'use strict'; var bitcore = require('..'); var MerkleBlock = bitcore.MerkleBlock; var BufferReader = bitcore.encoding.BufferReader; var BufferWriter = bitcore.encoding.BufferWriter; var Transaction = bitcore.Transaction; var data = require('./data/merkleblocks.js'); var transactionVector = require('./data/tx_creation'); describe('MerkleBlock', function() { var blockhex = data.HEX[0]; var blockbuf = new Buffer(blockhex,'hex'); var blockJSON = JSON.stringify(data.JSON[0]); var blockObject = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data.JSON[0])); describe('#constructor', function() { it('should make a new merkleblock from buffer', function() { var b = MerkleBlock(blockbuf); b.toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(blockhex); }); it('should make a new merkleblock from object', function() { var b = MerkleBlock(blockObject); b.toObject().should.deep.equal(blockObject); }); it('should make a new merkleblock from JSON', function() { var b = MerkleBlock(blockJSON); b.toJSON().should.equal(blockJSON); }); it('should not make an empty block', function() { (function() { return new MerkleBlock(); }).should.throw('Unrecognized argument for MerkleBlock'); }); }); describe('#fromJSON', function() { it('should set these known values', function() { var block = MerkleBlock.fromJSON(blockJSON); should.exist(block.header); should.exist(block.numTransactions); should.exist(block.hashes); should.exist(block.flags); }); it('should set these known values', function() { var block = MerkleBlock(blockJSON); should.exist(block.header); should.exist(block.numTransactions); should.exist(block.hashes); should.exist(block.flags); }); it('accepts an object as argument', function() { var block = MerkleBlock(blockbuf); MerkleBlock.fromJSON(block.toObject()).should.exist(); }); }); describe('#toJSON', function() { it('should recover these known values', function() { var block = MerkleBlock.fromJSON(blockJSON); var b = JSON.parse(block.toJSON()); should.exist(block.header); should.exist(block.numTransactions); should.exist(block.hashes); should.exist(block.flags); should.exist(b.header); should.exist(b.numTransactions); should.exist(b.hashes); should.exist(b.flags); }); }); describe('#fromBuffer', function() { it('should make a block from this known buffer', function() { var block = MerkleBlock.fromBuffer(blockbuf); block.toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(blockhex); }); }); describe('#fromBufferReader', function() { it('should make a block from this known buffer', function() { var block = MerkleBlock.fromBufferReader(BufferReader(blockbuf)); block.toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(blockhex); }); }); describe('#toBuffer', function() { it('should recover a block from this known buffer', function() { var block = MerkleBlock.fromBuffer(blockbuf); block.toBuffer().toString('hex').should.equal(blockhex); }); }); describe('#toBufferWriter', function() { it('should recover a block from this known buffer', function() { var block = MerkleBlock.fromBuffer(blockbuf); block.toBufferWriter().concat().toString('hex').should.equal(blockhex); }); it('doesn\'t create a bufferWriter if one provided', function() { var writer = new BufferWriter(); var block = MerkleBlock.fromBuffer(blockbuf); block.toBufferWriter(writer).should.equal(writer); }); }); describe('#validMerkleTree', function() { it('should validate good merkleblocks', function() { data.JSON.forEach(function(json) { var b = MerkleBlock(JSON.stringify(json)); b.validMerkleTree().should.equal(true); }); }); it('should not validate merkleblocks with too many hashes', function() { var b = MerkleBlock(JSON.stringify(data.JSON[0])); // Add too many hashes var i = 0; while(i <= b.numTransactions) { b.hashes.push('bad' + i++); } b.validMerkleTree().should.equal(false); }); it('should not validate merkleblocks with too few bit flags', function() { var b = MerkleBlock(blockJSON); b.flags.pop() b.validMerkleTree().should.equal(false); }); }); describe('#hasTransaction', function() { it('should find transactions via hash string', function() { var json = data.JSON[0]; var txId = new Buffer(json.hashes[1],'hex').toString('hex'); var b = MerkleBlock(JSON.stringify(json)); b.hasTransaction(txId).should.equal(true); b.hasTransaction(txId + 'abcd').should.equal(false); }); it('should find transactions via Transaction object', function() { var json = data.JSON[0]; var txBuf = new Buffer(data.TXHEX[0][0],'hex'); var tx = new Transaction().fromBuffer(txBuf); var b = MerkleBlock(JSON.stringify(json)); b.hasTransaction(tx).should.equal(true); }); it('should not find non-existant Transaction object', function() { // Reuse another transaction already in data/ dir var serialized = transactionVector[0][7]; var tx = new Transaction().fromBuffer(new Buffer(serialized, 'hex')); var b = MerkleBlock(JSON.stringify(data.JSON[0])); b.hasTransaction(tx).should.equal(false); }); }); });