3 changed files with 0 additions and 1445 deletions
File diff suppressed because it is too large
@ -1,305 +0,0 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var should = require('chai').should(); |
var bitcore = require('..'); |
var ScriptInterpreter = bitcore.ScriptInterpreter; |
var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; |
var Script = bitcore.Script; |
var BN = bitcore.crypto.BN; |
var Sig = bitcore.crypto.Signature; |
var BufferReader = bitcore.encoding.BufferReader; |
var script_valid = require('./data/bitcoind/script_valid'); |
var script_invalid = require('./data/bitcoind/script_invalid'); |
var tx_valid = require('./transaction/tx_valid'); |
var tx_invalid = require('./transaction/tx_invalid'); |
describe('ScriptInterpreter', function() { |
it('should make a new interp', function() { |
var interp = new ScriptInterpreter(); |
(interp instanceof ScriptInterpreter).should.equal(true); |
interp.stack.length.should.equal(0); |
interp.altstack.length.should.equal(0); |
interp.pc.should.equal(0); |
interp.pbegincodehash.should.equal(0); |
interp.nOpCount.should.equal(0); |
interp.vfExec.length.should.equal(0); |
interp.errstr.should.equal(''); |
interp.flags.should.equal(0); |
}); |
describe('@castToBool', function() { |
it('should cast these bufs to bool correctly', function() { |
ScriptInterpreter.castToBool(BN(0).toSM({ |
endian: 'little' |
})).should.equal(false); |
ScriptInterpreter.castToBool(new Buffer('0080', 'hex')).should.equal(false); //negative 0
ScriptInterpreter.castToBool(BN(1).toSM({ |
endian: 'little' |
})).should.equal(true); |
ScriptInterpreter.castToBool(BN(-1).toSM({ |
endian: 'little' |
})).should.equal(true); |
var buf = new Buffer('00', 'hex'); |
var bool = BN().fromSM(buf, { |
endian: 'little' |
}).cmp(0) !== 0; |
ScriptInterpreter.castToBool(buf).should.equal(bool); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#verify', function() { |
it('should verify these trivial scripts', function() { |
var verified; |
var si = ScriptInterpreter(); |
verified = si.verify(Script('OP_1'), Script('OP_1')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script('OP_1'), Script('OP_0')); |
verified.should.equal(false); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script('OP_0'), Script('OP_1')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script('OP_CODESEPARATOR'), Script('OP_1')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script(''), Script('OP_DEPTH OP_0 OP_EQUAL')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script('OP_1 OP_2'), Script('OP_2 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_1 OP_EQUAL')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script('9 0x000000000000000010'), Script('')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script('OP_1'), Script('OP_15 OP_ADD OP_16 OP_EQUAL')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
verified = ScriptInterpreter().verify(Script('OP_0'), Script('OP_IF OP_VER OP_ELSE OP_1 OP_ENDIF')); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('should verify this new pay-to-pubkey script', function() { |
var keypair = Keypair().fromRandom(); |
var scriptPubkey = Script().writeBuffer(keypair.pubkey.toDER(true)).writeOp('OP_CHECKSIG'); |
var hashbuf = new Buffer(32); |
hashbuf.fill(0); |
var credtx = Transaction(); |
credtx.addTxin(hashbuf, 0xffffffff, Script('OP_0 OP_0'), 0xffffffff); |
credtx.addTxout(BN(0), scriptPubkey); |
var idbuf = credtx.hash(); |
var spendtx = Transaction(); |
spendtx.addTxin(idbuf, 0, Script(), 0xffffffff); |
spendtx.addTxout(BN(0), Script()); |
var sig = spendtx.sign(keypair, Sig.SIGHASH_ALL, 0, scriptPubkey); |
var scriptSig = Script().writeBuffer(sig.toTxFormat()); |
spendtx.txins[0].setScript(scriptSig); |
var interp = ScriptInterpreter(); |
var verified = interp.verify(scriptSig, scriptPubkey, spendtx, 0); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('should verify this pay-to-pubkey script from script_valid.json', function() { |
var scriptSig = Script().fromBitcoindString('0x47 0x3044022007415aa37ce7eaa6146001ac8bdefca0ddcba0e37c5dc08c4ac99392124ebac802207d382307fd53f65778b07b9c63b6e196edeadf0be719130c5db21ff1e700d67501'); |
var scriptPubkey = Script().fromBitcoindString('0x41 0x0479be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8 CHECKSIG'); |
var hashbuf = new Buffer(32); |
hashbuf.fill(0); |
var credtx = Transaction(); |
credtx.addTxin(hashbuf, 0xffffffff, Script('OP_0 OP_0'), 0xffffffff); |
credtx.addTxout(BN(0), scriptPubkey); |
var idbuf = credtx.hash(); |
var spendtx = Transaction(); |
spendtx.addTxin(idbuf, 0, scriptSig, 0xffffffff); |
spendtx.addTxout(BN(0), Script()); |
var interp = ScriptInterpreter(); |
var verified = interp.verify(scriptSig, scriptPubkey, spendtx, 0, 0); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
}); |
}); |
describe('vectors', function() { |
var getFlags = function getFlags(flagstr) { |
var flags = 0; |
if (flagstr.indexOf('NONE') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_NONE; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('P2SH') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_P2SH; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('STRICTENC') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_STRICTENC; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('DERSIG') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_DERSIG; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('LOW_S') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_LOW_S; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('NULLDUMMY') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_NULLDUMMY; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('SIGPUSHONLY') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_SIGPUSHONLY; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('MINIMALDATA') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_MINIMALDATA; |
} |
if (flagstr.indexOf('DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS') !== -1) { |
flags = flags | ScriptInterpreter.SCRIPT_VERIFY_DISCOURAGE_UPGRADABLE_NOPS; |
} |
return flags; |
}; |
var c = 0; |
script_valid.forEach(function(vector) { |
if (vector.length === 1) { |
return; |
} |
c++; |
var descstr = vector[3]; |
it('should pass script_valid vector ' + c + '(' + descstr + ')', function() { |
var scriptSig = Script().fromBitcoindString(vector[0]); |
var scriptPubkey = Script().fromBitcoindString(vector[1]); |
var flags = getFlags(vector[2]); |
var hashbuf = new Buffer(32); |
hashbuf.fill(0); |
var credtx = Transaction(); |
credtx.addTxin(hashbuf, 0xffffffff, Script('OP_0 OP_0'), 0xffffffff); |
credtx.addTxout(BN(0), scriptPubkey); |
var idbuf = credtx.hash(); |
var spendtx = Transaction(); |
spendtx.addTxin(idbuf, 0, scriptSig, 0xffffffff); |
spendtx.addTxout(BN(0), Script()); |
var interp = ScriptInterpreter(); |
var verified = interp.verify(scriptSig, scriptPubkey, spendtx, 0, flags); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
}); |
}); |
c = 0; |
script_invalid.forEach(function(vector) { |
if (vector.length === 1) { |
return; |
} |
c++; |
var descstr = vector[3]; |
it('should pass script_invalid vector ' + c + '(' + descstr + ')', function() { |
var scriptSig = Script().fromBitcoindString(vector[0]); |
var scriptPubkey = Script().fromBitcoindString(vector[1]); |
var flags = getFlags(vector[2]); |
var hashbuf = new Buffer(32); |
hashbuf.fill(0); |
var credtx = Transaction(); |
credtx.addTxin(hashbuf, 0xffffffff, Script('OP_0 OP_0'), 0xffffffff); |
credtx.addTxout(BN(0), scriptPubkey); |
var idbuf = credtx.hash(); |
var spendtx = Transaction(); |
spendtx.addTxin(idbuf, 0, scriptSig, 0xffffffff); |
spendtx.addTxout(BN(0), Script()); |
var interp = ScriptInterpreter(); |
var verified = interp.verify(scriptSig, scriptPubkey, spendtx, 0, flags); |
verified.should.equal(false); |
}); |
}); |
c = 0; |
tx_valid.forEach(function(vector) { |
if (vector.length === 1) { |
return; |
} |
c++; |
it('should pass tx_valid vector ' + c, function() { |
var inputs = vector[0]; |
var txhex = vector[1]; |
var flags = getFlags(vector[2]); |
var map = {}; |
inputs.forEach(function(input) { |
var txoutnum = input[1]; |
if (txoutnum === -1) { |
txoutnum = 0xffffffff; //bitcoind casts -1 to an unsigned int
} |
map[input[0] + ':' + txoutnum] = Script().fromBitcoindString(input[2]); |
}); |
var tx = Transaction().fromBuffer(new Buffer(txhex, 'hex')); |
tx.txins.forEach(function(txin, j) { |
var scriptSig = txin.script; |
var txidhex = BufR(txin.txidbuf).readReverse().toString('hex'); |
var txoutnum = txin.txoutnum; |
var scriptPubkey = map[txidhex + ':' + txoutnum]; |
should.exist(scriptPubkey); |
var interp = ScriptInterpreter(); |
var verified = interp.verify(scriptSig, scriptPubkey, tx, j, flags); |
verified.should.equal(true); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
c = 0; |
tx_invalid.forEach(function(vector) { |
if (vector.length === 1) { |
return; |
} |
c++; |
// tests intentionally not performed by the script interpreter:
// TODO: check this?
/* |
if (c === 7 || // tests if valuebn is negative
c === 8 || // tests if valuebn is greater than MAX_MONEY
c === 10 || // tests if two inputs are equal
c === 11 || // coinbase
c === 12 || // coinbase
c === 13 // null input
) { |
return; |
} |
*/ |
it('should pass tx_invalid vector ' + c, function() { |
var inputs = vector[0]; |
var txhex = vector[1]; |
var flags = getFlags(vector[2]); |
var map = {}; |
inputs.forEach(function(input) { |
var txoutnum = input[1]; |
if (txoutnum === -1) { |
txoutnum = 0xffffffff; //bitcoind casts -1 to an unsigned int
} |
map[input[0] + ':' + txoutnum] = Script().fromBitcoindString(input[2]); |
}); |
var tx = Transaction().fromBuffer(new Buffer(txhex, 'hex')); |
if (tx.txins.length > 0) { |
tx.txins.some(function(txin, j) { |
var scriptSig = txin.script; |
var txidhex = BufR(txin.txidbuf).readReverse().toString('hex'); |
var txoutnum = txin.txoutnum; |
var scriptPubkey = map[txidhex + ':' + txoutnum]; |
should.exist(scriptPubkey); |
var interp = ScriptInterpreter(); |
var verified = interp.verify(scriptSig, scriptPubkey, tx, j, flags); |
return verified === false; |
}).should.equal(true); |
} |
}); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
Reference in new issue