'use strict'; var Message = Message || require('./Message'); var RootCerts = require('./common/RootCerts'); var PayPro = require('./common/PayPro'); PayPro.prototype.x509Sign = function(key) { var self = this; var crypto = require('crypto'); var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); // contains one or more x509 certs var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details'); var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); var trusted = [].concat(pki_data).every(function(cert) { var der = cert.toString('hex'); var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); return RootCerts.isTrusted(pem); }); if (!trusted) { // XXX Figure out what to do here // throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.'); } var signature = crypto.createSign('RSA-' + type); var buf = this.serializeForSig(); signature.update(buf); var sig = signature.sign(key); return sig; }; PayPro.prototype.x509Verify = function() { var self = this; var crypto = require('crypto'); var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); var sig = this.get('signature'); var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details'); var buf = this.serializeForSig(); var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); var verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-' + type); verifier.update(buf); return [].concat(pki_data).every(function(cert) { var der = cert.toString('hex'); var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); if (!RootCerts.isTrusted(pem)) { // XXX Figure out what to do here // throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.'); } return verifier.verify(pem, sig); }); }; module.exports = PayPro;