'use strict'; var chai = chai || require('chai'); var bitcore = bitcore || require('../bitcore'); var should = chai.should(); var TransactionModule = bitcore.Transaction; var Transaction; var In; var Out; var Script = bitcore.Script; var util = bitcore.util; var buffertools = require('buffertools'); var testdata = testdata || require('./testdata'); describe('Transaction', function() { it('should initialze the main object', function() { should.exist(TransactionModule); }); it('should be able to create class', function() { Transaction = TransactionModule; should.exist(Transaction); In = Transaction.In; Out = Transaction.Out; should.exist(In); should.exist(Out); }); it('should be able to create instance', function() { var t = new Transaction(); should.exist(t); }); it('should be able to select utxos', function() { var u = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,1.0); u.length.should.equal(3); u = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,0.5); u.length.should.equal(3); u = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,0.1); u.length.should.equal(2); u = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,0.05); u.length.should.equal(2); u = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,0.015); u.length.should.equal(2); u = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,0.01); u.length.should.equal(1); should.exist(u[0].amount); should.exist(u[0].txid); should.exist(u[0].scriptPubKey); should.exist(u[0].vout); }); it('should return null if not enough utxos', function() { var u = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,1.12); u.length.should.equal(0); }); it('should be able to create instance thru #create', function() { var utxos = Transaction.selectUnspent(testdata.dataUnspends,0.1); var outs = [{address:'mrPnbY1yKDBsdgbHbS7kJ8GVm8F66hWHLE', amount:0.08}]; var tx = Transaction.create(utxos, outs, {remainderAddress:'3CMNFxN1oHBc4R1EpboAL5yzHGgE611Xou'}); should.exist(tx); tx.version.should.equal(1); tx.ins.length.should.equal(2); tx.outs.length.should.equal(2); util.valueToBigInt(tx.outs[0].v).cmp(8000000).should.equal(0); // TODO remainder is 0.03 here because unspend just select utxos in order util.valueToBigInt(tx.outs[1].v).cmp(3000000).should.equal(0); }); // Read tests from test/data/tx_valid.json // Format is an array of arrays // Inner arrays are either [ "comment" ] // or [[[prevout hash, prevout index, prevout scriptPubKey], [input 2], ...],"], serializedTransaction, enforceP2SH // ... where all scripts are stringified scripts. testdata.dataTxValid.forEach(function(datum) { if (datum.length === 3) { it.skip('valid tx=' + datum[1], function(done) { var inputs = datum[0]; var map = {}; inputs.forEach(function(vin) { var hash = vin[0]; var index = vin[1]; var scriptPubKey = new Script(new Buffer(vin[2])); map[[hash, index]] = scriptPubKey; //Script.fromStringContent(scriptPubKey); console.log(scriptPubKey.getStringContent()); console.log('********************************'); done(); }); var raw = new Buffer(datum[1], 'hex'); var tx = new Transaction(); tx.parse(raw); buffertools.toHex(tx.serialize()).should.equal(buffertools.toHex(raw)); var i = 0; var stx = tx.getStandardizedObject(); tx.ins.forEach(function(txin) { var scriptPubKey = map[[stx. in [i].prev_out.hash, stx. in [i].prev_out.n]]; i += 1; }); }); } }); });