Browse Source
Math only. Does not yet support transactions. Not yet compatible with Dark Wallet.patch-2
3 changed files with 290 additions and 2 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@ |
var Key = require('../key'); |
var Privkey = require('../privkey'); |
var Pubkey = require('../pubkey'); |
var Hash = require('../hash'); |
var KDF = require('../kdf'); |
var base58check = require('../base58check'); |
var Stealth = function Stealth(payloadKey, scanKey) { |
if (!(this instanceof Stealth)) |
return new Stealth(payloadKey, scanKey); |
this.payloadKey = payloadKey; |
this.scanKey = scanKey; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.fromAddressBuffer = function(buf) { |
if (!Buffer.isBuffer(buf) || buf.length !== 66) |
throw new Error('stealth: A stealth address must have length 66'); |
var pPubBuf = buf.slice(0, 33); |
var sPubBuf = buf.slice(33, 66); |
var payloadPubkey = Pubkey().fromDER(pPubBuf); |
this.payloadKey = Key(undefined, payloadPubkey); |
var scanPubkey = Pubkey().fromDER(sPubBuf); |
this.scanKey = Key(undefined, scanPubkey); |
return this; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.fromAddressString = function(str) { |
var buf = base58check.decode(str); |
this.fromAddressBuffer(buf); |
return this; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.fromRandom = function() { |
this.payloadKey = Key().fromRandom(); |
this.scanKey = Key().fromRandom(); |
return this; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.getSharedKeyAsReceiver = function(senderPubkey) { |
var sharedSecretPoint = senderPubkey.point.mul(; |
var sharedSecretPubkey = Pubkey(sharedSecretPoint); |
var buf = sharedSecretPubkey.toDER(true); |
var sharedKey = KDF.sha256hmac2key(buf); |
return sharedKey; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.getSharedKeyAsSender = function(senderKey) { |
var sharedSecretPoint = this.scanKey.pubkey.point.mul(; |
var sharedSecretPubkey = Pubkey(sharedSecretPoint); |
var buf = sharedSecretPubkey.toDER(true); |
var sharedKey = KDF.sha256hmac2key(buf); |
return sharedKey; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver = function(senderPubkey) { |
var sharedKey = this.getSharedKeyAsReceiver(senderPubkey); |
var pubkey = Pubkey(this.payloadKey.pubkey.point.add(sharedKey.pubkey.point)); |
return pubkey; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.getReceivePubkeyAsSender = function(senderKey) { |
var sharedKey = this.getSharedKeyAsSender(senderKey); |
var pubkey = Pubkey(this.payloadKey.pubkey.point.add(sharedKey.pubkey.point)); |
return pubkey; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.getReceiveKey = function(senderPubkey) { |
var sharedKey = this.getSharedKeyAsReceiver(senderPubkey); |
var privkey = Privkey(; |
var key = Key(privkey); |
key.privkey2pubkey(); |
return key; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.isForMe = function(senderPubkey, myPossiblePubkeyhash) { |
var pubkey = this.getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver(senderPubkey); |
var pubkeybuf = pubkey.toDER(true); |
var pubkeyhash = Hash.sha256ripemd160(pubkeybuf); |
if (pubkeyhash.toString('hex') === myPossiblePubkeyhash.toString('hex')) |
return true; |
else |
return false; |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.toAddressBuffer = function() { |
var pBuf = this.payloadKey.pubkey.toDER(true); |
var sBuf = this.scanKey.pubkey.toDER(true); |
return Buffer.concat([pBuf, sBuf]); |
}; |
Stealth.prototype.toAddressString = function() { |
var buf = this.toAddressBuffer(); |
var b58 = base58check.encode(buf); |
return b58; |
}; |
module.exports = Stealth; |
@ -0,0 +1,177 @@ |
var should = require('chai').should(); |
var Stealth = require('../lib/expmt/stealth'); |
var Key = require('../lib/key'); |
var Privkey = require('../lib/privkey'); |
var Pubkey = require('../lib/pubkey'); |
var BN = require('../lib/bn'); |
var Hash = require('../lib/hash'); |
var base58check = require('../lib/base58check'); |
describe('stealth', function() { |
var stealth = Stealth(); |
stealth.payloadKey = Key(); |
stealth.payloadKey.privkey = Privkey(); |
||| = BN().fromBuffer(Hash.sha256(new Buffer('test 1'))); |
stealth.payloadKey.privkey2pubkey(); |
stealth.scanKey = Key(); |
stealth.scanKey.privkey = Privkey(); |
||| = BN().fromBuffer(Hash.sha256(new Buffer('test 2'))); |
stealth.scanKey.privkey2pubkey(); |
var senderKey = Key(); |
senderKey.privkey = Privkey(); |
||| = BN().fromBuffer(Hash.sha256(new Buffer('test 3'))); |
senderKey.privkey2pubkey(); |
var addressString = '9dDbC9FzZ74r8njQkXD6W27gtrxLiWaeFPHxeo1fynQRXPicqxVt7u95ozbwoVVMXyrzaHKN9owsteg63FgwDfrxWx82SAW'; |
it('should create a new stealth', function() { |
var stealth = new Stealth(); |
should.exist(stealth); |
}); |
it('should create a new stealth without using "new"', function() { |
var stealth = Stealth(); |
should.exist(stealth); |
}); |
describe('#fromAddressBuffer', function() { |
it('should give a stealth address with the right pubkeys', function() { |
var stealth2 = new Stealth(); |
var buf = base58check.decode(addressString); |
stealth2.fromAddressBuffer(buf); |
stealth2.payloadKey.pubkey.toString().should.equal(stealth.payloadKey.pubkey.toString()); |
stealth2.scanKey.pubkey.toString().should.equal(stealth.scanKey.pubkey.toString()); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#fromAddressString', function() { |
it('should give a stealth address with the right pubkeys', function() { |
var stealth2 = new Stealth(); |
stealth2.fromAddressString(addressString); |
stealth2.payloadKey.pubkey.toString().should.equal(stealth.payloadKey.pubkey.toString()); |
stealth2.scanKey.pubkey.toString().should.equal(stealth.scanKey.pubkey.toString()); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#fromRandom', function() { |
it('should create a new stealth from random', function() { |
var stealth = Stealth().fromRandom(); |
should.exist(; |
should.exist(; |
}); |
}); |
describe('#getSharedKeyAsReceiver', function() { |
it('should return a key', function() { |
var key = stealth.getSharedKeyAsReceiver(senderKey.pubkey); |
(key instanceof Key).should.equal(true); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#getSharedKeyAsSender', function() { |
it('should return a key', function() { |
var stealth2 = new Stealth(); |
stealth2.payloadKey = new Key(); |
stealth2.payloadKey.pubkey = stealth.payloadKey.pubkey; |
stealth2.scanKey = new Key(); |
stealth2.scanKey.pubkey = stealth.scanKey.pubkey; |
var key = stealth2.getSharedKeyAsSender(senderKey); |
(key instanceof Key).should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('should return the same key as getSharedKeyAsReceiver', function() { |
var stealth2 = new Stealth(); |
stealth2.payloadKey = new Key(); |
stealth2.payloadKey.pubkey = stealth.payloadKey.pubkey; |
stealth2.scanKey = new Key(); |
stealth2.scanKey.pubkey = stealth.scanKey.pubkey; |
var key = stealth2.getSharedKeyAsSender(senderKey); |
var key2 = stealth.getSharedKeyAsReceiver(senderKey.pubkey); |
key.toString().should.equal(key2.toString()); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver', function() { |
it('should return a pubkey', function() { |
var pubkey = stealth.getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver(senderKey.pubkey); |
(pubkey instanceof Pubkey).should.equal(true); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#getReceivePubkeyAsSender', function() { |
it('should return a pubkey', function() { |
var pubkey = stealth.getReceivePubkeyAsSender(senderKey); |
(pubkey instanceof Pubkey).should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('should return the same pubkey as getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver', function() { |
var pubkey = stealth.getReceivePubkeyAsSender(senderKey); |
var pubkey2 = stealth.getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver(senderKey.pubkey); |
pubkey2.toString().should.equal(pubkey.toString()); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#getReceiveKey', function() { |
it('should return a key', function() { |
var key = stealth.getReceiveKey(senderKey.pubkey); |
(key instanceof Key).should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('should return a key with the same pubkey as getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver', function() { |
var key = stealth.getReceiveKey(senderKey.pubkey); |
var pubkey = stealth.getReceivePubkeyAsReceiver(senderKey.pubkey); |
key.pubkey.toString().should.equal(pubkey.toString()); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#isForMe', function() { |
it('should return true if it (the transaction or message) is for me', function() { |
var pubkeyhash = new Buffer('3cb64fa6ee9b3e8754e3e2bd033bf61048604a99', 'hex'); |
stealth.isForMe(senderKey.pubkey, pubkeyhash).should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('should return false if it (the transaction or message) is not for me', function() { |
var pubkeyhash = new Buffer('00b64fa6ee9b3e8754e3e2bd033bf61048604a99', 'hex'); |
stealth.isForMe(senderKey.pubkey, pubkeyhash).should.equal(false); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#toAddressBuffer', function() { |
it('should return this known address buffer', function() { |
var buf = stealth.toAddressBuffer(); |
base58check.encode(buf).should.equal(addressString); |
}); |
}); |
describe('#toAddressString', function() { |
it('should return this known address string', function() { |
stealth.toAddressString().should.equal(addressString); |
}); |
}); |
}); |
Reference in new issue