'use strict';

var errors = require('./errors');
var JSUtil = require('./util/js');

var UNITS = {
  'BTC'      : [1e8, 8],
  'mBTC'     : [1e5, 5],
  'uBTC'     : [1e2, 2],
  'bits'     : [1e2, 2],
  'satoshis' : [1, 0]

 * Utility for handling and converting bitcoins units. The supported units are
 * BTC, mBTC, bits (also named uBTC) and satoshis. A unit instance can be created with an
 * amount and a unit code, or alternatively using static methods like {fromBTC}.
 * You can consult for different representation of a unit instance using it's
 * {to} method, the fixed unit methods like {toSatoshis} or alternatively using
 * the unit accessors.
 * @example
 * ```javascript
 * var sats = Unit.fromBTC(1.3).toSatoshis();
 * var mili = Unit.fromBits(1.3).to(Unit.mBTC);
 * var btc = new Unit(1.3, Unit.bits).BTC;
 * ```
 * @param {Number} amount - The amount to be represented
 * @param {String} code - The unit of the amount
 * @returns {Unit} A new instance of an Unit
 * @constructor
function Unit(amount, code) {
  if (!(this instanceof Unit)) {
    return new Unit(amount, code);

  this._amount = amount;
  this._code = code;

  this._value = this._from(amount, code);

  var self = this;
  var defineAccesor = function(key) {
    Object.defineProperty(self, key, {
      get: function() { return self.to(key); },
      enumerable: true,


Object.keys(UNITS).forEach(function(key) {
  Unit[key] = key;

 * Returns a Unit instance created from JSON string or object
 * @param {String|Object} json - JSON with keys: amount and code
 * @returns {Unit} A Unit instance
Unit.fromJSON = function fromJSON(json){
  if (JSUtil.isValidJSON(json)) {
    json = JSON.parse(json);
  return new Unit(json.amount, json.code);

 * Returns a Unit instance created from an amount in BTC
 * @param {Number} amount - The amount in BTC
 * @returns {Unit} A Unit instance
Unit.fromBTC = function(amount) {
  return new Unit(amount, Unit.BTC);

 * Returns a Unit instance created from an amount in mBTC
 * @param {Number} amount - The amount in mBTC
 * @returns {Unit} A Unit instance
Unit.fromMilis = function(amount) {
  return new Unit(amount, Unit.mBTC);

 * Returns a Unit instance created from an amount in bits
 * @param {Number} amount - The amount in bits
 * @returns {Unit} A Unit instance
Unit.fromMicros = Unit.fromBits = function(amount) {
  return new Unit(amount, Unit.bits);

 * Returns a Unit instance created from an amount in satoshis
 * @param {Number} amount - The amount in satoshis
 * @returns {Unit} A Unit instance
Unit.fromSatoshis = function(amount) {
  return new Unit(amount, Unit.satoshis);

Unit.prototype._from = function(amount, code) {
  if (!UNITS[code]) {
    throw new errors.Unit.UnknownCode(code);
  return parseInt((amount * UNITS[code][0]).toFixed());

 * Returns the value represented in the specified unit
 * @param {string} code - The unit code
 * @returns {Number} The converted value
Unit.prototype.to = function(code) {
  if (!UNITS[code]) {
    throw new errors.Unit.UnknownCode(code);

  var value = this._value / UNITS[code][0];
  return parseFloat(value.toFixed(UNITS[code][1]));

 * Returns the value represented in BTC
 * @returns {Number} The value converted to BTC
Unit.prototype.toBTC = function() {
  return this.to(Unit.BTC);

 * Returns the value represented in mBTC
 * @returns {Number} The value converted to mBTC
Unit.prototype.toMilis = function() {
  return this.to(Unit.mBTC);

 * Returns the value represented in bits
 * @returns {Number} The value converted to bits
Unit.prototype.toMicros = Unit.prototype.toBits = function() {
  return this.to(Unit.bits);

 * Returns the value represented in satoshis
 * @returns {Number} The value converted to satoshis
Unit.prototype.toSatoshis = function() {
  return this.to(Unit.satoshis);

 * Returns a the string representation of the value in satoshis
 * @returns {String} the value in satoshis
Unit.prototype.toString = function() {
  return this.satoshis + ' satoshis';

 * Returns a plain object representation of the Unit
 * @returns {Object} An object with the keys: amount and code
Unit.prototype.toObject = function toObject() {
  return {
    amount: this._amount,
    code: this._code

Unit.prototype.toJSON = function toJSON() {
  return JSON.stringify(this.toObject());

 * Returns a string formatted for the console
 * @returns {String} the value in satoshis
Unit.prototype.inspect = function() {
  return '<Unit: ' + this.toString() + '>';

module.exports = Unit;