'use strict';

var should = require('chai').should();
var bitcore = require('../..');
var Point = bitcore.crypto.Point;
var BN = bitcore.crypto.BN;

describe('Point', function() {

  var valid = {
    x: 'ac242d242d23be966085a2b2b893d989f824e06c9ad0395a8a52f055ba39abb2',
    y: '4836ab292c105a711ed10fcfd30999c31ff7c02456147747e03e739ad527c380',

  var invalidPair = {
    x: 'ac242d242d23be966085a2b2b893d989f824e06c9ad0395a8a52f055ba39abb2',
    y: '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
  it('should create a point', function() {
    var p = Point(valid.x, valid.y);
  it('should create a point when called with "new"', function() {
    var p = new Point(valid.x,valid.y);

  describe('#getX', function() {
    it('should return x', function() {
      var p = Point(valid.x,valid.y);
      var x = p.getX();
      x.toString('hex', 64).should.equal(valid.x);

    it('should be convertable to a buffer', function() {
      var p = Point(valid.x,valid.y);
      var a = p.getX().toBuffer({size: 32});
      a.should.deep.equal(new Buffer(valid.x, 'hex'));


  describe('#getY', function() {
    it('should return y', function() {
      var p = Point(valid.x,valid.y);
      p.getY().toString('hex', 64).should.equal(valid.y);

    it('should be convertable to a buffer', function() {
      var p = Point(valid.x,valid.y);
      var a = p.getY().toBuffer({size: 32});
      a.should.deep.equal(new Buffer(valid.y, 'hex'));


  describe('#add', function() {

    it('should accurately add g to itself', function() {
      var p1 = Point.getG();
      var p2 = Point.getG();
      var p3 = p1.add(p2);


  describe('#mul', function() {

    it('should accurately multiply g by 2', function() {
      var g = Point.getG();
      var b = g.mul(new BN(2));

    it('should accurately multiply g by n-1', function() {
      var g = Point.getG();
      var n = Point.getN();
      var b = g.mul(n.sub(new BN(1)));

    //not sure if this is technically accurate or not...
    //normally, you should always multiply g by something less than n
    //but it is the same result in OpenSSL
    it('should accurately multiply g by n+1', function() {
      var g = Point.getG();
      var n = Point.getN();
      var b = g.mul(n.add(new BN(1)));


  describe('@fromX', function() {
    it('should return g', function() {
      var g = Point.getG();
      var p = Point.fromX(false, g.getX());


  describe('#validate', function() {

    it('should describe this point as valid', function() {
      var p = Point(valid.x, valid.y);

    it('should describe this point as invalid because of zero y', function() {
      var x = 'ac242d242d23be966085a2b2b893d989f824e06c9ad0395a8a52f055ba39abb2';
      var y = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
      (function() {
        var p = Point(x, y);
      }).should.throw('Invalid x,y value for curve, cannot equal 0.');

    it('should describe this point as invalid because of invalid y', function() {
      var x = 'ac242d242d23be966085a2b2b893d989f824e06c9ad0395a8a52f055ba39abb2';
      var y = '00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000FF';
      (function() {
        var p = Point(x, y);
      }).should.throw('Invalid y value for curve.');

    it('should describe this point as invalid because out of curve bounds', function() {

      // point larger than max
      // calculated y of x
      var y = 'ed3970f129bc2ca7c7c6cf92fa7da4de6a1dfc9c14da4bf056aa868d3dd74034';

      (function() {
        // set the point
        var p = Point(x, y);
      }).should.throw('Point does not lie on the curve');

    it('should describe this point as invalid because out of curve bounds', function() {

      // point larger than max
      var x = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000';

      (function() {
        // set the point
        var p = Point.fromX(false, x);
      }).should.throw('Invalid x,y value for curve, cannot equal 0.');

