5 changed files with 853 additions and 675 deletions
@ -0,0 +1,445 @@ |
/* |
var tx = TransactionBuilder.init(opts) |
.setUnspent(utxos) |
.setOutputs(outs) |
.sign(keys) |
.build(); |
var builder = TransactionBuilder.init(opts) |
.setUnspent(spent) |
.setOutputs(outs); |
// Uncomplete tx (no signed or partially signed)
var tx = builder.build(); |
..later.. |
builder.sign(keys); |
while ( builder.isFullySigned() ) { |
... get new keys ... |
builder.sign(keys); |
} |
var tx = builder.build(); |
broadcast(tx.serialize()); |
To get selected unspent outputs: |
var selectedUnspent = builder.getSelectedUnspent(); |
@unspent |
* unspent outputs array (UTXO), using the following format: |
* [{ |
* address: "mqSjTad2TKbPcKQ3Jq4kgCkKatyN44UMgZ", |
* hash: "2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc1", |
* scriptPubKey: "76a9146ce4e1163eb18939b1440c42844d5f0261c0338288ac", |
* vout: 1, |
* amount: 0.01, |
* confirmations: 3 |
* }, ... |
* ] |
* This is compatible con insight's utxo API. |
* That amount is in BTCs (as returned in insight and bitcoind). |
* amountSat (instead of amount) can be given to provide amount in satochis. |
* |
* @outs |
* an array of [{ |
* address: xx, |
* amount:0.001 |
* },...] |
* |
* @keys |
* an array of strings representing private keys to sign the |
* transaction in WIF private key format OR WalletKey objects |
* |
* @opts |
* { |
* remainderAddress: null, |
* fee: 0.001, |
* lockTime: null, |
* spendUnconfirmed: false, |
* signhash: SIGHASH_ALL |
* } |
* Amounts are in BTC. instead of fee and amount; feeSat and amountSat can be given, |
* repectively, to provide amounts in satoshis. |
* |
* If no remainderAddress is given, and there are remainder coins, the |
* first IN address will be used to return the coins. (TODO: is this is reasonable?) |
* |
*/ |
'use strict'; |
var imports = require('soop').imports(); |
var Address = imports.Address || require('./Address'); |
var Script = imports.Script || require('./Script'); |
var util = imports.util || require('./util/util'); |
var bignum = imports.bignum || require('bignum'); |
var buffertools = imports.buffertools || require('buffertools'); |
var networks = imports.networks || require('./networks'); |
var WalletKey = imports.WalletKey || require('./WalletKey'); |
var PrivateKey = imports.PrivateKey || require('./PrivateKey'); |
var Transaction = imports.Transaction || require('./Transaction'); |
var FEE_PER_1000B_SAT = parseInt(0.0001 * util.COIN); |
function TransactionBuilder() { |
this.txobj = {}; |
} |
/* |
* _scriptForAddress |
* |
* Returns a scriptPubKey for the given address type |
*/ |
TransactionBuilder._scriptForAddress = function(addressString) { |
var livenet = networks.livenet; |
var testnet = networks.testnet; |
var address = new Address(addressString); |
var version = address.version(); |
var script; |
if (version === livenet.addressPubkey || version === testnet.addressPubkey) |
script = Script.createPubKeyHashOut(address.payload()); |
else if (version === livenet.addressScript || version === testnet.addressScript) |
script = Script.createP2SH(address.payload()); |
else |
throw new Error('invalid output address'); |
return script; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype.setUnspent = function(utxos) { |
this.utxos = utxos; |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype._setInputMap = function() { |
var inputMap = []; |
var l = this.selectedUtxos.length; |
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { |
var s = this.selectedUtxos[i]; |
inputMap.push({ |
address: s.address, |
scriptPubKey: s.scriptPubKey |
}); |
} |
this.inputMap = inputMap; |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype.getSelectedUnspent = function(neededAmountSat) { |
return this.selectedUtxos; |
}; |
/* _selectUnspent |
* TODO(?): sort sel (at the end) and check is some inputs can be avoided. |
* If the initial utxos are sorted, this step would be necesary only if |
* utxos were selected from different minConfirmationSteps. |
*/ |
TransactionBuilder.prototype._selectUnspent = function(neededAmountSat) { |
if (!this.utxos || !this.utxos.length) |
throw new Error('unspent not set'); |
var minConfirmationSteps = [6, 1]; |
if (this.spendUnconfirmed) minConfirmationSteps.push(0); |
var sel = [], |
totalSat = bignum(0), |
fulfill = false, |
maxConfirmations = null, |
l = this.utxos.length; |
do { |
var minConfirmations = minConfirmationSteps.shift(); |
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { |
var u = this.utxos[i]; |
var c = u.confirmations || 0; |
if (c < minConfirmations || (maxConfirmations && c >= maxConfirmations)) |
continue; |
var sat = u.amountSat || util.parseValue(u.amount); |
totalSat = totalSat.add(sat); |
sel.push(u); |
if (totalSat.cmp(neededAmountSat) >= 0) { |
fulfill = true; |
break; |
} |
} |
maxConfirmations = minConfirmations; |
} while (!fulfill && minConfirmationSteps.length); |
if (!fulfill) |
throw new Error('no enough unspent to fulfill totalNeededAmount'); |
this.selectedUtxos = sel; |
this._setInputMap(); |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype.init = function(opts) { |
var opts = opts || {}; |
this.txobj = {}; |
this.txobj.version = 1; |
this.txobj.lock_time = opts.lockTime || 0; |
this.txobj.ins = []; |
this.txobj.outs = []; |
this.spendUnconfirmed = opts.spendUnconfirmed || false; |
if (opts.fee || opts.feeSat) { |
this.givenFeeSat = opts.fee ? opts.fee * util.COIN : opts.feeSat; |
} |
this.remainderAddress = opts.remainderAddress; |
this.signhash = opts.signhash || Transaction.SIGHASH_ALL; |
this.tx = {}; |
this.inputsSigned= 0; |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype._setInputs = function() { |
var ins = this.selectedUtxos; |
var l = ins.length; |
var valueInSat = bignum(0); |
this.txobj.ins=[]; |
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { |
valueInSat = valueInSat.add(util.parseValue(ins[i].amount)); |
var txin = {}; |
txin.s = util.EMPTY_BUFFER; |
txin.q = 0xffffffff; |
var hash = new Buffer(ins[i].txid, 'hex'); |
var hashReversed = buffertools.reverse(hash); |
var vout = parseInt(ins[i].vout); |
var voutBuf = new Buffer(4); |
voutBuf.writeUInt32LE(vout, 0); |
txin.o = Buffer.concat([hashReversed, voutBuf]); |
this.txobj.ins.push(txin); |
} |
this.valueInSat = valueInSat; |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype._setFee = function(feeSat) { |
if ( typeof this.valueOutSat === 'undefined') |
throw new Error('valueOutSat undefined'); |
var valueOutSat = this.valueOutSat.add(feeSat); |
if (this.valueInSat.cmp(valueOutSat) < 0) { |
var inv = this.valueInSat.toString(); |
var ouv = valueOutSat.toString(); |
throw new Error('transaction input amount is less than outputs: ' + |
inv + ' < ' + ouv + ' [SAT]'); |
} |
this.feeSat = feeSat; |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype._setRemainder = function(remainderIndex) { |
if ( typeof this.valueInSat === 'undefined' || |
typeof this.valueOutSat === 'undefined') |
throw new Error('valueInSat / valueOutSat undefined'); |
// add remainder (without modifying outs[])
var remainderSat = this.valueInSat.sub(this.valueOutSat).sub(this.feeSat); |
var l =this.txobj.outs.length; |
this.remainderSat = bignum(0); |
//remove old remainder?
if (l > remainderIndex) { |
this.txobj.outs.pop(); |
} |
if (remainderSat.cmp(0) > 0) { |
var remainderAddress = this.remainderAddress || this.selectedUtxos[0].address; |
var value = util.bigIntToValue(remainderSat); |
var script = TransactionBuilder._scriptForAddress(remainderAddress); |
var txout = { |
v: value, |
s: script.getBuffer(), |
}; |
this.txobj.outs.push(txout); |
this.remainderSat = remainderSat; |
} |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype._setFeeAndRemainder = function() { |
//starting size estimation
var size = 500, maxSizeK, remainderIndex = this.txobj.outs.length; |
do { |
// based on https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Transaction_fees
maxSizeK = parseInt(size / 1000) + 1; |
var feeSat = this.givenFeeSat ? |
this.givenFeeSat : maxSizeK * FEE_PER_1000B_SAT; |
var neededAmountSat = this.valueOutSat.add(feeSat); |
this._selectUnspent(neededAmountSat) |
._setInputs() |
._setFee(feeSat) |
._setRemainder(remainderIndex); |
size = new Transaction(this.txobj).getSize(); |
} while (size > (maxSizeK + 1) * 1000); |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype.setOutputs = function(outs) { |
var valueOutSat = bignum(0); |
this.txobj.outs = []; |
var l =outs.length; |
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { |
var amountSat = outs[i].amountSat || util.parseValue(outs[i].amount); |
var value = util.bigIntToValue(amountSat); |
var script = TransactionBuilder._scriptForAddress(outs[i].address); |
var txout = { |
v: value, |
s: script.getBuffer(), |
}; |
this.txobj.outs.push(txout); |
var sat = outs[i].amountSat || util.parseValue(outs[i].amount); |
valueOutSat = valueOutSat.add(sat); |
} |
this.valueOutSat = valueOutSat; |
this._setFeeAndRemainder(); |
this.tx = new Transaction(this.txobj); |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder._mapKeys = function(keys) { |
//prepare keys
var walletKeyMap = {}; |
var l = keys.length; |
var wk; |
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { |
var k = keys[i]; |
if (typeof k === 'string') { |
var pk = new PrivateKey(k); |
wk = new WalletKey({ network: pk.network() }); |
wk.fromObj({ priv: k }); |
} |
else if (k instanceof WalletKey) { |
wk = k; |
} |
else { |
throw new Error('argument must be an array of strings (WIF format) or WalletKey objects'); |
} |
walletKeyMap[wk.storeObj().addr] = wk; |
} |
return walletKeyMap; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder._checkSupportedScriptType = function (s) { |
if (s.classify() !== Script.TX_PUBKEYHASH) { |
throw new Error('scriptSig type:' + s.getRawOutType() + |
' not supported yet'); |
} |
}; |
TransactionBuilder._signHashAndVerify = function(wk, txSigHash) { |
var triesLeft = 10, sigRaw; |
do { |
sigRaw = wk.privKey.signSync(txSigHash); |
} while (wk.privKey.verifySignatureSync(txSigHash, sigRaw) === false && |
triesLeft--); |
if (triesLeft<0) |
throw new Error('could not sign input: verification failed'); |
return sigRaw; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype._checkTx = function() { |
if (! this.tx || !this.tx.ins.length || !this.tx.outs.length) |
throw new Error('tx is not defined'); |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype.sign = function(keys) { |
this._checkTx(); |
var tx = this.tx, |
ins = tx.ins, |
l = ins.length; |
var walletKeyMap = TransactionBuilder._mapKeys(keys); |
for (var i = 0; i < l; i++) { |
var im = this.inputMap[i]; |
if (typeof im === 'undefined') continue; |
var wk = walletKeyMap[im.address]; |
if (!wk) continue; |
var scriptBuf = new Buffer(im.scriptPubKey, 'hex'); |
//TODO: support p2sh
var s = new Script(scriptBuf); |
TransactionBuilder._checkSupportedScriptType(s); |
var txSigHash = this.tx.hashForSignature(s, i, this.signhash); |
var sigRaw = TransactionBuilder._signHashAndVerify(wk, txSigHash); |
var sigType = new Buffer(1); |
sigType[0] = this.signhash; |
var sig = Buffer.concat([sigRaw, sigType]); |
var scriptSig = new Script(); |
scriptSig.chunks.push(sig); |
scriptSig.chunks.push(wk.privKey.public); |
scriptSig.updateBuffer(); |
tx.ins[i].s = scriptSig.getBuffer(); |
this.inputsSigned++; |
} |
return this; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype.isFullySigned = function() { |
return this.inputsSigned === this.tx.ins.length; |
}; |
TransactionBuilder.prototype.build = function() { |
this._checkTx(); |
return this.tx; |
}; |
module.exports = require('soop')(TransactionBuilder); |
@ -0,0 +1,406 @@ |
'use strict'; |
var chai = chai || require('chai'); |
chai.Assertion.includeStack = true; |
var bitcore = bitcore || require('../bitcore'); |
var should = chai.should(); |
var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; |
var TransactionBuilder = bitcore.TransactionBuilder; |
var In; |
var Out; |
var Script = bitcore.Script; |
var util = bitcore.util; |
var buffertools = require('buffertools'); |
var testdata = testdata || require('./testdata'); |
describe('TransactionBuilder', function() { |
it('should initialze the main object', function() { |
should.exist(TransactionBuilder); |
}); |
it('should be able to create instance', function() { |
var t = new TransactionBuilder(); |
should.exist(t); |
}); |
it('should be able init', function() { |
var t = new TransactionBuilder(); |
t.init({spendUnconfirmed: true, lockTime: 10}); |
should.exist(t); |
should.exist(t.txobj.version); |
t.spendUnconfirmed.should.equal(true); |
t.txobj.lock_time.should.equal(10); |
}); |
var getBuilder = function (spendUnconfirmed) { |
var t = new TransactionBuilder(); |
t.init( {spendUnconfirmed: spendUnconfirmed}) |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent); |
return t; |
}; |
function f(amount, spendUnconfirmed) { |
spendUnconfirmed = typeof spendUnconfirmed === 'undefined'?true:false; |
return getBuilder(spendUnconfirmed) |
._selectUnspent(amount * util.COIN).selectedUtxos; |
} |
it('#_selectUnspent should be able to select utxos', function() { |
var u = f(1); |
u.length.should.equal(3); |
should.exist(u[0].amount); |
should.exist(u[0].txid); |
should.exist(u[0].scriptPubKey); |
should.exist(u[0].vout); |
f(0.5).length.should.equal(3); |
f(0.1).length.should.equal(2); |
f(0.05).length.should.equal(2); |
f(0.015).length.should.equal(2); |
f(0.001).length.should.equal(1); |
}); |
/*jshint -W068 */ |
it('#_selectUnspent should return null if not enough utxos', function() { |
(function() { f(1.12); }).should.throw(); |
}); |
it('#_selectUnspent should check confirmations', function() { |
(function() { f(0.9,false); }).should.throw(); |
f(0.9).length.should.equal(3); |
f(0.11,false).length.should.equal(2); |
(function() { f(0.111,false); }).should.throw(); |
}); |
it('#_setInputs sets inputs', function() { |
var b = getBuilder() |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent) |
._selectUnspent(0.1 * util.COIN) |
._setInputs(); |
should.exist(b.txobj.ins[0].s); |
should.exist(b.txobj.ins[0].q); |
should.exist(b.txobj.ins[0].o); |
}); |
it('#_setInputMap set inputMap', function() { |
var b = getBuilder() |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent) |
._selectUnspent(0.1 * util.COIN) |
._setInputs() |
._setInputMap(); |
should.exist(b.inputMap); |
b.inputMap.length.should.equal(2); |
}); |
var getBuilder2 = function (fee) { |
var opts = { |
remainderAddress: 'mwZabyZXg8JzUtFX1pkGygsMJjnuqiNhgd', |
spendUnconfirmed: true, |
}; |
if (fee) opts.fee = fee; |
var outs = [{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 0.08 |
}]; |
return (new TransactionBuilder()) |
.init(opts) |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent) |
.setOutputs(outs); |
}; |
it('should fail to create tx', function() { |
(function() { |
getBuilder() |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent) |
.build(); |
}).should.throw(); |
}); |
it('should fail if not enough inputs ', function() { |
var utxos = testdata.dataUnspent; |
var opts = { |
remainderAddress: 'mwZabyZXg8JzUtFX1pkGygsMJjnuqiNhgd', |
spendUnconfirmed: true, |
}; |
var outs = [{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 80 |
}]; |
(function() { |
(new TransactionBuilder(opts)) |
.init(opts) |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent) |
.setOutputs(outs); |
}).should.throw(); |
var outs2 = [{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 0.5 |
}]; |
should.exist( |
(new TransactionBuilder(opts)) |
.init(opts) |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent) |
.setOutputs(outs2) |
); |
// do not allow unconfirmed
opts.spendUnconfirmed = false; |
(function() { |
(new TransactionBuilder(opts)) |
.init(opts) |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspent) |
.setOutputs(outs2); |
}).should.throw(); |
}); |
it('should be able to create a tx', function() { |
var b = getBuilder2(); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
b.getSelectedUnspent().length.should.equal(2); |
var tx = b.build(); |
should.exist(tx); |
tx.version.should.equal(1); |
tx.ins.length.should.equal(2); |
tx.outs.length.should.equal(2); |
util.valueToBigInt(tx.outs[0].v).cmp(8000000).should.equal(0); |
// remainder is 0.0299 here because unspent select utxos in order
util.valueToBigInt(tx.outs[1].v).cmp(2990000).should.equal(0); |
}); |
it('should create same output as bitcoind createrawtransaction ', function() { |
var tx = getBuilder2().build(); |
// string output generated from: bitcoind createrawtransaction '[{"txid": "2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc1","vout":1},{"txid":"2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc2","vout":0} ]' '{"mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE":0.08,"mwZabyZXg8JzUtFX1pkGygsMJjnuqiNhgd":0.0299}'
tx.serialize().toString('hex').should.equal('0100000002c1cf12ab89729d19d3cdec8ae531b5038d56c741006a105d532b3a7afa65c12a0100000000ffffffffc2cf12ab89729d19d3cdec8ae531b5038d56c741006a105d532b3a7afa65c12a0000000000ffffffff0200127a00000000001976a914774e603bafb717bd3f070e68bbcccfd907c77d1388acb09f2d00000000001976a914b00127584485a7cff0949ef0f6bc5575f06ce00d88ac00000000'); |
}); |
it('should create same output as bitcoind createrawtransaction wo remainder', function() { |
//no remainder
var tx = getBuilder2(0.03).build(); |
// string output generated from: bitcoind createrawtransaction '[{"txid": "2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc1","vout":1},{"txid":"2ac165fa7a3a2b535d106a0041c7568d03b531e58aeccdd3199d7289ab12cfc2","vout":0} ]' '{"mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE":0.08}'
tx.serialize().toString('hex').should.equal('0100000002c1cf12ab89729d19d3cdec8ae531b5038d56c741006a105d532b3a7afa65c12a0100000000ffffffffc2cf12ab89729d19d3cdec8ae531b5038d56c741006a105d532b3a7afa65c12a0000000000ffffffff0100127a00000000001976a914774e603bafb717bd3f070e68bbcccfd907c77d1388ac00000000'); |
}); |
var getBuilder3 = function (outs) { |
var opts = { |
remainderAddress: 'mwZabyZXg8JzUtFX1pkGygsMJjnuqiNhgd', |
spendUnconfirmed: true, |
}; |
var outs = outs || [{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 0.08 |
}]; |
//console.log('[test.TransactionBuilder.js.216:outs:]',outs, outs.length); //TODO
return (new TransactionBuilder()) |
.init(opts) |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspentSign.unspent) |
.setOutputs(outs); |
}; |
it('should sign a tx (case 1)', function() { |
var b = getBuilder3(); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
b.sign(testdata.dataUnspentSign.keyStrings); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); |
var tx = b.build(); |
tx.isComplete().should.equal(true); |
tx.ins.length.should.equal(1); |
tx.outs.length.should.equal(2); |
}); |
it('should sign a tx (case 2)', function() { |
var b = getBuilder3([{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 16 |
}]) |
.sign(testdata.dataUnspentSign.keyStrings); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); |
var tx = b.build(); |
tx.isComplete().should.equal(true); |
tx.ins.length.should.equal(3); |
tx.outs.length.should.equal(2); |
}); |
it('should sign an incomplete tx', function() { |
var keys = ['cNpW8B7XPAzCdRR9RBWxZeveSNy3meXgHD8GuhcqUyDuy8ptCDzJ']; |
var outs = [{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 0.08 |
}]; |
var b = (new TransactionBuilder()) |
.init() |
.setUnspent(testdata.dataUnspentSign.unspent) |
.setOutputs(outs) |
.sign(keys); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
var tx = b.build(); |
tx.ins.length.should.equal(1); |
tx.outs.length.should.equal(2); |
tx.isComplete().should.equal(false); |
}); |
it('should sign a tx in multiple steps (case1)', function() { |
var b = getBuilder3([{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 16 |
}]); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
(b.build()).isComplete().should.equal(false); |
var k1 = testdata.dataUnspentSign.keyStrings.slice(0, 1); |
b.sign(k1); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
(b.build()).isComplete().should.equal(false); |
var k23 = testdata.dataUnspentSign.keyStrings.slice(1, 3); |
b.sign(k23); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); |
(b.build()).isComplete().should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('#sign should sign a tx in multiple steps (case2)', function() { |
var b = getBuilder3([{ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 16 |
}]); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
(b.build()).isComplete().should.equal(false); |
var k1 = testdata.dataUnspentSign.keyStrings.slice(0, 1); |
b.sign(k1); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
(b.build()).isComplete().should.equal(false); |
var k2 = testdata.dataUnspentSign.keyStrings.slice(1, 2); |
b.sign(k2); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(false); |
(b.build()).isComplete().should.equal(false); |
var k3 = testdata.dataUnspentSign.keyStrings.slice(2, 3); |
b.sign(k3); |
b.isFullySigned().should.equal(true); |
(b.build()).isComplete().should.equal(true); |
}); |
it('should generate dynamic fee and readjust (and not) the selected UTXOs (case1)', function() { |
//this cases exceeds the input by 1mbtc AFTEr calculating the dynamic fee,
//so, it should trigger adding a new 10BTC utxo
var outs = []; |
var N = 101; |
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { |
outs.push({ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 0.01 |
}); |
} |
var b = getBuilder3(outs); |
var tx = b.build(); |
tx.getSize().should.equal(3560); |
// ins = 11.0101 BTC (2 inputs: 1.0101 + 10 );
parseInt(b.valueInSat.toString()).should.equal(11.0101 * util.COIN); |
tx.ins.length.should.equal(2); |
// outs = 101 outs + 1 remainder
tx.outs.length.should.equal(N+1); |
// 3560 bytes tx -> 0.0004
b.feeSat.should.equal(0.0004 * util.COIN); |
// 101 * 0.01 = 1.01BTC; + 0.0004 fee = 1.0104btc
// remainder = 11.0101-1.0104 = 9.9997
parseInt(b.remainderSat.toString()).should.equal(parseInt(9.9997 * util.COIN)); |
util.valueToBigInt(tx.outs[N].v).cmp(999970000).should.equal(0); |
tx.isComplete().should.equal(false); |
}); |
it('should generate dynamic fee and readjust (and not) the selected UTXOs(case2)', function() { |
//this is the complementary case, it does not trigger a new utxo
var outs = []; |
var N = 100; |
for (var i = 0; i < N; i++) { |
outs.push({ |
address: 'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', |
amount: 0.01 |
}); |
} |
var b = getBuilder3(outs); |
var tx = b.build(); |
tx.getSize().should.equal(3485); |
// ins = 1.0101 BTC (1 inputs: 1.0101 );
parseInt(b.valueInSat.toString()).should.equal(1.0101 * util.COIN); |
tx.ins.length.should.equal(1); |
// outs = 100 outs:
// 100 * 0.01 = 1BTC; + 0.0004 fee = 1.0004btc
// remainder = 1.0101-1.0004 = 0.0097
// outs = 101 outs + 1 remainder
tx.outs.length.should.equal(N+1); |
// 3560 bytes tx -> 0.0004
b.feeSat.should.equal(0.0004 * util.COIN); |
// 101 * 0.01 = 1.01BTC; + 0.0004 fee = 1.0104btc
// remainder = 11.0101-1.0104 = 9.9997
parseInt(b.remainderSat.toString()).should.equal(parseInt(0.0097 * util.COIN)); |
util.valueToBigInt(tx.outs[N].v).cmp(970000).should.equal(0); |
tx.isComplete().should.equal(false); |
}); |
}); |
Reference in new issue