'use strict'; var Message = Message || require('./Message'); var RootCerts = require('./common/RootCerts'); var PayPro = require('./common/PayPro'); var KJUR = require('jsrsasign'); var asn1 = require('asn1.js'); var rfc3280 = require('asn1.js/rfc/3280'); PayPro.prototype.x509Sign = function(key) { var self = this; var crypto = require('crypto'); var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); // contains one or more x509 certs pki_data = PayPro.X509Certificates.decode(pki_data); pki_data = pki_data.certificate; var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details'); var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); var trusted = pki_data.map(function(cert) { var der = cert.toString('hex'); var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); return RootCerts.getTrusted(pem); }); // XXX Figure out what to do here if (!trusted.length) { // throw new Error('Unstrusted certificate.'); } else { trusted.forEach(function(name) { // console.log('Certificate: %s', name); }); } var signature = crypto.createSign('RSA-' + type); var buf = this.serializeForSig(); signature.update(buf); var sig = signature.sign(key); return sig; }; PayPro.prototype.x509Verify = function() { var self = this; var crypto = require('crypto'); var pki_type = this.get('pki_type'); var sig = this.get('signature'); var pki_data = this.get('pki_data'); pki_data = PayPro.X509Certificates.decode(pki_data); pki_data = pki_data.certificate; var details = this.get('serialized_payment_details'); var buf = this.serializeForSig(); var type = pki_type.split('+')[1].toUpperCase(); var verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-' + type); verifier.update(buf); var signedCert = pki_data[0]; var der = signedCert.toString('hex'); var pem = this._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); var verified = verifier.verify(pem, sig); if (verified) { console.log('PaymentRequest verified (node)'); } else { console.log('PaymentRequest not verified (node)'); } var chain = pki_data; // Verifying the cert chain: // 1. Extract public key from next certificate. // 2. Extract signature from current certificate. // 3. If current cert is not trusted, verify that the current cert is signed // by NEXT by the certificate. // NOTE: XXX What to do when the certificate is revoked? var chainVerified = chain.every(function(cert, i) { var der = cert.toString('hex'); var pem = self._DERtoPEM(der, 'CERTIFICATE'); var name = RootCerts.getTrusted(pem); var ncert = chain[i + 1]; // The root cert, check if it's trusted: if (!ncert || name) { if (!ncert && !name) { return false; } chain.length = 0; return true; } var nder = ncert.toString('hex'); var npem = self._DERtoPEM(nder, 'CERTIFICATE'); // // Get Public Key from next certificate: // var ndata = new Buffer(nder, 'hex'); var nc = rfc3280.Certificate.decode(ndata, 'der'); var npubKeyAlg = PayPro.getAlgorithm( nc.tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.algorithm.algorithm); var fnpubKey = nc.tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo.subjectPublicKey.data; fnpubKey = self._DERtoPEM(fnpubKey, npubKeyAlg + ' PUBLIC KEY'); // // Get Public Key from next certificate via KJUR: // var js = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({ alg: type + 'withRSA', prov: 'cryptojs/jsrsa' }); js.initVerifyByCertificatePEM(npem); var kjrsapubKey = js.pubKey; // RSAKey var kjnpubKey = KJUR.KEYUTIL.getPEM(js.pubKey); // PEM // // NOTE: The asn1.js pubKey and KJUR pubKey differ for some reason (the // KJUR one is not RSA: consult docs, there may be an alternate method). // // // Get Signature Value from current certificate: // var data = new Buffer(der, 'hex'); var c = rfc3280.Certificate.decode(data, 'der'); var sigAlg = PayPro.getAlgorithm(c.signatureAlgorithm.algorithm, 1); var sig = c.signature.data; // NOTE: // CHECK: c.tbsCertificate.issuer === nc.tbsCertificate.subject; // // Create a To-Be-Signed Certificate to verify using asn1.js: // // var tbs = rfc3280.TBSCertificate.encode(c.tbsCertificate, 'der'); var tbs = rfc3280.TBSCertificate.encode({ version: c.tbsCertificate.version, serialNumber: c.tbsCertificate.serialNumber, // XXX signature algorithm is different for some reason. signature: { algorithm: [ 1, 2, 840, 113549, 1, 1, 11 ] }, //signature: c.tbsCertificate.signature, issuer: c.tbsCertificate.issuer, validity: c.tbsCertificate.validity, subject: c.tbsCertificate.subject, subjectPublicKeyInfo: c.tbsCertificate.subjectPublicKeyInfo, extensions: c.tbsCertificate.extensions }, 'der'); // // Debug // // print(c); // print(nc); // // Verify current certificate signature via KJUR: // // https://github.com/kjur/jsrsasign/wiki/Tutorial-to-sign-and-verify-with-RSAKey-extension // http://kjur.github.io/jsrsasign/api/symbols/KJUR.crypto.html // http://kjur.github.io/jsrsasign/api/symbols/KJUR.crypto.Signature.html if (0) { var jsrsaSig = new KJUR.crypto.Signature({ alg: sigAlg + 'withRSA', prov: 'cryptojs/jsrsa' }); jsrsaSig.initVerifyByPublicKey(kjrsapubKey); // Has to be an RSAKey. jsrsaSig.updateHex(tbs.toString('hex')); var v = jsrsaSig.verify(sig.toString('hex')); if (v) console.log(i + ' verified (KJUR)'); else console.log(i + ' not verified (KJUR)'); return true; return v; } // // Verify current certificate signature: // var verifier = crypto.createVerify('RSA-' + sigAlg); verifier.update(tbs); var v = verifier.verify(fnpubKey, sig); //var v = verifier.verify(kjnpubKey, sig); if (v) console.log(i + ' verified (node)'); else console.log(i + ' not verified (node)'); return true; return v; }); return verified && chainVerified; }; var util = require('util'); function inspect(obj) { return typeof obj !== 'string' ? util.inspect(obj, false, 20, true) : obj; } function print(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' ? process.stdout.write(inspect(obj) + '\n') : console.log.apply(console, arguments); } module.exports = PayPro;