/** * @file gulpfile.js * * Defines tasks that can be run on gulp. * * Summary: */ 'use strict'; var gulp = require('gulp'); var bump = require('gulp-bump'); var coveralls = require('gulp-coveralls'); var git = require('gulp-git'); var gutil = require('gulp-util'); var jsdoc2md = require('jsdoc-to-markdown'); var jshint = require('gulp-jshint'); var mfs = require('more-fs'); var mocha = require('gulp-mocha'); var rename = require('gulp-rename'); var runSequence = require('run-sequence'); var shell = require('gulp-shell'); var through = require('through2'); var uglify = require('gulp-uglify'); var files = ['lib/**/*.js']; var tests = ['test/**/*.js']; var alljs = files.concat(tests); function ignoreError() { /* jshint ignore:start */ // using `this` in this context is weird this.emit('end'); /* jshint ignore:end */ } var testMocha = function() { return gulp.src(tests).pipe(new mocha({ reporter: 'spec' })); }; var testKarma = shell.task([ './node_modules/karma/bin/karma start' ]); /** * Testing */ gulp.task('test:node', ['errors'], testMocha); gulp.task('test:node:nofail', ['errors'], function() { return testMocha().on('error', ignoreError); }); gulp.task('test:browser', ['browser:uncompressed', 'browser:maketests'], testKarma); gulp.task('test', function(callback) { runSequence(['test:node'], ['test:browser'], callback); }); /** * File generation */ gulp.task('browser:makefolder', shell.task([ 'if [ ! -d "browser" ]; then mkdir browser; fi' ])); gulp.task('browser:uncompressed', ['browser:makefolder', 'errors'], shell.task([ './node_modules/.bin/browserify index.js --insert-global-vars=true --standalone=bitcore -o browser/bitcore.js' ])); gulp.task('browser:compressed', ['browser:uncompressed'], function() { return gulp.src('browser/bitcore.js') .pipe(uglify({ mangle: true, compress: true })) .pipe(rename('bitcore.min.js')) .pipe(gulp.dest('browser')) .on('error', gutil.log); }); gulp.task('browser:maketests', ['browser:makefolder'], shell.task([ 'find test/ -type f -name "*.js" | xargs ./node_modules/.bin/browserify -t brfs -o browser/tests.js' ])); gulp.task('browser', function(callback) { runSequence(['browser:compressed'], ['browser:maketests'], callback); }); gulp.task('errors', shell.task([ 'node ./lib/errors/build.js' ])); /** * Code quality and documentation */ gulp.task('lint', function() { return gulp.src(alljs) .pipe(jshint()) .pipe(jshint.reporter('default')); }); gulp.task('plato', shell.task(['plato -d report -r -l .jshintrc -t bitcore lib'])); gulp.task('jsdoc', function() { function jsdoc() { return through.obj(function(file, enc, cb) { if (file.isNull()) { cb(null, file); return; } if (file.isStream()) { cb(new gutil.PluginError('gulp-jsdoc2md', 'Streaming not supported')); return; } var destination = 'docs/api/' + file.path.replace(file.base, '').replace(/\.js$/, '.md'); jsdoc2md.render(file.path, {}) .on('error', function(err) { gutil.log(gutil.colors.red('jsdoc2md failed', err.message)); }) .pipe(mfs.writeStream(destination)); cb(null, file); }); } return gulp.src(files).pipe(jsdoc()); }); gulp.task('coverage', shell.task(['node_modules/.bin/./istanbul cover node_modules/.bin/_mocha -- --recursive'])); gulp.task('coveralls', ['coverage'], function() { gulp.src('coverage/lcov.info').pipe(coveralls()); }); /** * Watch tasks */ gulp.task('watch:test', function() { // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing // something smart like reading through the require statements return gulp.watch(alljs, ['test']); }); gulp.task('watch:test:node', function() { // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing // something smart like reading through the require statements return gulp.watch(alljs, ['test:node']); }); gulp.task('watch:test:browser', function() { // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing // something smart like reading through the require statements return gulp.watch(alljs, ['test:browser']); }); gulp.task('watch:jsdoc', function() { // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing // something smart like reading through the require statements return gulp.watch(alljs, ['jsdoc']); }); gulp.task('watch:coverage', function() { // TODO: Only run tests that are linked to file changes by doing // something smart like reading through the require statements return gulp.watch(alljs, ['coverage']); }); gulp.task('watch:lint', function() { // TODO: Only lint files that are linked to file changes by doing // something smart like reading through the require statements return gulp.watch(alljs, ['lint']); }); gulp.task('watch:browser', function() { return gulp.watch(alljs, ['browser']); }); /** * Release automation */ gulp.task('release:install', function() { return shell.task([ 'npm install', ]); }); gulp.task('release:bump', function() { return gulp.src(['./bower.json', './package.json']) .pipe(bump({ type: 'patch' })) .pipe(gulp.dest('./')); }); gulp.task('release:checkout-releases', function(cb) { git.checkout('releases', { args: '' }, cb); }); gulp.task('release:merge-master', function(cb) { git.merge('master', { args: '' }, cb); }); gulp.task('release:checkout-master', function(cb) { git.checkout('master', { args: '' }, cb); }); gulp.task('release:add-built-files', function() { return gulp.src(['./browser/bitcore.js', './browser/bitcore.min.js', './package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(git.add({ args: '-f' })); }); gulp.task('release:build-commit', ['release:add-built-files'], function() { var pjson = require('./package.json'); return gulp.src(['./browser/bitcore.js', './browser/bitcore.min.js', './package.json', './bower.json']) .pipe(git.commit('Build: ' + pjson.version, { args: '' })); }); gulp.task('release:version-commit', function() { var pjson = require('./package.json'); var files = ['./package.json', './bower.json']; return gulp.src(files) .pipe(git.commit('Bump package version to ' + pjson.version, { args: '' })); }); gulp.task('release:push-releases', function(cb) { git.push('bitpay', 'releases', { args: '' }, cb); }); gulp.task('release:push', function(cb) { git.push('bitpay', 'master', { args: '' }, cb); }); gulp.task('release:push-tag', function(cb) { var pjson = require('./package.json'); var name = 'v' + pjson.version; git.tag(name, 'Release ' + name, function() { git.push('bitpay', name, cb); }); }); gulp.task('release:publish', shell.task([ 'npm publish' ])); // requires https://hub.github.com/ gulp.task('release', function(cb) { runSequence( // Checkout the `releases` branch ['release:checkout-releases'], // Merge the master branch ['release:merge-master'], // Run npm install ['release:install'], // Build browser bundle ['browser:compressed'], // Run tests with gulp test ['test'], // Update package.json and bower.json ['release:bump'], // Commit ['release:build-commit'], // Run git push bitpay $VERSION ['release:push-tag'], // Push to releases branch ['release:push-releases'], // Run npm publish ['release:publish'], // Checkout the `master` branch ['release:checkout-master'], // Bump package.json and bower.json, again ['release:bump'], // Version commit with no binary files to master ['release:version-commit'], // Push to master ['release:push'], cb); }); /* Default task */ gulp.task('default', function(callback) { return runSequence(['lint', 'jsdoc'], ['browser:uncompressed', 'test'], ['coverage', 'browser:compressed'], callback); });