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title: Address
description: A simple interface to generate and validate a bitcoin address.
title: Block
description: A simple interface to parse and validate a bitcoin blocks.
title: Browser Builds
description: Guide to writing modules and optimizing browser bundles.
title: Crypto
description: Primitives and tools to deal with bitcoin cryptography.
title: Encoding
description: Utilities for encoding information in bitcoin standard formats.
title: HDKeys
description: Lets you create and derive extended public and private keys according to the BIP32 standard for Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) keys.
title: Networks
description: A simple interface to handle livenet and testnet bitcoin networks.
title: Private Key
description: A simple interface to generate, import and handle private keys.
title: Public Key
description: A simple interface for handling private keys.
title: Script
description: A powerful interface to create, parse and validate bitcoin scripts.
title: Transaction
description: A robust interface to create, parse and validate bitcoin transactions.
title: Bitcoin Units
description: Utility to easily convert between bitcoin units.
title: UnspentOutput
description: A stateless model to represent an unspent output and associated information.
title: Bitcoin URIs
description: Utility to parse and create standard bitcoin URIs.