'use strict'; var protobufjs = require('protobufjs/dist/ProtoBuf'); var RootCerts = require('./rootcerts'); var PublicKey = require('../publickey'); var PrivateKey = require('../privatekey'); var Signature = require('../crypto/signature'); var ECDSA = require('../crypto/ecdsa'); var sha256sha256 = require('../crypto/hash').sha256sha256; var varintBufNum = require('../encoding/bufferwriter').varintBufNum; // BIP 70 - payment protocol function PaymentProtocol() { this.messageType = null; this.message = null; } PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE = 50000; PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_MAX_SIZE = 50000; PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_ACK_MAX_SIZE = 60000; PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-paymentrequest"; PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-payment"; PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_ACK_CONTENT_TYPE = "application/bitcoin-paymentack"; // https://www.google.com/search?q=signatureAlgorithm+1.2.840.113549.1.1.1 // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/aa379057(v=vs.85).aspx PaymentProtocol.X509_ALGORITHM = { '1.2.840.113549.1.1.1': 'RSA', '1.2.840.113549.1.1.2': 'RSA_MD2', '1.2.840.113549.1.1.4': 'RSA_MD5', '1.2.840.113549.1.1.5': 'RSA_SHA1', '1.2.840.113549.1.1.11': 'RSA_SHA256', '1.2.840.113549.1.1.12': 'RSA_SHA384', '1.2.840.113549.1.1.13': 'RSA_SHA512', '1.2.840.10045.4.3.2': 'ECDSA_SHA256', '1.2.840.10045.4.3.3': 'ECDSA_SHA384', '1.2.840.10045.4.3.4': 'ECDSA_SHA512' }; PaymentProtocol.getAlgorithm = function(value, index) { if (Array.isArray(value)) { value = value.join('.'); } value = PaymentProtocol.X509_ALGORITHM[value]; if (index != null) { value = value.split('_'); if (index === true) { return { cipher: value[0], hash: value[1] }; } return value[index]; } return value; }; // Grab the raw DER To-Be-Signed Certificate // from a DER Certificate to verify PaymentProtocol.getTBSCertificate = function(data) { // We start by slicing off the first SEQ of the // Certificate (TBSCertificate is its own SEQ). // The first 10 bytes usually look like: // [ 48, 130, 5, 32, 48, 130, 4, 8, 160, 3 ] var start = 0; var starts = 0; for (var start = 0; start < data.length; start++) { if (starts === 1 && data[start] === 48) { break; } if (starts < 1 && data[start] === 48) { starts++; } } // The bytes *after* the TBS (including the last TBS byte) will look like // (note the 48 - the start of the sig, and the 122 - the end of the TBS): // [ 122, 48, 13, 6, 9, 42, 134, 72, 134, 247, 13, 1, 1, 11, 5, 0, 3, ... ] // The certificate in these examples has a `start` of 4, and an `end` of // 1040. The 4 bytes is the DER SEQ of the Certificate, right before the // SEQ of the TBSCertificate. var end = 0; var ends = 0; for (var end = data.length - 1; end > 0; end--) { if (ends === 2 && data[end] === 48) { break; } if (ends < 2 && data[end] === 0) { ends++; } } // Return our raw DER TBSCertificate: return data.slice(start, end); }; // Check Validity of Certificates PaymentProtocol.validateCertTime = function(c, nc) { var validityVerified = true; var now = Date.now(); var cBefore = c.tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore.value; var cAfter = c.tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter.value; var nBefore = nc.tbsCertificate.validity.notBefore.value; var nAfter = nc.tbsCertificate.validity.notAfter.value; if (cBefore > now || cAfter < now || nBefore > now || nAfter < now) { validityVerified = false; } return validityVerified; }; // Check the Issuer matches the Subject of the next certificate: PaymentProtocol.validateCertIssuer = function(c, nc) { var issuer = c.tbsCertificate.issuer; var subject = nc.tbsCertificate.subject; var issuerVerified = issuer.type === subject.type && issuer.value.every(function(issuerArray, i) { var subjectArray = subject.value[i]; return issuerArray.every(function(issuerObject, i) { var subjectObject = subjectArray[i]; var issuerObjectType = issuerObject.type.join('.'); var subjectObjectType = subjectObject.type.join('.'); var issuerObjectValue = issuerObject.value.toString('hex'); var subjectObjectValue = subjectObject.value.toString('hex'); return issuerObjectType === subjectObjectType && issuerObjectValue === subjectObjectValue; }); }); return issuerVerified; }; PaymentProtocol.RootCerts = RootCerts; PaymentProtocol.proto = {}; PaymentProtocol.proto.Output = "message Output {\ optional uint64 amount = 1 [default = 0];\ optional bytes script = 2;\ }\n"; PaymentProtocol.proto.PaymentDetails = "message PaymentDetails {\ optional string network = 1 [default = \"main\"];\ repeated Output outputs = 2;\ required uint64 time = 3;\ optional uint64 expires = 4;\ optional string memo = 5;\ optional string payment_url = 6;\ optional bytes merchant_data = 7;\ }\n"; PaymentProtocol.proto.PaymentRequest = "message PaymentRequest {\ optional uint32 payment_details_version = 1 [default = 1];\ optional string pki_type = 2 [default = \"none\"];\ optional bytes pki_data = 3;\ required bytes serialized_payment_details = 4;\ optional bytes signature = 5;\ }\n"; PaymentProtocol.proto.Payment = "message Payment {\ optional bytes merchant_data = 1;\ repeated bytes transactions = 2;\ repeated Output refund_to = 3;\ optional string memo = 4;\ }\n"; PaymentProtocol.proto.PaymentACK = "message PaymentACK {\ required Payment payment = 1;\ optional string memo = 2;\ }\n"; PaymentProtocol.proto.X509Certificates = "message X509Certificates {\ repeated bytes certificate = 1;\ }\n"; PaymentProtocol.proto.all = ""; PaymentProtocol.proto.all = PaymentProtocol.proto.all + PaymentProtocol.proto.Output; PaymentProtocol.proto.all = PaymentProtocol.proto.all + PaymentProtocol.proto.PaymentDetails; PaymentProtocol.proto.all = PaymentProtocol.proto.all + PaymentProtocol.proto.PaymentRequest; PaymentProtocol.proto.all = PaymentProtocol.proto.all + PaymentProtocol.proto.Payment; PaymentProtocol.proto.all = PaymentProtocol.proto.all + PaymentProtocol.proto.PaymentACK; PaymentProtocol.proto.all = PaymentProtocol.proto.all + PaymentProtocol.proto.X509Certificates; PaymentProtocol.builder = protobufjs.loadProto(PaymentProtocol.proto.all); PaymentProtocol.Output = PaymentProtocol.builder.build("Output"); PaymentProtocol.PaymentDetails = PaymentProtocol.builder.build("PaymentDetails"); PaymentProtocol.PaymentRequest = PaymentProtocol.builder.build("PaymentRequest"); PaymentProtocol.Payment = PaymentProtocol.builder.build("Payment"); PaymentProtocol.PaymentACK = PaymentProtocol.builder.build("PaymentACK"); PaymentProtocol.X509Certificates = PaymentProtocol.builder.build("X509Certificates"); PaymentProtocol.prototype.makeOutput = function(obj) { this.messageType = 'Output'; this.message = new PaymentProtocol.Output(); this.setObj(obj); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.makePaymentDetails = function(obj) { this.messageType = 'PaymentDetails'; this.message = new PaymentProtocol.PaymentDetails(); this.setObj(obj); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.makePaymentRequest = function(obj) { this.messageType = 'PaymentRequest'; this.message = new PaymentProtocol.PaymentRequest(); this.setObj(obj); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.makePayment = function(obj) { this.messageType = 'Payment'; this.message = new PaymentProtocol.Payment(); this.setObj(obj); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.makePaymentACK = function(obj) { this.messageType = 'PaymentACK'; this.message = new PaymentProtocol.PaymentACK(); this.setObj(obj); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.makeX509Certificates = function(obj) { this.messageType = 'X509Certificates'; this.message = new PaymentProtocol.X509Certificates(); this.setObj(obj); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.isValidSize = function() { var s = this.serialize(); if (this.messageType == 'PaymentRequest') return s.length < PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_REQUEST_MAX_SIZE; if (this.messageType == 'Payment') return s.length < PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_MAX_SIZE; if (this.messageType == 'PaymentACK') return s.length < PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_ACK_MAX_SIZE; return true; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.getContentType = function() { if (this.messageType == 'PaymentRequest') return PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_REQUEST_CONTENT_TYPE; if (this.messageType == 'Payment') return PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_CONTENT_TYPE; if (this.messageType == 'PaymentACK') return PaymentProtocol.PAYMENT_ACK_CONTENT_TYPE; throw new Error('No known content type for this message type'); }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.set = function(key, val) { this.message.set(key, val); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.get = function(key) { var v = this.message.get(key); if (v === null) return v; //protobuf supports longs, javascript naturally does not //convert longs (see long.js, e.g. require('long')) to Numbers if (typeof v.low !== 'undefined' && typeof v.high !== 'undefined') return v.toInt(); if (typeof v.toBuffer !== 'undefined') { var maybebuf = v.toBuffer(); return Buffer.isBuffer(maybebuf) ? maybebuf : new Buffer(new Uint8Array(maybebuf)); } return v; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.setObj = function(obj) { for (var key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { var val = obj[key]; this.message.set(key, val); } } return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.serializeForSig = function() { if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') throw new Error('serializeForSig is only for PaymentRequest'); var save = this.message.get('signature'); this.message.set('signature', new Buffer([])); var buf = this.serialize(); this.message.set('signature', save); return buf; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.serialize = function() { //protobufjs returns either a Buffer or an ArrayBuffer //but we always want a Buffer (which browserify understands, browser or no) var maybebuf = this.message.toBuffer(); var buf = (Buffer.isBuffer(maybebuf)) ? maybebuf : new Buffer(new Uint8Array(maybebuf)); return buf; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.deserialize = function(buf, messageType) { this.messageType = messageType || this.messageType; if (!this.messageType) throw new Error('Must specify messageType'); this.message = PaymentProtocol[this.messageType].decode(buf); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.sign = function(key, returnTrust) { if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') throw new Error('Signing can only be performed on a PaymentRequest'); var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); if (pki_type === 'SIN') { var sig = this.sinSign(key); } else if (pki_type === 'x509+sha1' || pki_type === 'x509+sha256') { var sig = this.x509Sign(key, returnTrust); } else if (pki_type === 'none') { return this; } else { throw new Error('Unsupported pki_type'); } this.set('signature', sig); return this; }; PaymentProtocol.prototype.verify = function(returnTrust) { if (this.messageType !== 'PaymentRequest') throw new Error('Verifying can only be performed on a PaymentRequest'); var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); if (pki_type === 'SIN') { return this.sinVerify(); } else if (pki_type === 'x509+sha1' || pki_type === 'x509+sha256') { return this.x509Verify(returnTrust); } else if (pki_type === 'none') { return true; } throw new Error('Unsupported pki_type'); }; function magicHash(str) { var magicBytes = new Buffer('Bitcoin Signed Message:\n'); var prefix1 = varintBufNum(magicBytes.length); var message = new Buffer(str); var prefix2 = varintBufNum(message.length); var buf = Buffer.concat([prefix1, magicBytes, prefix2, message]); var hash = sha256sha256(buf); return hash; }; //default signing function for prototype.sign PaymentProtocol.prototype.sinSign = function(privateKey) { if ( !(privateKey instanceof PrivateKey) ) { throw new TypeError('Expects an instance of PrivateKey'); } var pubkey = privateKey.toPublicKey().toBuffer(); this.set('pki_data', pubkey); var buf = this.serializeForSig(); var hash = magicHash(buf); var signature = ECDSA.sign(hash, privateKey); return signature.toDER(); }; //default verify function PaymentProtocol.prototype.sinVerify = function() { var sig = this.get('signature'); var pubkey = this.get('pki_data'); var buf = this.serializeForSig(); var hash = magicHash(buf); var publicKey = PublicKey.fromBuffer(pubkey); var signature = new Signature.fromString(sig); var verified = ECDSA.verify(hash, signature, publicKey); return verified; }; // Helpers PaymentProtocol.PEMtoDER = PaymentProtocol.prototype._PEMtoDER = function(pem) { return this._PEMtoDERParam(pem); }; PaymentProtocol.PEMtoDERParam = PaymentProtocol.prototype._PEMtoDERParam = function(pem, param) { if (Buffer.isBuffer(pem)) { pem = pem.toString(); } var start = new RegExp('(?=-----BEGIN ' + (param || '[^-]+') + '-----)', 'i'); var end = new RegExp('^-----END ' + (param || '[^-]+') + '-----$', 'gmi'); pem = pem.replace(end, ''); var parts = pem.split(start); return parts.map(function(part) { var type = /-----BEGIN ([^-]+)-----/.exec(part)[1]; part = part.replace(/-----BEGIN ([^-]+)-----/g, ''); part = part.replace(/\s+/g, ''); if (!param || type !== param) return; return new Buffer(part, 'base64'); }).filter(Boolean); }; PaymentProtocol.DERtoPEM = PaymentProtocol.prototype._DERtoPEM = function(der, type) { if (typeof der === 'string') { der = new Buffer(der, 'hex'); } var type = type || 'PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE'; der = der.toString('base64'); der = der.replace(/(.{64})/g, '$1\r\n'); der = der.replace(/\r\n$/, ''); return '' + '-----BEGIN ' + type + '-----\r\n' + der + '\r\n-----END ' + type + '-----\r\n'; }; // Expose RootCerts PaymentProtocol.getTrusted = RootCerts.getTrusted; PaymentProtocol.getCert = RootCerts.getCert; PaymentProtocol.parsePEM = RootCerts.parsePEM; PaymentProtocol.certs = RootCerts.certs; PaymentProtocol.trusted = RootCerts.trusted; module.exports = PaymentProtocol;