@ -85,16 +85,28 @@ var bufferUtil = require('./util/buffer');
#### G7 - Standard Methods
When possible, bitcore objects should have standard methods on an instance prototype:
* `toObject` - A plain JavaScript object that can be JSON stringified
* `toJSON` - A JSON stringified object of the instance
* `toObject/toJSON` - A plain JavaScript object that `JSON.stringify` can call
* `toString` - A string representation of the instance
* `toBuffer` - A hex Buffer
These should have a matching static method that can be used for instantiation:
* `fromJSON` - Should handle both JSON from `toJSON` and plain JavaScript object from `toObject`
* `fromObject` - Should be able to instatiate with the output from `toObject/toJSON`
* `fromString` - Should be able to instantiate with output from `toString`
* `fromBuffer` - Should likewise be able to instantiate from output from `toBuffer`
`JSON.stringify` and `JSON.parse` are expected to be handled outside of the scope of Bitcore methods. For example, calling `JSON.stringify` on an Bitcore object will behave as expected and call `transaction.toJSON()` and then stringify it:
var transactionString = JSON.stringify(transaction);
Likewise to instantiate a transaction from that string: