'use strict'; var VersionedData = require('../util/VersionedData'); var EncodedData = require('../util/EncodedData'); var util = require('util'); var coinUtil = require('../util'); function SIN(type, payload) { if (typeof type != 'number') { SIN.super_.call(this, type, payload); return; } this.data = new Buffer(1 + 1 + payload.length); this.converters = this.encodings['binary'].converters; this._encoding = this.encodings['binary']._encoding; this.encoding('binary'); this.prefix(0x0F); // SIN magic number, in numberspace this.type(type); this.payload(payload); }; util.inherits(SIN, VersionedData); EncodedData.applyEncodingsTo(SIN); SIN.SIN_PERSIST_MAINNET = 0x01; // associated with sacrifice TX SIN.SIN_PERSIST_TESTNET = 0x11; // associated with sacrifice TX SIN.SIN_EPHEM = 0x02; // generate off-net at any time // get or set the prefix data (the first byte of the address) SIN.prototype.prefix = function(num) { if (num || (num === 0)) { this.doAsBinary(function() { this.data.writeUInt8(num, 0); }); return num; } return this.as('binary').readUInt8(0); }; // get or set the SIN-type data (the second byte of the address) SIN.prototype.type = function(num) { if (num || (num === 0)) { this.doAsBinary(function() { this.data.writeUInt8(num, 1); }); return num; } return this.as('binary').readUInt8(1); }; // get or set the payload data (as a Buffer object) SIN.prototype.payload = function(data) { if (data) { this.doAsBinary(function() { data.copy(this.data, 2); }); return data; } return this.as('binary').slice(1); }; SIN.prototype.validate = function() { this.doAsBinary(function() { SIN.super_.prototype.validate.call(this); if (this.data.length != 22) throw new Error('invalid data length'); }); }; // create a SIN from a public key SIN.fromPubKey = function(pubKey, type) { if (!type) type = SIN.SIN_EPHEM; if (!Buffer.isBuffer(pubKey) || (pubKey.length !== 33 && pubKey.length != 65)) throw new Error('Invalid public key'); var hash = coinUtil.sha256ripe160(pubKey); return new SIN(hash, type); }; module.exports = SIN;