uri.auth, |
host: uri.hostname, |
port: uri.port || (protocol === http ? 80 : 443), |
path: uri.path, |
method: options.method, |
headers: options.headers |
}; |
var req = protocol.request(opt) |
, response = new Stream; |
req.on('error', function(err) { |
if (callback) { |
callback(err); |
} else { |
response.emit('error', err); |
} |
}); |
req.on('response', function(res) { |
var decoder = new StringDecoder('utf8') |
, done = false |
, body = ''; |
function end() { |
if (done) return; |
done = true; |
if (callback) { |
res.body = body; |
if (options.json) { |
try { |
body = JSON.parse(body); |
} catch (e) { |
; |
} |
} |
callback(null, res, body); |
} else { |
response.emit('end'); |
} |
res.socket.removeListener('error', error); |
res.socket.removeListener('end', end); |
} |
function error(err) { |
res.destroy(); |
if (callback) { |
callback(err); |
} else { |
response.emit('error', err); |
} |
} |
res.on('data', function(data) { |
if (callback) { |
body += decoder.write(data); |
} else { |
response.emit('data', data); |
} |
}); |
res.on('error', error); |
res.socket.on('error', error); |
res.on('end', end); |
// An agent socket's `end` sometimes |
// wont be emitted on the response. |
res.socket.on('end', end); |
}); |
req.end(body); |
return response; |
} |
/** |
* Execute |
*/ |
function main(argv, callback) { |
if (!callback) { |
callback = argv; |
argv = null; |
} |
return getRootCerts(function(err, certs) { |
var file = path.resolve(__dirname, '..', 'lib', 'common', 'RootCerts.js'); |
return fs.writeFile(file, certs, callback); |
}); |
} |
if (!module.parent) { |
process.title = 'root-certs'; |
main(process.argv.slice(), function(err, code) { |
if (err) throw err; |
return process.exit(code || 0); |
}); |
} else { |
module.exports = main; |
} |
@ -1,245 +1,61 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var protobufjs = protobufjs || require('protobufjs/dist/ProtoBuf'); |
var Message = Message || require('./Message'); |
// BIP 70 - payment protocol
function PayPro() { |
this.messageType = null; |
this.message = null; |
} |
PayPro.PAYMENT_MAX_SIZE = 50000; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_ACK_MAX_SIZE = 60000; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-paymentrequest"; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-payment"; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_ACK_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-paymentack"; |
PayPro.proto = {}; |
PayPro.proto.Output = "message Output {\ |
optional uint64 amount = 1 [default = 0];\ |
optional bytes script = 2;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.PaymentDetails = "message PaymentDetails {\ |
optional string network = 1 [default = \"main\"];\ |
repeated Output outputs = 2;\ |
required uint64 time = 3;\ |
optional uint64 expires = 4;\ |
optional string memo = 5;\ |
optional string payment_url = 6;\ |
optional bytes merchant_data = 7;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.PaymentRequest = "message PaymentRequest {\ |
optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];\ |
optional string pki_type = 2 [default = \"none\"];\ |
optional bytes pki_data = 3;\ |
required bytes serialized_payment_details = 4;\ |
optional bytes signature = 5;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.Payment = "message Payment {\ |
optional bytes merchant_data = 1;\ |
repeated bytes transactions = 2;\ |
repeated Output refund_to = 3;\ |
optional string memo = 4;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.PaymentACK = "message PaymentACK {\ |
required Payment payment = 1;\ |
optional string memo = 2;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.X509Certificates = "message X509Certificates {\ |
repeated bytes certificate = 1;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.all = ""; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.Output; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.PaymentDetails; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.PaymentRequest; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.Payment; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.PaymentACK; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.X509Certificates; |
PayPro.builder = protobufjs.loadProto(PayPro.proto.all); |
PayPro.Output = PayPro.builder.build("Output"); |
PayPro.PaymentDetails = PayPro.builder.build("PaymentDetails"); |
PayPro.PaymentRequest = PayPro.builder.build("PaymentRequest"); |
PayPro.Payment = PayPro.builder.build("Payment"); |
PayPro.PaymentACK = PayPro.builder.build("PaymentACK"); |
PayPro.X509Certificates = PayPro.builder.build("X509Certificates"); |
PayPro.prototype.makeOutput = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'Output'; |
this.message = new PayPro.Output(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePaymentDetails = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'PaymentDetails'; |
this.message = new PayPro.PaymentDetails(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePaymentRequest = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'PaymentRequest'; |
this.message = new PayPro.PaymentRequest(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePayment = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'Payment'; |
this.message = new PayPro.Payment(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePaymentACK = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'Payment'; |
this.message = new PayPro.PaymentACK(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makeX509Certificates = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'X509Certificates'; |
this.message = new PayPro.X509Certificates(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.isValidSize = function() { |
var s = this.serialize(); |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentRequest') |
return s.length < PayPro.PAYMENT_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE; |
if (this.messageType == 'Payment') |
return s.length < PayPro.PAYMENT_MAX_SIZE; |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentACK') |
return s.length < PayPro.PAYMENT_ACK_MAX_SIZE; |
return true; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.getContentType = function() { |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentRequest') |
if (this.messageType == 'Payment') |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentACK') |
throw new Error('No known content type for this message type'); |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.set = function(key, val) { |
this.message.set(key, val); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.get = function(key) { |
var v = this.message.get(key); |
if (v === null) |
return v; |
//protobuf supports longs, javascript naturally does not
//convert longs (see long.js, e.g. require('long')) to Numbers
if (typeof v.low !== 'undefined' && typeof v.high !== 'undefined') |
return v.toInt(); |
var Message = Message || require('./Message'); |
if (typeof v.toBuffer !== 'undefined') { |
var maybebuf = v.toBuffer(); |
return Buffer.isBuffer(maybebuf) ? maybebuf : new Buffer(new Uint8Array(maybebuf)); |
} |
var RootCerts = require('./common/RootCerts'); |
return v; |
}; |
var PayPro = require('./common/PayPro'); |
PayPro.prototype.setObj = function(obj) { |
for (var key in obj) { |
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { |
var val = obj[key]; |
this.message.set(key, val); |
} |
PayPro.prototype.x509Sign = function(key) { |
var self = this; |
var crypto = require('crypto'); |
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); |
var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); // contains one or more x509 certs
var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details'); |
var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); |
var trusted = [].concat(pki_data).every(function(cert) { |
var der = cert.toString('hex'); |
var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); |
return RootCerts.isTrusted(pem); |
}); |
if (!trusted) { |
// XXX Figure out what to do here
// throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.');
} |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.serializeForSig = function() { |
if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') |
throw new Error('serializeForSig is only for PaymentRequest'); |
var save = this.message.get('signature'); |
this.message.set('signature', new Buffer([])); |
var buf = this.serialize(); |
this.message.set('signature', save); |
return buf; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.serialize = function() { |
//protobufjs returns either a Buffer or an ArrayBuffer
//but we always want a Buffer (which browserify understands, browser or no)
var maybebuf = this.message.toBuffer(); |
var buf = (Buffer.isBuffer(maybebuf)) ? maybebuf : new Buffer(new Uint8Array(maybebuf)); |
return buf; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.deserialize = function(buf, messageType) { |
this.messageType = messageType || this.messageType; |
if (!this.messageType) |
throw new Error('Must specify messageType'); |
this.message = PayPro[this.messageType].decode(buf); |
return this; |
var signature = crypto.createSign('RSA-' + type); |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
signature.update(buf); |
var sig = signature.sign(key); |
return sig; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.sign = function(key) { |
if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') |
throw new Error('Signing can only be performed on a PaymentRequest'); |
PayPro.prototype.x509Verify = function() { |
var self = this; |
var crypto = require('crypto'); |
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); |
var sig = this.get('signature'); |
var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); |
var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details'); |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); |
if (pki_type === 'SIN') |
var sig = this.sinSign(key); |
else |
throw new Error('Unsupported pki_type'); |
this.set('signature', sig); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.verify = function() { |
if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') |
throw new Error('Verifying can only be performed on a PaymentRequest'); |
var verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-' + type); |
verifier.update(buf); |
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); |
return [].concat(pki_data).every(function(cert) { |
var der = cert.toString('hex'); |
var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); |
if (pki_type === 'SIN') |
return this.sinVerify(); |
else |
throw new Error('Unsupported pki_type'); |
}; |
//default signing function for prototype.sign
PayPro.prototype.sinSign = function(key) { |
this.set('pki_data', key.public) |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
return Message.sign(buf, key); |
}; |
if (!RootCerts.isTrusted(pem)) { |
// XXX Figure out what to do here
// throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.');
} |
//default verify function
PayPro.prototype.sinVerify = function() { |
var sig = this.get('signature'); |
var pubkey = this.get('pki_data'); |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
return Message.verifyWithPubKey(pubkey, buf, sig); |
return verifier.verify(pem, sig); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports = PayPro; |
@ -0,0 +1,79 @@ |
"use strict"; |
var Key = require('./Key'); |
var KJUR = require('jsrsasign'); |
var assert = require('assert'); |
var PayPro = require('../common/PayPro'); |
var RootCerts = require('../common/RootCerts'); |
// Documentation:
// http://kjur.github.io/jsrsasign/api/symbols/KJUR.crypto.Signature.html#.sign
// http://kjur.github.io/jsrsasign/api/symbols/RSAKey.html
PayPro.prototype.x509Sign = function(key) { |
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); |
var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); // contains one or more x509 certs
var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
var trusted = [].concat(pki_data).every(function(cert) { |
var der = cert.toString('hex'); |
var pem = KJUR.asn1.ASN1Util.getPEMStringFromHex(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); |
return RootCerts.isTrusted(pem); |
}); |
if (!trusted) { |
// XXX Figure out what to do here
// throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.');
} |
var rsa = new KJUR.RSAKey(); |
rsa.readPrivateKeyFromPEMString(key.toString()); |
key = rsa; |
var jsrsaSig = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({ |
alg: type.toUpperCase() + 'withRSA', |
prov: 'cryptojs/jsrsa' |
}); |
// XXX Could use this?
jsrsaSig.init(key); |
jsrsaSig.updateHex(buf.toString('hex')); |
var sig = new Buffer(jsrsaSig.sign(), 'hex'); |
return sig; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.x509Verify = function(key) { |
var sig = this.get('signature'); |
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); |
var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); |
var jsrsaSig = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({ |
alg: type.toUpperCase() + 'withRSA', |
prov: 'cryptojs/jsrsa' |
}); |
return [].concat(pki_data).every(function(cert) { |
var der = cert.toString('hex'); |
var pem = KJUR.asn1.ASN1Util.getPEMStringFromHex(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); |
if (!RootCerts.isTrusted(pem)) { |
// XXX Figure out what to do here
// throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.');
} |
jsrsaSig.initVerifyByCertificatePEM(pem); |
jsrsaSig.updateHex(buf.toString('hex')); |
return jsrsaSig.verify(sig.toString('hex')); |
}); |
}; |
module.exports = PayPro; |
@ -0,0 +1,296 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var protobufjs = require('protobufjs/dist/ProtoBuf'); |
var Message = require('../Message'); |
var RootCerts = require('../common/RootCerts'); |
// BIP 70 - payment protocol
function PayPro() { |
this.messageType = null; |
this.message = null; |
} |
PayPro.PAYMENT_MAX_SIZE = 50000; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_ACK_MAX_SIZE = 60000; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-paymentrequest"; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-payment"; |
PayPro.PAYMENT_ACK_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-paymentack"; |
PayPro.proto = {}; |
PayPro.proto.Output = "message Output {\ |
optional uint64 amount = 1 [default = 0];\ |
optional bytes script = 2;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.PaymentDetails = "message PaymentDetails {\ |
optional string network = 1 [default = \"main\"];\ |
repeated Output outputs = 2;\ |
required uint64 time = 3;\ |
optional uint64 expires = 4;\ |
optional string memo = 5;\ |
optional string payment_url = 6;\ |
optional bytes merchant_data = 7;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.PaymentRequest = "message PaymentRequest {\ |
optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];\ |
optional string pki_type = 2 [default = \"none\"];\ |
optional bytes pki_data = 3;\ |
required bytes serialized_payment_details = 4;\ |
optional bytes signature = 5;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.Payment = "message Payment {\ |
optional bytes merchant_data = 1;\ |
repeated bytes transactions = 2;\ |
repeated Output refund_to = 3;\ |
optional string memo = 4;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.PaymentACK = "message PaymentACK {\ |
required Payment payment = 1;\ |
optional string memo = 2;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.X509Certificates = "message X509Certificates {\ |
repeated bytes certificate = 1;\ |
}\n"; |
PayPro.proto.all = ""; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.Output; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.PaymentDetails; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.PaymentRequest; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.Payment; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.PaymentACK; |
PayPro.proto.all = PayPro.proto.all + PayPro.proto.X509Certificates; |
PayPro.builder = protobufjs.loadProto(PayPro.proto.all); |
PayPro.Output = PayPro.builder.build("Output"); |
PayPro.PaymentDetails = PayPro.builder.build("PaymentDetails"); |
PayPro.PaymentRequest = PayPro.builder.build("PaymentRequest"); |
PayPro.Payment = PayPro.builder.build("Payment"); |
PayPro.PaymentACK = PayPro.builder.build("PaymentACK"); |
PayPro.X509Certificates = PayPro.builder.build("X509Certificates"); |
PayPro.prototype.makeOutput = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'Output'; |
this.message = new PayPro.Output(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePaymentDetails = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'PaymentDetails'; |
this.message = new PayPro.PaymentDetails(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePaymentRequest = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'PaymentRequest'; |
this.message = new PayPro.PaymentRequest(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePayment = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'Payment'; |
this.message = new PayPro.Payment(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makePaymentACK = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'Payment'; |
this.message = new PayPro.PaymentACK(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.makeX509Certificates = function(obj) { |
this.messageType = 'X509Certificates'; |
this.message = new PayPro.X509Certificates(); |
this.setObj(obj); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.isValidSize = function() { |
var s = this.serialize(); |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentRequest') |
return s.length < PayPro.PAYMENT_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE; |
if (this.messageType == 'Payment') |
return s.length < PayPro.PAYMENT_MAX_SIZE; |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentACK') |
return s.length < PayPro.PAYMENT_ACK_MAX_SIZE; |
return true; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.getContentType = function() { |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentRequest') |
if (this.messageType == 'Payment') |
if (this.messageType == 'PaymentACK') |
throw new Error('No known content type for this message type'); |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.set = function(key, val) { |
this.message.set(key, val); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.get = function(key) { |
var v = this.message.get(key); |
if (v === null) |
return v; |
//protobuf supports longs, javascript naturally does not
//convert longs (see long.js, e.g. require('long')) to Numbers
if (typeof v.low !== 'undefined' && typeof v.high !== 'undefined') |
return v.toInt(); |
if (typeof v.toBuffer !== 'undefined') { |
var maybebuf = v.toBuffer(); |
return Buffer.isBuffer(maybebuf) ? maybebuf : new Buffer(new Uint8Array(maybebuf)); |
} |
return v; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.setObj = function(obj) { |
for (var key in obj) { |
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { |
var val = obj[key]; |
this.message.set(key, val); |
} |
} |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.serializeForSig = function() { |
if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') |
throw new Error('serializeForSig is only for PaymentRequest'); |
var save = this.message.get('signature'); |
this.message.set('signature', new Buffer([])); |
var buf = this.serialize(); |
this.message.set('signature', save); |
return buf; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.serialize = function() { |
//protobufjs returns either a Buffer or an ArrayBuffer
//but we always want a Buffer (which browserify understands, browser or no)
var maybebuf = this.message.toBuffer(); |
var buf = (Buffer.isBuffer(maybebuf)) ? maybebuf : new Buffer(new Uint8Array(maybebuf)); |
return buf; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.deserialize = function(buf, messageType) { |
this.messageType = messageType || this.messageType; |
if (!this.messageType) |
throw new Error('Must specify messageType'); |
this.message = PayPro[this.messageType].decode(buf); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.sign = function(key) { |
if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') |
throw new Error('Signing can only be performed on a PaymentRequest'); |
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); |
if (pki_type === 'SIN') { |
var sig = this.sinSign(key); |
} else if (pki_type === 'x509+sha1' || pki_type === 'x509+sha256') { |
var sig = this.x509Sign(key); |
} else if (pki_type === 'none') { |
return this; |
} else { |
throw new Error('Unsupported pki_type'); |
} |
this.set('signature', sig); |
return this; |
}; |
PayPro.prototype.verify = function() { |
if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') |
throw new Error('Verifying can only be performed on a PaymentRequest'); |
var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); |
if (pki_type === 'SIN') { |
return this.sinVerify(); |
} else if (pki_type === 'x509+sha1' || pki_type === 'x509+sha256') { |
return this.x509Verify(); |
} else if (pki_type === 'none') { |
return true; |
} |
throw new Error('Unsupported pki_type'); |
}; |
//default signing function for prototype.sign
PayPro.prototype.sinSign = function(key) { |
this.set('pki_data', key.public) |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
return Message.sign(buf, key); |
}; |
//default verify function
PayPro.prototype.sinVerify = function() { |
var sig = this.get('signature'); |
var pubkey = this.get('pki_data'); |
var buf = this.serializeForSig(); |
return Message.verifyWithPubKey(pubkey, buf, sig); |
}; |
// Helpers
PayPro.prototype._PEMtoDER = function(pem) { |
return this._PEMtoDERParam(pem); |
}; |
PayPro.prototype._PEMtoDERParam = function(pem, param) { |
if (Buffer.isBuffer(pem)) { |
pem = pem.toString(); |
} |
var start = new RegExp('(?=-----BEGIN ' + (param || '[^-]+') + '-----)', 'i'); |
var end = new RegExp('^-----END ' + (param || '[^-]+') + '-----$', 'gmi'); |
pem = pem.replace(end, ''); |
var parts = pem.split(start); |
return parts.map(function(part) { |
var type = /-----BEGIN ([^-]+)-----/.exec(part)[1]; |
part = part.replace(/-----BEGIN ([^-]+)-----/g, ''); |
part = part.replace(/\s+/g, ''); |
if (!param || type !== param) return; |
return new Buffer(part, 'base64'); |
}).filter(Boolean); |
}; |
PayPro.prototype._DERtoPEM = function(der, type) { |
if (typeof der === 'string') { |
der = new Buffer(der, 'hex'); |
} |
var type = type || 'UNKNOWN'; |
der = der.toString('base64'); |
der = der.replace(/(.{64})/g, '$1\r\n'); |
der = der.replace(/\r\n$/, ''); |
return '' |
+ '-----BEGIN ' + type + '-----\r\n' |
+ der |
+ '\r\n-----END ' + type + '-----\r\n'; |
}; |
module.exports = PayPro; |
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@ |
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Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@ |
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@ -0,0 +1,46 @@ |
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46y/T0u9CLveNA== |
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dNoWS1YQbvLgBDyIPiGghz2QWiEr67znwfCUuzj6+3UKE+1WBCraTczfktuc96r/ |
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1U8NHK8b3ZiIoGJ+msNzpdxrj62H3A6+Y+AsNY4SmUTXH9yjg+nukg== |
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ |
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-----END PUBLIC KEY----- |
Reference in new issue